
    • 日22

      Belorado to San Juan de Ortago

      2023年9月25日, スペイン ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Today was an early start for our 24 km walk . We left at 630 am in the dark and it was quite chilly. ( Brian loves it cold). We walked as day was breaking passing again fields of spent sunflowers but the sun was rising behind us and we were all feeling fresher then yesterday morning! After about 5 km we came across a cafe for a much needed coffee and the waitress had also been to the Spanish no charm school. However it was good to eat some breakfast..beautiful baguettes with pastrami and tomatoes and then Brian couldn't resist the sugar donuts!
      We carried on in the cool morning air but it was starting to warm up and luckily today there was lots of shade until near the end. We passed through a couple of pretty villages, one which had a beautiful old well that was meant to take all your tiredness away! We were tempted but it was pretty chilly.
      We stopped at Villa Franca for lunch ( pastries filled with chocolate or custard) So although we must be burning some calories with all the walking we are certainly consuming some!
      After leaving Villa Franca we started the ascent of Montes de Oca which is a climb of 200 metres over 3 km and it was hot! Maybe those pastries weren't a great idea. At the top of Montes de Oca there is a monument dedicated to the victims of a massacre during the civil war. The inscription reads " Their death wasn't in vain, their execution was"
      On we walked through forests of oak and pine and was great to be in the shade. The forest is meant to have wild boar, deer, badgers and wolves but luckily it was too hot for them to be out and about. We had a couple of stops in the shade and a lady had a stall with loud Spanish music playing.
      It's always the last 3 or 4 km that are the killers and by then the sun is hot and the shade had gone.
      Finally we got to San Juan which is a tiny wee village but our accommodation is great with even a clothes line! And guess who is in town, Barrett the fog horn. Lee is thrilled.
      We are all in good spirits, still no injury or blisters although the best part of the day is taking your shoes off.
      Love all your messages and it's starting to seem a long time since we left NZ. .

    • 日17

      Day 14 Tosantos to Atapuerca

      2023年10月4日, スペイン ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

      Only 548 more kilometers to go... 😆 the first church we saw today was built right into the rocks above Tosantos. We climbed up a very steep ridge to a long forested path. Which kept us cool throughout the day. There was a unique refreshment stop surrounded by the artistic creations of the vender. We had lunch in San Juan de Ortega. We met up with our ethereal friend Silvie from France. We ended the day in Atapuerca in a very rustic Albergue called Hostel La Plazuepa Verde. Near the town is an archeological site where the oldest human remains in Europe were discovered going back 1.5 million years.もっと詳しく

    • 日14

      Lord grant me the patience...

      4月5日, スペイン ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Tosantos - a one room comedy.


      Cast of characters

      Jose - caretaker of this "austere yet full of emotion" donation based, religious hostel for 27 years. If anyone's seen What We Do in the Shadows, I'm fairly sure the idea of energy vampires came from him. He's apparently 80 which is truly shocking as he looks about 65 - our yawns are clearly keeping him young.

      Rusty - had a rest day in Logrono so we've synched back up. His knee is dodgy. He's worried about his house in the Sydney floods. He hasn't picked up any more Spanish in the last 10 days. I'm coming to understand he's a lovely man and an absolutely terrible listener.

      A Dutch woman - naturally speaks pretty perfect English and has a resting 'disgust' face that puts me constantly on the edge of a laugh.

      A Brazillian woman - despite speaking Portugese has drawn the extremely short straw of translating the constant, repetitive, monotonous stream of consciousness dribbling out of Jose.

      A Spanish man - suspected of actually having an extended nap, punctuated by some cycling. Every time I've seen him (most recently on the bunk under me in Pamplona) he's been asleep, and he sticks to form here, waking up at 8pm for dinner. I don't think he can read.

      Jesus (hay-zeus to everyone except Rusty, who commits to gee-zus despite every opportunity not to) - Jose's more charismatic offsider with one completely bloodshot eye, who will later ruin things by making suggestive comments about the Brazillian.


      Scene One - Pre Dinner - 8.16pm

      Our hero slumps on the stairs of a two hundred year old house, layered with everything she has, half mad, and trying desperately to find this experience charming.


      I've sat at the kitchen table with three fellow pilgrims and participated in the meticulous chopping of overboiled vegetables. These were then mixed with boiled eggs, olives, and tuna, drowned in three - count them, three - giant jars of mayonnaise, decanted, and adorned with even more mayo.

      I've watched the same man responsible for this coordinated massacre, Jose, then spend 20 minutes crafting an ornate arrow topping out of roasted capsicum, delicately applying each sliver to the mayo bath to create the effect like it's brain surgery.

