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    • Jour 4

      Our first bus ride in the Seychelles

      19 avril 2023, Seychelles ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      We slept for a full 12 hours last night and woke up fully refreshed! That's us sorted - we're on Seychelles time now! 😀

      We had some stale baguette with cheese for breakfast. You would have thought I would have learned after years living in France 🇫🇷 - French bread 🥖 is NEVER any good the next day! It'll be brown toast tomorrow 😂.

      At 10.30am, we left the apartment to catch the bus 🚌 into Victoria, the world's smallest capital city. Anto told us the buses run every 20 minutes or so, but he didn't know at what times. We must have just missed one because we waited just over 20 minutes, sweating in the 32° heat, for it to come. I'm not complaining - I won't mention the sweating again!! (Every time I write the word, all I can hear is my Mum's voice saying, 'Andrea, don't use that word - ladies don't sweat, they perspire'. 😂🤣 And, no, she wasn't a product of Victorian upbringing!! 😂

      Yesterday, we were chatting to a Belgian couple who are staying in the same place as us. They have hired a car for the duration of their stay. When I told them we were planning to use the local buses, they were horrified!! They reminded us that they would take ages, be really crowded, and, most importantly, have no air-con. Correct on all points! BUT, they charge 12 rupees (about 70p) per trip - AND you get to meet the locals. For us, it's a no-brainer. For long-term travel, it's a case of, 'eat like a local, travel like a local'. 😀

      When the bus came, it was full. Mark had to stand, but not for the whole journey. It took us about 55 minutes to cover the 10 miles to town, but the windows were open, and we enjoyed people watching and listening to the chatter - not that we could understand any of it - everyone was speaking Creole. (The three official languages of the Seychelles are French, English, and Creole.)

      On the way, we made a note of a couple of places for future visits.

      We stayed on the bus until we reached the terminus, which was a bustling hive of activity. We tried in vain to find a map of bus routes and/or a timetable. Never mind. Without the Internet, when we're away from the apartment, we'll have to rely on the old-fashioned method of getting around - asking people!! 😀

      NB - the street art photos were taken in the bus station. There was a lot more that I didn't photograph - I'll have to add others later.
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    • Jour 3

      First explorations!

      18 avril 2023, Seychelles ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      We slept for just a couple of hours 😴 before the sun 🌞 streaming in through the window woke us up! It was enough, though, for us to function for the rest of the day.

      After unpacking and sorting everything out, we ventured out to find a shop to buy some essentials. With such a huge baggage allowance, we did bring some basics with us, so we just needed something to add to make a meal. The nearest shop is only a 10-minute walk away, but we were dripping with sweat by the time we got there!! We admired the beautiful blue sea 🌊 en route and took a couple of photos 📸 but we really just wanted to shop and get back.

      The small supermarket had everything we needed. We bought bread, beer, onions 🌰, oranges 🍊, minced beef, cheese, and ice cream 🍦 - all the essentials!! 😂 We are very glad we brought coffee ☕️ with us - it costs an arm and a leg here!

      Back at Cap Confort, I got changed and went for a swim 🏊‍♂️. Mark didn't feel up to it, so he stayed on the balcony taking photos of the bats flying by - yes, really!! Photos will be added later when we've taken them off his camera 📷. The water was really warm - like stepping into a hot bath 🛀! It wasn't exactly refreshing, but I enjoyed it anyway 😊.

      Later, Mark had his first Seychellois beer. We made pasta bolognaise for dinner, and soon after, we went to bed! The lack of sleep had really caught up with us - but we are so happy to be here!! 😀
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    • Jour 3

      Arriving in Seychelles!

      18 avril 2023, Seychelles ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      So, I was right! We didn't sleep a wink before our onward flight, nor during it, so we were absolutely knackered when we arrived here this morning!! 😂

      The flight ✈️ from Doha to Mahe was fine - despite the tiredness! We were moving another hour ahead time-wise, so we were greeted with 'good morning' by the stewards and served breakfast on board! To us, it felt like the middle of the night, but we were expected to behave like it was a new day! And, just like that, we lost a night's sleep!!

