Carrión de los Condes

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    • Dag 21–22

      Day 18 FromistaDay 19 CarrionDeLosCondes

      28 april, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      On Day 18 we woke up to a surprise ascent that reminded us of the Pyrenees. A 26 km day that included a walk by the old canal into Fromista. Alot of churches have stork nests on their steeples, I've only seen that here in N.Spain.
      Day 19 was a flat 20 km straight line day that had us checking into our church municipal hostel run by the Sisters of Charity - it will be a warm sleep as the sisters won't shut the heat at 10pm🙏
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    • Dag 19–20

      Boadilla del Camino to Carrión

      2 maj, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Like life, not all parts of the journey are pretty. While the 24k today was relatively flat compared to the trail over the past few weeks, today we walked alongside a road for most of the day. Though chilly, we had high hopes of staying dry. All was good until our luck ran out about 2k from our destination and we were suddenly caught in an onslaught of hail and rain 🌧️ for about 10 minutes.Läs mer

    • Dag 3

      40k het is even wennen

      7 maj, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      Vandaag met zon en goede moed vertrokken op weg naar mijn volgende halte op de camino.
      Het slapen in slaapzalen blijft een dingetje, zeker met van die Koreanen die voor dag en dauw opstaan om zo snel mogelijk bij hun volgende bestemming aan te komen. Dus helemaal uitgerust en fris was ik dan ook niet.
      Maar ja.. goede moed en lekker weer doen een hoop. Ik zette er goed de vaart in en na een flink aantal Koreanen gepasseerd te hebben werd het heerlijk rustig op de camino. Zo rustig zelfs dat ik mijn app er een paar keer bij moest pakken om te zien of ik wel de juiste route volgde.
      Al met al een heerlijk rustige wandeling. Toen ik op een gegeven moment had besloten door te lopen tot Sahagún, wat 40k vanaf mijn start lag, wilde ik wel zeker zijn dat ik daar dan ook een slaapplaats kon bemachtigen.
      Uiteindelijk kreeg ik het advies (omdat ze geen reserveringen voor dezelfde dag aannemen) om op tijd aan te komen.
      Daar gingen mijn lunch plannen. Doorlopen was het devies.
      Uiteindelijk aangekomen na ongeveer 7 uur non stop en flauw van het energie tekort. Snel ingecheckt gedoucht en een restaurant bezocht voor een pasta bolognese. Door de flauwte had ik zelfs moeite met eten en uiteindelijk maar de helft opgegeten. Maar goed, alles trekt bij. Supermarkt bezocht voor wat eiwitrijke yoghurt, banaantjes en een paar andere dingen. Zo komt mijn energie weer langzaam terug.
      Morgen mag ik de lunch niet uitstellen. Dat is een feit.
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    • Dag 28

      Carrion de los Condes

      12 september 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

      Made it 11 more miles down the road today, it was a beautiful start to the day but then it got warm and boring walking next to the road... not many photo ops either..... I added 2 pics from last nights dinner and art in the hotel we stayed at. The ladies who run it were fabulous made us feel like family.Läs mer

    • Dag 23

      Carrión de los Condes

      27 september 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      12 miles again today. This seems to be my sweet spot of distance. It was a beautiful day with lots of sunshine. Most of the day the trail was along the road...but with some separation.
      We found two random statues to pose with and a bar/albergue that had farm animals running around. This place also had small huts and teepees you could sleep in.
      We stopped in Villalcázar de Sirga for lunch and to visit the church. It looked like a fortress on the outside.
      In case you were wondering what the view was like today....endless wheat, hay, and sunflower fields.
      After a delicious dinner (sorry, no picture) we treated ourselves to ice cream.
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    • Dag 21

      Believe you can and you’re halfway there

      19 september 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Boadilla to Carrion de los Condes
      Day 18 - 26km

