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    • Dag 13

      Day 14. Belorado

      12 mei 2023, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Happy birthday, Nicholas! I awoke this morning at 5:00 to the outside sounds of a concert band playing music with distinctive drums, shortly afterwards culminating with a thunderous cannon going off. The locals were still celebrating the feast of St. Dominic, known for having helped pilgrims. The people in yesterday’s queue were there to receive a piece of bread and an onion slice, symbolic of St Dominic’s help. There will be another queue today, apparently with some other food handed out.
      I got this story from a pilgrim staying in the albergues. Staying in hotels cuts me off a little from fellow pilgrims, but it’s been difficult for them finding places at the auberges this year. Having so many pilgrims creates accommodation issues, and many are forced to leave early in the morning to get a place to stay for the night. The way it works is that you arrive at the hostel before opening time, then you put your backpack in line, then you are given a number. Each auberge has a limited number of beds, so if they are filled, you have to move on to the next one. There are many auberges, but many pilgrims are scrambling to book ahead at auberges that will accept reservations. Some resort to staying in hotels, but most pilgrims try to do it on the cheap. All my hotels are booked and my luggage gets moved, so I have it easy, but I wouldn’t want to deal with the frustration of not being able to find a place while being fatigued.
      I started walking at 8:00 am in 8 degree - colder than Yellowknife- cloudy, rainy weather. There was lots of debris in the streets after last night’s party. Street garbage is rare in Spanish communities I have seen. It wasn’t raining much, but enough to warrant a raincoat and backpack cover.
      I caught up with an elderly Montana couple, avid hikers, who carry tents in their backpacks when the situation warrants. But, not tonight; it’s her 75th birthday, and he has a hotel already booked with a special meal. They were both librarians and so well informed. A lovely couple who enjoyed each other’s company and embraced life.
      A bit further down the road I met Thor, who grew up in Calgary, and graduated from St F X in 1993. He currently lives in Austin , Texas, but employed by Apple has had him living in London, England; Perth, Australia; and Houston, Texas. While at St F X, he resided in MacIsaac House, the same dorm I stayed in. We had a photo taken together. He’s been dealing with blisters, but he will likely cycle after this, trading “blisters on my feet for blisters on my ass.” His wife will be meeting him in Santiago in early June, so he has to get there. Lots of people dealing with foot and leg issues.
      Once again, I walked through rolling hills, lush farmland, and a few small villages today, but much of our path was next to a busy highway with large vehicles. A few of them beeped their horns, likely intended to spur us on, but it only served to startle me.
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    • Dag 14

      Santo Domingo to Belorado

      30 augustus 2023, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

      Left Santo Domingo at 7 AM. Approx 22 km hike. Overcast all day, with a little rain, nothing substantial. Passed through two small towns in route. I took it easy today did not want to aggrevate the hot spot and small blister forming on right foot. Ran into several old heads today, to include Dora the explorer. Very old municipal Alberge, no problems, got a bed, a shower, hand wash some clothes, then find something to eat. A very good day.Meer informatie

    • Dag 11

      Day 8 - A day of gratitude

      23 september 2022, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      “ A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.” – Tim Cahill

      Day 8 - Santo Domingo de la Calzada to Belorado - 23 km, 8.5hrs - over 36,000 steps!

      Today was a very good day. A day of gratitude, really.

      I started at 7:07 am in the pre-dawn light from Santo Domingo de la Calzada. As I crossed the bridge out of the city, I came upon another solo Perigrina, Linda from Colorado. We got to chatting and our paces were very well matched. We mutually decided to walk a ways together as sometimes it is nice to have company.

      Our first stop was the lovely little town of Grañōn. Here there was a refreshment stand and tables and chairs in a lovely copse of trees. They had instrumental music playing in the background and when we sat down, Hallelujah started playing. It just felt right to be there in that moment. We grabbed a drink and just sat enjoying the surroundings. We decided to keep on walking together and made our way to the next town, Redecillia del Camino. A short 15 mins stop for water and to look at our maps, and we were off again. I had a bed at Viliria de Rioja waiting for me, that I had booked the night before. When we got there, we both decided we would push on to Belorado together as it was the perfect walking day - cloudy, overcast and cool. Of course after the decision was made, it got warmer and warmer and the sun was trying its darndest to shine.

      We made Villamayor del Rio and had yet another stop for refreshment. We were very hot and needed that break. The little Tienda (shop) here was awesome. They are a family from Panama and the owner is a baker. He made the absolute best ham and cheese croissant! I paired this with a sweet nectarine and bottle of water. Just want I needed for the last 6km to Belorado.

      Linda and I made Belorado at 3:40 pm - 23km, 3 rest stops and 8.5 hrs after we had left Santo Domingo de la Calzada. May have taken a while and we had sore feet / ankles. But boy, were we proud of ourselves!!

      We are staying at the Municipal Albergue El Corro. Up on the second floor of course. There are 10 of us in here 7 men and 3 women. Not one of us under 50 or 55 I would guess. I dubbed it the geriatric ward LOL!