      However, we got our second wind when we stepped off the plane. Glorious sunshine and 30 ° at 8.30am! This is the life!!

      The immigration staff were really friendly, and we were soon through security with another stamp in our passports. According to a travel app I use, it's country number 52 since we started travelling together (not that we're counting or anything! 😂).

      Not having been in a hot climate for the past 3 years, we were dripping with sweat within seconds of stepping out of the arrivals hall!! We drew some cash (Seychellois Rupees) and went to find a taxi 🚕. We were shocked to be quoted 600 rupees (about £38) for a 12-minute ride! We asked around, but nobody was offering any lower. We had no choice but to accept! (Later, our host, Anto, told us it should have been 300 or 400 rupees at the most!)

      As tired as we were, we couldn't help but notice the beauty of the island during the short journey to our accommodation. The turquoise blue sea 🌊 looked really tempting!! Everywhere is very lush and vibrantly green, so we expect to see some rain 🌧 during our stay - a place doesn't look like this without plenty of the wet stuff!! 😉

      At our accommodation, we were met by Anto, one half of the French couple who own Cap Confort. He was very friendly and gave us the news we'd been hoping for - our apartment was ready, despite the fact that we were 6 hours early for check-in!

      So, we paid for our stay and then Anto helped us transport all our luggage 🧳 up to the first floor. He was very helpful, showing us on a map where everything is and giving us recommendations about where to eat and where to shop. I'm not sure how much we took in - we were both fit to drop by this point! As soon as Anto left, we cranked up the air-con and went to bed 🛌!! 😀
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    • Jour 16

      Anse Aux Pins

      1 mai 2023, Seychelles ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      We were planning on going to Victoria today, but we realised it is Labour Day, and not everything would be open. So, we switched our plans around and went to the beach ⛱️ instead. Because the buses 🚌 were operating only a limited service, we walked down to Anse aux Pins. The beach was almost deserted, and we had an enjoyable time in and out of the water, reading 📚 and listening to podcasts. I think it might be my favourite beach on Mahe. The boulders form natural pools where lots of fish 🐟 congregate. I can spend hours just watching them! 😀

      It was very, very hot 🔥 today, and I think I got a bit of sunstroke! When we came to walk back to the apartment, I felt really sick and had to have a sit down in the shade of the infamous bus shelter!! 😂

      Back at Cap Confort, after drinking several glasses of water 💧, I felt fine! Later, we went for the obligatory pool swim 🏊‍♀️ and I managed 84 laps!
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    • Jour 8

      Glacis La Reserve Trail

      28 décembre 2023, Seychelles ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Der Trail beginnt am höchsten Punkt der Montagne Posse Road in Bon Espoir, wo ein breiter Versorgungsweg zu einem Sendemast der Firma Cable & Wireless führt. Der Pfad führt leicht Berg auf und ab durch den Dschungel bis zu einer großen Granitfläche. Hier muss man sich links halten, also den gelben Markierungen folgen und kommt dann zu den beeindruckenden Felsen mit toller Aussicht.En savoir plus

    • Jour 44


      14 novembre 2018, Seychelles ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Die auf den Seychellen sehr bekannte Takamaka Rum Distillery ist direkt um die Ecke von unserem schönen Häuschen. Den Rum gibt es auf allen Inseln in jedem noch so kleinen Lädchen zu kaufen und alle Einheimischen schwören auf ihn. 😄

      Die letzten Fotos sind unser kleines Häuschen, wo wir abends öfter Sterne schauen und entspannen. 👍

      Danach sind wir mit Sändi noch ein letztes Mal ins Meer gesprungen. Schweren Herzens haben wir sie dann zum Flughafen gefahren. Goodbye Cousini! 😍 Schön das du da warst. ❤️
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    • Jour 9

