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    • Day 24

      From Portugal to Spain #5

      June 4, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Last day in Portugal, saw an easy walk along the coast, past many vegie gardens arriving at Caminha and the great Rio Minho. I was blown away by the size of the tomatoes and cherries in the local mercado. Then after quick visit to the church to try for a pilgrim stamp we headed to the water taxi. For just six Euros we crossed the mighty Rio Minho leaving Portugal and landing in Galacia, Spain. What a hoot and no passport control! It blew my mind.Read more

    • Day 17

      Markttag in Caminha

      September 20, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Mittwoch ist immer Markktag in Caminha und hier ist der Markt noch richtig authentisch. Da wir heute einen Wing-Kurs Ruhetag einlegen, sind wir in die Stadt geradelt. Wir waren eine der wenigen Touristen zwischen den vielen Einheimischen.
      Man bekommt hier alles und noch mehr … vom selbst gebackenen Schwarzbrot bis zu Möbeln, Kleidung und Pflanzen.
      Am Käse- und Wurststand haben wir dann ordentlich zugeschlagen, es war aber alles sooo köstlich. 😋
      Nach den anstrengenden Einkäufen haben wir uns typisch portugiesische Köstlichkeiten schmecken lassen. Es ist ja nicht gerade die ganz leichte Küche, aber es schmeckt echt gut! 😋 Wir haben wirklich versucht, die köstliche Ente aus dem Ofen und die Spareribs zu verputzen, aber es ist uns einfach nicht gelungen. Da hier die Portionen richtig, richtig groß sind, wurde uns die Hälfte der Spareribs eingepackt.
      Na, so können wir auch noch am nächsten Tag die super guten Rippchen genießen.
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    • Day 14

      Day 6 - Carreço to Caminha

      April 17 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

      Today, as in the last few days, we’ve chosen to take the main coastal route rather than the coastal litoral route to start the day. This put us much more up on the mountain, which is a lot more work because it’s a lot more climbing. But the rewards were amazing because the views were incredible. We were up in the trees where the eucalyptus forests were cool and the trails were beautiful. We walked down paths with ancient walls and over old stone bridges. We took the road less traveled and were so glad we did.

      After about 6 miles we joined back with the litoral route and was treated to perfect coastal weather, no crowds and a path that was perfectly flat (something very different than climbing in the hills this morning). The path took us into Caminha where we are staying tonight. It is a wonderful village for our last day in Portugal. You can feel its age and character everywhere you look. We had a fun walk through the open market and then spent the afternoon in the square drinking beer, sipping coffees and enjoying the Portuguese pastries for the last time. Well, maybe we will have one more chance for pastries in the morning for breakfast. 😉

      Tomorrow we take a boat across the river to Spain. Spain has a lot to live up to. 🇵🇹 ❤️
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    • Day 6

      Vila Nova de Cerveira

      October 2, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      EASY walk today. We went 11ish miles & we had a service transfer our backpacks to the next city. We passed through groves of apple & lime trees, as well as many grape groves (vineyards?), all fruits were sampled along the way. We’re staying at a school converted into a hostel & the real treat of the day: they have laundry service. All safe & sound, no worse for wear.Read more

    • Day 8

      Decisions are hard!

      October 1, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 61 °F

      I made it to Caminha! It’s just a quick boat ride across the estuary to Spain. But I can also walk along the River across northern Portugal and cross on foot into Spain along the central Camino route the day after tomorrow… what to do, what to do…
      And an Italian man paid for my dinner and now we’re married I think, that’s just how it works here🤷‍♀️😂😂😂
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    • Day 6

      Last Day In Portugal

      October 21, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      Today we started our hike from Viana do Castelo in the pouring rain- again! We’re handling it OK since we were able to wash and dry our things at the Albergue St Lúzia last night. We visited the cathedral the first thing this morning and the interior did not disappoint- wow! The stained glass, the painted dome and the special altar to St. Lucy were all very beautiful. As I said before, the climb up last night was very hard but well worth it for the views of the city and the ocean this morning. As we were leaving I was hesitant to go down all of those slippery, mossy stairs with no handrail and wearing a backpack, so we opted to take the funiculaire down the mountain and it was $1E well spent. It made me remember riding the one in Québec City as a child!
      This morning we continued up a bit from the coast through dense forests and small villages while still catching glimpses of the ocean from our high vantage points. We did a lot of climbing today up and over many muddy, rocky and scary paths and finally managed about a 19 mile day before arriving to our hostel in Caminha. It was always gratifying to get up a steep incline and realize I still could breathe (barely!) and the forests are so lush that the overgrowth seems to want to push you along the paths.
      The tall crosses we pass frequently are reminders that this is a pious walk and we don’t forget that even as we celebrate the beauty of the country. The houses clad in tile are my favorite, especially the ones that have little niches for Saints or the ones with tiles installed up high and painted with Madonnas or Saints. The rock walls on the paths are painted with a yellow arrow to point us in the right direction towards Santiago and the blue arrows point opposite for pilgrims headed to Fatima.
      Today we took a morning break and by the time we were ready to go there were pilgrims from Australia, South Africa, Germany and Poland with us - it felt like a United Nations convention! We are making lots of friends here. The morning breaks are great for me because we usually are at a pastalaria (pastry shop) and I have a sweet tooth especially for the little custard tarts that are uniquely Portuguese (pasteis de nata). We’ve met some injured pilgrims too- a lady who broke her wrist in Porto, a lady who twisted her ankle also in Porto and a man who fell in Lisbon and broke some ribs- they are all continuing to walk which is inspiring but sobering too. We are trying to be very careful and Rick is good at pointing out dangers to me. The rain slowed this afternoon and while it was still overcast there is promise of some better weather ahead! In the villages we are constantly followed by dogs and cats- the pets here seem to roam a lot and so far are all interested in us but not bothered by our passing through. This afternoon when we headed back down to the coast in Ancora, we were even escorted along the trail by a herd of goats!! So cute! The waves along the coast are very powerful and a wonder to see but tonight the most wonderful thing I see is my bed- Tomorrow we hope to ferry over the river Minho into Spain, try to make a Mass at a village church along the way and spend another hard day of walking.
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    • Day 10