      Linda and I went for a fabulous pilgrims meal - the best I have had so far. For €14, I had a tea before with meal, minestrone soup, lemon chicken and cheesecake. All homemade, all beautifully presented. Oh - and bread and wine - of course.

      I mentioned this was a day of gratitude. I have been thinking all day about so many things I am grateful for - today and on the Camino in general. So, here are some of them:
      • My silk sleep sack. Cost a bit but I love it! Feels like a bit of luxury but keeps me warm and so far, bug free
      • My walking poles that I purchased on arrival - I wouldn’t be able to do all these undulating hills - up or down - without them.
      • My awesome shoes - they are so far keeping my feet and toes happy. Quite the feat (pardon the pun) as my toes are not usually happy toes
      • The Buen Camino and Camino Ninja apps, and my Michelin Guide and condensed Brierleys guide - these all make it easier to plan my days.
      • My times to chat on What’s Ap with family and friends - love touching base!
      • My new Camino friends and family: Sabrina and Paula (who is likely heading off this Camino to do the Portuguese route instead); Nancy, Dave and Louie whom I miss already and how Linda.

      A day of gratitude and success fills my heart. Such a nice way to go to sleep.
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    • Dag 17


      4 september 2023, Spanje ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Another very clean village. It is their last day of Fiesta, celebrating the last day of summer. It's called the Festival of the Onions. You will see in the pics groups of families sharing a meal together. Apparently, around 11 pm, they have a big parade, and they burn onions! They are playing music and having fun. We were going into the square to sit and watch, but there is a thunderstorm happening, so I think we will stay put in our Albergue.
      The flower boxes are all so pretty.
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    • Dag 18

      Belorado evening

      5 oktober 2022, Spanje ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Walking around town, a visit to the church, scouting around for dinner spots.

      Our host Paul recommended the Pilgrim's meal at the local Albergue's restaurant (15€ for a starter, main course, desert and wine & water for the table). We ate with Tomas, from Black Forest region of Germany, Yona of the Faroe Islands. Great company.Meer informatie

    • Dag 10

      Day 9 walking!

      17 mei, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Last night’s Albergue was like a road side cafe with a few rooms above. The food was good and the room was dated but it was only two of us in the room (no bunks hooray!) and only 4 walkers in the whole place, another Brit and a Kiwi.
      Forgot to mention that yesterday we left the Rioja region and passed into Castille and Leon, so we have left the red soil behind us now!
      We had pleasant undulating walk with threatening clouds, to our first tea break at Belorado, which is lovely town with cathedral and caves built into rocks behind it and lovely selection of street art murals featuring the Camino.
      After this stop, the weather dominated the rest of the day with drizzle, then sun, then drizzle, rain, little hail and sun at varying intervals! One of the dirt tracks turn to gluppy sticky mud which was little hard going, but otherwise the 20km was relatively ok with with gentle inclines and some bits by main road. Our Albergue tonight is in Villafranca and attached to a nice hotel, so nice surroundings but in bunks in a small dorm!
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    • Dag 14–15

      Grañón to Belorado

      27 april, Spanje ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Part of life on the Camino is facing new challenges head on everyday! Unfortunately, today life threw us a curveball. I woke up with a horrible cold (this is Aimee). We were able to still push out a not so fun 16k (almost 10 miles) out of necessity, half of which was in a cold driving rain. 🌧️ Tomorrow we will be taking our first 0 (zero) day to rest and recover. Fingers crossed that it passed quickly and Kim doesn’t also get sick!🤧

      Not so great timing since we today we learned that all the pharmacies closed at two on Saturday and are not open tomorrow, apparently grocery stores do not carry cold medicine and you usually need a prescription to get it from the pharmacy. We did luckily bring a handful of Sudafed from home 🙏🏻
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    • Dag 14–15

      Day 11 Santo Domingo and Day 12 Belorado

      21 april, Spanje ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Day 11 was sunny but the nasty wind kept us cold. A very pleasant 22km to Santo Domingo.
      The only pleasant thing about Day 12 was stopping in Granon. The rest was feet pounding the gravel path beside the cold windy highway for 23km. Not a very nice way to travel and hopefully there won't be too many more like that😬. We booked an Albergue tonight with a Dutch couple in Belorado that have only 2 rooms. We should sleep like babies tonight. Onwards!Meer informatie

    • Dag 11

      Belorado - it‘s raining

      10 augustus 2022, Spanje ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      The Alberge has a pool, which is great- however the food wasn’t- our room today is a transit room and the guys next door walk in and out every 5 minutes! We plan to start early tomorrow as it’s a longer tour to San Juan de Ortega! I hope I can walk well with the first blister- wrong sox! 😵‍💫Meer informatie

    • Dag 11–12

      Day 10 to Belorado

      16 mei, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Started early... it was a cold and windy day... a bit of a slog with lots next to the highway...

      Had good coffee stops though... and early in Belorado. Winging it today with no booking so we arrived in time to get into the Albergue Parroquial de Peregrinos. They don't take bookings... so we've put our bags in the queue.Meer informatie

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