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Los 10 mejores destinos de viaje Mbombela
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    • Día 2

      Arrival in South Africa

      13 de noviembre de 2022, Sudáfrica ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

      After the flight from Doha, we drove additionally 5 more hours. It was raining from time to time but the courvy street through the hills gave us a great view. Finally, after more than a day traveling time, we arrived at our first destination.
      The Inn is located near the entrance of famous Kruger national park.
      And we allredy got to see our first animals! My personal highlight was, when I saw in a very far distance elephants! Tomorrow we may see some up close! :)
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    • Día 7

      On the way to Swasiland

      20 de diciembre de 2019, Sudáfrica ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

      Heute ging es für uns weiter ins Swasiland - auf der Strecke dorthin probierten wir nochmal bei "The three Rondavels", "God`s Window" und "The Pinnacle Rock". Heute war uns der Wettergott gnädig und wir schafften es gerade so noch trocken durchzukommen.

      Danach machten wir noch eine Abstecher in den Krüger Nationalpark in der Hoffnung doch noch eine Löwen oder Geparden zu sehen, wurden aber leider enttäuscht.

      Und damit nicht genug erreichten wir dem ganzen Tag im Auto zum Einbruch der Dunkelheit müde aber glücklich unsere Unterkunft in Swasiland.
      Schon ein komisches Gefühl, wenn man von Südafrika dorthin fährt weil für euopäische Standart Südafrika schon ein wenig ärmlich rüberkommt, aber danach den "Schock" wenn man sich die Orte dort anschaut.
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    • Día 19

