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    • Dag 1

      Lisbon Layover

      6. mars 2017, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Day 1... From London to Lisbon, my journey started in the Portugese capital. Nice city that doesn't feel like one. Old colourful buildings and charming cobbled streets. Also my second 'Couchsurfing' experience with a cool American - Vincent. Had a great evening and great hospitality. Off to the airport in the morning for a 10hr flight to Venezuela!Les mer

    • Dag 11

      gutes Essen im Portugal Puro

      5. november 2016, Portugal ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Nach den heutigen Ereignissen lassen wir es uns einmal gut gehen. Es ist spät und der Tag ist nun auch fast schon zu Ende als wir in Lissabon eintreffen. Wir gönnen uns ein Essen und machen uns mit den Rädern auf die Suche.

      Zunächst mit wenig Glück finden wir nichts ansprechendes oder es hat noch nicht geöffnet. Die Restaurants öffnen erst sieben Uhr. Wir sind wieder einmal zu früh dran. Als wir uns der Altstadt nähern finden wir ein Restaurant was mit einem portugiesischen Buffet lockt. Ein gefundenes Fressen. Die viertel Stunde bis zur Öffnung warten wir vor dem Restaurant, um uns den Schmaus nicht entgehen zu lassen. Wir sind die ersten im Restaurant und haben doch noch grosses Glück, wie es sich herausstellt. Denn es dauert nicht lang und alle Plätze sind gefüllt. Es scheint ein kleiner Geheimtipp zu sein, da auch recht viele Plätze reserviert sind. Der Kellner erklärt uns kurz die Regelung dass man so oft zum Buffet gehen kann wie man möchte, aber es ist nicht gewünscht sich den Teller so voll zu machen, dass man es nicht schafft und das Essen im Müll landet. Das klingt uns sehr sympathisch.

      Das Buffet bietet feinste portugiesische Leckereien. Von der Vorspeise bis zum Dessert, alles frisch und sehr köstlich. Ein wahrer Genuss und sehr abwechslungsreich. Nach dem Essen ist vor dem Essen. Die Berg und Talbahn, also die Strassen von Lissabon, geht's im Dunkeln wieder mit dem Fahrrad zurück. Ein kleiner Verdauungssport muss sein.
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    • Dag 257

      Sailing along Tejo River!

      8. mai 2022, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Sailing under the bridge "25 Abril", inspired by the Golden Gate Bridge of San Francisco.
      Sailing along the longest river on the Iberian Peninsula, between Praca do Comercio and the statue of Cristo Rei, inspired by the Christ the Redeemer of Rio de Janeiro.Les mer

    • Dag 4

      Wir, Eine Nacht und das Kremlin

      25. mai 2019, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Heute Nacht, haben wir das Nachtleben von Lissabon hautnah erlebt. Es hat uns umgehauen. Die Straßen sind prall gefüllt, überall wird gelacht, gelebt und getrunken. Entspannte Menschen mit einer unbeschreiblichen Lebensenergie, von der man mit gerissen wird. Die Leute stehen vor den Lokals auf der Straße und trinken, leben und feiern. Wir entscheiden uns dann ins Kremlin zu gehen & was soll ich sagen, es war eine der besten Nächte, bis jetzt in meinem Leben. Ein total toller Technoclub. Die Leute, die Musik, die Atmosphäre, alles hat gestimmt, alles war perfekt. Nachdem wir das Tanzbein geschwungen hatten, sind wir noch an den Hafen gegangen und haben einen wunderschönen Sonnenaufgang genossen. Eine wundervolle Nacht, in einer wunderschönen Stadt.Les mer

    • Dag 3

      Sexy können wir auch

      17. oktober 2018, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Karten und Würfel 🎲 im Bett...
      Die Füße schmerzen, aber wir sind happy.

      Danach ging es 4,3 m aus der Tür heraus nach links - local food

      Die Bedienung war gut bis furchtbar schlecht gelaunt, aber die Köchin mochte uns, und wir mochten ihr Essen - guter Deal für uns.Les mer

    • Dag 2


      16. oktober 2018, Portugal ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Nach knapp 20 Kilometern in den Beinen gibt es doch nichts Besseres als die Beine hochlegen und ein Bier 🍺 zu trinken, va wenn es einen auch so nett anlächelt...
      Nebenan wird schon geschlafen 🛏 versteht sich auchLes mer

    • Dag 6

      Assembleia de Republica lisbon

      11. juni 2018, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      also called the Palacio de Sao Bento. Massive neoclassical building is the seat of Portuguese parliament.

