Catedral de Pamplona Occidens

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    • Day 10

      Pamplona to Puente La Reina

      August 26, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

      Left for Puente La Reina at 7 AM. Tough climb, 750 Km up, and dangerously hot, 111° The famous monument at Alto del Perdón was amazing. Glad I finally listened to Robyn Bess and picked up some trekking poles. Otherwise I would have been in trouble. Passed through several small beautiful towns along the route. Stayed at a small municipal Albergue, Padres Repardores.Read more

    • Passing through Pamplona

      August 28, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Awwww ... that is the sound of relief, the sound of me breathing in the fresh air and the feeling of peace. Now this is the Spain I remember. It was great to experience Madrid, but it was great to leave. It was too busy, too touristy, too hot, and too loud. But, the people I met were nice.

      I left Madrid this morning on a 3 hour train ride to Pamplona. It was pretty smooth getting to the train and seated. Now I could just relax and finish listening to the book I started in Canada. It is called It’s OK that You’re Not OK by Megan Devine. It is a good book to help me understand my grief and learn to carry it. I am sure I will refer to it and talk about it though my camino, but today I will just let it sink in and absorb it.

      When I arrived in Pamplona, the albergue was easy to find. I settled in and decided to go look for some food before I showered and settled in for the night. I then happened upon the same plaza I was in with Joerg 14 years ago. I could see it plain as day, him in his blue shirt and sandals with his new German friends. I just stood in that spot, closed my eyes, outstretched my arms and breathed. I just wanted to feel him.

      I also came across a great equipment store for everything camino. I went in and got myself a new set of Leki hiking poles. I am quite excited as my last ones are over 15 years old. I can see the difference, I think they will be perfect.

      I have already met a few people who are scheduled on the bus with me tomorrow to SJPDP. Once I arrive in SJPDP tomorrow the journey will begin. I am so glad I did take those extra days in Madrid before starting. It helped me sort out the logistics of my backpack and tackle the majority of my jet lag. I am feeling quite refreshed today and I think I will be on a somewhat normal schedule now.

      Ok, time to finish my Bocadillo and then settle in for the night. I can sleep in as the bus does not leave until noon, but it will be nice to still get to bed early with the pilgrims now.

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    • Day 8

      A fun night in Pamplona

      October 3, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

      Well we didn’t rest, and our foot got caught in the fun wheel last night in Pamplona with our fellow pilgrims. Turns out we are “Camino famous” as a fellow pilgrim told us as they heard about the two American women who lost their jobs. We had a fun night touring the cathedral and mingling with our pilgrims and Joanie got a knee brace and is a new woman. We’re off to Punta La Reina tomorrow. We shipped our extra bags from plane and clothes to the post office in Santiago and we carry everything with us. Buen Camino!Read more

    • Day 5

      Akerreta to Pamploma

      September 26, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      A rather leisurely start to the day as we had a shorter distance to travel. The weather was patchy, we were lucky we seemed to miss most of the rain. As we came into Zuriain we could hear music being played, it was lovely and the vibe was alive. A very pretty walk through forests once more. We took the path along the river into Pamplona, a very soothing way to enter the city. Grateful for a shorter day.Read more

    • Day 9

      Parting from the Cakewalkers

      June 5, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

      My decision to take a rest day in Pamplona means that my happy little tribe and I are parting ways.

      Will our paths cross again on The Camino?
      It is unknowable. I do feel like there's a good chance we will see each other again somewhere. Bonds made during travel are different from the casual connections we make in daily life, that's part of what is so wonderful about travel.

      Despite the sense of loss in making this choice, I recognize that my health and well being are best served by taking some rest.

      Not only that, but I *want* to spend some more time exploring Pamplona. Perhaps not enough to return here, but certainly enough to be here now.

      Oh, and I'm told that there's a spot nearby with excellent chocolate croissants.
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    • Day 5


      September 26, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Day 4/40. Last night at Hotel Akerreta was so lovely. We arrived early enough in the day to have a nap and then a nice dinner. The views of the basque countryside from our windows were delightful. We really enjoyed staying there and felt refreshed as we headed off to Pamplona. There was a little drizzle on and off through the morning as we walked the 15k for the day. After messing around getting into our apartment we are getting washing done and I check my emails. Hotel Akerreta advised I have left my passport and credential there. I’m so shocked I did that. We will be heading back there in a cab in the morning to collect it. 😕😩🤯Read more

    • Day 8

      Pamplona! Beautiful

      June 4, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 75 °F

      I've only just arrived, but I like it here.
      Might stay an extra night as most attractions are closed on Sunday.

      The maybe is.. I'm reluctant to to break up the fellowship with other Pilgrims with whom I've been walking.

      The added upside is ... Not walking tomorrow! My feet and shins are feeling some tiredness.

      TBD .

      Today was fairly 'easy'. Rocking out to a good playlist really helps the miles roll away. I've been unsuccessful all day in finding a coffee and pastry... High hopes for tomorrow. My chocolate croissant levels are approaching critical.

      My cold seems to be abating, thankfully.

      I think that today's star moment was deciding to take the "high road" which took us past the Church of Saint Esteban. It's a very cute 12th century church with a nice bell that we got to ring.... And has a dandy patron saint!

      That, and entering the walls of Pamplona: truly breathtaking. I'm excited to explore.

      We found lodging at rhe Albergue Plaza Catedral... So far so good!
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    • Day 2


      May 9, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Pamplona is another green city with historic walled fortifications and great views on all sides. Plus found interesting managerie! First stay in Albergue close to the cathedral in the old part of town. Busy place with group youngsters and oldies like us too!! Sleeping in dormitories will take a little getting used to …. it was noisy as expected …. did manage to zone it out … but will def feel sleep deprived today!!!Read more

    • Day 6–7

      Day 3 Zubiri to Pamplona

      September 10, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Set out at 730am this morning with 23km to walk fully loaded with my 8kg pack for the first time. I was certainly feeling the extra weight by the end of the day but glad I did it.
      Pamplona is the capital of the Navarre region, an historic gothic walled city founded in 75BC by Julius Caesars rival, Snafus Pompeius Magnus.
      Famous because it hosts the running of the bulls every year in July.
      Today I followed Joseph from New York on the trail today, good company and a wealth of historic information.
      I'm staying in the Cathedral Plaza hostel with a great view of the epic cathedral, bunk room of 12 people and have some other Australians here to make me feel at home. Had my first Paella for dinner, yum !
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    • Day 4

      Zubirie-Pamplona, 20 km

      May 24, 2018 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Nach einem schönen Abend hab ich heute ausgeschlafen und wir haben zu dritt gefrühstückt in einem kleinen Cafe in Zubirie. 😋
      Dann ganz locker einen 20km Marsch Richtung Pamplona..... haben uns gut verstanden, leider trennen sich nun die Wege und Aaron und auch Marc ziehen jeweils alleine weiter. Ich wünsche "Buen Camino" Euch beiden....

      Ich gönne meinen geschundenen Füßen einen Tag Auszeit und werde morgen Pamplona erkunden. Was ich bisher so gesehen hab, lohnt es sich auf jeden Fall.

      Liebe Grüße aus dem Baskenland 😁
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    Catedral de Pamplona Occidens

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