Alameda Park

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    • Dag 42

      Thank You

      19. mai, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Thank you everyone for your comments and encouragement. It really helped us get here and it also kept us close to home and the ones we miss. We really did appreciate it.
      We'll see you next week🤗🤗🤗💞💞💞💞

    • Dag 35

      Santiago 3

      21. mai, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Noch ein Tag in Santiago, Wetter unverändert, daher mach ich heute Sightseeing in Santiagos Gassen und am Markt, der wirklich alles bietet. Lass es gemächlich angehen. Geh noch ein bisschen in Shops stöbern, essen, einkaufen zum Essen und Wasser und am späten Nachmittag wieder nass ins Hostel. Dort treffe ich auf 4 deutsche Pilger und einen Australier und es wird ein netter Abend, an dem viele Infos ausgetauscht wurden, da jeder einen anderen Camino machte und einer war mit Rad unterwegs.Les mer

    • Dag 27–28

      Day 26 Salceda - Santiago

      22. mai, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      27.1 km (667.3 km from the start). 34.000 steps. 1708 calories. 5h 10min on the road. 6.2 km/h

      Last night hostel was the most expensive on my Camino trip - and what a shithole 😂 Old, very thin walls, you could hear kitchen, air conditioning, bathrooms in other rooms - and people talking 😱 Food was delicious and that was important.

      So many pilgrims on the road. I walked very fast today - wanted to make it done. I am so ready to get back to civilization. I loved Caminos first 22 days - and I didn’t like last 4 days.

      Spanish pilgrims are not taking this task so seriously. They are slow, usually taking all the space and not considering other people are walking there too. Every non-Spanish pilgrim I talked to was more than irritated by our Spanish co-pilgrims.

      Arrived at Santiago just around noon. While everyone rushed to noon mass - I looked after Camino pilgrim office. Waiting time was 35 seconds 😂 - and expected waiting time later today will be 5-6 hours.

      Got my Compostela - a proof I have walked from Saint Jean Pied de Port - 779 km. My Garmin calculated little bit less - but those are small details.

      I am tired, satisfied and little proud. Walking Camino in 26 days was ambitious but I did it.

      Tomorrow is off day and bus trip to Porto. That will be my final note in my blog - and my retrospective to my Camino experience.
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    • Dag 31

      Santiago de Compostela!!

      25. mai, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Thank you all for your thoughts, encouragement, and support on this journey. Yesterday was an emotional and joyous day for us all. When the hills kept coming and the downhills seemed endless, I thought of you all.
      You will all forever be in my heart.❤️
      A special thanks to Sarah and Karen for encouraging me to 'jump' and do this. 🙏🙏. I heard you both each day.
      The Square was alive last night with music, dancing, and very happy people. What an amazing experience.
      Les and I will be forever thankful for having walked this Way❤️💙🙏🙏
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    • Dag 17

      O Sisto -> Santiago de Compostella

      30. mai, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Today, we woke up to a mildly, cloudy day, and we're very happy about that. We didn't want to have to walk in the heat on the last portion of our walk to Compostella. After a fabulous breakfast this by our hosts. We set off to Compostella.
      There were about 12 other Camino walkers around the table, and all we talked about was our last day to get to compostella. We're all very excited.
      The walk was wonderful, and there were pretty sights. And some odd little things that I took pictures of. When we entered compostella, where the cathedral was located in the town square, we were in awe.. There is nothing to describe the feeling we had spiritually and of what we accomplished in the last fourteen days. We went to our hotel and took showers. Went back out to the town square and walked through all the shops. We stopped and had dinner, which was very good, and we went to a mass in the cathedral itself. All I can say is, Wow! We walked a total of 14.5 miles today.
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    • Dag 18

      Compostella and beyond

      31. mai, Spania ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      WOW! We woke up and didn't have to walk anywhere 🙃
      It felt very strange.
      We did, however, book ourselves an excursion.
      Fisterray y Costa da Morte. The End of the Word.
      We visited: Pontemaceira, Muxia, Faro and Fisterra Village, The Ezaro Waterfall, The Carnota Horreo, and The Village of Muros. The coast was absolutely breathtaking..
      Our guide told us we were having a unique wind event today with fifty to sixty mile an hour wind.
      When we got back to compostella, Town Square Michelle and I checked in to our next hotel. We rested a bit and then went for a walk to get dinner at about 8:30 p.
      We ran into our Australian friends and bid them farewell for the last time.
      I would just like to mention that from our window in our hotel room, We can see the Cathedral. We are about a five minute walk from that area. We leave tomorrow at five fifteen p.m. on a bus to Lisbon Where we will stay for 3 more days, then we will take a train on to porto and stay two days. Portugal is so beautiful. I can't wait to get back there.
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    • Dag 31