      Day 5 on the Camino

      October 3, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      We started the day in Viana do Castelo and as we left our hotel we noticed this beautiful shop across the street selling pavlova. We restrained ourselves but I had to take a photo. We then traveled up a funicular to visit the church of Santa Luzia. The views from the top were stunning. We stopped in a nice little town called Ancora, where we had some coffee and nata tarts ( so good but I forgot to take a photo). Our walking today had us travel along the beach and through an area of tiny farms where we saw horses, sheep and goats. We also traveled through a nice cool forested area before returning to the trail along the beach. We finished the day in Caminha and dinner at a very enjoyable restaurant called Baptista. Tomorrow we travel across the river into Spain.Read more

    • Day 5


      October 16, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Oh how we got soaked today!!

      No detours today, just a steady 27km walk through several towns with near-misses on the meltdown front from everyone, but lots of giggles and warmth tonight in the hostel ❤️

      The forecast says we have rain for the rest of the week.... Might get quite interesting!

      PS: I didn't take any photos, but here's a picture of me and a pony we found on the road 🐴
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    • Day 7

      Carreco til Caminha

      April 14 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Sist natt i Albergue Casa do Surdal, var vi tre personer i et rom med fire senger. En sveitser, Tim og jeg. Sveitseren ønsket å åpne vinduet for natten, men siden jeg lå i trekken sa jeg nei. Han ble litt mutt og mumlet et eller annet. Etter hvert tok søvnen oss, og snorkingen til TIm. Da ble sveitseren enda mer mutt og mumlet en hel masse. Jeg hadde tatt en halv sovetablett, så jeg var ikke så reseptiv til Tims snorking. Han la seg på gangen, men siden det var lytt, veldig lytt, endte han opp i en hengekøye ute i hagen. Etter en ellers god natt, pakket vi våre saker, tok en kopp kaffe og hadde ikke behov for å innlede noen samtale med sveitseren før vi la i veg. Vi la i veg langs Senda Litoral, siden den syntes å ha det beste underlaget for vår gange. Senda Litoral betyr noen slikt som langs kysten, eller noe slikt. Leden var grei, noe brustein, plankestier, grusveier og betong og den virket noe kortere enn Camino da Costa (som er en km eller to inn forbi kysten). Etter et par timer, var det tid for frokost, kaffe, cola og en croissant. Ikke det mest sunde, men det gir en energi bloost et par timer til neste pause.
      Turen fra Carreco til Caminha er ikke den lengst, ca 19 km. Vi tok det med ro, snakket med andre pilegrimer og var framme hos Albergue Bom Caminha ved halv to tiden. Vi var sultene begge to, men siden det er søndag stenger restaurantene i området kl. 15. Det ble en super rask innsjekk og avsted til restauranten. Ris kokt med sjømat og fylt krabbe avsluttet med sjokoladekrem. Fylte vommen, slik at vi fikk strekk i mageskinnet.
      Tilbake til albergueén ble det dusj og klesvask. Det ene dusjtilbudet var originalt, som dere ser fra bilde med Tim i aksjon.
      Dette er siste dagen i Portugal, i morgen tar vi en ferje over til Spania. På blemmefronten er den på tåen ved siden av stortåen stor og sint, mens en mindre er i ferd med å utvikle seg på helen, også på den venstre foten
      Ps. Med telefon som skjerm og et lite tastatur (foldbart) blir det en og annen skrivefeil….
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    • Day 8

      Day 7 - Caminha to Oia

      April 29 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      ¡Bienvenido a España!

      Sonder and serendipity were appropriate words for today.

      An unusual day in that I walked with people. As I arrived to catch the boat to cross the river, there was a large group and I told them to go ahead and I’d wait until they’d all crossed - the boat only takes eight people at the time. And how lucky that I did, for soon I was joined by three other solo women and we spent our day together walking to Oia. I love how walking makes people friends, and today I was lucky to know Berber (Germany), Nicola (Czech Republic) and Sasha (The Netherlands).
      Along the way, we share the road with others, share food and stories, then wave each other goodbye to maybe meet at some point.
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