      I've widened my eyes and bit my tongue as Rusty failed to navigate the translation app, consistently, for nearly an hour, pressing anything but the microphone button and asking something that isn't listening 'will this dish be baked?' then getting frustrated with it. Of course it won't be baked Rusty, it's glorified potato salad.

      I've stared at the empty and off oven, wondering if this 'russian salad' is going to be it or if it's a mostly mayo based evening. In between that I've stolen glances at the clock as it moves towards, and then past eight, remembering fondly the sausages I'd long made a start on digesting this time yesterday.

      After dinner we have group prayer, and then group washing up, and then perhaps if I ask nicely the group can suffocate me with my sleeping bag. If not, in the morning there's group breakfast. I've made a point of not wishing away any time on this trip in excitement over the next thing but JESUS CHRIST.


      Scene Two - After Dinner - 10.45pm

      Lying on a vinyl mat, trying to process the evening, our hero recounts the experience.


      Well it was Ensalada Ruso, bulked out with a soup made with garlic, tomato, and stale bread. At this stage I was so hungry and cold it was brilliant. Knowing the night wasn't finished with dinner I was keen to get on with the proceedings but Jose went on and on and on. I basically learned Spanish. As long as someone's talking about the history of the Camino with a lisp, I'm fluent.

      He's got rose tinted glasses on for pilgrims doing this before he was even born, convinced that modern ones aren't spiritual enough. He urged us, multiple times and not very concisely, to be minimalist and abstain from contact with civilisation (by which I assume he means technology and our regular lives), noting the reason things are so basic around here is to keep the 'tourist' pilgrims away and attract only the IDIOTS like me.

      Too often, Jose would be rabbiting on, the Brazillian would be listening so she could translate, and Rusty, bored, would just blurt out a random question like WHO'S SAINT GERONIMO when it absolutely wasn't his turn to talk.

      When we'd finally managed to extract ourselves from the table we climbed up to an odd little room accessed through a window, for group prayer. I wasn't too sure what this was going to look like, and was open to it as long as it was quick. Would you believe that it wasn't?

      We mucked around with the candles then we mucked around finding everyone a version of the pamphlet in their language. We then all had to read a prayer in our language and then, after some more mucking around, we were all given a small folder labelled with our language.

      Not everyone makes it to Santiago, right? People have to cut it short, their bodies fail them, all kinds of reasons. Jose told us that if we wanted to, we could write our reason for walking and leave it with them. For the next 20 days, pilgrims would do to our stories what we were about to do with these folders - read them, and pray for their authors when we get to the end. 20 days because that's when we'll have got there.

      So that's nice, but then we were instructed, again, to read one out. I assume the person writing it knew how this all worked but it still felt horrifically invasive to be sharing such a searingly personal matter aloud. I dialled up the accent and spoke quickly. Rusty had gotten out of this bit by going to the bar for wifi to check on his house so I'm confident the person's secret stayed safe with me.

      The whole 'group' experience kind of fell over at the (predictable) point only the women did the washing up, but I was dead on my feet by then and just happy for the day to be over.



    • Belorado to Santovenia De Oca

      2022年9月10日, スペイン ⋅ ☀️ 86 °F

      Leaving Belorado presented us with a reality check... we have 554 Kilometros to go! But looking back at our Gain, we've come over 200 Kilometros. The best thing we do is focus on the next proximate goal... such as the next pueblo where we can get a café con leche, for example.

      Tonight we stay a few Kilometros off the main "official" Camino at a muninciple albergue. But we are on the old original trail and will take it into Burgos tomorrow for a rest day.

    • Day 16 - Santo Domingo to Belorado -22km

      2023年9月14日, スペイン ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      I am in Belorado, the same albergue Jörg and I stayed in 2009 relaxing with a rye and coke. I was reading my journal last night from that time and decided to try and stay here again. I have a special memory here so be sure to read the throwback at the end.

      The walk was 22km today, but about every 5-7km was a town so I stopped in each one. Funny thing is, I changed up my routine this morning and had breakfast before I left but I was really struggling for energy early in the morning. The first break was at 6km and I had an orange juice and chocolate croissant. I didn’t have my coke at that time and I think that made a difference in energy level too.

      Last night in my albergue room, there were two men, at opposite sides of the room that were sick with colds so I overdosed on orange juice today to hopefully hold off catching it. My bed was right in the middle of the room, I think far enough away from them but we will see in a couple days.

      I had a strange dream last night. I dreamt that I was going to die while on the camino. I was diagnosed and I had only one day. I was then all of a sudden at home and I wanted to take all the money out of my bank account. The bank had asked why, and I calmly said “ I am going to die.” It was very interesting as there was no fear at all, it was all just a matter of fact. I believe I actually felt good about it.

