
Entdecke Destinationen von Reisenden, die auf FindPenguins ein Reisetagebuch schreiben.
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    • Tag 84

      La ville du futur

      30. Dezember 2019 in Singapur ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Après avoir visité l'aéroport, qui a déjà tenu ses promesses avec la cascade et les décos de noël, les étapes incontournables de Singapour sont la Marina Bay, et les Gardens by the Bay. La Marina est assez joli, mais nous allons en profitez pleinement pour le feu d'artifice du 31 décembre. En attendant, c'est avec 31°C (ressenti trèèès lourd) que nous allons visiter les Garden by the Bay.

      Les dômes permettent la reconstruction de différents climats du monde, et sont donc remplis de fleurs et de plantes de partout. Période oblige, ils sont aussi rempli de décoration de noël (pour mon plus grand bonheur !!)

      Mais la partie la plus connue des jardins reste les sortes d'immenses fleurs artificielles !

    • Tag 85


      31. Dezember 2019 in Singapur ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Cette année pour nous, le décompte du nouvel an se fait en tong, short et robe, avec une température de 31°C ressenti 35°C ! 🌡️☀️
      C'est donc après quelques heures d'attente (6h !!) que nous avons le droit à un feu d'artifice magique de plus d'une heure sur la Marina Bay. Le spectacle est grandiose, et l'attente valait le coup !🎇🎆

      Et puis, histoire de se rafraîchir et de bien commencer l'année, un petit bain dans la piscine de l'hôtel au retour du feu d'artifice !

      Bonne année 2020 à tous !🎉
      Plein de bonnes choses, de bonheur, de joie, de découverte du monde ou d'autres accomplissements :)

    • Tag 53

      Singapore: Hotel recommendation

      24. August 2023 in Singapur ⋅ 🌩️ 31 °C

      Looking for an affordable hotel in Singapore? We have that too! If you take a look at the hotel prices in Singapore, you will quickly realize: it's damn expensive here.
      We found our boutique hotel in Singapore via AirBnB a few months ago and can only recommend it.
      It has a great location, offers many amenities like workstations, gyms, several kitchens where you can cook, good coffee machines (free coffee, tea and water), ice machine, refrigerator, self-service snacks, food and drinks, pool and various gardens.
      And free wifi.

      All major bus and metro stations are just minutes away. Also shopping and dining facilities. It is very quiet here and the staff is extremely nice.

      It is very well kept, clean and very cheap. It costs around CHF 100 per night which is a bargain for Singapore. We find the price-performance ratio more than good.

      The rooms are rather small, which does not bother us. There is a save, hair dryer, shower soap, shampoo, conditioner etc., and tv with Netflix. We are only here to sleep. The bathroom is super clean, stylish and has everything it needs.

    • Tag 54

      Today program

      25. August 2023 in Singapur ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      We had a really great time together and understand each other almost blindly. What you can see and experience in a week, amazes me again and again.
      Chun is hooked on traveling and we would love to continue traveling together. Our first destination would be Indonesia. But: Tomorrow is our last day in Singapore, in the evening our flight goes via Bangkok to Zurich. And unfortunately, we haven't won the lottery yet.

      Luckily we know that in about 114 days we are allowed to go to Thailand for 5 weeks. That makes it a little bit better.

      Remember: the 1st and last hotel of a trip is always a very good one.
      As a frequent traveler, I now have VIP status on various booking platforms and get the hotels cheaper.

      So we do it! We stay tonight at the Marina Bay!
      At 11 am we have to check out at the hmlet. And check in at 3pm at the Marina Bay.

      I booked myself a beauty morning and go for a manicure and pedicure after checking out. Even if Singapore is expensive, it is still much cheaper than in Switzerland. And somehow you want to look civilized when you enter the Marina!
      In the past few days, we have walked about 15,000 steps per day.
      Today we won't do much except enjoy the special place.