      Well! We are half way to our destination goal of Santiago!! And it feels great!🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🤩🤩
      After a nice pilgrims breakfast at our hotel, we were on the path before sunrise,(which is not hard as the sun doesn’t get up till 8 😉). The day started looking good but a fog rolled in and chilled things down for a while. We chose to walk the alternate route beside a river instead of by the highway, which was lovely, albeit 2kms longer. 🙄The landscape is starting to change as we are in the Meseta. Not so hilly and a bit barren in places.
      We have made many friends already, which we meet up with at coffee stops and drinks, and meals at the end of the day, and have found everyone very friendly. Every day we encounter many pilgrims and locals, and we hear a constant shout out to us, wishing us “Buen Camino”. Really lovely. 😍
      Our Spanish is getting better and I can even get them to understand my half strength coffee most of the time. 😏However, as we get further on, we are finding English more widely spoken, saving us from the daily charades challenge of making ourselves understood !! 😆
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    • Dag 21

      To Carrión de los Condes

      20 september 2023, Spanien ⋅ 🌬 72 °F

      September 20

      Huge happy moment today!!! Paul and Mirabelle, who we met and walked with on the Camino five years ago, surprised us by driving down from the Netherlands to walk with us for two days. ❤️🙂 We were sitting in the plaza and could not believe it when they walked up!!

      What is even more amazing is Alan and I spent a lot of time talking about them today, and we reminisced about what we had experienced with them in this town five years ago. When you think you might not see people ever again, and then you do…it is beyond special. It will be a magical Camino memory forever in our hearts.❤️❤️

      We are looking forward to the next two days! Tomorrow, we walk to Moratinos then to Sahagún on Friday.
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    • Dag 13

      Carrion de los Condes

      29 juli 2022, Spanien ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      For 500 years, pilgrims stayed and healed at the Monastery of San Zoilo in Carrion de los Condes. Today, the Monastery is a high class hotel with Michelin priced (and Truck Stop inspired) restaurant.

      The monastery features a “Camino de Santiago” theme, which stands in stark contrast to the treatment of pilgrims. And, yes, I stayed here. Paid more than what I’d paid for the past week in accommodation, including a €50 dinner that could have come from the bowels of an East London greasy spoon (and would probably have tasted better).

      I wanted to see the Monastery, and the only way to do so is to stay here. Not my proudest and most pilgrim moment, I admit.

      Tomorrow, I’ll be back to being Just A Pilgrim, but tonight I am grumpy Mikka, angry at myself for spending so much money to, essentially, just witness the Church (again) strut its riches while asking for more.
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    • Dag 15

      15.DAY | 20 km

      13 maj 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      La vita è bella...

      Heute Morgen machte ich mich auf meinem Weg und bemerkte einen Mann namens Mattia, welchen ich bereits am Vortag gesehen hatte. Da seine Schwierigkeiten mit dem laufen mehr als eindeutig waren, wollte ich ihn mental unterstützen und lief mit ihm und gab ihm Ibuprofen bis wir uns dann an meinem Zielort getrennt haben und es ihm glücklicherweise besser ging. Wenn man sich hier entscheidet, mit jemandem eine gewisse Strecke zu laufen ist eins sicher, du redest über so tiefgründige Sachen die dich am Ende des Tages ohne einen Cent bezahlt zu haben unendlich bereichern. Ich erzählte ihm dass ich gestern ein Lied von 1951 meiner Oma hörte und aufeinmal fingen wir an zusammen zu singen. Nun sitze ich hier in einem wunderschönen Kloster in meinem Zimmer und versuche meine Dankbarkeit zu greifen die einfach nicht mehr greifbar ist. Vor einigen Tagen sagte ich zu Pit "Kannst du mir erklären, wie ich mit 30 Jahren noch so Heimweh haben kann und dieses Gefühl was ich als kleines Mädchen bereits hatte nicht loswerde, die anderen können es doch auch" und er sagte zu mir: Elli dich gibt es nur einmal und du liebst deine Menschen bedingungslos was nicht jeder kann. Also habe ich auch hier eine Antwort auf die unendlichen Fragen die hier entstehen bekommen, ich sollte mich damit anfreunden, dass es für immer so bleiben wird und es ist okay. Ich vermisse euch! Dennoch fühle ich mich hier wie in einem Traum, wo du nicht weißt ob du geweckt werden möchtest.


