Ravine Saint-Gilles

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    • Day 3

      Steg von St. Gilles

      September 15, 2024 in Réunion ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Der Wettergott meinte es heute wirklich gut mit uns, das lag aber auch an der Umplanung. Wir waren in St. Gilles wegen einem Spaceinvader & ich konnte ihn scannen und Tobi nicht. Liegt tatsächlich am Handy, also Tobi brauch auch ein Neues 😅. Jedoch hatten wir keine Lust wiederzukommen, wir hatten ja auch keinen Zeitdruck und blieben bis kurz vor Sonnenuntergang dort (wir waren gefühlt für uns alleine dort) und siehe da, mit einer anderen Perspektive und weniger Gegenlicht, konnte Tobi den Spaceinvader spätrr auch flashen. #keinDrama 🙏🏻 Es sollte so sein, dass wir einfach mal 2 Stunden aufs Meer schauten. Leute, das macht aber auch müde... 🥱Read more

    • Day 17

      Tauchen auf la Réunion

      November 27, 2023 in Réunion ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Unser Frühstück geniessen wir direkt am Meer. Danach besuchen wir Kélonia, eine Schildkrötenstation in Saint-Leu. Wir sind sehr beeindruckt von diesem Ort und den Menschen, welche hier äusserst wertvolle Arbeit im Zusammenhang mit Land- & Meeresschildkröten betreiben. Verletzte Tiere werden hier operiert, aufgepäppelt und überwacht. Ausserdem wird Tieren ein Umfeld geboten, welche in der freien Natur chancenlos wären.
      Am Nachmittag treffen wir uns mit der Tauchcrew in Saint-Gilles-Les-Bains, um die Unterwasserwelt von la Réunion zu erkunden. Nach einer kurzen Bootsfahrt verlassen wir die Wasseroberfläche und geniessen einen einstündigen Tauchgang in tollen Korallenriffen. Wir begegnen einer unglaublichen Vielfalt von Meereslebewesen und auch einer Schildkröte.
      Zufrieden gehen wir abendessen und lassen den Tag in der Unterkunft gemütlich ausklingen.
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    • Day 14

      Markttag und Einkaufsbummel

      November 10, 2024 in Réunion ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Es müssen ja noch ein paar
      Souvenirs gekauft werden, vorher können wir auf keinen Fall nach Hause fliegen!
      Fündig werden wir auf dem heutigen Markt, wo wirklich nette Andenken angeboten werden. Ein Dodo ist natürlich auch dabei.
      Danach gehen wir noch bis zum Hafen, schauen dort den Surfern zu und versuchen vergeblich noch etwas Geld abzuheben.

      Der Nachmittag dient wieder dem auf der faulen Haut liegen und abends wird der obligatorische Sonnenuntergang bewundert.
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    • Day 14

      Saint-Gilles : plage et catamaran

      September 2, 2024 in Réunion ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Première sortie de la journée : Décathlon, pour acheter masque et tuba, en vue de faire du snorkeling dans l'après-midi.
      Après ça, on part vers Saint-Gilles-les-bains, sur la côte ouest. Sur la route, on s'arrête à la pointe du diable, une formation rocheuse en basalte qui forme une pointe où les vagues viennent s'écraser. Le spectacle est superbe, on dirait un feu d'artifice !
      Arrivés à Saint-Gilles, on mange un morceau avant d'aller à la plage de L'Ermitage, juste à côté. On essaie le snorkeling, mais l'eau du lagon n'est pas très claire. On arrive tout de même à voir le fond, formé de coulée de lave, et c'est superbe !
      Dans l'après-midi, nous avons RDV pour une sortie catamaran à Saint-Gilles. Pendant 3h, nous partons en mer. Nous apercevons des baleines et des dauphins qui font leurs timides. Sur la fin, nous avons la chance de voir un baleineau faire des sauts en compagnie de sa maman. Un moment incroyable !
      Nous rentrons au port sous les dernières lueurs du jour, avant de rentrer à Saint-Pierre.
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    • Day 117

      Plonger with Corail Plongee

      November 4, 2023 in Réunion ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

      Took myself for some scuba today.

      Conditions were much gentler below than above the water - the boat ride home felt wetter than being underwater had! Big waves splashing over the bow had everyone laughing, some of the laughs may have been nerves not joy.

      The boat crew did great and my divemaster, David was fantastic. Good stuff. I didn't have a computer with me (with which I'm fine) but the dive was less than 20M (60ft) depth for about 70 minutes. 2kg of weights w/ a steel 10l tank is too much for a 3mm shorty wetsuit, for me. <- for my reference, y'all can ignore this.

      The dive was beautiful with an abundance of interesting fish. My favorites were a school of Hatchet Fish (poisson hachette) inside of a large cave. The way the light sparkled on them was hypnotic and peaceful.

      I'm also a big fan of juvenile blue triggerfish, talk about an electric psychedelic "camouflage" pattern! Wow!

      Other notables: some cool eels, a school of tiny marine catfish, a friendly puffer, some turtles, many damsels and small grouper. Oh, and two species of lionfish, too.

      The corals are, alas, pretty beaten up or beaten down. It's sad after seeing so many fantastic reef-builders in Mayotte... Where I did almost enough snorkelling but maybe I regret not doing a scuba trip, too.

      After the dive I enjoyed chatting w/an expat from Michigan (I may have the wrong M state, Sorry!). We swapped some stories and I got some intel on places to visit. It was nice. I really enjoyed being at the shop in general. I don't know what it is about some businesses that make them such a pleasure to visit, but I suspect it has a lot to do with how much the folks there care about what they're doing. Whatever it is, Corail Plongee has it. https://corail-plongee.com/

      (Vids or pics from the gopro coming soon... Having technology issues atm)
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    • Day 117

      Kangaroo? Who knew?

