South Africa
Jeffreys Bay

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    • Day 15

      Jeffrey's Bay

      November 11, 2022 in South Africa ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Was für eine tolle Erfahrung. Heute haben wir einen Surfkurs gemacht und es hat uns sehr viel Freude bereitet. Wir haben es sogar geschafft auf dem Board kurzfristig zu stehen. Nach den zwei Stunden surfen haben wir uns dann entspannt in ein Cafe gesetzt. Hier gab es ein unglaublich leckeres Sandwich und eine heiße Schokolade. Anschließend ging es weiter Richtung Addo Elephant Nationalpark.
      Anschließend haben wir uns noch ein bisschen in der Unterkunft ausgeruht.
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    • Day 14

      Tsitsikamma Nationalpark

      November 10, 2022 in South Africa ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Wir verlassen heute leider unsere fancy Unterkunft und es geht auf einem erneuten Besuch in den Nationalpark. Heute ist es etwa bewölkt und auch etwas frischer als gestern. Perfekt um heute wandern zu gehen. Es liegt ein erneuter Day Trail vor uns, der sich Waterfal Trail nennt. Es sind nur 7 km hin und zurück, diese haben es in sich. Wir wandern über Stock, Steine, Wurzeln und auch kleine Kletterpassagen sind Teil der Wanderung. Die Wanderung macht uns sehr viel Spaß. Highlight ist der Wasserfall auf der Wanderung, wodurch auch der Name des Trails entstanden ist.

      Nach der Wanderung machen wir uns auf nach Jeffrey Bay zu unser nächstes Unterkunft. Heute ist es hier sehr windig, wir machen dennoch einen Strandspaziergang.
      Den Abend lassen wir entspannt ausklingen.
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    • Day 84

