Kampong Kapor

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    • Day 3

      Merlion Park

      August 17 in Singapore ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      Nach einer Mittagspause spazierten wir zum Merlion Park mit der Merlion Statue, dem Wahrzeichen der Stadt Singapur (Löwenstadt) und Sicht auf eine traumhafte Skyline. Wir sind völlig fasziniert von der Architektur der Gebäude.Read more

    • Day 2

      Lion City - 60 years on

      May 1 in Singapore ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

      I feel privileged to be flying to Singapore on May Day 2024. I have planned this for a while and am excited! I extended the trip a day or so so I could share some time with Kerry as she transits through to Milan. Looking forward to catching up with her! Upstairs on QF1 - A full flight but Premium Economy has a lot to like for a day time trip. Very spacious and great service. Lots of charging ports, footrests and places to store stuff. I had forgotten how smooth and quiet an A380 is. Bottled wine served throughout - all in all a similar experience to what domestic business used to be - back in the day! A welcome glass of my fave Lois Lane and then a classy WA syrah. The meal was very much (again) like BC used to be. They had run out of my Singapore option so I had slow cooked lamb with polenta - ok but needed a lot of seasoning. There was also (not shown) - cheese and crackers plus icecream. I didn't take the icecream but a very generous selection. Arrived 30 mins late but the getting through Changi to the cab was done in record time. I think I was in the cab while people were still getting off QF1! So long as the online ICA card is done there are no forms anymore and there are (I kid you not) 100s of passport kiosks in immigration. It was stormy and very wet overnight but a fine Singapore morning. Had a wonderful Singapore brekkie with my old friends at the Bersah Food Centre. A bit to do this morning (supplies/pool) then off to Changi to meet Kerry and spend a few hours with her in the Lion City. I think my daily post will now be in the morning so - here it is!Read more

    • Day 62

      Little India, and away

      April 23, 2023 in Singapore ⋅ 🌧 31 °C

      Another early morning, this time for a quick visit to Little India before we check out and fly home.

      Little India is the meeting point of the local Indian community. It is a snapshot of the sights, sounds and smells of the culture, and was particularly busy around the shrine this morning. Of course our main activity was caching, so we visited the popular (and some less popular) areas of the city within a city.

      We caught the train to the airport early afternoon in readiness for our overnight flight home.

      Cache count for the trip: 627
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    • Day 38

      Auf nach Singapur

      February 4 in Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Heute ging unser Flug nach Singapur.
      Leider mussten wir Thaiöand damit auf Wiedersehen sagen.
      Nach ein bisschen Stadt erkunden sind wir in den Nachtzoo.
      Es war so toll die Tiere mal im Dunkeln zu sehen und die haben hier so Beeindruckende Gehege mit ganz viel PlatzRead more

    • Day 40

      Singapur Shopping Day

      February 6 in Singapore ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Gestern sind wir erst zur Arab Street, da hier alles erst so um 12 beginnt sind wir schnell weiter.
      Unser Ziel, ein Outlet Center.
      Mit ein paar Schnäppchen sind wir zurück und sind auf das Capita Spring mit einer super Aussicht über Singapur und das alles kostenlos.
      Anschließend haben wir China Town erkundet und auch ein paar Schnäppchen gemacht.
      Letzter halt war die Arab Street bei Nacht, die viel mehr hermacht.
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    • Day 41

      Marina Bay

      February 7 in Singapore ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Heute waren wir eigentlich nur in der Gegend Marina Bay .
      Angefangen haben wir beim Merlion Löwen.
      Weiter ging es zum Marina Bay Einkaufscenter, wo nur die reichen einkaufen können, für uns gab es einen Kaffee und Saft.
      Nächster Halt war die Zeitkapsel und der Flyer mit einer wunderschönen Aussicht.
      Leider wurde in der Zeitkapsel kein Wort von den schlechten Zeiten in Singapur verloren, nur wie toll diese Metropole ist.
      Der Flower Dome und der Cloud Forest durften natürlich auch nicht fehlen.
      Zwischendurch gab es in einem Hawker in den Gardens by the Bay ein Thai und Arabisches Essen.
      Hier war auch das Wasserwerk nicht weit weg.
      Auch für Touris sehr schön gemacht, mit Liegewiese, Kneipbecken, Trinkwasser überall, ...
      Letzte Stopps waren die Supertrees mit der anschließenden Lichtershow und die Lichtershow beim Marina Bay Center.
      Unbedingt einen Besuch Wert.
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    • Day 42

      Letzter Tag Singapur-Stadt

      February 8 in Singapore ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Heute waren wir im Park ein bisschen unterwegs.
      Danach ein bisschen durch die Gegend Bugis und Einkaufscenter.
      Über Little India ging es zurück.
      Little India ist schon der unsauberste Teil der Stadt.
      Nachdem wir Zeit in den Spielehallen vertrieben haben, haben wir Abends lecker chinesisch gegessen 😁
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    • Day 70


      June 29, 2023 in Singapore ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      A very quick stop in Singapore, staying for 3 nights, which was about all we were prepared to pay for. It’s an extremely expensive place and accommodation costs are crazy. But, as our luck had it, our timings coincided with the arrival of my sister and fam on the first day of their travelling trip. Freda was so excited and Otto couldn’t wait to see what mischief he could get up to with Jude.