      La vita è bella...

      Questa mattina mi sono messa in cammino e ho notato un uomo di nome Mattia, che avevo già visto il giorno prima. Poiché le sue difficoltà a caminare erano più che evidenti, ho voluto sostenerlo mentalmente e ho camminato con lui dandogli anche dell'ibuprofene finché non ci siamo lasciati a destinazione mia e lui stava finalmente meglio. Quando si decide di percorrere una certa tappa con qualcuno qui, una cosa è certa: si parla di cose così profonde che ti arricchiscono immensamente alla fine della giornata senza aver pagato un centesimo. Gli ho detto che ieri ho ascoltato una canzone del 1951 di mia nonna e improvvisamente abbiamo iniziato a cantarla insieme. Ora sono seduta qui in un bellissimo monastero nella mia stanza e cerco di cogliere la mia gratitudine che è semplicemente intangibile. Qualche giorno fa ho detto a Pit: "Puoi spiegarmi come faccio a 30 anni ad avere ancora tanta nostalgia di casa e a non liberarmi di questa sensazione che avevo da bambina, anche gli altri ci riescono" e lui mi ha risposto: "Elli, tu esisti una volta sola e ami i tuoi cari incondizionatamente, cosa che non tutti riescono". Così ho avuto anche una risposta alle infinite domande che sorgono qui, dovrei fare amicizia con il fatto che rimarrà per sempre così e loaccetto. Mi manchate! Tuttavia, mi sembra di essere in un sogno, dove non so se voler essere svegliata.

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    • Dag 20

      Day 21. Carrion de Los Condes

      19 maj 2023, Spanien ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      We barely got started this morning when the Australian couple I was walking with noticed Philippe, a guy from Montreal who they had acquainted, frantically walking in the opposite direction. He stopped long enough to tell us he had already walked 5 kms before discovering he didn’t have his passport, so was backtracking, hoping he had left it at the auberge. Not a good start to his day.
      Judy, the one who did most of the chatting, ran her own farm, raising about 40 Black Angus cattle near Sydney, commented a lot on the Spanish irrigation system. She was impressed with the tractor diesel engine pumping water to the middle of the field. She also noted there were no farmhouses anywhere because farmers and their families had to live in towns or villages. She was impressed with their healthy crops, unlike Australia where it had been so dry. When I asked her if they used pesticides, she railed against against the “greenies ,” her word for environmental sympathizers, perhaps what some in Canada would call “tree huggers.” She had no use for them, characterizing them as freeloaders who did not work, smoked dope, survived on government handouts, and only generated energy when it came to protest.
      Setting a faster pace than them, I moved on trail next to the highway until a small village named Villalcazar, site of a Templar church. I was planning on going in but even more intrigued by a woman sitting at the café next to the church when she said to me, “You can get a miracle in there,” to which I replied, “OK, I’m open to anything.” Inside we’re not only decorated panels depicting the life of St. James, but also Father Mark was there, the athletic priest from Australia who strode past us a few days ago while reading a book. He must have carried his own chalice, hosts, and vestments because he offered us a mass all in Latin. It was a flash from the past for me with the priest facing the altar most of the mass. Some people knelt on the cold, stone floor for the full hour without sitting back on their haunches. He offered communion to us on our tongues while we knelt. I kept thinking, my dad would love to be here. I withstood less than 5 minutes of kneeling and that was enough for me. We started with 8 people and ended with about 20. I’ve included some photos.
      Overall, an easy walk today- 19.3 kms.
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    Du kanske också känner till platsen med följande namn:

    Carrión de los Condes, Carrion de los Condes, 34120, Каррион-де-лос-Кондес, Карріон-де-лос-Кондес, 卡里翁德洛斯孔德斯

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