      One observation I have made is that I cannot think of Jörg as an angel yet. I feel like I get some signs from him, that he is with me, but I don’t think of him as an angel looking over me. There have been a few people in my life that I have lost that I loved dearly and I think of them fondly as angels guiding my way. When I did the first camino, I had sewed a patch on my backpack with the letter M which represented my “M” angels: Marilyn (my mother), Minne (My grandmother) and Mabel (My aunt). I thank god I still have M4 with me! Also I know Uncle Donald is there watching out for me, but for some reason, I cannot accept Jörg there yet. I was thinking that maybe he is like Clarence (It’s a wonderful life), he doesn’t have his wings yet. I think he has to come back and show me that life is worth living, then he will get his wings and can be my guiding angel.

      Tomorrow will be a short walk again. When I read back in my journal, Jörg and I did a big day climbing a hill at the end of the day and I was exhausted and had to sleep on the floor. I remember that I got bed bug bites from that place as well, so I decided to make tomorrow shorter, only 12km and then tackle the uphill 12km the next day when I am fresh and avoid staying at the albergue in San Juan de Ortega. It was a great experience, but I will leave a space for someone else to enjoy the garlic soup this time.


      Throwback to 2009 from Julie’s Journal

      Last night in Belgrado I read in bed for a long time, then decided to sleep. Because I wouldn’t see Joerg to say goodnight I left him a note that said “Joerg, Goodnight, Sweet Dreams XO (kiss) (hug), Love Julie”. I left the lighted pen with it on. I actually awoke when he came in. He smiled, put it above his head and we held hands before we slept. In the morning, he put the note in the fence at the hostel for everyone to see.

    • 日20

      Hot walk into Belorado

      2022年9月4日, スペイン ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      We made it to Belorado about 145pm, it was 80 outside long hot walk today but we made it 15 more miles. Not a lot to look at except lots of harvested grain fields. Walked through 5 smaller towns today found a beautiful church in one. Had a skinny cat join us for lunch and also saw some hot air balloons this morning. Buen Camino!!!もっと詳しく

    • 日27


      2023年5月18日, スペイン ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Vanochtend na een goede nachtrust en nog beter ontbijt de fiets weer op. Het eerste wat ik doe is een bezoek brengen aan de dichtstbijzijnde supermarkt om de dagproviand vers in te slaan en daarna was het de route opzoeken en vervolgen. Ik moest vandaag in Belorade terecht komen dus doortrappen. In het begin zaten de voetgangers en de fietsers op hetzelfde spoor dan doe je natuurlijk rustig aan want dan voel ik me gast. Het is ook goed gegaan maar op een gegeven moment scheidden onze wegen. Ik trof hele stukken gravelpad en lange lange wegen met glooiingen. De zon scheen een beetje maar de wind deed beter zijn best, koud dus...en zo ging het de hele dag door, ik denk dat ik vanaf de middag geen wandelaar of fietser ben tegen gekomen en voor de slimmeriken onder ons.... ik zat op het goede spoor!! En zoals gezegd de wegen....zo ver je kon kijken... met toppen en dalen...de ene weg na de andere..... ik hanteer dan om kort voor me op de weg te kijken dus niet in de verte (want dat schiet niet op) en zo vreet je die ijlelange stukken op... Er waren ook stukken dat de pijp leeg was en ik even langs de fiets ging lopen en dan stopt er een wagen naast je... Guardia Civil... raampje ging open er werd gevraagd of alles goed ging. Ja hoor maar nu even lopen... hij vroeg waar ik vandaan kom en waar ik naar toe ging en torn zei een van die Guardia's dat hij Nederlands sprak, ja dan deel je natuurlijk dat ik voor de Koninklijke Marechaussee heb gewerkt en die kent hij ook, zusterorganisaties zei hij en toen zwaaide hij en vervolgde zij hun weg. Trouwens ik zag vandaag ook een patrouille van de guardia civil op de mountain bike op het voetgangerstraject in sportief tenue natuurlijk maar op de rug Guardia Civil en dat ze de pelgrimsroute bepatrouilleerde..... zo zie je maar...en dan kom je eindelijk om 19.45 uur in Belorade aan, bek en bekaf mag ik wel zeggen. Eerst een hotelletje gevonden, de 2e was raak. Niet gegeten vanavond en het hotel had die service niet dus maar aan het bier met chips... ik was al blij dat ik een kamer kon krijgen...
      Afzien dus vandaag, 102 km afgelegd..🙈

    • 日20


      2022年9月4日, スペイン ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      After a noisy night we left early on our way to Belorado. Stopped about 4 km for breakfast at a food truck. Not bad. Went through several towns all of which have churches. We even saw 3 hot air balloon’s. Sandi foot is getting better but I am having problems with my right hip. Maybe shorter days. Buen Caminoもっと詳しく

    • 日25

      It's a long, long way to Santiago

      2022年10月6日, スペイン ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      After a three night hibernation I braved the road to Santiago again. I had to book accommodation 22 km ahead because there were no private rooms in between and I'm not ready to spread my germs around yet.

