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    • Sandwiched Between the Moon and Sun

      September 10, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 52 °F

      Good morning! Woke up to a cool (almost cold) morning. As we left the town and there were no longer street lights, I turned on my headlamp. I didn’t walk far to realize I wouldn’t need the light this morning because the full moon was standing strong in front of us. Not to be outdone, the sun was rising behind us. Such an amazing sight, pictures cannot capture it, but I tried!Read more

    • Day 15

      Day 14 Here we come, Villafranca

      May 20 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 43 °F

      It's a short day because I have a swollen toe. Tonight, we are staying in a Pilgrim's Hospital that was built in the 1500's. It is now a hotel and I've attached a photo of the fabulous view from the window of our room. I've also attached an elevation chart with my current location circled. Look at the chart and think of me climbing tomorrow morning, but also note the mountains already climbed. The scenery here is unbelievable, and we keep bumping into people that we have talked to along the way previously. It's a mobile community of people from so many places - Ireland, Australia, Canada, England, Canada, the Netherlands...Read more

    • Day 20–21

      Top bunk curfew time

      May 25 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

      When you stay in an Albergi, aka Pilgrim hostel, curfew is at 10, which means they lock you out if your not back, and if you are back you have to go to bed, lights out in your bunk. I didn't know which is worse, being locked out of in the bunk lol. Trina and I are in the top bunk, lucky us😅having a giggle fit while the nice Korean couple below us are snoring.

      Ok shhh. lights out, night night.

      Oh, and your kicked out by 8 am.

      I think a bus ride is in our future during party of our 30 k to Atpuerco manaña.
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    • Day 15–16

      D14- Belogrado to Villafranca de Oca 11.

      May 27 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Short walk today and we had a little sleep in this morning as we had accommodation booked at Villafranca. It was raining a little when we left and looked very misty around the hills. We walked the gravel path with the crops of wheat and rapeseed either side of us. After 4.7km we hit the town of Tosantos expecting to have our morning coffee and breakfast. However, when we got there nothing was open so off we go for another 2km and found a nice place at Villambistia where we had huge baguettes with ham and cheese and long awaited coffee. It was still drizzling when we got back on the road so we put our ponchos back on and headed for Villafranca. We stayed at the Albergue de San Anton Abad which is part of the Hotel San Anton Abad. It used to be a pilgrims hospital and was built in the 14th century by Queen Juana Manuel who was the wife of Henry II to service the poor and people passing through. It was renovated and now a three star hotel is in its place.Read more

    • Day 13

      Belorado to Atapuerca

      June 3 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Very long way to go today so we left at 5.45 - in the dark. Actually pitch dark as it was a cloudy morning. Nevertheless the first birds (black redstarts) were singing as we were leaving Belorado.
      First coffee was delayed as most places don’t open til about 7 so we had walked nearly 10k before we found somewhere open. But it was a wonderful place so I’m pleased that we came to it first. In a tiny place called Espinosa - an alberge and bar run with love by a couple who produced great coffee and amazing food. One to remember.
      Second coffee was in Villafranca - not quite as good but good enough. Then to a tiny supermarket where I stocked up with a tiny toothpaste as I’m running out and a banana.
      After Villafranca it was steeply up but so beautiful - oak trees giving way to pine trees with a wonderful smell I’d like to bottle and take home with me.
      Then a very long largely flat section with beautiful trees, flowers and butterflies before we gradually dropped down to San Juan de Ortega where I sat at a cafe for a while and then explored a beautiful Romanesque church.
      On through the forest to Ages with Nick, Paul, Linda and Bernie. Stopped for a painstakingly carefully made cheese and tomato sandwich at the little bar where we ate dinner last year when staying at Agés. Couldn’t get into that hostal this year so walked on for the last 2.2k to Atapuerca through extraordinary fields of flowers. Today staying in a four bed room in Albergue INpulso Atapuerca with Tamami from Japan and Li from Korea - both seem lovely.
      After a wander around town dinner options looked limited so we made our own tomato sauce with pasta with fresh tomatoes and peppers and shared with a Dutch girl going through a big change of career - interesting discussions about wine and politics!
      Going to sleep to the singing of a spotless starling who has a fantastic range of sounds.
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    • Day 10


      July 10, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 90 °F

      Along the path, I often reflect on the people and things for which I am so grateful: red poppies in an endless yellow wheat field; the rhythmic crunch of rocks under my boots; simplicity of the journey; yellow arrows leading the way; a body that is doing everything I'm asking of it; the moment I get to unlace my boots and place my feet on the cool tiles of the new Albergue; seeing the sunrise behind a building that was built a thousand years ago; losing my thinking mind in the walking and reflecting deeply on each beloved member of my family ❤️; smelling cereal as we trudge through miles of wheat fields; hearing 10 different languages during the course of the day, each changing to "Buen Camino!" with big smiles as we pass; Marjory's quick wit, passion for social justice and our deepening friendship; Maria's patience and the special "Amiga" relationship we share; Cindy's gentle spirit and bravery in paving a new path; the breeze that mixes with sweat to cool us down; Cafe sin leche; Mark, who helps me get my balance, even when he is 5,000? miles away; chocolate croissants; the beautiful people of Spain who are always willing to pause for questions, give directions, welcome total strangers to walk through their neighborhoods, yelling "Buen Camino!"; little surprises that seem to appear around each corner; my family who has supported me in this adventure, researched and gifted me with the perfect items for the journey, who leave encouraging messages on my blog posts and who's love I can feel all the way from home.❤️Read more

    • Day 7


      July 23, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      It’s a week now, and this year’s Camino is nothing like any of those I walked prior. While there is a small group of pilgrims forming that try to walk or dine together, most walking and dining is done either in preformed groups along language or age lines, or alone.