      November 4, 2023 in Réunion ⋅ ☁️ 75 °F

      I caught the tail end of sunset... Small but important navigational errors were involved.
      I rely too much on my phone for directions. I have no cellular data here and I'm not proud to say that I have been suffering for lack of the little voice telling me where to go

      Still pretty.

      Dinner tonight involved kangaroo. I think it was the 1st time I've tried kangaroo and ... It's pretty yummy: like lean cow meat, mostly. I don't plan to include much of it in my diet but it seemed worth trying. Really... I'd like to get back to a more plant-based approach but I haven't been willing to invest the considerable effort while traveling.

      Réunion Island is classy and pretty, also spendy. Dinner was almost 30€ which is about 7x what I've been spending in Madagascar. I enjoyed it, though. Good service is pleasant. Sitting so close to the water that it was a little damp on the floor is fun, too.
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    • Day 117

      Failing to Find the Fun

      November 4, 2023 in Réunion ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

      Last night's drive in a new to me rental car, in a foreign land, in the pouring rain, at night.... Was difficult to enjoy.

      Heck, the whole transit experience kinda sucked.

      The Madagascar airport money exchange didn't have small bills so I was left holding less than 10€ of ariary (Malagasy money). No big deal: I'll buy a drink and wait for my plane. Only the bar in the Antananarivo airport doesn't accept Madagascar's national currency. Annoying. Not a tragedy and certainly not worth getting upset, but combined with a 90 minute delay for my hour-long flight for which I grossly overpaid in Mayotte... I was feeling less than rosy about the experience.

      Upon boarding the plane via a drizzly tarmac, I couldn't help but notice that there was, in fact, a jetway and it was, in fact, attached to the plane. Why I am standing in the drizzle with the roar of machinery in my ears when there's a perfectly comfortable access attached to the plane? C'mon, airport/airline.... Do better.

      I took my grumpy with me as I boarded and when the attendant made me stop so that she could (helpfully?) check my seat number, I was over it. I wasn't pleasant to her and that was regrettable as she hadn't done anything really wrong. But ... C'mon. I can find my dang seat without someone saying "It's on the left". Yeah, I got it. Stopping me to make me dig out my stub from inside my passport inside my bag... Isn't customer service.

      Anyway, being grumpy made it less fun for everyone and I felt even worse for having been snappy with her.

      As if mirroring my mood, our flight was among the most unpleasantly turbulent that I have ever had. We were thrown around pretty well for at least 20 minutes. It was enough that the captain came on to remind us of emergency water-landing procedures as lightning crackled and flashed outside my window.

      For the record: hearing emergency (crash) landing procedures in that setting is much more effective than before take off. I think all of us were actually listening for a change.

      We finally landed safely (and very smoothly) in Reunion Island! I wish I could say that I refocused and was happy, but mostly I felt nervous about getting my rental car because it was 9:23 and the rental car agency says that they close at 9pm. I was supposed to land at 7:15.

      I'd already changed lodging once due to the first place telling me that their reception closes at 5PM. What kind of hotel closes reception before sunset?!?

      Anyway, I'd double checked to be sure I could check-in all night as needed, but without a car I would've had issues arriving.

      To my relief, and a nice step towards smiling, the rental agent had stayed late and was very sweet and spoke English.

      Fortunately previous-Steve had the foresight to download maps of where I was going. I love it when I don't make my life more difficult!

      With a little bit of enthusiasm and a lot of rain falling, I found my cute little rental car and got on my way towards the coastal town of Saint-Gilles. I only made a few small wrong-turns and arrived at a cute, clean, and comfortable 'hotel' around 11:30 PM. I'd started my trip in Madagascar at 1:30PM. Total distance travelled was about 1,000km (600 miles) I'd guess.

      But there's a tree outside my door that smells like the sweet scent of somewhere I
      want to be. The breeze is warm but refreshing. The rain has washed-clean the world and Reunion has flowers everywhere.

      I'm sitting on a concrete quay sipping fantastic coffee and eating both a pain au chocolat and a chocolate chip cookie while listening to a church bell chime the hour and watching a guy tow into waves on a foil-board. The water is crystalline blue the way water only gets when the sky is flat-gray.

      I'm watching a beautiful little family play in the sand while hobie cats zip out of the harbor entrance to zoom in the light and variable wind.

      The foilboarder just did a backflip exiting a very well-surfed wave.

      The fun is finding me.
      I just forgot to see it for a little while.
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    • Day 85

      St Gilles Les Bains, Reunion

      March 29, 2014 in Réunion ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      We arrives in Reunion at 8am. 28C and partly sunny. From the ship, the island was mountainous and rugged but also green and luxuriant. The shuttle bus took us to St Gilles Les Bains, a small resort on the coast. It was pleasant but not particularly photogenic. The island is a French dependency so the currency is the Euro. The town was full of cafes and restaurants. We walked to the beach and there were signs advising people not to enter the water because of the presence of sharks. After a while we returned to the ship and sat on the deck enjoying the views.Read more

    • Day 143


      June 2, 2023 in Réunion ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Nach zwei Tauchgängen und vielen Stunden Schnorcheln habe ich bereits einige beeindruckende Fische im Meer vor La Réunion bestaunen dürfen. Um aber auch noch Delphine in freier Natur sehen zu können, haben wir eine organisierte Bootstour gemacht. Und wie das Glück es wollte, haben wir von Weitem sogar einen Wal beobachten können. 🐋🐬Read more

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