Civilian War Memorial

    • 日63

      Die letzten Tage auf Bali. Wohin jetzt?

      2019年10月11日, シンガポール ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Wenn man die Chance hat unkompliziert Freunde irgendwo auf dieser Welt Freunde zu besuchen, sollte man die Gelegenheit auch nutzen. Oder anders ausgedrückt: Wenn man es nicht schafft, sich in (Süd)deutschand zu treffen, dann sieht man sich halt in Bali! wie berichtet, hatten wir Nusa Instagram ausreichend erkundet und auch nicht so den Drive nach InstaUbud zu fahren - es lag also nahe, auf die Bukit zurückzukehren - wie bekannt, kann dieser Mo der Anziehungskraft von Wellen eher schwer widerstehen... und so verbrachten wir zunächst wieder ein paar Tage in Balangan. Wir kannten das Zimmer, das Essen und die Leute. Zudem konnte Mo sich wieder in die Wellen direkt vor der Haustür stürzen.
      Danach ging es weiter nach Bingin, ebenso ein Teil der so surfberühmten Halbinsel Bukit.
      Steffi, Thomsen und der kleine 9 Monate alte Kajo kamen als erstes aus Deutschland geflogen. Danach reihten sich noch weitere schwäbische Freunde von Mo dazu. Luka, Jo und Pam kamen von der indonesischen Insel Palau Rote dazugeflogen. Ein schönes Zusammentreffen einer Surfer-Crew. So ähnlich gab es das schonmal vor ein paar Jahren in Fuerteventura...
      Die letzten Tage auf Bali waren also wieder geprägt von Wellenhatz...dank etwas kleinerem Swell und vielen Leuten im Wasser musste etwas improvisiert werden und auch mal mit dem Boot gefahren werden. Auch Mos Brett hat sich früher verabschiedet und musste noch zum Doktor. Doch auch Maren konnte sich nochmal in die Fluten stürzen und so verlassen wir Bali recht freudig und surfed out...
      Morgen geht unser Flieger bereits um 07:10. Diese kurzer Nacht verbringen wir also auf der Couch der Casa Kaio Villa in Bingin. Wenn man bereits nachts los zum Flughafen muss, ist ein extra Zimmer wirklich nicht mehr unbedingt notwendig...bei Freunden auf der Couch schlafen ist auch ein schöner Auftakt zu etwas mehr "Traveln" in den nächsten Wochen...

      Ach und wo geht es als nächstes hin??? Mo und ich haben uns in Gesprächen zur Reise selber dazu entschlossen nicht nur Surf Spots zu erkunden. Die werden wir wohl unser halbes Leben noch ansteuern. Eine Weltreise hingehen soll uns auch weitere Länder eröffnen, die wir beiden noch nicht kennen und die wir zusammen entdecken können. Und daher wird unser Weg etwas nach Norden ausgerichtet. Der Flug raus aus Indonesien geht über Singapur. Von hier aus ist es nicht mehr weit nach Vietnam. Nicht berühmt für Surf, aber wir haben uns wunderbare Geschichten zu einem sehr vielfältigen Land erzählen lassen. Erste Recherchen ergeben den Plan mit einem Motorrad von Süd nach Nord zu fahren. Wer weiß, wenn wir es weit genug schaffen, können wir ja vielleicht bis nach China schauen. Wir sind gespannt. Die Währung hat uns schon einmal zum Lächeln gebracht...der vietnamesische Dong also. Dabei entspricht 1 Euro 25.575,77 Dong. Gefühlt also noch komplizietrer als indonesische Rupia. Funny money for life! Auch wenn wir Vietnam günstig erwarten, versuchen wir mit einfachensten Mitteln ein wenig Geld zu sparen. Wir haben uns doch tatsächlich einen faltbaren Wasserkocher plus 2 faltbare Tassen aus Deutschland (! - Danke Ehrensteffi und Ehrenthoms) mitbringen lassen. In Sachen Kaffee und Nudelsnacks sind wir also sicher.

      Aber ganz "adieu Bali" sagen wir noch nicht. Da eine wochenlange Reise auf Motorrädern mit Surfbrett zu umständlich wäre, lassen wir Mos "Cosma" in Balangan zurück, um es später hier wieder abzuholen. Der balinesische Flughafen Denpasar ist inzwischen ein so großer Hub, als dass der Umweg hierüber keine so großen Kosten bedeuten sollte. Einen weiteren Plan gibts dann aber noch nicht. Wer weiß jetzt schon, wen wir in Vietnam begegnen und wie wir uns inspirieren lassen.

