South Africa
Eastvaal District Municipality

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Eastvaal District Municipality
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    • Day 8

      eSwatini (of te wel Swaziland)

      August 8, 2023 in Swaziland ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Vandaag weer een tripje door zuid-afrika en als nieuwe locatie eSwatini.
      Hier moesten we ook de grenscontrole over. eSwatini is een eigen koninkrijk en hier moet je dan ook langs de douane.

      Nadat we hierover heen waren gereden herpakte we onze weg. En kwamen we aan in ons nieuwe onderkomen voor de komende 2 dagen!
      Vandaag een zwembad middagje en een potje schaken 😅🤣!

      Morgen gaan we naar een natuur reservaat! Is kijken wat we hier kunnen en willen doen, word het paardrijden, wandelen of een Safari toch?!

      We zullen het morgen weten 😅😘
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    • Day 6


      July 18, 2023 in Swaziland ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Von Hazyview ging es, mit einem Zwischenstopp am Malelane Gate ( Kruger Nationalpark) durch Swasiland zu unserer Zwischenübernachtung in Mbabane. Sehr gegensätzliche Seiten von Afrika haben wir heute gesehen und es fühlt sich komisch an, in so einem noblen, modernen Hotel zu schlafen.Read more

    • Day 8

      eSwantini (Swasiland)

      September 25, 2019 in Swaziland ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      2ter Tag in Ezulwini Swasiland
      Heute war ein relativ relaxter Tag, ohne viel Fahrerei. Nach einem Ausgiebigen Frühstück, fuhren wir mit frisch geputztem Auto (wurde vom Boy geputzt), zum Cultural Village in Ezulwini. Bei der interessanten Führung, wurden uns die Gewohnheiten und Gebräuche der Ureinwohner erklärt. Danach wurden noch einige kulturelle Tänze aufgeführt.
      Im Anschluss fuhren wir zum Mlilwane Game Reserve. Hier machten wir eine kleine 5 km lange Wanderung Fundhaben anschliessend im dazugehörigen Restaurant noch eine Kleinigkeit gegessen. Hier haben wir von der Terasse auch noch ein kleines Krokodil gesehen.
      Zurück in unserem Cottage, hat der Boy das Lagerfür angezündet. Hier werden wir heute Abend noch ein paar Booreworst grillen und bei Bier und gutem Rotwein den Tag ausklingen lassen.
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    • Day 132


      November 19, 2023 in Swaziland ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

      Another place I didn't even know existed!

      Ok, that's only mostly accurate. Eswatini is a sovereign kingdom that is bordered by Mozambique on one corner and South Africa on 3 sides. It's a little smaller than Kuwait and a little bigger than The Bahamas or Monaco.

      I'd heard of Swaziland before, and that was once the name recognized for this tiny but beautiful country. It, like most colonial stories, is complicated. It was a British colony from 1903 to 1968 and is now Africa's last absolute monarchy.

      We drove in around late-lunchtime and couldn't find a decent option that wasn't just meat. Based on our informal survey of three eateries, a common approach is to have a butcher and a pit bbq alongside one another. Patrons buy a chunk of flesh and either tip someone to cook it or have access to the brai (bbq) to cook it themselves.

      We ended up having a delicious lunch at the Piggs Peak Hotel, instead. Fancy hotel where they offered a 50 rand carwash while we ate (less than $3). The food was fantastic.

      We carried on through rugged highlands with soaring views of blue hazy mountains, sparkling reservoirs, and surprisingly good roads. The homes seem well built (concrete, metal roofs, usually painted, well kept) and the people with whom we interact have been friendly, helpful, and comfortable speaking English. The official language is swahili, but signs and billboards appear mostly English.

      We found a place online called RedBerry and chose it for the views and good reviews. Our hosts are very pleasant and the views are special. The weather so far is perfect sub-tropical highlands: cool enough that pants and a light sweater feel good but warm enough that almost anything will work.

      I'm enjoying the sounds of birdsong while I try not to be annoyed by the cacophony of dogs barking throughout the valley. The grass is dewy, the vista is misty, and I'm catching up with some writing and photo edits while I sip instant coffee that's good enough.
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    • Day 132

      Sibebe Rock

      November 19, 2023 in Swaziland ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

      The largest rock in the world is Uluru in Australia (which is not accessible to climb).

      The second largest is directly underneath me.

      Sibebe Rock is a beautiful hike up from a river valley onto a green plateau with wildflowers and big rounded lichen-dotted boulders.

      The hike up and across offers views of the 3 billion year old granite face. If this were in California it would be lousy with climbers and while I love a good climb, I am presently glad that the beauty is bereft of other people.

      Bruce and I used a combo of apps, google, and talking to people to figure out how to do this hike, but ultimately it came together easily as a local fellow ran off to find us a guide who was happy to show us around. Marcus looked underprepared - no socks, no water- but he hustled up that mountain like it was flat ground. I consider myself pretty fot but was huffing and puffing to keep up as we clambored up the very steep slope.

      The hike included some beautiful caves, through one of which we scrambled and climbed out the back entrance. Never would have found that on our own!

      The summit offered sweeping views and a sketchy unprotected class 5 descent. Not for everyone, at all. I found myself trying really hard to NOT think about the costs and logistics of being airlifted off of a mountain in a 3rd world country into a local hospital... I have a high risk tolerance but this was definitely outside my comfort zone both in terms of unprotected rock climbing in street shoes and in terms of "what if?"

