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    • Tag 26

      25. Etappe: Atapuerca (22,4 km)

      21. November 2022 in Spanien ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

      Puuuhhh! Der Blick aus dem Fenster verriet heut morgen nix Gutes ... Sturm + Regen ... keine gute Kombi für einen Pilgertag. So richtig trauten wir uns auch alle nicht raus. Ich habs aber trotzdem wieder geschafft als Letzte zu starten 😅
      Praktisch, dass die Albergue auch ne Bar ist und das Frühstück somit nicht erst gejagt werden musste.
      Gegen 9 wagte ich mich dann raus. Zum Glück lag viel Wald auf dem Weg, der ein wenig schützte 😊
      Und nach gut der Hälfte des Weges sah ich einen bekannten Poncho vor mir mit dem Sturm kämpfen - Elisabeth! Wir gingen die letzten km zu meinem Stopp noch zusammen, sie wollte aber noch ein wenig weiter gehen. Das heutige Hostal La Plazuela Verde ist sehr gemütlich eingerichtet, mit viel Holz und einige Betten haben sogar eine kleine Gardine für etwas Privatsphäre. Fast alle Pilger vom letzten Stopp sehe ich hier wieder! Und sogar Nathalie darf mit Roxy bei uns übernachten 🐶🥰

    • Tag 23


      22. September 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Day 20 - Atapuerca is the site of several limestone caves that contain the earliest evidence of humans in western Europe—fragments of a jawbone and teeth date to over a million years ago.
      I left Villafranca early-ish and my knees were feeling great. I was able to climb up through the thick Oak and Pine forests at a quick pace. Passed through a few beautiful towns and reached Atapuerca in the early afternoon. I bumped into a few pilgrims and spent a pleasant afternoon drinking red wine and eating olives - outside a ‘cantina’. Sitting there under the trees, I felt as though I was in a scene from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid - remember when they are in Bolivia? There was nothing else to do. I had no wifi - I haven’t mentioned it, but I’ve had cell phone issues - apparently although I have enough data leftover (140gig), I am out of roaming on my French SIM. So for the last 5 days have had to rely on wifi. I’ll get a Spanish SIM in Burgos.
      Tomorrow - on to Burgos!!

    • Tag 14

      Day 14

      6. September 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Today started off with a nose bleed.. not ideal, but definitely preferable to it happening once I’d got going.
      Breakfast, I have to admit was a little bit disappointing this morning, or maybe I’m just becoming a bit fussy 😬 the orange juice was amazing, but the toast, a couple of bits of toasted baguette was so unbelievably hard that I couldn’t cut it and was terrified i might break a tooth.. that is my biggest fear of happening away from home 😱
      Breakfast challenge accomplished and nosebleed stemmed, it was once again time for the off!!!
      The first 4 or 5km were fab, with an amazing sunrise, which is always behind me and I often miss!
      After that though, it was a really boring walk, the majority of which was alongside the main road, with none of the fabulous scenery I’ve come to expect.
      Due to this, it was actually a much quicker walk over the distance today and I arrived in Burgos relatively early..due to my struggles at breakfast, first stop was a cup of coffee and a bite to eat. This accomplished, I set off for a wander around for a couple of hours.
      The weather today was decidedly chillier, probably due to it being pretty cloudy and windy, I didn’t get warm enough to take my long sleeve top off, and so had to put my coat on too whilst wandering.
      Then the inevitable happened.. beer time!!! Only one little one today as they didn’t have my 2% daytime option 😬
      Before settling off wandering, I had checked out where I was staying, so that i knew where to end up when I was done..
      Time to go check in.. I could feel the desire for a “Nana nap” coming on…. An hour and a half later..,,😳..must have been due to the church bells ringing every hour throughout the night ( I woke up every hour!!! ) .. well that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it!
      Opening up my bag to find a leakage from my shampoo wasn’t ideal, but, anything that can leak is in a ziplock bag.. ( I’ve even brought spares! ) so crisis avoided!
      Some things I learned today… if you’ve already packed up and forgotten to put your glide stuff on your rubbed heel, toes etc., then lipsol will do the trick.. just make sure you keep that one as emergency foot glide and have a fresh one for your lips!! ( fortunately I have loads of them! )
      Hairdryers in the hotel ( yep! It’s a posh stop tonight ) are fab for drying your socks and removing the creases from your cardi..,
      Let’s go see if the posh hotel will have vegetable with dinner!!!

    • Tag 22

      Onward and Upward to Atapuerca

      6. September 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

      We headed out about 7:20 this morning and were blessed with fabulous weather, nice and cool today and alot of clouds. We trekked over what felt like a mountain but I am sure it was not.... lots of tree cover today too.... meet a happy man on top who had the best setup to stop and rest and he was playing music, so friendly even gave mom and I some watermelon which was delicious. Here is to another 13 mules down the path 👣👣👣🍺🍺🍺Weiterlesen