      The Glory inside

      18. juni 2022, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

      So I woke up and had breakfast and got to the church early for The Port of Glory. The great entrance by Master Sculptor Matteo from Galicia. He was paid a handsome sum over years by King Ferdinand to create a great portal into the cathedral that houses the remains of St. James The Greater, Apostle and martyr. The work set the tone for the sculpture used in Spanish Romanesque style, it would go on to influence Gothic works. I was not allowed to take pictures or touch anything and they only let a few people in at a time. Beautiful amazing complex work it had recently undergone extensive research and conservation, hence the limits. The tradition of touching the center support by the many faithful Peregrinos over 800 years had worn a hand hold into the stone, so this has been stopped. For a full description with pictures see here:

      I found the leering prophet Daniel. His head is angled differently from the others, eyes wide in a leer, it’s almost immediately noticeable. The bishop at the time followed Daniel’s eyes across the hallway to a statue of a female saint. She had been rendered with quite large breasts. Unhappy, the bishop required Master Mateo to modify the female saint to a more winsome demeanor. The local Galicians got word of the order and took offense, Master Mateo was their greatest sculptor having been called to places all over Spain to work. The Galician cheese makers decided to create a specially shaped cheese to voice the regional displeasure, and that is how Galician “titilla” (little breast) cheese came about.

      I attended Pilgrims Mass at high noon, going 90 minutes early to secure a good seat. I got word from my roof tour guide that a rare use of the botafumerio might occur then. The amazing glory of the altar cannot be understated. Incredible Baroque and Roccoco gold leaf works of an incredible and awe inspiring scale. The Angels holding up the ciborium (altar canopy) are over 30 feet tall.

      Sure enough the botafumerio flew. It’s seen more this year because The Pope declared an extension to last years holy year and due to the millions lost during the Covid-19 epidemic. It is a five foot tall incense thurible made of a brass alloy and plated with a 2 micrometer coating of silver. It weighs 80 kilogram and is suspended from the transcept by a mechanism devised and place in the early 1600s. It takes 8 deacons or talioboleiros to swing it. It has hit the cathedral ceiling, over eight stories up, 6 times and come untied twice.

      I concluded my visit with a trip down to the crypt where St. James’ relics lie. They no longer allow the public to climb behind the statue on the altar for a hug of the Apostle.
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    • Dag 58

      Tag 58 Santiago

      28. juni 2022, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Das waren die letzten Bilder von meinem Weg durch Spanien. Der Weg ist noch nicht zu Ende, ich habe nur die Richtung gewechselt und bin auf dem Weg zu meiner Kathedrale.
      Die ist aber nicht in Santiago, sondern meine Kathedrale ist meine Familie.
      Dies ist mir in einsamen Stunden klar geworden.
      Meine Zeit möchte ich lieber zusammen mit meiner Frau verbringen.
      Bei unseren Kindern, im Schwimmbad oder wo auch immer.
      Da ich diesen Weg nun gelaufen bin fällt mir die Entscheidung der Kehrtwende nicht schwer und daher ab nach Hause.
      Auf meinem Camino, auf meinem Weg, zu meiner Kathedrale.
      Euch allen allzeit einen guten Weg
      Buen Camino.
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    • Dag 29

      Santiago de Compostela

      28. august 2022, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Today another 27 Km and I am done! More than 800 km through Navarra, Castilla & Leon and Galicia - over the Pyrenees, through the Meseta and up the Leon mountains! Thank you a lot to my wife who made this happen! 😘
      In front of the church my Camino friend Davide waited for me and a few pilgrims friends I met on the way joined for lunch! The mess in the Cathedral was an experience when you are not catholic! Now I go to the end of the world and can’t wait to see my family again! Miss you all! 💋
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    • Dag 10

      Santiago to Porto

      21. september 2022, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      My cosy pod. I had time for a café con leche and Tarte De Santiago before heading to the bus. We had a nice ride to Porto, and it was a short walk to the hostel.

      Instead of settling in, I decided to head out for some food and to see the cathedral (I need a stamp to start my Camino). Gelato was enough food to start. Onward to the Cathedral.Les mer

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