      Bali und besonders die Halbinsel Bukit haben wir nun gründlich abgeklappert. Klar, es gäbe auf der Insel noch so viel zu entdecken. Viele Menschen verbringen hier mehrere Monate, aber uns treibt es erst einmal weiter. Immernoch nicht schnell und immernoch im ersten Gang, aber wieso sollten wir auch hetzen? Wir verbringen eh erst einmal 8 Stunden wartend im Transit von Singapur. https://gopro.com/v/nrRv6WVlGanka

    • 日12

      Familiar faces, familiar places

      2023年3月28日, シンガポール ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      We spent most of Monday 27/3 travelling,, Jen having dropped us at the train late morning (very good train service from Ashfield to the airport), 8-hour flight Sydney to Singapore, not too crowded, we sat in aisle seats across from each other and each had an empty seat beside us so that was good. Food was okay, Qantas crew very pleasant. And we barely had to stand and wait going through to immigration in Sydney, not a repetition of the 90 minutes in Auckland thank goodness.

      Timeline – we lived in Singapore for several years, in Asia for more than 10, this will explain how we got there
      • April 1993 Pete was made redundant by Telecom, went to work in Ho Chi Minh City for a year for NZ company TeleNZ
      • Nov/Dec 1997 Pete/then family moved to Bangkok, Pete working for Nokia
      • Oct 1998 Pete working mainly in Singapore on a Nokia project, family in BKK completing schooling
      • July 1999 Family to Singapore
      • Feb 2002 Pete made redundant by Nokia, took 3 1/2 years of telecom contract work in Thailand, Philippines, Kuala Lumpur; Andy to Melbourne to Uni 2002, Jen to Brisbane to Uni 2004; Ailsa worked in Singapore 2000-2005
      • Aug/Sept 2005 Pete/Ailsa to Hiroshima, Japan, contracting to Nokia
      • Oct 2007 Redundant again, moved to Bangkok to look for work but nothing came up
      • Feb 2008 Pete/Ailsa returned to NZ

      We’ve had a few short stays in Singapore over the past years on our way to see the family in Poland, it’s always good to get back. This time we’re staying at Hotel Royal on Queens Road, good tourist grade, comfortable room, very pretty to look out at the lights from the 13th floor at midnight. It’s two blocks from Raffles, might have to find a Singapore Sling tomorrow

      Got a taxi from the airport, typical taxi ‘uncle’ talked the whole time, we got the gen on the new expressway and how many billion $ it cost, tourism is picking up which is good, no masks unless going to the doctor or hospital AND the best chicken rice in Singapore is down in Chinatown, he gave us the address three times, so keen for us to go. Lovely man. Hard to get my language ear back into the ‘Singlish’ though, a bit hard to understand the fast chat, but so familiar all the same, made us smile.

      Headed out this morning having bought bus/MRT cards, not without difficulty but I have to say there was a very helpful and proactive young woman at the station on duty to help helpless tourists, very impressed. In the mall above the station we saw three cops, all armed with tasers and possibly guns (didn’t like to stare), Singapore is still a safe place.

      We took the 77 bus to Holland Village – I took that bus route from Orchard Road every day for more than five years to and from work, interesting to see the changes but also there’s much the same ‘Fort Americal (AKA the US Embassy) is still standing alongside the Aussies and Brits. All around the Botanic Gardens still looks like a jungle in the middle of the city, Singapore has a law that a certain percentage of the island has to remain green, a good thing. Funny to see two ‘helpers’ (or maids) on the bus with two little expat kids in strollers, kids were griping so they gave the kids their phones to play with, next thing we hear the familiar ‘Baaaaby Shark, do do do do, do dit, do do’. Oisin and Flynn love that song.

      We had a look around Lims Chinese furniture and Asian homeware store, my fingers itched to get some of the blue and white pottery to add to my collection, not to mention wooden cabinets, but Pete reckoned they wouldn’t fit in the backpacks. Bother!

