Ayegui / Aiegi

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    • Day 9

      Bonus Gratitude: MOM!!!

      July 1 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      Mom, thanks for always being in my life with an ear to listen and for your non-judgmental ways. It has certainly shaped me into the person I am. You did so much with so little. I’m truly grateful to have you as my MOM! 🙏🏼❤️Read more

    • Day 7

      Good morning

      August 6, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      The best sleep of the week as we got the quiet room! After „Good morning“, „Boit ton café“ and „Don’t stop me now“, Silvia selected „it’s a beautiful day“ as our song of the day! We will sing „…and I just can’t stop smiling“ when we have the steep uphill today! Now it’s time for breakfast- the others are already gone! We get them later! Btw- I decided not to read the news anymore because they make me angry! Maybe football news!Read more

    • Day 6–7

      Day 5 to Ayigie

      May 11 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      What we thought was Estella but the places flow into each other and Ayigie is actually the next town.
      Jodie & I got a little off track 👣 and by accident walked a bit on! So we ended up on the next day's route 🤔
      Turned back and stopped at a garage/truck stop... and Miriam, an absolute angel gave us a lift to the hostel. It was only 5mins away.
      Explored the town after a shower and the old town part so nice!!
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    • Day 21

      20. Etappe: Ayegui (23,9 km)

      November 16, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Der Start klappte erstaunlich reibungsloser als gedacht, um 8 saß ich schon zusammen mit Pierre in einer Bar beim Frühstück. Nachdem wir uns verabschiedet hatten, ging es getrennt voneinander los. Ich hatte mich in weiser Vorraussicht ja dazu entschlossen, etwas früher zu stoppen. Nach der Hälfte des Weges war ich auch sehr dankbar, denn nun kamen sie doch: die Blasen😭 Und ich musste auf meine Sneaker wechseln. Mit denen ging es dann ganz gut, aber ich war heut deutlich langsamer unterwegs als die Tage zuvor.
      Heute checke ich zusammen mit Lilli in der öffentlichen Herberge ein. Die Zimmer sind im 1. OG in einem Sportzentrum untergebracht, in dem man sich fast verläuft, denn die Duschen sind im 2. UG und von der Bar aus gucken wir ein wenig den Kiddis beim Kicken in der Sporthalle zu. Ist schon ne spezielle Unterkunft 😅 Eine Küche zum Kochen gibts hier leider nicht, so dass wir nachher noch nach einer offenen Bar Ausschau halten werden. Mittlerweile sind auch noch ein paar andere Pilger eingetroffen, aber nicht mehr so viele wie gestern - einige haben im etwas größeren Ort Estella 2km zuvor gestoppt, andere, wie Elisabeth und Pierre, sind weitergelaufen. Und so ordnen sich die Grüppchen jeden Tag neu 😅
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    • Day 13

      Day 9: Villatuerta to Los Arcos

      May 26, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      Mileage: 17+ miles, some unintentional!
      Altitude gain: 1.890 feet
      Altitude loss: 1,775 feet
      Weather : gorgeous - a little too sunny and warm for a little while in the afternoon but then the clouds came back and it was perfect. Continued luck!
      Total mileage: 83.5

      A long day! We started with a little detour to get our morning cafe con leche and pastry (a necessary ritual at this point!) and then walked to Estella. On the outskirts of Estella we enjoyed the wine fountain (!) at Irache before some ascending hiking through a scrubby forest. Lots more farmland after that until we finally arrived in Los Arcos. We have decided that the best meals are enjoyed by the side of the trail.

      1. Angela pours some wine into her shell at Irache.
      2. The monastery at Irache
      3. Forest
      4. Beautiful mountains in the distance today
      5. Yes, more poppies
      6. Down and back up midday - beautiful curves from a distance
      7., 8., 9. More lovely views at every turn
      10. *This* is how I imagined the Camino! There will be lots of this later but the variety was nice today.
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    • Day 8

      Day 8: Estella

      September 17, 2022 ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

      We hiked 25 beautiful kilometers between our lodging in Obanos and our hostal in Estella, with a few very steep inclines along the way.

      Obanos and Puente de la Reina were glowing in the early morning light.

