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    • Dag 14

      Santo Domingo to Belorado

      30. august 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

      Left Santo Domingo at 7 AM. Approx 22 km hike. Overcast all day, with a little rain, nothing substantial. Passed through two small towns in route. I took it easy today did not want to aggrevate the hot spot and small blister forming on right foot. Ran into several old heads today, to include Dora the explorer. Very old municipal Alberge, no problems, got a bed, a shower, hand wash some clothes, then find something to eat. A very good day.Læs mere

    • Dag 11

      Day 8 - A day of gratitude

      23. september 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      “ A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.” – Tim Cahill

      Day 8 - Santo Domingo de la Calzada to Belorado - 23 km, 8.5hrs - over 36,000 steps!

      Today was a very good day. A day of gratitude, really.

      I started at 7:07 am in the pre-dawn light from Santo Domingo de la Calzada. As I crossed the bridge out of the city, I came upon another solo Perigrina, Linda from Colorado. We got to chatting and our paces were very well matched. We mutually decided to walk a ways together as sometimes it is nice to have company.

      Our first stop was the lovely little town of Grañōn. Here there was a refreshment stand and tables and chairs in a lovely copse of trees. They had instrumental music playing in the background and when we sat down, Hallelujah started playing. It just felt right to be there in that moment. We grabbed a drink and just sat enjoying the surroundings. We decided to keep on walking together and made our way to the next town, Redecillia del Camino. A short 15 mins stop for water and to look at our maps, and we were off again. I had a bed at Viliria de Rioja waiting for me, that I had booked the night before. When we got there, we both decided we would push on to Belorado together as it was the perfect walking day - cloudy, overcast and cool. Of course after the decision was made, it got warmer and warmer and the sun was trying its darndest to shine.

      We made Villamayor del Rio and had yet another stop for refreshment. We were very hot and needed that break. The little Tienda (shop) here was awesome. They are a family from Panama and the owner is a baker. He made the absolute best ham and cheese croissant! I paired this with a sweet nectarine and bottle of water. Just want I needed for the last 6km to Belorado.

      Linda and I made Belorado at 3:40 pm - 23km, 3 rest stops and 8.5 hrs after we had left Santo Domingo de la Calzada. May have taken a while and we had sore feet / ankles. But boy, were we proud of ourselves!!

      We are staying at the Municipal Albergue El Corro. Up on the second floor of course. There are 10 of us in here 7 men and 3 women. Not one of us under 50 or 55 I would guess. I dubbed it the geriatric ward LOL!

      Linda and I went for a fabulous pilgrims meal - the best I have had so far. For €14, I had a tea before with meal, minestrone soup, lemon chicken and cheesecake. All homemade, all beautifully presented. Oh - and bread and wine - of course.

      I mentioned this was a day of gratitude. I have been thinking all day about so many things I am grateful for - today and on the Camino in general. So, here are some of them:
      • My silk sleep sack. Cost a bit but I love it! Feels like a bit of luxury but keeps me warm and so far, bug free
      • My walking poles that I purchased on arrival - I wouldn’t be able to do all these undulating hills - up or down - without them.
      • My awesome shoes - they are so far keeping my feet and toes happy. Quite the feat (pardon the pun) as my toes are not usually happy toes
      • The Buen Camino and Camino Ninja apps, and my Michelin Guide and condensed Brierleys guide - these all make it easier to plan my days.
      • My times to chat on What’s Ap with family and friends - love touching base!
      • My new Camino friends and family: Sabrina and Paula (who is likely heading off this Camino to do the Portuguese route instead); Nancy, Dave and Louie whom I miss already and how Linda.

      A day of gratitude and success fills my heart. Such a nice way to go to sleep.
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    • Dag 17


      4. september 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Another very clean village. It is their last day of Fiesta, celebrating the last day of summer. It's called the Festival of the Onions. You will see in the pics groups of families sharing a meal together. Apparently, around 11 pm, they have a big parade, and they burn onions! They are playing music and having fun. We were going into the square to sit and watch, but there is a thunderstorm happening, so I think we will stay put in our Albergue.
      The flower boxes are all so pretty.
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    • Dag 18

      Belorado evening

      5. oktober 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Walking around town, a visit to the church, scouting around for dinner spots.