      Then we met up for coffee with our old friend of nearly 25 years, Amy, so much to catch up on about family and what we’ve all been doing, shared memories are wonderful. Then we went to 6th Avenue for old time’s sake to check out our old neighbourhoods. Quite a bit of building going on, some seriously expensive real estate around the area now, condos and houses. The workers still have their makan (lunch) then lie in the shade for a sleep, we tiptoed past.

      Our Lily Avenue house is still standing but we were amazed at the beautiful park next door. One photo shows the huge storm drain that was at the end of our cul de sac, and the other shows that it has been completely piped in (the whole canal job cost $500m I believe), and a park, playground and walking/cycling track created.

      Took the bus back to Orchard Road and had Yakitori chicken at Ngee Ann City food court, nostalgia again. It was my go-to meal at least once a week when I was living on my own, I worked for NZ Defence in the Ngee Ann City tower block (it has 8 floors of food and shopping complex, and about 40 storeys of office space in two towers).

      I’d booked a treat for the evening, another of our favourite places, the 70th floor of Swisshotel the Stamford where we took visitors to see the sun go down, beautiful. When booking on line they asked ‘any special occasion?’ so, ever resourceful (cheeky?) I said it was an early birthday celebration, and please could we have a table by the window. So we got the table and a surprise cake and candle. There were two young men alongside us setting up advertising for Veuve Clicquot champagne, bottles and glasses set up for photos with food, the staff member pouring, sunset, views – interesting to watch and they were ready for a chat too, having been assured that they weren’t disturbing us at all. The sunset was pretty but it’s really lovely watching the sky dim and all the city lights come on below us, beautiful. Such a good day all round.

    • 日3

      Der 1. Tag Singapur

      2023年9月14日, シンガポール ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Wir sind ja heute gegen 9 Uhr gelandet. Vor Ort haben wir in Ruhe unser Gepäck abgeholt, unsere Anziehsachen von lang auf kurz gewechselt, Geld und SIM-Karte besorgt und natürlich noch einen Kaffee getrunken. Denn wir hatten wegen der Zeitverschiebung eine sehr kurze Nacht von nur 2 Stunden und entsprechend war heute das Level der Müdigkeit :).

      Der Flug von Doha und Singapur war ohne große Überraschungen. Auch im zweiten Flug mit Qatar kann man beim Essen, bei der Freundlichkeit der Stewardessen und bei der Unterhaltung nicht meckern. Die Airline empfehlen wir auf jedem Fall gern weiter.

      Das Flugzeug war fast ausgebucht. Sehr viele Engländer, die extra wegen der Formel 1 nach Singapur gekommen sind. Hätten wir niemals gedacht.

      Aber am meisten waren wir vom Flughafen Singapur überrascht. Wow! So sauber und grün. Vor allem grün. Mitten im Flughafen steht man auf einmal im Dschungel und mittendrin ein großer Wasserfall. Dazu die Filmmusik von Jurassic Park. Ihr könnt euch vorstellen, wie sprachlos wir davor gestanden haben ;).

      Nachdem wir leider erst ab 15 Uhr in unser Hotel einchecken konnten, sind wir kurzerhand zum Strand gefahren. Santosa Island nannte sich das. Eine Insel mit Achterbahn, Wasserpark, Movie Park und eben Strand. Für jeden ist sozusagen was dabei. Da wir immer noch ganz schön gerädert waren, haben wir den Strand bevorzugt. Wir haben uns dort eine Strandbar mit Schatten gesucht und sind erst einmal langsam angekommen. Heute waren es mindestens 30 Grad. Wäre nicht ein kleines Lüftchen gegangen, wäre es ganz sicher ziemlich unangenehm geworden. Aber wie gut, dass hier wirklich alle Räume klimatisiert sind. Wirklich alle. ;)

      Nach unserem Strandausflug sind wir direkt ins Hotel gefahren. Unser Hotel - klein, aber fein befindet sich nicht direkt in der Innenstadt von Singapur, eher in einem Randbezirk. Das haben wir daran gemerkt, dass unser Bus ewig durch die Innenstadt gebraucht hat. War halt mitten in der Rushhour. Daran merkt man auf jedem Fall die Größe der Stadt. Wir konnten schon einige Wolkenkratzer erahnen. Wir sind gespannt, wie die nächsten Tage werden.