      Between the towns, we saw a farmer irrigating his crops, and a blue tractor rolling down the road. Red peppers, green tomatoes, and leafy greens were visible along El Camino, giving way to plots of grape vines and olive orchards as the day wore on.

      Fields with hues of brown and gold are becoming prevalent as we move south and west.

      After Puente de la Reina, the path became quite steep leading up to Mańeru.

      It didn’t take long to traverse Mańeru itself, and we could soon see Cirauqui beckoning from its hill. We arrived at that village with a group of Spanish women we’d met at our albergue in Pamplona. They are on their sixth annual weeklong walk on the Camino, and they are a fun, boisterous group. They put on an impromptu 15-minute song and dance fest in front of a Cirauqui cafe before we continued on toward Lorca. Along the way, we sampled fresh fruit from a donativo stand before losing track of our Spanish ladies.

      Lunch was a quick bocadillo and a slice of tortilla in Lorca, with about 9 kilometers to go to reach tonight’s lodging in Estella.

      By the time we arrived, our feet were protesting! Tomorrow we’ll walk 19 kilometers to Los Arcos.
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    • Day 6


      August 5, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      5 days ago I started my way on the Camino Frances! Time for a quick reflection! I realize that I am getting calmer and more mindful about the nature around me! „Time after time“ or step after step could be a good Soundtrack for it! The Camino teaches you that there is a huge power in supporting others! Planning is important but as important is to react flexibly in the moment! When things change, change your plans and go with the flow! Leading here means define the goal/target, find the right path for your group, and check that you are right! Make sure the people around you give you energy and make you better! And the Camino is the best school for Europeans! Spanish people feel as Europeans, which I love! Speed is a question of perspective…
      And it’s important to know where you finally belong! Missing my family!
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    • Day 7

      Siesta and Fiesta

      August 6, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Yesterday we decided for a Siesta after our daily stretching session! Afterwards we went to there Fiesta where the bulls run through the city! Estrella was FULL of people all dressed up in white and red! Although the whole „Corsa de Torros“ is disgusting I understand that it means identity to the Basque people! Our albergue closed at 10pm so we left the party early- we met a lot of others (Italians, who else) in the kitchen and had a real pilgrim experience of sharing!Read more

    • Day 17

      Estella to Los Arcos

      September 20, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      This may be a short blog as the internet here is very dodgy and I am feeling very tired. Another blue bird day which is another way of saying a very hot day!
      Our first stop along the way was a fountain that provides free red wine for all the pilgrims. Although it was 8 am we had to try it out. Maybe not what you would order for the table but ok and of course free!
      Then we had a great walk through Holly oak tree forests, almond trees and wineries. Along the way we were eating almonds, beautiful sweet grapes and blackberries which were not quite up to the standard of Hatepe but pretty good.
      We stopped in yet another pretty village for cafe con leche and then onwards we trekked! It was a long last 8km with no shade from the relentless Spanish sun and no cafes to stop at.
      Eventually after long and winding roads we reached Los Arcos which is very small with a beautiful Church ( of course) . We staying in a plain hotel with dodgy wifi and a bossy receptionist but that is the Spanish way.
      We met up again with our gorgeous piligrinnos from Wexford. 2 friends who are dairy farmers from Wexford farming 80 cows. One of them David and his wife caught the bus today instead of walking and Lee quipped back to them"that is why the Irish won't win the World cup." But they are good craic.
      We are now back from dinner with again a very bossy waitress but at least she could have a laugh. Tomorrow is a 28 km walk..hope it's not as hot!
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    • Day 11

      More Old Camino to Azqueta

      September 28, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      After our stop at the Blacksmith shop, we hiked back up to the Old Camino and hiked 3 or 4 kilometers until the turnoff from Azqueta, our stop for today.

      It is a very tiny town, only one Alberque, and it is the only place in town that serves dinner too. We had a quick lunch at the bar/cafe, then check-in at La Perla Negra ( no sign of Captain Jack Sparrow yet.

      The last two days we have been steady approaching a pyramid shaped hill. As we got closer, we has it has a castle on top and we began to fear our village was up there. Fortunately, we are at the bottom of the big hill.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Ayegui / Aiegi, Ayegui, Aiegi

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