Catedral de León

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    • Dag 8


      9. mai, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      We were so lucky to arrive in Cordoba during the annual Patio Festival. Courtyards are decked with glorious flowering plants and art and opened to the public to view. The ancient mosque, the Mesquita, is breathtaking- one photo cannot capture the immensity and beauty of the striped columns. Over the centuries it has altered between mosque and cathedral, depending on how the pendulum swung.Les mer

    • Dag 24

      Day 23, rest day in Leon

      15. juni 2023, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      I woke feeling so much better than 24 hours earlier and enjoyed the luxury of sleeping until 8 and then dozing for another hour. I was sorry to say goodbye to my room in San Martin hostel which had been such a refuge when I felt ill but we had another hotel booked for the 2 nights I’m spending here with Fiona.
      The new location is at the back of Leon’s magnificent Gothic cathedral. I met up with Rachel and Mike to visit it this morning - bumping into Fiona who had just arrived heroically from Mansilla as we went in. The cathedral is simple and wonderful and flooded with light from the most stunning stained glass. The side chapels were much less elaborate than at Burgos and included a rare depiction of a pregnant Mary. I absolutely loved it - both internally and externally it is one of the most beautiful buildings I have ever seen. Apparently it had suffered some baroque ‘improvements ‘ including a heavy dome and a gold altarpiece which obscured the stained glass. The later structural alterations had undermined the integrity of the building. In the 19th century it’s survival was in jeopardy but thankfully restoration work was successful and, among other things, the original altarpiece reinstated.
      I met up with Fiona at the hotel where we both did some washing and dried it on our perfectly positioned sunny balcony. Very satisfying.
      And then we visited the Gaudi museum, Casa Bottines. This was another great building with excellent information on display. The diminishing size of the windows on the upper storeys, for example, was apparently carefully calculated to ensure similar levels of light in all parts of the building. I’m struggling to describe the furniture which was quirky and fluid and somehow delicious.
      This evening we went out to celebrate Nick’s 65th birthday. In fact there were two other pilgrims also celebrating birthdays in the same bar. After a deal of searching for a restaurant to suit all tastes we opted for an Italian in Plaza Mayor. Tomorrow our little group breaks up and, from now on, all the others will be a day or two ahead of us. Rachel and Mike are taking a bus 35kms along the route and will walk to Astorga from there. Nick and Paul will set off walking and reach Astorga the following day. We are staying in Leon one more night and pacing ourselves quite gently so may not be in sync with the others again though we hope to overlap in Santiago!
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    • Dag 6

      De kathedraal van León

      10. mai, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Om 9:30 zou de kathedraal open gaan voor het publiek, maar daarvoor was toen al de kloostertuin geopend waar een imposante rij met beelden stond opgesteld.
      Je kon zelfs via een kapel al de kathedraal in kijken. Dat beloofde wat, dus snel naar een kaartje halen en naar binnen. Wat ongelofelijk is, is dat León ten tijde van de bouw van deze kathedraal een stad was van slechts 5000 personen. En toch wisten ze zo een groot meesterwerk neer te zetten. Dat is anno nu niet voor te stellen.Les mer

    • Dag 26

      Puente de Villarente and Leon

      6. mai, Spania ⋅ 🌙 52 °F

      The walk to Puente De Villarente was tough yesterday. Cold driving rain with winds. No pictures due to rain. We took a northern route thst was a rough Rocky Road, but the alternative was along a highway. About 20 miles yesterday. Today was beautiful, we arrived in Leon around noon and had a great day if sightseeing. ❤️Les mer

    • Dag 27

      Into Villar de Mazarife

      14. oktober 2023, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 52 °F

      We walked to Villar de Mazarife but the travel booking people had us catch a taxi from there to San Martin del Camino. We’re staying in a private room in an albergue.This albergue has a pool to soak your feet AND excitingly a washer and dryer! We are very excited!!! We’re sitting in the nice weather (rain yesterday, rain tomorrow, rain Tuesday-Friday next week) reading our phones having already done the Wordle, the Mini Crossword, and done Connections. We are at an albergue that serves dinner too so we don’t have to go out looking for food! Life is good!

      I’m putting pictures from last evening’s visit to the cathedral in León on this post. It was amazing! It always makes me wonder what medieval people thought of cathedrals! There were no big buildings at that time so cathedrals must have been mind-blowing.

      Today’s walk was pretty flat, though suburbs first and eventually through countryside. We saw some parachutes around a small airport near a little town called Chozas Abajo. Chozas are huts, usually thatched roof huts. Although we didn’t see any chozas, it seems like a funny name for a town with an airfield. The town was small, like maybe a couple hundred people max.