      Our host Paul recommended the Pilgrim's meal at the local Albergue's restaurant (15€ for a starter, main course, desert and wine & water for the table). We ate with Tomas, from Black Forest region of Germany, Yona of the Faroe Islands. Great company.Læs mere

    • Dag 14–15

      Grañón to Belorado

      27. april, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Part of life on the Camino is facing new challenges head on everyday! Unfortunately, today life threw us a curveball. I woke up with a horrible cold (this is Aimee). We were able to still push out a not so fun 16k (almost 10 miles) out of necessity, half of which was in a cold driving rain. 🌧️ Tomorrow we will be taking our first 0 (zero) day to rest and recover. Fingers crossed that it passed quickly and Kim doesn’t also get sick!🤧

      Not so great timing since we today we learned that all the pharmacies closed at two on Saturday and are not open tomorrow, apparently grocery stores do not carry cold medicine and you usually need a prescription to get it from the pharmacy. We did luckily bring a handful of Sudafed from home 🙏🏻
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    • Dag 14–15

      Day 11 Santo Domingo and Day 12 Belorado

      21. april, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Day 11 was sunny but the nasty wind kept us cold. A very pleasant 22km to Santo Domingo.
      The only pleasant thing about Day 12 was stopping in Granon. The rest was feet pounding the gravel path beside the cold windy highway for 23km. Not a very nice way to travel and hopefully there won't be too many more like that😬. We booked an Albergue tonight with a Dutch couple in Belorado that have only 2 rooms. We should sleep like babies tonight. Onwards!Læs mere

    • Dag 11

      Belorado - it‘s raining

      10. august 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      The Alberge has a pool, which is great- however the food wasn’t- our room today is a transit room and the guys next door walk in and out every 5 minutes! We plan to start early tomorrow as it’s a longer tour to San Juan de Ortega! I hope I can walk well with the first blister- wrong sox! 😵‍💫Læs mere

    • Dag 11–12

      Day 10 to Belorado

      16. maj, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Started early... it was a cold and windy day... a bit of a slog with lots next to the highway...

      Had good coffee stops though... and early in Belorado. Winging it today with no booking so we arrived in time to get into the Albergue Parroquial de Peregrinos. They don't take bookings... so we've put our bags in the queue.Læs mere

    • Dag 14

      11 Santo Domingo – Belorado

      10. august 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Und heute ging es nach Belorado. Das war eine 22 km-Etappe. Der Weg war nicht so anstrengend, wie ich dachte. Ich hatte bei der Beschreibung im Höhenprofil gesehen, dass es ganz schön rauf und runter geht. Dabei waren es nur 200 Höhenmeter. Auf eine Strecke von 20 km macht das Mal grad 10 m auf einen km - billig! Es war den ganzen Tag bedeckt und nicht mehr ganz so heiß. Nach dem Frühstück bin ich von 9 bis 13 Uhr fast durchgelaufen. Es läuft sich immer besser.
      Der Weg führte in weiten Strecken an der viel befahrenen Nationalstraße entlang, also nicht über sondern auf einem Extraweg neben der Straße. Gerade wird auch hier noch ein Abschnitt der Autobahn fertig gestellt, die „Camino de Santiago“ heißt.
      Unterwegs habe ich etwas gemerkt. Wenn ich in eine Kirche gehe, wird mein Blick von dem Chor und in den meisten Fällen hier in Spanien von einem übervergoldeten Altar angezogen. Der Chor weist nach Osten. Da ist auch kein Ausgang - da ist es zu. Drehe ich mich um, schaue ich nach Westen durch die Eingangstür oder, wenn die an der Seite ist, durch ein Rosenfenster Richtung Meer. Das ist ja mein Weg.
      In Belorado angekommen, musste ich noch warten, bis ich in die Albergue konnte. Ich saß auf der Plaza Mayor - da wo ich vor 20 Jahren schon einmal gewesen war. Der Platz war damals schattenlos und heute ist er überdacht von Platanen. Wie dich die Zeiten ändern.
      Tja, die Unterkunft buche ich immer noch im Voraus am Morgen. Dann kann ich entspannt laufen und habe keinen Stress, einen Schlafplatz zu finden.
      Aber jeden Morgen sage ich mir: „Heute nicht! Heute lasse ich es drauf ankommen. Ich schaue, was ich am Ziel finde.“ – Dann überholen mich die Pilgerscharen und mein Sicherheitsbedürfnis wird so groß, dass ich zum Smartphone greife und buche. macht’s möglich.
      Irgendwann, wenn ich dann bei mir ankomme, werde ich diese prickelnde Gefühl – ob ich wohl was finde oder nicht oder wo komme ich unter und was erlebe ich da? – auskosten.
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    • Santo Domingo to Belorado

      9. september 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

      We made it to Belorado around 1:30pm with taking three substantial rest breaks. Our albergue was supposed to have a restaurant but it was closed due to the lack of employees to operate it. Many of the small villages seem to struggle to keep going.

      Across the street another restaurant was open and we were able to Join our friend Marco Antonio from our taxi ride from Pamplona to Saint Jean. We had the Menu Del Dia, a three-course meal with drinks included for 13,50 Euros! It was excellent.

      All of our chores done... Washing and air drying our clothes. Its going to be an early night for us. The temperature has dropped so we're looking to sleep well.
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