    • Tag 13

      Day 13

      5. September 2022 in Spanien ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Day 13, but day 12 actually walking… with it being a slightly longer section today, and because breakfast was at a different location ( can’t not have breakfast now that I’ve discovered it 😂 ) I left my accommodation a bit earlier than usual… I also had to find my way back on to the trail from breakfast 😬..
      So, setting off walking soon after 7.30 ( it’s pretty dark until then anyway ) it was absolutely freezing, my hands were so cold and I felt as though I had an ear infection 😱🥶.. I really should have stopped and put more layers on, but was convinced it would soon be really warm and so I should just walk a bit quicker to start with 😂
      About an hour later it was really pleasant, the sun had come up and my layers came off..
      Although it was quite a long one today, I preferred it to the last couple of days as there was a good bit of uphill and it was back into the trees and plantations for parts of it…. Going along one of the fire tracks there was a pop up stall selling drinks, snacks etc., and it was blasting out “ highway to hell” it did look a bit like that and made me chuckle. The downside being I had the song stuck in my head for the next hour!!!
      I passed a lot of my regular’s, a Polish guy I pass each day said today that he was fast, but I was faster, and the only person who ever overtook him.. it’s not a competition though!!!!
      Once again, must be the fourth or fifth time now, I was asked if I was from Sicily, and if it was the Sicilian flag on my rucksack! Time to check out the Sicilian flag! Wow.. who knew it was so similar to ours? I certainly didn’t!!
      At about 26 km I was just thinking about how some of the towns you go through have fantastic signs and directions, where as others you really have to concentrate, as it may just be the odd yellow mark on a curb stone or bin.. unfortunately, this brought to mind “each peach pear plum” it must beat least 15 years since I last read that to one of the boys… and i spent the next 4 Km trying to work my way through it!!! Maybe it’s time I put my headphones in!!😂😂
      I arrived in Atapuerca earlier than I thought I would, so a pint of my 2% lemon larger ( and a bottle of water ) was definitely on the cards before finding my accommodation..
      The meal tonight was again really nice ( I’m not too sure where my appetite has come from, I’m feeling a bit like Oliver and clearing my plate at most meals 😳 ) the hosts too are are a really lovely couple and the room is great. I’m really tired tonight, probably the food and red wine.. it’s rude not to have a glass, especially when they give me a whole bottle!!!
      Well I’m afraid it’s bedtime for me, I’m shattered, so it’s goodnight from me 😴.

    • Tag 20

      Day 17

      7. September 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Left Atapuerca 7am walked for about 10 minutes, then realised we had both left our walking poles at where we stayed, so we walked back to collect before starting out again around 7.20 am. We hope we don't do that again. arrived in Burgos at 12.30 pm.
      We only had a couple of small climbs that, in theory, shouldn't have been that difficult, but the terrain that made it difficult. I am hoping the pics will give an idea of what we were walking on. On the outskirts of Burgos, we caught a local bus that dropped us off at the city centre. We are spending 2 days here, and this afternoon, we spent nearly 2 hours going through the cathedral, Spains second larges. Because it's Lynette's birthday she decided we should have some luxury so we are in a cheap hotel, what heaven. Early this evening, we went on a walk around Burgos, like we need any more walking. 😅

    • Tag 19

      Day 16

      6. September 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Left Villafranca Montes De Oca at 7 am arrived Atapuerca 1.15 pm.
      18k hike today.
      We were half dreading today as we had been told how steep and hard the climb was going to be. Well, what a surprise, we didn't find it that difficult at all. Yes, it was a long, slow climb, but we had certainly had a lot worse. Today's walk was mainly through the pine forest, which we found very pleasant. There were lots of mosquitoes, though. I thought we had seen the last of the sunflowers, but alas, no.
      Late this afternoon, we are going out to the archeological dig.

    • Tag 15

      The BEST albergue yet

      6. April in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      I didn't super know what this place would be like but I knew I was the only option in town with both wifi and a kitchen so for €15, sold. From now I have exactly €1.45 left until I can get to an ATM in Burgos tomorrow so I'll probably be eating those emergency sardines I've lugged since Roncesvalles.

      It. Is. The. Tits.

      My bed has a CURTAIN behind which is a light and USB ports and a shelf and a blanket, making it the cosiest, sturdiest, most private, and best equipped bunk I've had by far. The rest of the place is adorable and detailed and charismatic. There are just 16 beds, only 10 of them taken, and seven of us just went out to dinner together (paid on card) and had a wonderful time. I'm ecstatic.

    • Tag 14

      Day 13 - Belorado to Ages - one thousand

      5. Juni 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      This was going to be a long hard day so left the hostal at 6 - but I might as well have left at 4 as I had almost no sleep as our dorm was noisy! Despite a headache it was a fab mornings walk until we stopped after 12km at Villafranca for coffee and tortilla.
      The next part of the walk was steeply up but not as hard as I had expected and then the most wonderful stroll through woodland with beautiful birdsong (including Bonellis warblers, tree pipit, firecrests, and short toed tree creepers). Then there were the butterflies - thousands of them following me along the trail and all over the flowers. Also a hummingbird hawk moth - one of my favourite insects.
      It was a truly magical day and once the headache went, thanks to paracetamol, I was in heaven! I’m sitting here in an 8 bed dorm writing this with a cuckoo still singing outside. I feel I may not get much sleep this as there is already snoring and coughing :(
      Wonderful meal at a local bar in Ages almost next door to the hostal - the owners only spoke Spanish but I managed to communicate and had a great vegetarian meal - with Caroline, Rachel, Roz, Paul and Nick.
      Burgos tomorrow for two days!!

    • Tag 21

      Alberge La Plazuela Verde

      9. Oktober 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Heute haben wir ohne Rucksäcke gewandert da es Mr.Bag gesundheitlich nicht gut ginge...Die Wanderung war schön. Wir haben die Koreanerin Stella kennengelernt - sie war sehr, sehr nett. Trotz Sprachbarriere haben wir uns über Google Translate unterhalten können.
      Heute sind wir auch rechtzeitig in unsere Herberge gekommen wo wir erste mal kochen könnten. Wir haben uns Nudeln mit Sauce gemacht, welche wir direkt vor Ort - in einem kleinem Mini Store gekauft haben.
      Die Herberge ist schön, aber leider wie so viele einfach heruntergekommen und dreckig. Ich verstehe es immer noch nicht wie können Menschen so leben....

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    Atapuerca, 09199

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