      So today we had a cool experience. Somehow I’m taking David’s hiking poles in and out of the sides of my pack, his floppy sun hat fell on the ground. When we discovered this we were bummed. That hat is goofy looking but it’s so helpful for hiking in the sun! And also if it’s just raining a bit it keeps the rain off his glasses. BUT! About an hour after we discovered the hat was lost, we took a break and saw this very striking, elegant woman we’ve crossed paths with many times. She wears billowy dresses and uses an old school walking stick. And when we saw her today we saw that David’s hat was hanging from her walking stick! So we finally had a chance to chat with her. She’s from France and said she just found his hat in the middle of the Camino. We gave her many merci bou coups for returning his hat! And then we saw her later in the village we walked to. A new friend!
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    • Dag 17

      Day 13 - Leon last rest day.

      12. oktober 2023, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

      At 7 am Joan woke up to make her Physio appointment. Where she had to walk across desolate city streets to a place unknown in search of relief to her aching buttocks and hip. Julie slept.

      Surprisingly, Joan was able to follow her GPS and locate her Physio for a much needed stretch. The stretcher, was a 50yr old Spaniard, who made Joan a bit nervous, but all ended well and she came out of it feeling better yet 50 euros lighter.

      Upon her return to hotel, Julie and Joan planned their next day (a Pilgrims work is never done), and they set out for breakfast and to explore the city. After a lovely outdoor breakfast cafe, gazing upon the Cathedral, we decided to take a tour of the Cathedral. We spent the next two hours enjoying the history, art, and beauty of our savior Jesus Christ. It was our favorite Church of the Camino.

      After our tour, and meeting several pilgrims- and a quick tutorial on how to wear their backpacks (another story), we found our way to another MacKenzie suggestion and stopped at Topo, which we thought would be a quick refreshment. Little did we know when you ordered a beer you received two free slices of pizza. We were in heaven playing Uno, drinking beer, and gazing at the beautiful Cathedral and people watching. 3+ hours flew by.

      We decided we needed to see more of the city of Leon, and we set out for an adventure. That adventure led us to more Uno and another church.

      We needed food, we circled old town in search of food, and finally found a place we liked that was open at 7:30 pm, and we ended up in a hole in the wall that was amazing. Grilled artichoke snd Jamon, and grilled Squid plus a local wine- a perfect end to our Leon “rest day”!

      Tomorrow we hike to Astorga. We miss walking. That is the truth. Back on the Camino tomorrow.

      Buen Camino!
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    • Dag 19

      Day 19 - Leon (Meseta 4)

      26. september 2023, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      We took advantage of the speed of the bikes today to do 2 sections of the Camino that most people avoid. The first was the Roman road which adds 2km to the journey and bypasses most stopping places. We only saw about 10 people in over 30kms! Made a nice change from ringing the bell every 30 seconds, and meant we avoided long sections of straight road. The second was around lunch where we took a 6km detour to see the monastery that was a stopping point for the original pilgrims. We’re now in Leon. Our hotel is right next door to the Cathedral- so no commute into town for us!
      53kms cycled today, 374m up, 379m down.
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    • Dag 34


      21. september 2023, Spania ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

      Prognoza pogody wyglądała bardzo groźnie, miało padać przez pół dnia i temperatura miała gwałtownie spadać. Ale.....znów się udało, mieliśmy deszczu może przez 10 minut a potem tylko coraz zimniej i wietrzniej. Dzień generalnie mało ciekawy, byliśmy już wczoraj można powiedzieć na przedmieściach Leon. Albergue piękna, ale posiłek beznadzieja, wszyscy z obsługi latali bardzo nerwowo z małą tolerancją na odchylenia lub pomyłkę, na szczęście był gin i tonic.
      Rano nie spiesząc się ruszyliśmy w drogę mijając coraz więcej budynków. Podtrzymywała nas na duchu chęć zobaczenia kamienia, który chował dla nas skarb w zeszłym roku no i udało się. Kamień wciąż był , napis trochę wyblakł przez pogodę , skarbu nie było, ale za to wspaniałe wspomnienia.
      Zanim dotarliśmy do postoju na noc zatrzymywaliśmy się w małych barach, ciesząc się winem, kawą, herbatką i rozgrzewając Soberano i delektując pinchos.
      Nie wiem co się jeszcze wydarzy dzisiaj, dopiszemy jak będzie coś ciekawego. Liczymy na wizytę w katedrze katedrę i jej witraże, na razie była zamknięta.
      Dopisuje już dzisiaj bo wczoraj padliśmy. Spotkaliśmy się z AJ, który na nas czekał i pewnie będziemy już podróżować razem. Nowy człowiek, nowe przyzwyczajenia i adaptacje
      Udało się wejść do Katedry. Cud architektoniczny XIII wieku. Gotyk w najpiękniejszym wydaniu. Pomijając misternie ułożone kamienie sprawiające wrażenie lekkości to witraże. Jest ich ponad 1000 metrów kwadratowych. O ciepłych kolorach z sekwencjami religijnymi pięknie dobranymi. Każda pora dnia czy też kąta światła przez nie wpadającym sprawia, że za każdym razem wyglądają inaczej.
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    • Dag 24