      Jetzt waren wir eben nur noch essen. Bei Daniel gab es indisch. Ich hatte, glaube, Libanesisch. Die Auswahl hier, ist echt der Wahnsinn. Kulinarisch ist Singapur auch echt eine Überraschung. Ich (Marika) hatte nur chinesisches Essen erwartet - was ich ja so mag. Nicht. ;)

      Morgen geht es weiter mit den Eindrücken. Jetzt geht es schlafen - 22 Uhr. :)

    • 日50

      Day 48 and 49

      2023年10月7日, シンガポール ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Day 48 - Second last day of our trip - now in Singapore to break-up the trip home. We went over to the Marina Bay area, where there is a light show each night.

      Photo 1 and 2 - views from the hotel room
      Video 1 - Marina Bay complex - includes casino and huge high end shopping mall

      Day 49 - trip to Gardens by the Bay - 101 hectares of gardens including the Cloud Forest which is home to the worlds tallest indoor waterfalls and a lush mountain clad with plants from around the world. Also saw the Flower Dome which is the largest greenhouse in the world.

      Photos 3 - 9 Cloud Forest
      Video 2 - Cloud Forest
      Photos 10, 11 - Flower Dome
      Photo 12 - Complimentary high tea (smoko) at the hotel
      Photo 13 - Qantas lounge, ready to come home

      Many thanks to all of you who have followed along. Hope the posts havent been too long-winded but they are a record for us.

      Should be in Brisbane about 6.35am tomorrow (Monday) morning.

    • 日42

      Day 41 Singapore

      2023年10月10日, シンガポール ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Short blog today.

      Flight was just ok, 7 hours would have been nice to sleep and then wake up at 8:30am here. But they started the food service a couple of hours into the flight, and then woke people up for more food a couple of hours later, so neither of us got much sleep.

      Both Dubai and Singapore airports were really empty which was pretty surprising. We got a taxi to our hotel and were checked in by 10am which was great. Our room is 12m square which I sort of missed when booking it. But it has great aircon, was over the road from a laundry and was pretty cheap.

      We had a sleep until 1.30, then went in search of an atm to get cash for the washing. That took a while and we went past an astonishing number of food places and little supermarkets. The ATM wasn’t where Google said it was, so we retraced our steps and found it closer to our hotel. We bought some supplies and tasted jackfruit which was rather nice.

      Our lunch was a fried rice dish and some sort of corn dish. Also nice and so much cheaper than Dubai. Then we did washing, went for a short walk got some chicken sate on sticks and fries for dinner and had that back at the hotel.

      We are nearly at the last episode of Sex Education, but Trish missed most of the 2nd to last one, I didn’t realise she was asleep.

      Steps would have been around 10,000 and of course the temperature now is hot after than forecast so was 33 today and expecting that for the next 3 days as well, damn!

      Bed time now at 8.30…

    • 日43

      Day 42 Singapore

      2023年10月11日, シンガポール ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      We slept for 10 hours and woke up feeling a bit refreshed. Our first trial of the public transport was great. We have enabled our Wise cards on our Google Pay and so it was an easy tap on and then off with our phones, just so easy. We took a bus and then a train to the Marina Bay Sands Hotel and then ended up in a very flash mall. So flash that the shops weren’t open at 9am when we got there. We went in search of breakfast and Trish had a pastry from Starbucks. We didn’t feel like the other options available from the food court at that early time. Then we went in search of the Gardens by the Bay. We went to the top of the mall, found a good viewing spot for the evening light shows, and walked around the top and over a bridge, through the Marina Bay Sands hotel and then were at the gardens.

      There are a lot of free areas to walk around the gardens, an amazing 144m sculpture of many different endangered animals and lots of toilets and food areas. We chose to pay to go into 3 extra areas which was well worth it.

      The Super Tree observatory was good, and very cool on the inside. It was a bit annoying not being able to have a clear view due to the artificial tree branches. But when we went to catch the lift down, we realised there was a set of stairs upwards and then felt really silly as we had been there for about half an hour and were missing out on the amazing view one floor up. We met some Australians there who took our pics. There are a lot of Australians who pop over here even though it is a 8 hour flight.

      Then it was time for some food so we visited the Jurassic food hall. That was pretty neat as it was set up as the opening cafe in the Jurassic Park movies. Every now and then the dinosaurs would move which startled us the first time.