      Journey to Addo Elephant Park

      February 16, 2020 in South Africa ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      I slept reasonably well despite the noise outside and some light disturbances from hostel residents coming in and out of our dorm room. However, I woke up with a dull headache and queaziness which has defined the mild virus I had been suffering with. I gotba cold shower as the electricity was off again as part of thr 'load shedding' scheme. I had a light breakfast with my fellow travellers in the communal kitchen which included a treat of hot cross buns. We packed our things, boarded the truck, rolled up the sides and set off for Addo Elephant park. We travelled near the coast and over some impressive rocky ravines. After an hour or so of driving we reached the gates of Addo Park and I went up the the 'beach' at the front of the truck with an open top over the truck cab. This allows 360 degree views which is perfect for viewing wildlife. Low trees and bushes, interspersed with flowers of reds, pinks and whites, covered the ground as far as the eye could see. It made for a beautiful and lush African scene rising and falling over low hills. This was one of the prettiest parks seen on the journey. After some minutes of looking for, and not finding any animals, we saw a mother and infant elephant on the road ahead. As we approached they moved on but were then followed across the road by several more adult and young elephants. All thr elephants were a distinctive shade of brown which reflected the reddish brown mud of the park that they bathe in. Further on we entered more open ground and saw several zebra with their young near the road. Then we began to see more antelope including kudu, an eland and several stripey backed hartebeest. Two of the hartebeest locked horns in mock battle. We also saw some topi and red hartebeest in the green grasslands between the trees and bushes. We then saw a pristine example black backed jackal right by the truck. Next we came across a small waterhole with a small family of elephants in the red mud. There were two youngsters and one of them looked recently born. It was wonderful to watch the youngest elephant rolling in the wet mud and then struggle to get back up. We spent several minutes photographing and watching this lovely family scene. A warthog and two infants were also by the waterhole as well as a big buffalo sat right in the middle of the water. We travelled on through the thick bush and saw more zebra and antelope. I saw an ostrich in the distance and a small tan coloured mongoose run into a bush. We saw lots of elephants in the bush by the side of the road including two elephants and youngster pouring water over themselves with their trunks. I realised that Addo is called an 'elephant park' for a reason. We then came across a larger heard of elephants by a waterhole including females, young and a large male bull elephant. It was again very special to watch this family of elephants interacting with each other and roll around in the mud. One lovely example was watching a young elephant rest his trunk and small tusks on a younger elephant. We travelled through more beautiful bushland and could see back towards the sand dunes on the coast and the bright blue sea beyond. We then arrived at our next campsite within the bounds of thr park. The heat reached extraordinary levels of over 40 degrees centigrade and it felt like being in an oven. It was difficult to find the energy to move but I managed to make it to the campsite ship to buy cool soda water to replace my now hot truck water and my favourite mango and orange 'Paddle Pop' ice lolly which both helped me to cool down a bit. I visited the 'Interpretive Ventre' with lots of fascinating information about the life, history and geology of the Addo area and good information about the evolution of elephants and their anatomy. There was also a wall of 'horns' which showed many of the different skulls and horns of the Park's animals. I then walked down to the waterhole where there was a wooden lookout. I only saw a warthog by the waterhole and decided to walk back to our campground where I got a cold shower to try and mitigate the effects of thr extreme heat.
      We then headed off for our second truck safari at 4.10pm. I again sat in the open top of the truck over the cab. This caused some annoyance with the park wardens who didn't like us sitting above the truck, bit we did it anyway because we were kneeling and perfectly safe. Soon after we entered the Park again, we were seeing animals. We saw two beautifully patterned Kidu right by the road. Further along the park roads we saw an elephant right by the road and spent some time with this gentle giant as he munched his way through the surrounding shrubs. We then saw a small leopard tortoise crossing the road, buy got stuck climbing the other side, fell on his back and had to be rescued by our driver, Often. These parks seem to be full of these mini-dramas of life paying out in the wilderness, and we happen across just a few of them on our safaris. Further along we saw a magnificent example of a male ostrich. We also saw lots of zebra, kudu and Bush buck for the first time in this park. We later swam saw a larger herd of elephants crossing the road right in front of is including a very small baby which looked very cute indeed. We saw a larger tortoise in the road. We saw a large herd of the magnificent ooking kudu as well as many more zebra and other antelope. We climbed to the highest point in the park and looked out over the bushland and could see several large elephants, zebra and antelope grazing in the distance. After some more travelling around thos beautiful park and seeing a large bird of prey and the wonderful flowers in the bush, it was time to return to the campsite. The park guards were still very exercised about our kneeling above the truck cab and threatened to fine the company.
      We arrived back at our campground and I put up my tent while the cook group prepared dinner of bangers, mash and beans. I bought another Paddke Pop and soda water from the shop to cool down. We ate our meal in the darkening skies while lightning flashed in the distance and an increasing breeze threatened a big storm to come in the night. I went off to sleep with rumbles of thunder in the distance and crickets chirping their nightly call.

      Elephants, zebra, kudu, hartebeest, red hartebeest, eland, topi, warthog, mongoose, jackal, ostrich, tortoise, Reebok, buffalo, springbok, ibis,
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    • Day 52

      Surf Lodge in Jeffreys Bay

      October 26, 2021 in South Africa ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Dienstag bis Freitag haben wir in der Surf Lodge SA in Jeffreys Bay geschlafen. Das Hostel war direkt am menschenleeren Paradise Beach und wir hatten die schönsten Spaziergänge mit den drei Border Collies Parker, George und Sheila. Mittags sind wir zu Tasty Tables essen gegangen. Lukas war zweimal Surfen. Außerdem haben wir uns die Supertubes angeschaut, wo jedes Jahr im März Surfwettbewerbe stattfinden und sind auf der Suche nach einem Laden wo wir neue Tennisbälle kaufen können in einem Haustier Shop gelandet.Read more

    • Day 11

      Jeffrey's Bay: surfers town

      December 18, 2018 in South Africa ⋅ 🌬 24 °C

      3 beautiful days of evening beachruns, sunny beach days (3h = sunburn!, so actually one day was enough), shopping (in surf outlets and in one of the best cafés I‘ve been to) and of our first self made braai (= South African barbecue) in the perfectly located Island Vibe hostel at the beach.Read more

    • Day 6

      New Year in JBay

      December 31, 2018 in South Africa ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Esta manhã foi dia de preguiça, levantar tarde e ir às compras. Aqui existem lojas outlet enormes de todas as marcas de surf. Claro que não tenho paciência para estas lojas enormes, nem queria gastar muito dinheiro. Mas nada como ir dar uma vista de olhos.