      Homecoming in Leon

      11. september 2023, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

      Two Leo 8s strolling the town of Lions (Leon). It's difficult not to feel like we're coming home to a place we've always belonged. Gaudi's first building is here - Casa Botines - and the Cathedral is a majestic and mystical wonder.

      I've never entered a space and felt what the Cathedral summoned within me. These pictures simply do not convey the feeling that this container of faith evokes. The ceillings are so impossibly high and the arches undulate from our feet to stained glass above our heads, casting invisible colors across the dull grey sand stones. Most of the churches we've visited have been about political power - conveying it to others that you have some special relationship with God or that you are so wealthy you've built this temple - but the Cathedral in Leon is different. This Cathedral is a giant middle finger to all the things those in power obsess about. This Cathedral reminds you of how impossibly large God is and how much mystery there is in faith and how small we are in the scheme of that story and yet, lest you think this is intended to humiliate you, it is your story because it is exists for you. I find myself thinking of Meister Eckhart:

      To be full of things is to be empty of God.
      To be empty of things is to be full of God.

      In these vast empty spaces there is an invitation to invite God to speak and to attune your heart to listen.

      I am thankful for what I heard this afternoon.
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    • Dag 35

      Leon Rest Day

      17. mai 2023, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Leon is by far the biggest city we have walked through but it is an elegant city with charm and a sense of presence as an historical city of substance and importance. It has been beautifully maintained and developed. It is worth a visit for a few days with the churches, museums, historical architecture and so many choices to sample the wonderful food.
      We moved from our first night albergue, just outside the city wall, after doing a full load of washing of everything in our bags, a cup of coffee and tostadas! We moved to the centre of town, 50m from the Cathedral into Albergue Leon, the 3rd story of a buildings overlooking the main mostly pedestrian road. After dropping off our bags we went off to see the sights, starting with a building by the famous “Gaudi” of Barcelona fame and a photo sitting next to his statue.

      We stepped into the Santa Maria de Leon Cathedral - a mixture of Gothic and Renaissance in style - and were immediately mesmerised by the many stain glass windows (1800 square metres of glass), 125 in total - set high in the walls that shed a lightness of touch to the interior (different to so many of the other churches which are rather dark). One of the chief functions of the medieval church was to instruct the illiterate and give them pictures they could understand, to show them the story of the Gospels and the legends of the Saints. Many chapels are placed all around the sides, each beautiful in their own way. The choir is a masterpiece on its own with one of the best organs - one day we hope to be back to enjoy a recital.

      It was Siesta time so everything was closed so we went into Barrio Humedo, area, renowned for their tapas, for lunch and a beer. We then had a quick shower and arrived at Saint Isadora church and museum as they opened. We had a guided tour showing us a snapshot of its varied life over 2 thousand years, firstly as a Roman fortrace, then during early Christianity, the period it was under Muslim control and finally when it returned to Christian rule in the 11th century. During the tour we saw some restored frescoes and she told us how they did it too. Quite ingenious. We saw a library full of books, hundreds of years old and a bible with illustrations and footnotes in perfect condition from the 12th century. Then through the cloisters and into the palace where there were ceiling paintings of the life of Jesus in original condition from around 1200. They were stunning and are know as the Romanesque Systine Chapel. A great visit.
      We then went to mass at the Cathedral and had good intentions of going to the Cathedral museum but were “museumed out” by then so we joined a few friends for drinks and then all went out for a fabulous dinner. They brought us large share plates of cured meats and cheese, garlic prawns, salad, cod in a spicy sauce , oxtail which was a highlight and then rare beef steak on a sizzle plate. We ended with a “herbal liqueur”. It was great seeing everyone in a relaxed state after a day without walking. Before retiring for the night we saw the Cathedral all lit up for the night - another impressive sight.
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