      Guided Tour 3: Craft Village

      16 avril 2022, Seychelles ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Domaine de Val des Prés, auch Craft Village, war der dritte Haltepunkt. Im Rahmen historischer Häuser im Kolonialstil leben heute diverse Handwerker. Die ruhige, fast andächtige Atmosphäre an diesem Ort war deutlich präsent. Ein paar Mitbringsel von hier werden uns hoffentlich lange an diesen Ort und unsere Reise erinnern. Spoiler: In zwei davon passen Cocktails rein.En savoir plus

    • Jour 4

      "Schlecht" Wetter Programm

      14 septembre 2021, Seychelles ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Eigentlich war für heute überwiegend Regen gemeldet, wir hatten uns schon ein super Programm überlegt nur schlechtes Wetter gab es nicht.😅

      Am Morgen zogen wir noch in unser neues Appartement für 1 Nacht, weil das andere Überbucht war. Danach ging es über den Norden der Insel zur "Takamaka Rum Distillery". Die Führung war Kostelos und das Tasting kostet etwa 7 Euro. Bei knapp 30 Grad, 5 Gläschen später waren wir doch etwas mitgenommen. 🤭 Den Abend verbrachten wir noch in einem Kleinen Lokal und Christian gönnte sich zu dem Klang der "Backstreet Boys" noch ein 🍺En savoir plus

    • Jour 17

      Der Süden von Mahé

      10 septembre 2018, Seychelles ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Ein letztes Frühstück an Bord und schon müssen wir uns schweren Herzens von Katamaran, Crew und lieben Mitreisenden verabschieden 😢! Wir hatten wirklich eine tolle Woche!
      Aber drei Urlaubstage bleiben uns noch und die wollen wir hier auf Mahé verbringen, die Insel kennenlernen. Damit fangen wir auch gleich an, denn der Tag hat ja gerade erst angefangen und ins Guesthouse kommen wir eh noch nicht rein.
      Unser Auto wird uns zum Hafen gebracht, Wir verstauen unser Gepäck und los gehts! Nacheinander besichtigen wir:

      - Anse aux Pins
      - Turtle Bay
      - Takamaka Rum Destille ohne Verkostung 😬
      - Anse Royale mit kleinen Fischerbooten und kleinem Frische-Fische-Markt
      - Kirche in Anse Royal - Église de Saint Joseph
      - Le Jardin du Roi, zu dem uns mal wieder eine halsbrecherische Straße führt. Wir haben keine Lust auf Gewürzgarten und Co und leisten uns stattdessen auf der Terrasse des Restaurants einen Vormittagscrepe und zum Abschluss Eis mit Kokosnougat - das ist verdammt lecker, hat aber vermutlich zwei bis drei Kalorien mehr, als gut ist für uns und daher müssen wir es teilen 🤪
      - Surfers Beach
      - Petit Police und Police Bay an der Südspitze. Hierher müssen wir wandern, denn die Straße endet im Sand. Toller Strand und sehr sehr einsam. Wegen der gefährlichen Strömungen darf man hier leider nicht baden.
      - Highlight der Route: Anse Intendance, der Traumstrand der Traumstrände!!! Wunderschön und einsam, leider auch hier nicht zum Baden geeignet, aber schöner als jede Fototapete!!! Im Reiseführer steht: „Gönnen Sie sich einen Kaffee auf der Terrasse des Banjan Tree - schöne Aussicht ist garantiert.“ Wir machen das gerne und saugen die Aussicht in uns auf - bloß nie wieder vergessen!!!
      - Anse Takamaka
      - Anse la Mouche, hier dürfen wir endlich baden und so lassen wir uns im seichten Wasser treiben
      - Vilaz Artizanal, ein Künstlerdorf mit hübschen bunten Werkstätten, Galerien und Verkaufshäuschen, leider fast alle schon geschlossen.
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    • Jour 1

      Tag 1 - Mahe

      1 avril, Seychelles ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Wir sind gut in Mahe gelandet und erkundeten heute mal den Strand vor der Haustür.
      Am Strand gibt es wunderschöne Muscheln, Seesterne im Meer und Roman hat sogar eine Kokosnuss geknackt 😄

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