      Our next stop was the “Avatar: The experience at Cloud Forest”. This was simply amazing. It was in a huge dome and the plants were watered by misting which happened every 2 hours. There were many things there that came from the Avatar movie including a booth so we could avatar ourselves, and also the ability to ride a banshee. There were 6 stories, with a lift to the top, and then a gradual walk down with lots of different plants. On the ground floor was an orchid exhibit which was just stunning. We stayed there for about 2 hours and really enjoyed it. Next stop was a short walk to the Flower dome which as a chrysanthemum exhibition with a Mongolian theme. There were many more lovely sights to see there as well.

      We were well and truly knackered by this stage as it was very hot - how unusual! I went and took a video of the sculpture with the animals which Trisha recovered in the shade. Then we got lazy and caught a little bus for the 1km back to a train station, though it was still at least 500m from the drop off point to the actual station.

      A quick train ride and then a further walk to visit the Mustafa Centre. Well this was very different to what I had expected. I knew it was a place where you could buy anything and was something to be experienced. In reality it was about 4 floors of an extremely long building with no corridors with shops off either side, just loads of goods to be sold everywhere. It was rather chaotic and we walked the length of about 3 normal supermarkets in search of some potato chips of all things. We also found some blueberries and found a checkout. It was interesting when we entered the building as they tied up our bags with cable ties so we couldn’t steal anything and the things we purchased also had the plastic bags cable tied up. On our way our we also found a couple more gadgets.

      So we were really really tired by then. Walked about a km to find a direct bus back to our hotel, had a rest when we got back, then went and found some dinner to bring back here. We had Nasi Goreng Satay skewers, Sweet and sour chicken and all tasted great but there was no way that we could finish it all.

      Sex Education is now finished so we have started on Outlander from the first episode lol.

      17,958 steps and 33 degrees - so much muggier than Dubai though and that was bad enough.

    • 日44

      Day 43 Singapore

      2023年10月12日, シンガポール ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      We both felt a bit tired this morning after the big day yesterday. We considered a couple of options like Sentosa island and the wildlife park but ended up going to Chinatown. We spent a bit of time in a Buddhist temple which had 4 floors and a ceremony going at the time. Then we went over a courtyard to the mall where there were lots of clothing options and I might have bought a couple of tops. We had a banana for breakfast so were a bit hungry by that time, but not quite ready for the range of unusual delicacies in the food court. I don’t think I will ever be ready for frog porridge! So a coconut bun for me and a cheese bun for Trish. The heat was out in force by then so we thought just one more temple and then the bus back, What actually happened?

      A walk through a number of interesting stalls, a visit to another temple, a stop at a chocolate shop for a gelato and aircon. Then a walk through more interesting shops (including a Tintin shop) to get a train for a bit. When we left the train to walk to our bus stop we were in front of a big mall and feeling quite hungry by that time and we found a very cool Vietnamese restaurant called Paper Ice. We were seated and then waited for a while to be served. But it was so interesting watching the robots deliver the food to the various tables. Then it occurred to us that maybe we were supposed to order remotely as well and finally noticed the QR code on the table mat. We had an amazing meal, quite simple but very tasty.

      Then back out to wait for the bus. At one stage all the traffic stopped, must have been stopped by police as they then arrived escorting some important person. Finally our bus arrived but by the time we got back to our hotel it was around 4pm so not such a short day after all.

      This is our last night of our holiday and we celebrated that in our usual fine fashion, eating dinner in our hotel and watching some tv. We had gone out earlier to get some supplies, but just couldn’t be bothered eating out. It is very hot and humid here.

      Our hotel room has grown on us, partly cos of the amazing aircon and the location has been pretty good as well. I can’t believe that I will be sleeping in my own bed in 2 nights, though need to kick Glynis out of it lol.

      One thing we have noticed here is how friendly and polite people are in general. They often give way in buses or escalators, say excuse me and sorry if they get in the way. Maybe it’s just because we got used to it not happening in Europe where there were all manner of queue jumpers and pushy people. There are a number of positive messages around the city re helping others, giving up seats etc.

      So our incredible number of steps today was 8,752 and 33 degrees again.

      We will be doing a final pack in the morning and chucking a few things out like the plastic plates that have served us so well. Some of our clothes are a bit threadbare as well from being washed so much lol.

    • 日15

      The last hurrah!

