Rio Âncora

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    • Dag 16

      Vila Praia de Ancora to Moledo

      27. september 2022, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      It took me about 30 minutes to find the Camino route again, the albergue was that far away. Easy though, I just had to head towards the ocean. And once I found a church, I had found the Camino.

      I had a great walk today, partly along the ocean on wide paved trails with separate bike lanes, partly on city roads/sidewalks, not too much cobblestone.

      There were goats on the trail, right by the beach! I stopped in Moledo for café.
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    • Dag 7


      9. oktober 2022, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

      Viana do Castelo to Praia de Ancora
      Another gorgeous walk. Aside from the cow in my hotel room, the town of Viana de Castelo was really nice. Big enough where there would be things to do and had a very “old” feel to it.
      I have walked on every surface imaginable- sand, cobblestone, (LOTS of cobblestone), dirt paths, rock. Thank the Lord my feet are happy in my Hoka Speedgoat 5’s and my injinji toe sock liners!
      Walked awhile with many people today. Almural from South Africa who is currently living and working as a nurse in Dublin because of the economic hardship in her own country. She is walking and grieving the loss of her brother. Mary- a young educational psychologist from the UK- I think she had been crying when I happened on her. Just stayed with her a bit, then let her continue to work through what she needed to. I walked with Martin- also from the UK, who openly shared his take on their political situation, “They traded in one stupid Prime Minister for an even stupider one!”. A couple of Scottish ladies who MUST have been older than me, (although I’m not quite sure since my recent designation as an “elderly lady”.) They had done all 800 kilometers of the French Camino last year. I’m thinking they must have been 75 or so. And then Ernest, who was driving a tractor pulling a wagon full of hay and stopped at the gate to his pasture, got off his tractor, and shouted “Bom Caminho!” He was an amputee, hobbling around on one crutch-(sort of reminded me of my old friend Bob), but he showed me his cows,(vacas) and communicated to me that there was a bar that was open 3 km down the road. (Nothing is open on Sundays, so this was valuable info!)
      And then a lot of walking just by myself, which is also pure joy.
      I’m getting into the rhythm of the day. It’s such a simple beat. Wake up. Eat (COFFEE!!!), walk.
      Tomorrow will mess me up- a short day. Not sure why it booked out that way, but as it is supposed to rain all day, it’s probably a good thing. It will also be my last night in Portugal before crossing over into Spain. My last chance to eat those scrumptious Pastel de Natas, (I think I called them the wrong thing earlier- buen natales, which I’m pretty sure means Merry Christmas in Italian 🙄, soI am now correcting myself!). Also, I talked earlier about that sandwich called the Francosinho. I went to dinner and tried to order it even though it did not sound good to me, but I was gonna take one for the team. The server, who spoke no English looked at me for a long time and then pointed at the burger. I said, “Yeah! That sounds good!”
      All Joni Mitchell playlist today. Favorite verse from my reading of James: 2:12 “Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, because judgement without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgement.”
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    • Dag 25

      Day 22/11 Viana do Castelo to Vila Praia

      25. mai 2022, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      After a very cool, windy night, we embarked on our walk to Vila Praia de Ancora at 7:30 this morning under blues skies with a temperature of just 12 degrees. My companions have begun looking at me menacingly for having brought the miserable weather with me from Vancouver.

      Fortunately, after a steep uphill climb minutes into our walk, we all warmed up pretty quickly and began shedding layers of clothing. Soon into the hike we were out of the city and walking Roman roads through some lovely forested areas. Parts of the path were a little rugged, wet or muddy, but overall the morning went by very quickly.

      We made a stop for coffee at about 10 kms into the hike and didn't stop again until we reached our seaside destination.

      The rest of the day was spent eating and drinking. The highlight was our delving into the hot cocktail here: Porto and tonic. The girls had white port and tonic last night and we decided we had to try it with a Tawny. We bought a bottle of Tawny at a local market for €4.70 and killed it with a bottle of tonic water as pre-dinner cocktails. I think we need to bottle it and sell it at home.

      It's an early night tonight as we're all a little tired from today's climbs and the prospect of another 25km day tomorrow, which will be our last full day in Portugal.
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    • Dag 5

      Aufgeben - nicht mit mir!!!!

      23. juni 2022, Portugal ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Von Anfang an hat es nur geregnet und zwar wie aus Kübeln und das fast den ganzen Tag. Die ersten 4 Stunden bin ich alleine durch diverse Wälder gelaufen und bin irgendwann ziemlich erschöpft an einem Aldi angekommen und konnte mich dort stärken mit verschiedenen Leckereien. Im nächsten Dorf (Caminho) habe ich wieder Jennifer aus der letzten Herberge getroffen und wir haben noch beschlossen ein Bier zu trinken bevor wir wieder getrennte Wege gehen. Kurz nach Caminho als ich wohl meinen größten Tiefpunkt hatte, habe ich die liebe Vroni wieder getroffen mit zwei netten Jungs aus Deutschland. Da es super zwischen uns gepasst hat, sind wir die nächsten 15 km zu unserer nächsten Unterkunft gewandert. Was für tolle Menschen. Ab Abend gab es dann wieder wie üblich üppig Bier, Wein und diese mal sogar eine Pizza.Les mer