    • Tag 94


      9. Januar in Singapur ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Everyone wanted to stay in Kuala Lumpur longer, but we had already booked our next hotel (non-refundable) in the quaint southwestern city, Malacca. We easily took the train to the bus station, but all the buses to Malacca were sold-out so we spent most of the afternoon waiting for an available bus. We stayed in a fun touristy area with our hotel located on the Malacca River near Jonker Street. The city streets were full of multiple cuisine restaurants, Chinese souvenir/antique shops, and foot massage spas (shout out to Shelley!). One spa attendant convinced us to get our ears cleaned with “ear candles” (where hot flames melt ear wax – it’s very gross but also relaxing). Also, oddly, the number one attraction in the small town was the “Huskitory,” a house full of Husky dogs that you can interact and play with (shout out to Dad). So, between ear candles and husky dogs, Malaysia had surprises around every corner.

      Our bus ride from Malacca to Singapore was five hours (without a toilet onboard!). I wouldn’t allow anyone to drink liquids all day. Besides the toilet issue, the seats were comfortable and we spent the time working on schoolwork. Entry to Singapore was quick, although we had a slight panic attack when officials pulled Kelvis out of the immigration line and we lost sight of him momentarily. Luckily, it wasn’t a big deal as he needed to use the manual line (vs automated entry) because of his passport. Interestingly, we didn’t get stamps in our passports, but instead got an email with an “e-pass.”

      The first evening we found a “hawker stall” (large food court) on Old Airport Road. Since sit-down-restaurants are crazy expensive we opted for more reasonably priced local food stalls, which are surprisingly tasty. Normally we avoid food stalls but everything is exceptionally clean in Singapore so the food is safe. In the evening Ken took the kids downtown for the nighttime light/water show at Marina Bay Sands Hotel.

      The next day we took an epic 10 mile walk across all of downtown Singapore – Little India, Arab Quarter, Chinatown, Financial District, everything! Everett’s very happy about the food here: dumplings, potstickers, noodles, and Boba Tea. Although we are not night people, everything comes alive in the evenings (it’s incredibly hot and humid during the daytime hours). The city is strikingly modern with lush/tropical/green plants on every street corner. It has characteristically clean streets, courteous people, and everyone speaks English. If it weren’t so expensive, we would easily stay here for quite a while.

      Unfortunately, Everett’s Microsoft Surface tablet has a cracked screen, which has been impossible to fix given the countries we have been in. Ken tried unsuccessfully at 10+ service centers across 5 countries. Everett uses the tablet for online school so we really need to get it fixed. It’s Sunday here (+16 hours ahead) and there has been a major downpour all morning. Ken is venturing out into the thunderstorm in attempts to fix the computer for the 11th time. What a DAD!

    • Tag 2

      Singapore - a thundery day

      17. Januar 2019 in Singapur ⋅ 🌧 30 °C

      Not much time by the pool until the thunder started.

      Went for a walk to the Gardens by the Bay - in the Cloud House (we saw two waterfalls - one artificial on the inside and one real: another thunderstorm on the outside)Weiterlesen

    • Tag 2


      6. Februar 2016 in Singapur ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      The journey begins! Relaxing at my airbnb accommodation after a good flight - apart from the usual airport issues that I seem to attract... This time I had to part with my mini leatherman and a rather expensive tube of hair product. Of course I tried to find a way to keep it, and as a result I became the most unpopular person in the queue!
      Watched a great inflight movie - Room - which should come with a tearjerker warning. The airport experience was seamless, as was the taxi experience. The apartment Im staying is funky, the host and other guests friendly, and the colour change leds in the bedroom make it feel like home!

    • Tag 6


      18. Dezember 2018 in Singapur ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      After an awesome sleep-in today, Ted and I headed out to try and find a decent breakfast, as this hotel doesn't include it. It did have the option of paying $20 but since it seemed somewhat steep, we settled for a cafe across the street for rolls and coffee.