      2019年3月16日, シンガポール ⋅ 🌧 30 °C

      Today we headed back to Gardens by the Bay as I really wanted to go on the autorider. It’s a 6 seater fully automatic driverless vehicle that takes you on a short tour of the gardens. Watching all the safety features (such as slowing when it detects someone or something 1.4m away from the vehicle and ringing a bell when it turns a corner) was pretty cool. I think it’s the worlds first driverless vehicle being used to transport passengers ($5 each). We then went through the cloud forest and the flower domes before catching the MRT to Rochor/Little India for some roti prata and curry. We had two rotis, one chicken curry and one murtabak (filled roti with egg, onion and chicken) for $10 and two calamansi lime juices for $2.50ish. The stall we planned to go to was shut so I had to choose another - the chicken in the curry was still on the bone but so tender. The curry itself was quite liquidy (common here) and was spicy and delicious. I really like the curry sauces here, totally different to home. We then got the MRT back to Orchard where we had an iced milo and egg tart snack (free, we used vouchers included with our hotel stay) before walking back to the hotel. After an afternoon rest we headed out for dinner to Wisma Atria shopping centre. We shared a laksa and tried some Otah otah ($7.50 for both). Then B had some pau and I got us some Kueh Tutu, a Singaporean sweetish steamed cake, filled with a coconut or peanut filling (5 for $3.50). The process of watching these be made was amazing. We then wondered back to the hotel and packed our bags! We are off home tomorrow. We’ve loved exploring Singapore and trying many bucket list foods. If you are still reading along, I hope you’ve enjoyed our latest holiday blog. Stay tuned for more the next time I am the Off Duty Pharmacist.もっと詳しく

    • 日3

      All aboard!

      2019年3月4日, シンガポール ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Another early wake up followed by a relaxing morning. Breakfast was 2 savoury pork bao and iced kopi (coffee) for B and 2 boiled eggs, kaya toast and hot kopi for me ($12.80 total). We went back to the hotel to relax some more and pack our bags. We checked out at 11:45am, left our bags and walked over to Bugis to grab a quick and small lunch from Bread Talk (same concept as Bread Top), total $3.40.
      We originally planned to get the MRT to the cruise terminal but decided to take a taxi, which was under $10.
      I had read the cruise terminal was the most disorganised place in Singapore, and when we first got there, I could see why. We dropped our bags off so lined up outside for the security check. There were two ships boarding at the same time which apparently they don’t usually get, hence the chaos. They seemed unprepared and people were cutting in front of the line because they didn’t know where to go, only to be sent back. Once in the terminal, we lined up for security which was more organised. The Aussies behind us asked if we were English because I was so pale 😂 B really enjoyed that! Through security, check in, fully automated immigration where Singapore once again verified my thumb print. Onto the gangplank where a nice man politely stole our passports! Luckily I read about handing your passports over, we were laughing that the Australian Government would ask us how we lost our passports and we would have to explain we willingly and happily handed them over to a nice man 😊 once on board we walked around, checked out our room, unpacked, had some coffee and tea and a snack and finally made it to dinner, 8pm. Samosas,
      Sweet and sour pork and chocolate almond cake for me (7/10) garlic butter scallops, prime rib and peach and blueberry crumble for B (6/10).

    • 日14

      Islands and gardens

      2019年3月15日, シンガポール ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Today we had breakfast at Ya Kun Kaya (toast and iced coffees) before heading to Sentosa island. We wanted to visit the SEA Aquarium ($40 per person). It was a good aquarium with the biggest tank I’ve ever seen! It could have done with more infographics and less pushy tourists (B almost got pushed over). We then came across a VR arcade where you could go on VR rides and also play in a two person zombie shooter game which was quite cool and unique ($30 per person for three VR activities ). Next we saw the trick eye museum which we thought would be fun, and it was, we had fun posing for all pictures ($37.50 for two, we got a discount for having a Citibank card). We went to Chilis for lunch, a favourite of ours in Singapore and it was as good as we remembered! The monorail to Sentosa was $4 and we were able to pay it with our EZlink card (contactless transport card). We made a stop on the way back at Vivo City as I had seen a shoe store I wanted to go on, and then we made a stop at Somerset to buy B’s shoes (a must do when in Singapore). We walked back to the hotel to rest up a little. At 6:30pm we headed off to Gardens by the Bay to watch the light show at the Supertrees (free). We then had dinner at Marina Bay Sands before heading back to the hotel. B had chicken rice and I had beef and rice, both were alright. Tired, we made it back to the hotel at about 10pm.もっと詳しく


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