    • Dag 23

      Castelo-Ancora #4

      3. juni 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      #4 a really enjoyable 19 km walk along winding lanes from Viana do Castelo to Vila Praia da Ancora. You have to keep a watchful eye for directions 🙂🙂🙂. Away from the coast we worked our way through incredibly quiet villages wondering if anyone was behind the stone walls. I met a ‘lord’ whose family was granted honours defending the king against the Moors and had held the family crest for six centuries. Lots of great gardens, the odd cow and an entrepreneurial couple who set up the best cafe in their garden. Mild weather great for walking, doing my washing and even have an electric jug in my room!!!Les mer

    • Dag 7

      “TOO” to Caminha

      16. mai 2023, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 72 °F

      Last day in Portugal.
      Today’s journey took us from sea level over the mountains and back to the ocean in one day.
      Too many hours walking-9, too many miles-19,+, too physically demanding up always up, up, up.
      Day finished with exhaustion, nose bleed, and vomiting.
      Wine Hotel great location, great room with tub! Ground floor. 😊
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    • Dag 6

      5. Etappe nach Vila Praia de Ancora

      18. mai 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Einen fröhlichen Herrentag/Vatertag euch allen da draußen!
      Nächste Etappe geschafft, heute etwas 21 km. Es war wieder alles dabei. Anfangs an der Küste, auf Holzstegen und Schotterwegen, also sehr flach. Dann ging es wieder ins Hinterland, durch Dörfer mit ihren buckeligen gepflasterten Straßen, durch Wäldchen auf sandigen, steinigen oder felsigen Wegen, und immer wieder hoch und runter. Es war wieder heiß und sonnig, dadurch ziemlich anstrengend. Im ersten Dorf nach knapp zwei Stunden gab es die erste größere Rast mit zuckerhaltigen Getränken und Schokoriegel. Spätere eine weitere Pause auf den Felsen an einem Flüsschen. Kurz vor dem Ziel noch schnell ein Espresso, Eistee und einen Snack (konnte dem Brötchen mit Serranoschinken nicht widerstehen, und Katja nicht dem gekochten Ei). Am Ziel haben wir wieder Ronny getroffen, der auf einem anderen Weg gegangen war. Es gab wieder Sangria und noch was kleines zu essen (hoher Kalorienverbrauch heute).
      Dann im Hotel eingecheckt und ab an den Strand! Das Wasser soll laut meiner Wetter-App 14 Grad haben, kam mir aber wärmer vor und war echt die ideale Abkühlung.
      Noch schnell im Supermarkt die Vorräte aufgefüllt und etwas Herrentagsbier besorgt, jetzt entspannen und chillen im Hotelzimmer.
      Unser Zimmer hat leider keinen Balkon, aber grandiosen Meerblick! Leider ohne Frühstück, daher morgen früh Selbstversorgung.
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    • Dag 19–20

      Etappe 16, Caminha - Viana do Castello 1

      27. september 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Ich habe bereits den 19. Tag meiner Reise erreicht. Die Zeit verfliegt nur so.
      Meine Wirtin hat mich in Caminha vor einem Café abgesetzt. Kleines, schnelles Frühstück vor Beginn der Tagestour.
      In Portugal ist es jetzt erst kurz nach halb neun Uhr.Les mer

    • Dag 5

      Von Viana do Castelo nach Ancora

      15. november 2023, Portugal ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Da die Wetterprognose weiterhin viel Nass von oben verspricht und wir gestern genug davon hatten, kürzen wir heute die Strecke mit dem Zug ab. Der hält aber nur dreimal am Tag im kleinen Nachbardorf, unserem Startpunkt. Das nächste Mal erst um 11:45. Also gibts noch Cafebesuche und einen Bummel durch die Altstadt von Viana do Costelo.

      Gegen zwölf gehts dann von Carreco zu Fuß los durch den Nebel. Nicht nur von oben kommt viel Nasses, auch auf den Wegen hat sich viel angesammelt. So klettern wir ein ums andere Mal durchs Gebüsch, um uns keine nassen Füße zu holen. Ungemütlich isses und wir sind froh, das wir schon gegen drei in Ancora eintreffen.

      Erfreut stellen wir fest, das unser Hotel heute mal vier Sterne hat (gestern waren es nur zwei, was wir auch gemerkt haben) und über einen Spa Bereich verfügt. Na das werden wir doch gleich mal ausprobieren….
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    • Dag 17

      Bend ze knees!

      1. november 2018, Portugal ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Decided today that walking on the flat boardwalks beside the sea was nice but would not get me fit. So opted for the route that runs a couple of kilometres inland. Lots of ups and downs. A few too many hard stone and cobbled streets for my poor feet. Portuguese asset management must run on very long cycles because every road and track, except the major motorways, is cobbled or laid with granite stone sets. There were a couple of kilometres of nice walking in eucalyptus forests, and lots of pretty streams, stone bridges, and a couple of little waterfalls. Every now and then a lovely view would emerge, with the sea and pounding waves in the distance. Magic.
      A lot of the time I was walking and talking with the charming Maria from Denmark - a great fan of our Mary - and the km slipped by.
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