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    • Dag 29


      10 juni 2023, Slowakije ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Heute Nachmittag ging es nach Bratislava, der Hauptstadt der Slovakei. Leider spielte das Wetter nicht ganz mit, aber für einen Städtetrip nicht weiter schlimm.

      Hier konnte endlich mal wieder nach Herzenslust gecacht werden. Die Stadt ist voll mit Virtuellen und alle paar Meter liegen Lab-Caches. 😀

      Ein paar Fotos haben wir dennoch gemacht, und auch für‘s Essen war noch Zeit. 😊
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    • Dag 31

      Tag 31: Podersdorf am See - Bratislava

      15 juni 2023, Slowakije ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Mit dem Fahrrad konnte ich die ganzen 46 km von Hotel zu Hotel ausschliesslich auf Radwegen fahren. Das macht es gerade in der Stadt schon viel entspannter.

      In Bratislava angekommen habe ich mir einen Kaffee geschnappt und mich zum Schloss aufgemacht. Mit der Besichtigung der Stadt habe ich eine Art Duathlon absolviert. Zu den Kilometern auf dem Velo kamen auch noch 25 Kilometer in Flipflops dazu….

      Bratislava gefällt mir wirklich sehr gut.

      Mein Zimmer befindet sich in einem Hostel und ist wohl das Kleinste, welches ich je hatte 😂

      Auf dem Rad: 46 km / 155 Höhenmeter / 2h 23min.
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    • Dag 67

      Blue churches, and the KGB pub

      15 september 2023, Slowakije ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      When I arrive in Bratislava, I don’t immediately see the appeal but after a walk around, I’m sold. For one, it’s grey and rainy and the bulk of it feels rather run down. Compared to its well known, richer neighbours, the city is one of Europe’s smallest capitals and receives significantly less tourism than the big draws of Prague or Warsaw. That being said, Bratislava manages to mix it’s classically pretty old town, with a more gritty feel to it’s less touristy areas and I find myself disappointed that I don’t have more time to explore. I do however find time to see the castle which sits perched above the city, overlooking the Danube. I’m told that on a clear day you can spot Hungary from the lookout point but today it’s rather obscured by a blanket of cloud.

      I do have time to find the ‘Blue Church’, a distinct church built in ‘Hungarian Succession’ style which looks a lot like art nouveau and designed by an architect from Budapest, the church is funnily enough blue almost from head to toe. The amount of Hungarian influence in Bratislava is stark, a reminder of its Austro-Hungarian history, Pre World War One, almost half of the city’s population was German, while 42 percent were Hungarian, leaving only 15% of its population as Slovak.

      Walking around the less touristy bits, there are remnants of soviet architecture all around. In cities like Budapest and Prague, the soviet architecture is a little less blatant but in Bratislava it’s unavoidable as soon as you set foot out of the touristy heart. I guess that’s what gives it a more gritty, lived in feel. Whistle stop tour complete, i head back to my hostel which lies opposite ‘the KGB pub’,
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    • Dag 581


      6 oktober 2023, Slowakije ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Bevor wir nach Bratislava fuhren, machten wir einen kleine Abstecher nach Tatabánya. Dort besichtigten wir die riesige Bronzestatue eines falkenähnlichen Vogels, bevor wir zu der kleinen aber spektakulären Selim Höhle liefen.
      Nach einer Nacht an der Donau und einem entspannten Grenzübergang, landeten wir in der Slowakei. Unser erster und einziger Halt war in der schönen Stadt Bratislava, wo wir einen Tag und eine Nacht verbrachten.
      Auch hier fliesst die Donau charmant durch die Stadt und wie so oft in letzter Zeit, meinte es das Wetter gut mit uns. So konnten wir uns in aller Ruhe die friedliche Stadt ansehen und durch die Gassen schlendern.
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    • Dag 2