      A Trip to Nelspruit

      20 de marzo, Sudáfrica ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      We were up at 6am and it’s great opening the curtains to see what animals are in the garden. This morning we had a herd of zebra with 2 foals and a bunch of Warthog.
      We gave them a huge buckets worth of food and through it out with a big cup scattering it all around the garden. Pretty soon we had a semi circle of zebra completely surrounding us. It was great watching the foals get milk from their mums because they are still so small. The warthog just seem to eat and eat and get lower and lower eventually collapsing to the ground quite content and slip into a food coma for 30 minutes and then start the truffle hunting again.
      Our plan today was to drive into Nelspruit. It’s actually named Mbombasa now but everyone still calls it Nelspruit and the shops are still labelled as Nelspruit on google but all the signposts say Mbombasa. We actually had to google if they were the same place, it’s very confusing.
      We’ve thought about buying a car here for the last 2 trips but we need a traffic registration number. If we could get that then we could buy a car and put it in storage and have all our camping gear stored in that ready to go. This time we think we’ve sorted out a TRN so we thought we’d give driving into a major city a go to see how we get on.
      At 9am we left Marloth Park to take the 65 mile trip to Nelspruit. It wasn’t that bad of a drive, The worst thing was our little camper. It’s really gutless in hills so overtaking on a hill is out of the question unless I can get a good run up first and doing 60mph feels and sounds like your doing 100mph. The speed limit is actually 75mph but that just felt to scary with our tiny little wheels and my hands were hurting from gripping the steering wheel so tight.
      We arrived at our first stop right in the city centre just before 11am. The Sportsman’s Warehouse. I’d checked online and this place was like the Decathlon of Sourh Africa selling almost anything sport related from running shoes to tents to bikes and even treadmills and indoor trainers. We were just here to check prices and most things were comparable to home although we did have to check stuff on our currency app. The same indoor bike trainer as mine was nearly double the price I paid. Bikes are between £300-£800 for something decent. And running machines started at £500.
      From the Sportsman’s warehouse we headed a few hundred yards on foot through the retail park to our main event of the day. The Outdoor Warehouse. This place has anything you could ever want for your camping or overland trip and stuff you could never think of. There were Pie Irons, Braai stuff you couldn’t believe. They even had a battery powered spit so you could rotate the Braai meat. There was camping clothes, waterproof camping bags of all sizes with hundreds of pockets. They did plastic ammo boxes that lock together for travelling, mattress of all shapes and sizes, camping beds and inflatable mattresses for tents. And the whole of the upstairs was just tents, and I don’t mean that crap you get in the UK. These were proper canvas safari tents of all shapes and sizes. We were in our element just looking at the stuff you could get for camping here. There’s absolutely no need to be uncomfortable camping in South Africa and the prices were comparable to the Uk or cheaper.
      Our next stop was Wimpy for lunch which was a real relief because I didn’t think we were going to get to go into Wimpy this time. I had a huge burger because I hadn’t yet eaten and Ellie had the chicken schnitzels.
      From Wimpy we were feeling pretty confident. Nelspruit was busy but not crazy hectic and there was enough room in the traffic that if I went wrong I could have changed lanes, so we ventured on and went to another retail park and a used trailer and caravan supplier. This was a great move by us because we got to look around all the different trailers and caravans and the owner showed us what all the trailers did, what was in the drawers and cupboards and how different tent or caravan systems worked.
      From GT trailers we ventured further around the ring road and found a road that had all the major car sales places. We stopped at We buy Cars, this I think is the equivalent of we buy any car but here they get cleaned up and sold on. Obviously we can’t buy a car but we wanted to see what sort of prices they were going for and the mileage.
      All in all it was a really informative trip and we did a lot of window shopping. We knew how much camping gear would be and where to get it, we knew what to look for if we wanted a trailer and how it worked and we also knew how much cars were going for if ever we do decide to buy one, but most of all we knew we could drive into and out of a city and navigate around and not crap our pants the whole time. In fact except for being in the camper we felt quite relaxed all day.
      We left Nelspruit at 2pm and followed the coal trucks back home, overtaking where we could on the duel carriageways and then dropping back down to a speed that didn’t feel scary. We arrived back home at 4pm and the Warthogs were in the garden sleeping waiting for us. As soon as I opened the patio door they all stood up and came up to the patio waggling their tales.
      We threw another big bucket of food out and they munched away getting lower and lower until one by one they collapsed content with full bellies. It is a really funny thing to watch.
      As it got dark I set the camera up and Ellie put some bananas in the bowl and then I sat there waiting for the bushbaby to arrive listening to the sounds of hyena in the distance in the Kruger.
      Then at 8:30pm we called it a night and settled in ready for another early start in the morning wondering who will be waiting for us.
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    • Día 6

      Vierter Rundreisetag („beim König“)

      7 de febrero de 2020, Sudáfrica ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Malelane – Hluhluwe

      Auf einer landschaftlich eindrucksvollen Fahrt wurde das kleine Königreich eSwatini (Swasiland) besucht.

      eSwatini ist ein landschaftlich reizvolles Land mit einer reichen Kultur. Das Ezulwini Valley ist auch als das “himmlische Tal” bekannt. Hier befinden sich einige beachtenswerte Wildschutzgebiete und afrikanische Kunstgewerbe-Märkte.

      Am Nachmittag Weiterreise zurück nach Südafrika.

      Insgesamt hat der Pass 4 neue Stempel in 5 Stunden erhalten.

      Unterkunft: ANEW Hotel Hluhluwe

      Tageskilometer: ca. 420 km
      6. Tag: Hluhluwe - Port Erdward
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    • Día 5

      Dritter Rundreisetag (1 / Routenplan)

      6 de febrero de 2020, Sudáfrica ⋅ ☁️ 37 °C

      Safari-Tag 2 im Kruger Nationalpark, mit vielen Special-Routen über sandige Pisten abseits der „Touristen-Touren“ mit unserem coolen Driver vom gestrigen Tag.

      Die Augen waren offen und wir haben die „Big Five” tatsächlich entdeckt.