      Everyone walks their own Camino, but if the German group remains all but functionally mute when passing or being passed by pilgrims (customary is a quick Hola or Buen Camino) and suddenly, behind sour looking faces, almost unwilling to accept the indignity of having to do so, asks to have their picture taken… that’s a different Camino as the one I am used to.

      The “hot shit” pilgrim is J, a physician from Australia. Quick to explain to me, that my work in social and community medicine just shows that I am not long enough in the game to value money, he’s nevertheless the kind of riot that makes him a Camino Legend.

      We’re two days from Burgos and three from the beginning of the Meseta, my favorite part. The landscape is barren and the bars serve as nodal points. It’s here that Camino Families are forged, break apart, reorganize, and gain dynamics beyond the walking together.

      We’ll see what the desert brings. Tomorrow brings 39°C, little shade, and 32 kilometers. Time to attend the pilgrim dinner and hit the hay.
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    • Day 10

      A little treat

      August 1, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Since I have been progressing well so far and I was still sleepy, I decided to call it a day at Belorado. One advantage was that I didn't have to walk in the sun, as I arrived before it came out with full force. Another advantage and big motivator was that the albergue has a swimming pool.
      My walking buddy today has been Javier, a young Spaniard with a dodgy ankle and several toe blisters, who was walking slow, matching my pace.
      We checked in at the albergue, went out for lunch, then came back for a much needed siesta.
      After some rest, I had a swim and enjoyed a lazy afternoon.
      Lubo and others are also in town, and we plan to catch up for dinner.
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    • Day 11

      Our story

      August 10, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Yesterday, we celebrated our first week together, it was a lovely day, also because we celebrated the promotion of our Davide, who became "maggiore" in the italian army !! Bravo and keep going ! Really proud of you ! I don't know what will happen after but we are a really family with Davide alias "le Filou", Frank alias "Dad", Silvia alias "Abuela" and me alias "Loulou". Dajeee !Read more

    • Day 14

      11 Santo Domingo – Belorado

      August 10, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Und heute ging es nach Belorado. Das war eine 22 km-Etappe. Der Weg war nicht so anstrengend, wie ich dachte. Ich hatte bei der Beschreibung im Höhenprofil gesehen, dass es ganz schön rauf und runter geht. Dabei waren es nur 200 Höhenmeter. Auf eine Strecke von 20 km macht das Mal grad 10 m auf einen km - billig! Es war den ganzen Tag bedeckt und nicht mehr ganz so heiß. Nach dem Frühstück bin ich von 9 bis 13 Uhr fast durchgelaufen. Es läuft sich immer besser.
      Der Weg führte in weiten Strecken an der viel befahrenen Nationalstraße entlang, also nicht über sondern auf einem Extraweg neben der Straße. Gerade wird auch hier noch ein Abschnitt der Autobahn fertig gestellt, die „Camino de Santiago“ heißt.
      Unterwegs habe ich etwas gemerkt. Wenn ich in eine Kirche gehe, wird mein Blick von dem Chor und in den meisten Fällen hier in Spanien von einem übervergoldeten Altar angezogen. Der Chor weist nach Osten. Da ist auch kein Ausgang - da ist es zu. Drehe ich mich um, schaue ich nach Westen durch die Eingangstür oder, wenn die an der Seite ist, durch ein Rosenfenster Richtung Meer. Das ist ja mein Weg.
      In Belorado angekommen, musste ich noch warten, bis ich in die Albergue konnte. Ich saß auf der Plaza Mayor - da wo ich vor 20 Jahren schon einmal gewesen war. Der Platz war damals schattenlos und heute ist er überdacht von Platanen. Wie dich die Zeiten ändern.
      Tja, die Unterkunft buche ich immer noch im Voraus am Morgen. Dann kann ich entspannt laufen und habe keinen Stress, einen Schlafplatz zu finden.
      Aber jeden Morgen sage ich mir: „Heute nicht! Heute lasse ich es drauf ankommen. Ich schaue, was ich am Ziel finde.“ – Dann überholen mich die Pilgerscharen und mein Sicherheitsbedürfnis wird so groß, dass ich zum Smartphone greife und buche. macht’s möglich.
      Irgendwann, wenn ich dann bei mir ankomme, werde ich diese prickelnde Gefühl – ob ich wohl was finde oder nicht oder wo komme ich unter und was erlebe ich da? – auskosten.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Belorado, Bilforato, بيلورادو, Belfuratus, 09250, Белорадо, 贝洛拉多

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