      I walked about 12 km over rolling hills, through harvested fields and reached the land of sunflower fields. They are dry and dead but haven't yet been harvested for the seeds. They must have looked gorgeous a month or so back.

      I passed the end of the region of La Rioja and entered Castilla y Leon, the biggest region of Spain traversed by the Camino. When I leave it, 400km from now, I'll only have 150km to go to get to Santiago. But at the moment it's still a long long way to Santiago. The signage around here is a little unreliable. I must have seen signs saying roughly 565km to Santiago at least three or four times over the last 50km. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get under 550km.

      I taxied the last 10km to my hotel which isn't very exciting but allows me to stay away from people. They even fed me an early dinner so I won't feel guilty being in the restaurant at the same time as everyone else. The Camino was right next to the road as I zoomed past in the taxi and half of it was through road works so it was a good section to miss.

      Lots of people are talking about the great food I'm having and while I occasionally get some nice food the pilgrim meals available in most places aren't that inspiring. The most common entree is ensalada mixta which is mixed salad. This generally comes with egg and tuna but can be anything. It's a big serving of greens and you generally have to choose it if you want any salad/vegetables in your life. It can be delicious but is usually pretty average. Second course is some version of meat, usually fairly bland, with some version of potatoes, generally chips. Sometimes you get a small serve of capsicum as well, particularly with chicken, but no other vegetables in sight. Dessert is usually a piece of fruit or a cream caramel (flan) or egg custard (nutilla) or ice cream. Serving sizes are sufficient but not huge and while I'm not hungry afterwards I'm rarely full either.

      I'm sure if I had decent clothes to wear I could try some higher standard restaurants if I had the energy to stay up for dinner at 9 or 10pm. But you wouldn't be welcome there in pilgrim attire.

      There are lots of lovely treats and tapas around at times but not always when you're hungry.

    • Grañón to Belorado

      2022年9月25日, スペイン ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      A short day today of 16km, to be followed by a rest day. We left our apartment as the sun rose a bit before 8am. Hiking shoes had largely dried out overnight. We found the “My Way” bar/cafe in the main street opposite the church, open for business so had some breakfast there. We’d also had dinner there last night. Good food. Place is run by a Peruvian family.

      As we left town there was luscious golden morning light over the path of the Camino we would follow. The rain had cleaned the air and mountains back behind us were very clearly visible, no haze. Also as we left a small fleet of fan powered paragliders took off from Grañón heading up the Camino. Weather was coolish so long pants and long sleeves, at least for the first 2 hours. Early in the walk we crossed over from the province of La Rioja to that of Castille-Leon. This is our 3rd and largest province.

      We stopped for fresh squeezed OJ, coffee and snacks at a “donativo” in one of the villages. You give a donation in exchange for what you eat. Then on to Belorado mostly on hard packed wide dirt track. Checked into our room in the hotel “A Santiago” and had some lunch. Later on a very good Pilgrim’s dinner for two of us; 3 courses, all substantial and tasty, and a bottle of red for 24€.

      Our rest day is to give our legs and feet a chance to complete their recovery from a few niggles. Last night’s hostel was not available so we have moved to Hotel Jacabeo in the centre of Belorado. It felt good to walk only 1km for the day. As we entered the town square several stall holders were setting up for the day’s market. We strolled around the still deserted old town until we could replenish essentials at the farmacia then returned to the square for coffee and people watching.

      We don’t really expect to see people we have met along the way because we are comparatively slow. But we did see Chris who we have crossed paths with several times and a French girl we had met in Torres del Rio. A quick chat and they continued on the Way. Chatting over coffee Chris and John realised they share a birthday.

      We have an early start and 27km to cover tomorrow so we got breakfast supplies from the supermarket before the siesta close.

      Feeling good after a rest day and good pilgrims dinner (low fixed price 3 course + wine) at the restaurant inside the Cuatro Cantones albergue. We shared a table and a good yarn with a Swedish couple from Stockholm. He is 75 and she 65. Going all the way to Santiago.




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