      Unterkunft: : Pestana Krüger Lodge (direkt am Krokodil Fluss am Kruger Park gelegen)
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    • Día 6

      Geburtstags-Sunrise Safari

      17 de septiembre de 2023, Sudáfrica ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Der Tag (Geburtstag von Nadine) startetet für uns bereits um 4:30Uhr, da wir eine Sunrise Safari gebucht haben. Noch im kalten und dunkeln ging es los in einem Jeep. Es ging wieder den Weg zurück wo wir gestern schon die Löwen gesichtet hatten.
      Um ca 5Uhr ging die Sonne auf und färbt alles in ein wunderschönes rotes Licht. Wir lieben es. Und als hätten es die Geparden gewusst dass es ein wunderschönes Bild abgegeben würde entdeckte Amelie direkt auf der Straße die erste Katze. Und dann überquerten direkt vor uns 3 Geparden die Straße und im Rückwärtsgang begleitetet wird die eleganten Tiere ein Stück. Einfach unglaublich so was erleben zu dürfen. Und wir hatten noch mehr Glück . Kaum haben wir die Geparden ziehen lassen warteten am Straßenrand eine Herde Löwinnen auf uns! Diese wollen der anderen Herde ihre Beute streitig machen, denn kaum paar Meter entfernt war eine weitere Herde mit einem erlegten Büffel und lagen faul herum. Und siehe da hinter der einen Löwinnen kamen ca 3 Baby Löwen herum. Wir beobachteten die Szene eine zeitlang. Auch die Aasgeier warteten schon gespannt auf ihren Teil.
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    • Día 37

      Southern Kruger Park

      3 de marzo de 2023, Sudáfrica ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Let the safari begin. We flew from Port Elizabeth to Nelspruit Airport for a week in the Kruger Park. On the first afternoon we‘ve already seen lions, elephants, giraffe, lots of impalas and a large crocodile. But most of all a group of grazing rhinos by the river and then rushing home before the gate to our camp at Berg en Dal closes at 6 pm a brown hyaena next to the road.Leer más

    • Día 131


      18 de noviembre de 2023, Sudáfrica ⋅ ☀️ 93 °F

      What a treat!

      Leopards are beautiful, big, powerful.

      Even seeing it casually lounging in the shade it is obvious that it's an apex predator.

      That it also decided to trot across the road directly in front of me? Delightful! Wow!

      Other highlights: close with a buffalo (who was very accommodating about good poses), a giraffe just off the road who also posed a few times, and beautiful scenic views of mountains and plains. Oh! And a crocodile and hippo in the river.

      With exotic wildlife this abundant, there were a few times where I almost felt blase. Honestly we didn't even slow for at least 10 herds of impala. But seeing a giraffe wobble-walk ungainly to reach for juuust the right leaf, or the heave of a lion's belly while napping, or paying attention to the cracked skin of a hippo; it only takes an extra moment and I know I'll treasure these memories later.
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    • Día 6

      Kruger park - Day 2

      7 de octubre de 2019, Sudáfrica ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      עוד יום מוצלח בקרוגר! הוספנו למאגר החיות שראינו נמרים מזדווגים, אריות (ומקרוב!!), צבועים, קרנפים, צב ענק, סנאים, ארנבים ואיגואנה! לקחנו סיור לילה שבו זכינו לראות 4 אריות שוכבים ומחכים לנו באמצע הדרך 🦁

    • Día 5

      Kruger park - Day 1

      6 de octubre de 2019, Sudáfrica ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      נכנסנו לפארק קרוגר קצת אחרי הזריחה ובילינו יום שלם בלחקור את הפארק ולחפש אחר חיות שוות! אז איזה חיות ראינו? ג'ירפות, עדרים של פילים, אריות, צ'יטה שבדיוק חצתה את הכביש ממולנו, זברות, היפופוטמים, אנטילופות, קופים, נשרים, קודו גמלוני ואפילו ציפור שאוכלת נדל! לאחר 10 שעות של נסיעה בפארק, לקחנו ערב רגוע של בישולים, כביסות ואיפוסים. מתרגשים לקראת ההמשך מחר :)Leer más

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