Loures Municipality

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    • Day 6

      Messa con Papa Francesco

      August 6, 2023 in Portugal

      Un risveglio all'alba 🌄

      Il risveglio é umidiccio e con la musica di un prete DJ.
      Prima della messa Papa Francesco ha girato con la Papa Mobile tra i vari settori, ma da noi era un po' lontano.
      Abbiamo seguito la messa anche grazie alla radiolina e il papa ci ha regalato tre verbi: brillare, ascoltare, non temere.
      Il tutto é culminato con l'annuncio della prossima GMG: sarà a Seoul in Corea del Sud nel 2027.
      Dopo i saluti del papa, le folle hanno iniziato a disperdersi e anche a noi é toccata una camminata di un'ora sotto il sole, per raggiungere il nostro caro pullman.🌟
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    • Day 5

      La Veglia di papa Francesco

      August 5, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      Il momento saliente! ✨

      Il momento della veglia é sicuramente il più intenso e pienamente partecipato.
      Aspettavamo con ansia le parole del papa, che forse hanno un po' deluso le aspettative: mi aspettavo qualcosa di più, qualcosa di incisivo, un messaggio significativo; invece, é arrivato qualcosa che poteva dire quasi chiunque... Un peccato.
      Ma cerchiamo di trarre il buono da quelle parole e farne comunque tesoro.
      Il resto della veglia é stata molto bella, specialmente l'adorazione! Il pensiero di 2 milioni di persone di fronte a Cristo é impareggiabile!
      La notte la passiamo con i materassini a tetris, ma qui é comunque bello! 🌌
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    • Day 5

      Campo da Graça

      August 5, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      L'arrivo alla spianata🚶🏻

      Finalmente é arrivato il giorno! Dopo la colazione alla scuola, i nostri autisti ci accompagnano vicinissimo al punto di ingresso del nostro settore.
      Purtroppo bisogna attendere in coda sotto il sole l'apertura dei cancelli, ma quando entriamo siamo tra i primi e prendiamo possesso del territorio nel settore A24. Siamo davanti allo schermo!
      I pellegrini continuano ad arrivare, il caldo si fa sentire, ma c'è una bella arietta e ogni settore ha il proprio punto acqua.
      Il pomeriggio passa tra tentate dormite, un giretto con Chiara (di Lovere) e due passi a scambiare la bandiera italiana con quella portoghese.
      I pasti non sono così male e dopo la cena e un tramonto mozzfiato siamo pronti per la veglia! ☀️
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    • Day 7

      Dia 6

      August 5, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

      Hoy nos espera un día duro, comenzamos madrugando como estos días pero esta vez hemos salido un poco antes.
      sobre las 9 cogimos el bus y nos fuimos directos al campo de gracia, en el cual nos íbamos a quedar a dormir y a escuchar la misa y la vigilia del Papa.
      Sobre las 11 nos dejo el bus a 10 km del sitio.
      Fue literalmente un sufrimiento, no solo por culpa de los kilómetros si no también por los 38 grados de temperatura y por toda la gente que íbamos andando por la autovía taponada.
      Tardamos más de 4 horas en llegar al sitio y cuando llegamos vimos que dormíamos en un campo lleno de arena y piedras.
      Mario y yo establecimos el campamento dejamos las mochilas y nos fuimos intentando buscar un supermercado, pero fue imposible por que no nos dejaban salir fuera del recinto.
      Finalmente nos dimos por vencidos y nos quedamos en una sobra de una furgoneta como 3 horas durmiendo la siesta.
      Nuestros compañeros no se quisieron venir y se quedaron en la otra zona al sol y con todo el polvo.
      En nuestra nueva sombra nos encontramos a un voluntario que venía de filipinas y estuvimos charlando bastante con el.
      Sobre las 7:30 o así nos fuimos con todos por que ya no hacía calor.
      Estuvimos todos hablando y cantado hasta la vigilia del papa que empezó a las 8:45.
      Cuando acabo nos pusimos a cenar y hablar hasta las 2 que nos fuimos a domir.
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    • Day 3

      No Flamingos in the Sea of Straw Today

      January 6 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Today’s route was beautiful and covered a very diverse geography.