      We tried to cram in as much as we could in our 2 days, walking around the quayside, taking in the new and very impressive gardens on the bay and observing with bewilderment the new building sitting right on the bay, which looks like it has a long boat plonked on top of it. Every night there is a showy light display which lights up the whole bay. Which we enjoyed on our first night.

      Amongst all this amazing infrastructure, my highlight was seeing wild otters in the quay, probably why I live in rural Devon. It’s a very impressive city, but maybe it’s all a little to much? A canal through the basement of a shopping mall, where you can get ripped off and ride on a small boat, when a whole harbour is sitting outside!!!! Call me old fashioned but surely the real boats are better???

      Next day the wait was over and we met up with Leonie, Spencer and the kids for a fun packed day at the zoo, a quick go in a splash park and finishing off with dinner in Chinatown. We all had a great time, although there was a tad of jet lag in the air! Only a brief reunion, but we are looking forward to hooking up again, for a little longer in Indonesia.

      Next day we were on the move again. We had been advised to spend some time at the airport as, of course in Singapore there is the worlds highest man made waterfall!!! Piercing it’s way through the centre of a shopping mall! It’s all a little silly, a bit OTT
      and very very expensive. But it was fun.
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    • Day 68

      3 in 1

      March 4 in Singapore ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Heute wollten wir Little India erkunden und sind mir dem Bus dorthin gefahren. Mir wurde schon vorher gesagt, dass man das als Frau eher nicht allein machen sollte, da man immer angesprochen wird. Das hat man auch direkt in dem Hawker Center gemerkt. Trotzdem waren die bunten Häuser schon total schön. Schöner und bunter wurde es aber dann im arabischen Viertel. Die kleinen Gassen mit der ganzen Streetart und der Moschee im Hintergrund waren total süß. Um die Moschee zu besichtigen, musste ich ein traditionelles Gewand anziehen, was total schön war. Am Nachmittag sind wir dann noch in Chinatown spazieren gewesen. Auch hier ist alles voll mit bunten kleinen Häusern und Gemälden. Dann haben wir uns auf den Weg zu Marina Bay Sands gemacht und den TikTok Tip auszuprobieren und wir haben es geschafft. Wir haben auf dem Hotel oben etwas getrunken, ohne Eintritt oder ein Hotelzimmer zu bezahlen (die Drinks natürlich schon). Der Ausblick war wirklich einzigartig und man hat erstmal gesehen, wie groß Singapur doch ist.Read more

    • Day 9

      Still a day left for me!

      May 8 in Singapore ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Woke up to a wet track this morning - running gear and shoes not too wet and have a bit of time to try them out for packing. Had Singapore Breakfast at my original place. Absolute old school and I have been coming here for years - the owners are heritage value! Not the best in the Berseh Centre but comfort food writ large! I have been given late late check-out so have time to enjoy another day! Walked to Little India and it was interesting seeing the changing environment from old Singapore to Little India. This is a much more pleasant place to visit earlier in the day before the manic crowds. I was able to enjoy the architecture and the developing vibe before it was swamped - like Santorini before the cruise ships arrive! A comprehensive stroll then back home taking a few different streets. Kerry will remember the Perak Hotel - one of our more interesting stays!! Back to the pool and a bahn mi lunch poolside with some of my leftover beers - nice! Packed and then a short stroll to Bendemeer MRT and onto Changi - so easy! Almost as easy as security and immigration - hardly noticed their presence. Unloaded my remaining SGD at a duty free - I now have a 2015 Moet to have with my Sunday breakfast - a fitting Grand Finale to an amazing week and some. Into the Qantas First Lounge and a welcoming glass of Taittinger Prestige Brut. Pacing my self while still enjoying. Had dinner an hour or so in - chose wontons in black vinegar and chilli then Chef Linda's stir fried beef. The wontons are my non negotiables and sensational as ever - the beef, while nice, I doubt would draw a queue at Maxwell or even Berseh!! The Maitre D was pleased with my choice of Leo Buring Riesling and said he had a special 'off the menu' Pewsey Vale if I would like **yes please**. This is an everyday wine we never drink but is OUTstanding! Drink now or in 15 years. #specialtreat. I love Singapore First and it is a wonderful finale to a great city. A long haul in economy (didn't win the upgrade) coming so will sign out on Singapore now & a quick wrap tomorrow. Boarded and a bonus - a seat on my own (aisle with window clear). This is good oh!!Read more

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