      5 april, Slowakije ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

      This is so interesting. On the train ride down to Bratislava in Slovakia, I was doing some reading about the difference between the Czech Republic (Czechia) and Slovakia. I had always thought of them as pretty much the same — two parts of the former Czechoslovakian republic whose languages are very similar. Then I read that Czechia has the highest percentage of atheists in Europe while Slovakia ranks up there with Poland and Ireland for percentage of people who declare themselves to be Roman Catholic. Interesting — a mystery of human geography — right up my street (as the Brits would say). So I started to look for the reason for these two very closely related cultures to be such polar opposites. Turns out the answer lies in their historical ties to Austria and Hungary. I found an article from a historian who explains it like this: both countries were part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire which collapsed at the end of WW I after being ruled by the very Catholic Hapsburg dynasty. The Slovaks closely aligned themselves with the Hapsburgs and Austria while Bohemia (Czechs) aligned with Hungary. When the empire collapsed, Czechs saw the religion as a part of Hapsburg (and Austrian) domination and rebelled against it, while Slovaks saw no need to rebel against Austria, so there was no revolt against Catholicism. It’s that “geography is destiny” thing again. Vienna is 30 miles from Slovakia’s largest city, Bratislava, and the Slovak people had felt more of a threat from Hungary. They were in fear of the “Hungarianization” of Slovakia and kept close ties to Vienna. These ties to Austria meant identifying with Catholicism while the Czechs’ national identity lay in the exact opposite, a revolt against everything Austrian, including the religion. Tonight, I decided to put it to the test, so I went to mass in the center of Bratislava. It was an eye-opener. I expected to see what I saw so often in Spain — a few devout old ladies sprinkled throughout the church for Friday night mass in their usual formation within the pews. Not at all. It was packed. Standing room only, and the genuflecting was on a level I can only compare to my Greatest Generation aunts and uncles. Knees hit the stone floor hard and fast. As soon as each person entered the church they went straight for the holy water and hit the deck. There was no half-hearted dips or self-conscious bows. These guys were committed. I saw a younger man bless himself for the reading of the Gospel in a prolonged gesture of devotion I think I could only compare to something you’d see in a mosque. Everyone, to a man, did the sign of the cross on the head, lip, and heart, but his was longer, more drawn out and even elegant, while he clearly and loudly recited the prayer that accompanies the gesture. This was not a sprinkle of little old ladies either. It was a wide range of ages — families, young adults, teens, and men of all ages — lots of men. That was not the case in Spain. Of the small group that went to a week night mass, few were men, and there were few families or younger people. Slovakians impressed me tonight. I love how Catholic they are. And while I know my little experiment is nowhere near scientific, it demonstrated to me exactly what that historian was theorizing. Geography, People! It’s a powerful thing!Meer informatie

    • Dag 32

      Day 33: Bratislava to Modling

      15 mei, Slowakije ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      We nearly didn’t go into Bratislava but thank god we did. Great city walk and history. Walked up St Michaels tower and spent hours in the castle and the museum including one of the best three course meals we’ve ever eaten. Meandered our way toward Vienna.Meer informatie

    • Dag 10

      Un jour à Bratislava.

      12 juni 2023, Slowakije ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Nous voilà repartis sur la route pour 80 km de vélo.   La sortie de Vienne a été longue et pas toujours bucolique. Une météo  agréable au début puis des orages. Mais la piste est bonne. Nous sommes attendu chez des Servas, une maman Zuzana et sa fille Slavka dans un appartement de l'ère communiste, avant 1989, resté dans son jus. Zusana est à la retraite mais travaille encore 5 heures par jour comme secrétaire, veuve depuis janvier. Slavka, 40 ans, habite et travaille en Italie depuis 20 ans et n'aspire pas à vivre en Slovaquie: des gens trop tristes, avec un penchant prononcé à boire ...

      On sent chez Zusana la satisfaction d'avoir retrouvé la liberté de parler, de voyager mais aussi le regret d'une vie moins confortable mais plus facile, avec un meilleur système de santé, du travail pour tous...

      Elle nous a guidés toute la journée et Slavka a passé la matinée avant de rejoindre son copain.

      Cela a commencé par la visite d'un musée d'art moderne au bord du Danube, puis repas dans un restaurant perdu dans un petit village et visite de la vieille ville. 

      Pris par une pluie orageuse nous nous sommes abrités sous le porche de la cathédrale fermée à cause d'un concert du chœur et de l'orchestre philharmonique slovaque. Zusana a réussi à  nous faire rentrer gratis en disant que nous étions des choristes. francais. Incroyable, des VIP!

      Nous avons poursuivi par la visite du château,  totalement reconstruit et de la ville ancienne. Bien conservée à  l'exception de cette percée autoroutière qui passe au pied de la cathédrale et sur l'emplacement de l'ancienne synagogue.  Une ville à taille plus humaine que celle de Vienne et moins fréquentée,  surtout par temps d'orage.