      I started out in the old town area of Lisbon and then gradually went into a shipping and industrial yard, which then led into an extremely fancy area with public art, fancy apartments, and a huge shopping mall named after explorer Vasco De Gama. Honestly it’s quite fitting though as he was the first person to sail to Asia from Europe and the mall likely carries a majority of products manufactured in Asia.

      Somehow a few blogs from the shopping mall there was just a kid path that I needed to take next that eventually led to a beautiful 5km wooden bridge above a nature preserve. I did not document this well, but you can see the view I had on the bridge overlooking the Sea of Straw which is where the Tagus River empties. Along the way, there were a number of signs indicting what type of flora and fauna can be found nearby. One species that apparently can be found from November to March impart large flocks of Flamingos. Sadly, they did not seems to be around today.

      The remainder of the walk went through a number of large towns that were definitely more of where I’d image the average Portuguese person lives as there was clearly different types of industry, retail, and a lot more cars.
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    • Day 13

      On our way home

      April 6, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      It is almost Easter and these cute bunnies greeted us in the morning! A four hour train trip from Lagos to Lisbon. Overnight and then head to airport at 830am for our 1250 flight!
      Flight to Toronto was good as to Calgary. Just a very long day! We and our luggage arrived on the same flight!

      Would we visit Portugal again? Absolutely, it is a beautiful country, friendly people, lots of history, great hiking, beaches and delicious pasties! What else is there to say!
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    • Day 4

      Praktikum oder bezahlter Urlaub?

      October 11, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Der Hintergrund für meine Reise nach Lissabon ist ein von Erasmus gefördertes Internship. Ich soll in der Verwaltung der Stadt Lissabon arbeiten, lernen und vielleicht das ein oder andere mit nach Deutschland nehmen, was die Verwaltung bereichern könnte.
      Eingesetzt bin ich in der Abteilung „Departamento de Desenvolvimento e Formação“ oder auch kurz Formação.
      Die Abteilung kümmert sich um Aus-, Weiter- und Fortbildungsmöglichkeiten für die Bürger der Kommune aber auch für interne Mitarbeiter.
      In Portugal gibt es eine 35 Stunden Woche (das könnte ich ja schon mal nach Deutschland mitnehmen, 6 Stunden weniger arbeiten hört sich doch toll an). Für mich scheint es hier aber eher eine 15 Stunden Woche zu sein 😄. Neben kleinen Aufgaben im Büro und Workshops besuchen, ist mein größter Arbeitsauftrag mich mit der Kultur und der Stadt zu befassen aka meine Zeit in Lissabon zu genießen. (Vielleicht sollte ich das hier gar nicht so preis geben…naja).
      Also habe ich seeeeehr viel Zeit die Stadt und das Leben hier zu erkunden, wofür ich sehr dankbar bin.
      Hier also ein paar Eindrücke von dem, was ich die letzten Tage schon sehen und erleben durfte:
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    • Day 21

      In den Wäldern vor Lissabon

      October 9, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      In direkter Nähe eines kostenlosen Freizeitparks, mit Hochseilgarten, Tennis und Tischtennis, Paintball, Picknick- und Grillplätzen und sogar warmen Duschen, haben wir uns für einen Tag in Lissabon frisch gemacht.
      Erst in der Nacht haben wir gemerkt, dass wir wohl unter dem Baum standen, auf dem ein dicker Uhu lautstark sein Revier ausgerufen hat.
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    • Day 31


      September 19, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      After spending a good few days with Nina and a few other people from the hostel, I said my goodbyes to everyone and headed to the bus stop. The two people I became closest with, Nina and Matt, would be coming to Lisbon tomorrow, so there is a chance we link once they're there. I am considering the option of seeing a benfica game tomorrow while in Lisbon. Whether this will materialise is difficult to say. It may be hard to get to the stadium, and it may be expensive. But it would be an amazing experience.