      Hoje era dia de surf, aliás queria que fosse o primeiro de muitos. Mas estava imenso vento e segundo a nossa anfitriã, em JBay, o tempo que estiver ás 11h da manhã será o tempo para o resto do dia.

      Portanto vamos ver as praias todos conhecidas, sem ondas, Supertubes, Tubes, Point.
      Os únicos que tiveram sorte foram os kitesurfs em Kabejoule.

      Depois do almoço no restaurante Berawa com cerveja artesanal - afinal a cerveja artesanal é muito popular aqui, até têm uma revista sazonal sobre cerveja.
      Decidimos dar uma volta no bairros dos blacks, uma vez que no dia anterior só tínhamos ficado à entrada.
      A ideia era seguir de carro. Mal entramos no bairro, começamos a ver a pobreza, estradas por alcatroar. Uma criança fez o sinal de não com a mão, será que não éramos bem vindos? Será que era um aviso ou apenas uma brincadeira?

      A verdade é que não andamos muito tempo, antes de achar melhor regressar para a zona de conforto.
      JBay está dividido em dois, do lado direito estão os blacks e a pobreza, do lado esquerdo cada casa é uma mansão. Vivia em qualquer uma delas.

      Jantamos no The Greek, onde o dono o George, tinha-nos prometido no dia anterior que nós arranjaria mesa. Falava um pouco português, porque era de Joanesburgo, onde existe uma grande população de portugueses, mais de 2 milhões fugiram de Moçambique e Angola depois do 25 de Abril.

      Comprámos mais uma garrafa de vinho no restaurante e fomos para a praia, já que as várias pessoas a quem perguntamos o que iam fazer (brancos e blacks) disseram que iam comprar bebidas e descontrair na praia.

      Foi o que toda gente fez, do lado esquerdo os brancos do direito os blacks, parecia um concurso de foguetes. Cada pessoa compra foguetes e lança quando quer. Durante quase uma hora. No final alguns fazem lutas de foguetes a atirarem-se uns aos outros, a coisa pode correr mal, apesar de só termos visto uma camisa queimada. E tudo isso sem música, porque os brancos não ouvem música.
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    • Day 5

      Jeffreys Bay - Kitchen Windows

      December 30, 2018 in South Africa ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Hoje é dia de seguir para Jeffreys Bay.
      Fizemos uma escala em Joanesburgo para apanhar o segundo avião, num aeroporto enorme, senti-me na Europa.

      Aterrámos em Port Elizabeth as 15h30.
      Apanhámos o carro alugado na Avis, onde nos convenceram a fazer um upgrade para o seguro premium, com direito a um dispositivo que funcionaria activamente em caso de acidente, ou seja, com um detector de impacto. Se houvesse um acidente seríamos automaticamente contactados. Adicionalmente, tínhamos um "panic button", seria só carregar 5 vezes no botão do on do telefone, para sermos socorridos, em caso de Carjacking, por exemplo.

      Bora lá pagar, nunca se sabe, dizem que este país é muito perigoso. Cape Town foi em 2017 considerada a cidade mais perigosa de África do Sul.
      Só não explicaram que tínhamos que ter dados móveis, por isso nada feito, se estivermos em perigo, temos que ligar o Bluetooth, a localização e os dados de roaming antes de carregar no panic button.

      Chegámos já ao final do dia a JBay, as estradas até lá, são largas, limpas, as casas à beira das estradas fazem me lembrar os Estados Unidos.

      Descemos do nosso alojamento até à praia, na zona de restaurantes, onde marcamos jantar para as 20h no Kitchen Windows.
      Este restaurante, tal como esta praia têm este nome, porque os surfistas tinham as cozinhas viradas para o mar, onde podiam controlar as ondas através de pequenas janelas.