      Ted was keen on seeing some of the sights that he hadn't seen previously. I wanted to show Ted the nearby Raffles hotel but clearly I should've done some research first, as the hotel was being renovated until the middle of 2019! We still looked through the gift shop at the expensive souvenirs.

      We then headed towards the Merlion, no doubt the most recognisable sight of Singapore. It seemed like every other tourist in town had the same idea too but it was still worth a visit. Since we didn't do it last night, we took the elevator to the observation deck of the Marina Bay Sands. The price also included a Singapore Sling cocktail at the top.

      The view was really amazing to say the least, and I thought it was worth the money. Ted wasn't keen on his cocktail due to the sugar content and for me, one was enough anyway. I almost bought the tourist photo taken but since we'd already spent enough money, ended up passing it up.

      My inner geek was keen to see the DC Super Heroes Cafe, so since it was nearby, we headed there to check it out. Of course I enjoyed it a lot more than Ted! It was really well set up with a restaurant, gift shop and a lot of merchandise. The effort used to construct it was impressive. I stayed to have a coffee there, and was tempted to steal the menu as well.

      Unfortunately this humidity has meant that I needed to do laundry again so we found a coin laundromat in nearby Chinatown whilst we explored the area. After returning to the hotel, Ted had a nap before we headed out to dinner. We found another cafe next door which offered breakfast before having a salmon salad (me) and Popeye's (Ted) for dinner at the nearby Cathay shopping mall.

      I was interested in seeing the new Aquaman movie so I stayed for the film and caught up with Ted afterwards. Ted wanted to go to a local venue so we caught the metro back into Chinatown to have a look around. The area wasn't as animated as we'd expected at night. and it turned out the venue was having a quiet night anyway! Since Tuesday nights weren't really a happening thing in Singapore, we came back to the hotel to chill instead.

    • Tag 9


      27. August 2015 in Singapur ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Ich war jetzt 3 Tage hier und fühle mich superwohl. Mein Hostel liegt ziemlich im zentral und ist total gemütlich. Ich schlafe zwar mit 20 anderen in einem großen Zimmer, aber das merkt man nicht wirklich, weil jeder seine eigene "Streichholzschachtel" in der er wohnt.
      Draußen ist es mega heiß, aber das ist eigentlich gar nicht so schlimm, weil ich so überwältigt von all den Eindrücken bin. Ich wohne in der Nähe vom Chinatown. Es gibt jedoch auch Little India, das muslimische Viertel, das Kolonialviertel und Marina Bay, wo all die riesigen Wolkenkratzer stehen. Die Straße, in der ich wohne ist voller Kneipen und Clubs. Jeden Abend kommen Leute mit Taxis um Feiern zu gehen. Diese Leute müssen jedoch ziemlich reich sein. Die Alkoholpreise sind unglaublich hoch! Ein Bier kostet um die 6-8 Euro. Das liegt daran, dass Alkohol so hoch besteuert wird, weil Singapur offiziell ein muslimisches Land ist. Auf jeden Fall musste bei mir ein Bier reichen, als ich mit einem Holländer aus dem Hostel feiern gegangen bin.
      Ansonsten bin ich sehr viel rumgelaufen und habe über diese multikulturelle Stadt gestaunt.
      Wenn man günstig essen will muss man in einem Food Court essen gehen. Das ist jedoch keiner, wie in unseren Shopping-Centern (Malls gibt es in Singapur ûbrigens auch massenweise), sondern eine Halle, wo es um die 50 Stände gibt, wo man essen und trinken kann. An den Ständen am Rand bestellt man, an einem der Tische in der Mitte isst man. Eigentlich doch so ähnlich, wie in den Shopping-Centern hier. Nur dass alles viel rustikaler ist. Eine ganze Mahlzeit (indisch, chinesisch oder malayisch) kostet um die 2 Euro.

    • Tag 82


      23. März in Singapur ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      I had a great time in Singapore where the temperature was really hot 🔥

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