      No badness ensued.
      I did get a chance to remind myself to ask more questions of guides in the futire before blindly trusting them.

      We got some pictures, absorbed some vistas, paid our guide (about $10) and headed back to the resort that is perched on an almost-the-summit shoulder a few km back along the trail.

      The resort was a little bedraggled but has a great collection of large birds: peacocks, turkeys, and an ostrich roaming the grounds.

      We grabbed a light lunch and watched a storm cloud form and head directly towards us. Nothing motivates a hike quite like impending rain! We hustled down the steep descent, mostly following our upward track, and reached the car juuust ahead of a light sprinkle. The storm never really coalesced but the moody gray afternoon was a nice contrast to the brilliant morning sunshine.
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    • Day 8

      Coffee stop

      May 14, 2023 in South Africa

      The sun came up after we’d been driving for 90 minutes or so. It was very cloudy and there was some rain, so there wasn’t much of a sunrise.

      Our first stop of the day was at a service station to buy coffee. It’s the only garage that I’ve ever been to that has its own waterhole! It was a bit grey and misty, but we could make out a number of kudu.

      Back on the truck, we had our breakfast supplied by the hotel. We had three pastries each plus a banana and a fruit juice.

      Continuing our journey, we passed a huge number of coal mines. South Africa is trying to move away from fossil fuels, but they have a long way to go!
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    • Day 17

      Kruger - Pretoriuskop

      July 15, 2023 in South Africa ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Ce matin, il fait frette!! C'était assez glacial comme nuit! Il y a même du frima à la ferme Rock and Roses. Après le petit déjeuner exquis de notre hôte Gloria, nous quittons Lochiel pour faire la route vers le parc national du Kruger. Nous sommes logés dans une Rondavelle dans un camp entouré de clôtures. Nous pouvons nous déplacer à pied dans le camp mais dès que je nous sortons c'est en voiture seulement.Read more

    • Day 2

      Johannesburg - 1. Stop

      December 27, 2022 in South Africa ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      After a nice and smooth flight to Johannesburg we (finally) arrived at our first stop.

      Both of us thought with a GPS it should be easy to find the first stay. After 3 wrong stops we decided to use Google Maps instead of our hipermodern, extra paid GPS. And yes we are using a GPS for the first time.

      Feels good to have some time now, before heading further to Hoedspruit tomorrow.
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    • Day 64

      Leaving Mozambique

      November 22, 2022 in South Africa ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Time to head back to SA ready for our flight back to Australia. I woke up at 4.15 again but decided to go outside and watch our final African sunrise. Beautiful! A long drive back to Vilanculos after skipping breakfast. Watched the President land in Vilanculos and get transferred to the waiting helicopter with all the singing and dancing that goes along with that. Something a bit different.Read more

    • Day 1

      The Longest Day Pt 2

      March 2 in South Africa ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      We boarded our flight from Schiphol at 10:20am with no problems. This was the big one. 10 hours and 25 minutes and we weren’t looking forward to it.
      Ellie had managed to book me a window seat and herself an aisle seat with a space in the middle but unfortunately the aircraft was completely full and she ended up moving up a seat to let a young black girl take the aisle seat. She was very nice and quite chatty to start off with but once we had taken off she fell straight to sleep and she slept like the dead not waking up even for food or drinks.
      The first few hours passed unbelievably slow while I watched my tablet and Ellie watched documentaries on her phone and once our meal was served I managed to close my eyes and fell asleep.
      I managed 2 straight hours until 2 gentlemen 5 seats away struck up a conversation for the rest of the aircraft to hear, in fact it was more of a shout than a conversation.
      Our aircraft food was up to it’s normal awful standard, I had a vegetarian pasta which seemed to have completely dried out during the cooking process and the pasta had rehardened itself and Ellie had the chicken sausage and mash which had one persons daily salt allowance in just the sausage. Both were disgusting.
      3/4 of the way into the flight we hit turbulence that was so bad the aircraft staff all sat on the floors in the aisle as they couldn’t get back to their seats, it was quite scary and even I started to feel ill. That lasted around 20 minutes.
      Just as the flight was becoming really unbearable we stated to decend into Johannesburg and we finally arrived at 10:30pm South Africa time and we couldn’t get off the plane quick enough.
      We sailed straight through customs and Ellie messaged our hotel for the night and the taxi driver was sent out. Then while I collected our one bag from the carousel, Ellie went and drew some cash out from the atm. Then we had to find our way frantically to parking lot 2 to the collection point as our driver only had 30 minutes of free waiting.
      We found our driver Lawrence with just a few minutes to spare and we put our bags in the boot and then he tied the boot shut in typical South African fashion and then we climbed into the car where half the head lining was missing. Now I knew we were back.
      Lawrence thought he was driving a rocket but we knew when he was slowing down thanks to the loud screeching coming from the brakes and within 20 minutes we were at our first stop for the night. The aerotropolis motel.
      It was now 11:30pm and after locking ourselves in, I had a cold shower and then put the fans on. It was still 20°c at this time of night but we were both so tired and it didn’t take long for us to fall asleep.
      Day one was done we are in South Africa.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Gert Sibande District Municipality, Eastvaal District Municipality

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