      Afinal aqui é verão e calhamos nas férias dos Sul Africanos, está tudo cheio. Cheio de brancos, loiros, aliás todos os restaurantes estão cheios mas só com brancos, na rua só andam brancos.

      Continuamos a andar e na praia só estavam brancos também. Quando de repente passamos a zona dos restaurantes e das lojas, éramos os únicos brancos. O blacks jogavam a bola e fazia churrascos. Para mim foi um choque, ver esta divisão. É como se houvesse uma barreira invisível que todos respeitam.

      Depois do jantar, o empregado acompanhou nos parte do caminho, não sei se porque tinha vontade de falar ou se era para garantir que chegávamos bem.
      Falou-nos da revolta que tinha relativamente ao governo que como quase todos rouba muito e pouco faz pelo povo, não há hospitais públicos aceitáveis, os seguros de saúde estão acessíveis a muito pouca gente. A colega dele tinha, poucas semanas antes, passado 72horas no hospital com uma criança de 4 anos para resolver um problema qualquer de saúde.
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    • Day 57

      Jeffrey's Bay

      June 19, 2019 in South Africa ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Der Roadtrip geht weiter. Heute ist unser Ziel Jeffrey's Bay. Dies ist (wie der Name schon vermuten lässt) eine weitere Küstenstadt in Südafrika. Jeffrey's Bay ist vor allem für gute Wellen bekannt (vor allem im Winter) und ist daher bei Surfern ein beliebtes Reiseziel bzw. ein Muss. Wir sind zwar keine Surfer bleiben aber trotzdem zwei Nächte dort.
      Bevor wir aber in Jeffreys Bay ankommen machen wir noch einen kurzen Zwischenstopp in Port Elizabeth. Unser Auto stellen wir in einem Parkhaus ab und erkunden dann zu Fuß etwas die Großstadt. Leider ist es uns nicht möglich an den Strand zu kommen, sehen aber den Hafen (Port von Port Elizabeth). Sonst hat die Stadt nicht viel zu bieten und so fahren wir nach 2h Aufenthalt weiter. Unsere Unterkunft hier ist ein Traum: direkter Blick aufs Meer von unserem eigenen Balkon.
      Auch den Sonnenaufgang am nächsten Morgen können wir von unserem Zimmer aus sehen. Einfach nur schön!
      Den Donnerstagvormittag verbringen wir damit das kleine Küstenstädtchen etwas zu erkunden und am Strand entlangzulaufen. Nach ca. 3km erreichen wir den Dolphin-Beach (das Surfparadies). Am Vormittag sieht man hier ganz viele Surfanfänger. Auch wir beschließen, surfen zu lernen (wenn nicht in Jeffrey's Bay surfen lernen wo sonst?).
      Um 14 Uhr geht die Surflession los. Erst bekommen wir eine Einweisung am Strand (im Trockenen) bevor es dann in die Wellen geht. Anfangs ist es noch sehr schwierig alles zu koordinieren: aufs Board schwingen, die richtige Welle abpassen, zum richtigen Zeitpunkt anfangen zu paddeln und dann noch den perfekten Moment zu finden bei dem man sich vom Board abdrücken muss. Nach ein paar Versuchen schaffen wir es dann auf dem Board zu stehen und auf der Welle zu surfen. Ein unglaublich tolles Gefühl!
      Wir werden das auf der Reise bestimmt nochmal ausprobieren.
      Abends gehen wir dann noch in einem Restaurant essen. Es sitzen dort nur Weiße- auch bedient werden wir nur von Weißen! Irgednwie schon ein bisschen verrückt- in Tansania wäre das nie vorgekommen. Das Essen war auf jeden Fall lecker und auch das Unterwegssein im Dunkeln hat sich nicht unsicher angefühlt.
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    • Day 10

      Surfen in Jeffreys Bay

      March 15, 2023 in South Africa ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

      Am nächsten Tag ging es für Manu surfen, mir war es deutlich zu kalt und ich verkrümelte mich in ein Café und freute mich auf den nächsten Tag, denn es geht nach Alex❤️

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