      Started in the 1500's as a Benedictine Monastery of Sao Bento. after the dissolution of the religious orders in 1834 the building became the seat of Parliament known as the Palacio das Cortes.

      The guards outside actually changed position while we were there.

      Great view from the top, and barricades set up at the foot of the stairs, probably to prevent anyone trying to rush the doors.

      I like the huge light in the doorway.
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    • Dag 44

      Lisboa 2. Tag: auf dem Tejo und im Fado🤩

      20. februar, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Wunderschöne Bootsfahrt und rein in die Strassen von Lissabon zum Fado! Ein einmaliges Erlebnis!

    • Dag 50


      19. oktober 2015, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Well, I've been a little lazy in posting our adventures in Lisbon, but as you read on you'll understand why.

      First, let's talk about our accommodations. We booked this two bedroom apartment through Air BnB that described it as "quirky". Indeed. Walking through the front door looking up the first of four flights of stairs, one is taken aback by how decrepit the walls appeared to be. Up and up we climbed with the carpeting on the stairs changing from storey to storey and the stair widths doing likewise. The walls went from bare plaster to wallpaper, to patchwork wood panels. The apartment was extremely spacious with two bedrooms and bathrooms, a full kitchen and a sitting area. More than we needed, but it all came with the package. The floor in the hallway sloped so much that any excess alcohol consumption would have us literally bouncing off the walls. Good thing we rarely overindulge. The entire apartment was furnished with flea market antiques and artwork that perfectly blended into the rest of the apartment. We had access to a separate laundry area that was fiercely guarded by Godzilla in a birdcage. It was great!

      It's funny, Lisbon has never really been on my list of must-see places in the world, yet I was blown away by the beauty and charm of this city. As we explored, we were astounded by the size of the buildings and the effort that went into the stonemasons' work on many of them. Several buildings were so vast I had to use the panoramic setting on my camera to fit them into the picture. Rarely do you see travel shows extolling its virtues, but it truly should receive better press. It's a vibrant place, filled with history, beautiful architecture, including at least two palaces, a castle and a Roman aqueduct, an antique tram system and warm, charming people. I suppose its intense topography may put off a lot of people, but it's still quite manageable if you take it at a reasonable pace.

      That is, of course, if you're not recovering from a serious bike accident.

      After a couple of days of climbing Lisbon's hills, we had stopped at a shop to have some copies made while we were on our way to lunch. While we were waiting, Brenda said to me, "I don't feel very well." Within no time, she was sitting on the floor and going in and out of consciousness. An ambulance was called to the scene and she was transported to hospital where a battery of tests were performed. In the end, it was confirmed that not only had she suffered a mild concussion in the accident, but she was extremely anemic and needed a blood transfusion! She spent the night in hospital receiving the urgent care she required, including one unit of blood, and was released the following morning. The doctors prescribed some medication, cautioned her to take it easy and to consult with her family doctor when she gets home, the sooner the better.

      So we followed the doctor's orders and took it very easy from then on. We took the tram out to Belem, a suburb about 10 kms west of Lisbon and sampled their scrumptiously delicious Pasteis de Belem, a puff pastry pie shell filled with a creamy vanilla custard. We saw the ornately adorned monastery and the famous (?) Tour de Belem. Best of all, the terrain was pancake flat.

      In her current condition, there's no way she can get back on her bike. Alas, we decided that we would take an extra couple of days here in Lisbon then bus down to Malaga, in the south of Spain for two weeks. Betty, Gordo, Zenna and Anna will join us in Seville on November 11 for a four day visit before we embark on our cruise to Brazil on the 15th. We'll spend a month in Brazil, primarily in Salvador and Rio before flying home to Ottawa on Christmas morning.

      As much as we wanted to continue our journey as originally planned, Brenda's health is way more important than stubbornly pursuing it. On the plus side, it'll be nice to spend Xmas with family, but I'm not looking forward to the cold. We plan to stay in Ottawa for about a month and then fly out to Vancouver for several months. That way, we'll at least miss the worst winter months in Ottawa.

      So, with only 188 kms logged on our bikes, our cycling trip is interrupted, but will certainly be taken up again at some time in the future.
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