      After a long bus trip, followed by another long bus trip, I arrived in Lisbon at about 6 pm. Given that it was still quite bright, I dropped my bag off and headed to town to see what's around. I only have one full day in Lisbon, and I am likely to spend part of it in Sintra. As a result, I should not waste too much time in Lisbon itself. I walked for a few hours and kind of fell in love with Lisbon. It is so cool and interesting and insanely beautiful. It is very lively, and everywhere I went, I wanted to sit and chill for a bit and watch the world go by. One thing that frustrated me was the number of people trying to sell you drugs. It's happened to me all across Europe. Even when in large groups, these guys who just stand at corners single me out to try to sell me drugs. Although it has basically happened in every city, it may only happen once or twice. Lisbon was different, though. I had a 5 minute walk to my accommodation, and while I was maybe halfway, 5 different guys had tried to stop me to sell me drugs. Not only is this annoying, but these guys are much more persistent. No matter what you say, they just follow you and pull out bags of drugs and try to hand it to you, and it's very strange. This continued all night. Basically, every corner I turned, there was someone else trying to talk to me. Even earphones and ignoring them didn't deter these guys. They just follow you. They're nice but annoying and I couldn't tell them to get fucked enough. Shits me to tears. But a part from this the city is amazing. I wandered across a market that looked and smelled like it had amazing food, but it was quite expensive, so I couldn't afford to eat there. I was also very hungry and had to find a proper meal. Although Lisbon is supposed to be quite cheap, I think they raise the prices for dinner time because everything was 12-13 euro. Which is standard but I was hoping for something cheaper. I am not complaining as I eventually made my way to the Praça do Comércio, a plaza along the water which had some beautiful views of the sunsetting over the water, with the silhouette of the bridge being created. Not long after this, I decided I would just head toward the hostel and go anywhere that sold food. I found a relatively cheap bakery place that specialises in Pastel de Nata. Although I had a great one in Lagos, this would be the real test how good it really was. I had a baguette to go with it. The result, the Lagos Pastel de Nata was blown out the water. This must be how they are really supposed to taste. They are slightly salty on the pastry part, that when mixed with the custards, takes the sweetness out a little bit and makes it a much more well-balanced dessert. They provide cinnamon to sprinkle on top, and this also added a whole new element of the pastry and just melts in your mouth. It was incredible. After this, I went to bed and tried to get an early night for an early morning and a day trip to Sintra.
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    • Day 145

      Porto to Lissabon

      November 19, 2021 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Schon wieder neigt sich die Portugalreise dem Ende zu. Viel konnten wir in den letzten 19 Tagen entdecken. Von Städten, über Küsten bis hin zu Stränden - alles war dabei.
      Das Wetter hat uns nie im Stich gelassen, ausser in den ersten beiden Tagen. Ansonsten hatten wir täglich Sonnenschein und blauen Himmel.

      Heute verlassen wir das Airbnb in Porto um 10 Uhr.
      Wir haben eine 5.5 stündige Autofahrt vor uns, denn wir umfahren die Mautstrasse und sparen so 22 Euro. 👀🤭 Kilometermässig fahren wir so lediglich 3km mehr.
      Unterwegs halten wir in Batalha und schauen uns dort eine alte Kirche an. Die Pause nutzen wir auch gerade, um das Steuer zu übergeben. 😊
      Nach zuerst 3 fahern wir dann nochmals 2.5 Stunden, bis wir in Lissabon, in unserer letzten Wohnung, ankommen. Dort kaufen wir fürs letzte Znacht ein, waschen die Kleider und gehen früh schlafen.
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    Loures, Loures Municipality

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