      Le lendemain après une journée sans vélo mais avec beaucoup de marche, nous partons pour Budapest, 220 km de vélo que nous avons prévu de faire en 3 jours.
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    • Dag 23

      Hrad and Most SNP

      4 januari 2020, Slowakije ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      A walk up to the upside-down table (Bratislava Castle) this afternoon, a relatively new structure by European standards which sounds like it likes to periodically burn down. It also afforded a great view of the UFO-like Bridge of Slovakian National Uprising, which is interesting as a cable structure and as it has a restaurant at the top!Meer informatie

    • Dag 12

      Jour 12 - Balade à Bratislava

      10 augustus 2022, Slowakije ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Au programme du jour : visite de la capitale Slovaque 🇸🇰

      Nous avons débuté la journée par un petit déjeuner dans un café bio. Puis avons entamé la visite de la ville à pieds (eh oui pause de vélo aujourd’hui ! ), car notre logement se trouve en plein centre ville.

      Nous avons fait le tour de plusieurs quartiers et monuments incontournables : palais présidentiel, cathédrales, place principale, … puis nous nous sommes promenés le long du Danube.

      Nous avons ensuite déjeuné en centre ville et pris un dessert rafraîchissant pour ne pas trop souffrir des températures (27 degrés)🍦

      Après avoir repris des forces, nous nous sommes dirigés vers le château de Bratislava (Bratislavský hrad en Slovaque). Il a fallu grimper l’équivalent de 21 étages avant d’atteindre les portes de l’édifice, situé en haut d’une colline.

      Nous sommes redescendus au coucher de soleil et avons dîné au centre ville, dans un petit restaurant local où nous avons pu déguster des plats typiques : goulash de bœuf et sheep cheese accompagnés de bière et vin slovaques.

      Bien que l’on ai marché 14km et grimpé 21 étages pour visiter Bratislava aujourd’hui, cette journée nous a permis de récupérer pour attaquer nos deux derniers jours de vélo en pleine forme 😋

      Demain, la journée s’annonce longue avec au programme, la plus longue distance à vélo de notre périple (120km) 🚲

      Merci à tous pour votre soutien et à demain pour de nouvelles aventures !
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    • Dag 88

      Thanksgiving in Bratislava

      23 november 2023, Slowakije ⋅ 🌙 5 °C

      We had a happy Thanksgiving in Slovakia this past week. We were back in the capitol city, Bratislava, and were able to celebrate there. It was sort of strange to be out of the country on Thanksgiving since other places obviously don't celebrate it. But we were able to make the most of what we had. In the morning I visited the Bratislava Christmas market. This was super exciting and was the first time it felt like the holidays. They had booths set up with food and drinks and they were setting up Christmas lights all around the square. I tried the holiday punch which was nice and warm and then headed over to the nearby university where we had Thanksgiving dinner. In Slovakia, it is traditional to have goose feasts so that is what we did. It was definitely not your normal Thanksgiving food, but it sufficed. We had goose, baked apples, potato salad, pumpkin pasta and these crepe looking things. Then we did some karaoke and our hosts, Alena and Juraj got our professors a cake since this is their last year of leading the study abroad program. It was sweet time together but I was really missing home. And I am really looking forward to seeing you all in just a few short weeks!Meer informatie

    U kunt deze plaats misschien wel onder de volgende namen::

    Bratislava, Pressburg, ብራቲስላቫ, براتيسلافا, ܒܪܛܝܣܠܐܒܐ, Горад Браціслава, Братислава, ব্রাতিস্লাভা, བ་ར་ཏིསི་ལ་བ།, براتسیلاڤا, Bratisława, Bratislawa, Μπρατισλάβα, Bratislavo, براتیسلاو, An Bhratasláiv, ברטיסלאבה, Pozsony, Բրատիսլավա, BTS, ブラチスラヴァ, ბრატისლავა, ಬ್ರಾಟಿಸ್ಲಾವಾ, 브라티슬라바, Bratîslava, Posonium, براتیسلاوا, ബ്രാട്ടിസ്‌ലാവ, Братислав, ब्रातिस्लाव्हा, Братислава ош, Preßburg, ब्रातिस्लाभा, Братиславæ, ਬ੍ਰਾਤਿਸਲਾਵਾ, Bratysława, براتسلاوا, Братїслава, பிராத்திஸ்லாவா, บราติสลาวา, براتىسلاۋا, براٹیسلاوا, Bratislav, Baratislawa, בראטיסלאווא, 布拉迪斯拉發, 布拉迪斯拉发

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