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    • Dag 6

      Another Day on the Trail

      4. september 2023, Spania ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      Roncesvalles to Zubiri
      Day 3 - 21km

      We set out today at 8am expecting an easy walking day, reasonably flat and not so challenging... so we thought...however the Camino, as we are learning, is full of surprises! It was great to break up the day with a few relaxing stops in some quaint little villages that we came across. ☕
      However, by the end of the day, and as the temperature climbed, our packs were feeling very heavy, so we found the final decent into Zubiri very challenging and extremely steep. 😫 We have had a lovely evening again catching up with our fellow pilgrims. Bedtime now though. 😴
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    • Dag 6

      Walk to Zubiri

      12. september 2023, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 72 °F

      14 miles (ish) today, with ascents and descents that were not nearly as steep but still hard because our muscles were a bit tired. A foggy start through charming towns, with plenty of farm animals (and farm poop) en route. Lots of paths through woods which meant fewer vistas but welcome shade. A cafe at the midpoint had an interesting blend of pilgrims and locals, some of whom were enjoying wine at 11 am!

      Zubiri is small but has all the necessities (unlike Roncesvalles, which was a monastery converted to rooms and restaurants). Our hotel, Casa Txantxorena, is an ultra-charming Navarrese mountain home from the 17th century. Our room is where the animals used to stay-pretty nice digs for a cow! Met Belgians, Israelis, Canadians, Australians today, many in it just for the hiking and back-to-basics life.

      Grateful that some of the locals speak English as I can't seem to muster a full sentence in Spanish without pulling out my Google Translate app. Soy una tonta monolingüe Americana!
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    • Dag 10


      28. august 2023, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Kolejny dzień w deszczu i chłodzie ale w zasadzie bez mgly. W czasie całej drogi pojawiały się bardzo zaskakujące i uciążliwe przeszkody, oprócz deszczu i zimna, na przykład rzeka płynąca przez drogę, kamienista droga pod i z góry i tak naprawdę nie wiem, która gorsza. Końcowy efekt był taki że po dojściu do noclegowni nic się już nie mogło wydarzyć, no chyba oprócz paru piwek i kanapek, która zrobiła Kasia. Po drodze spotkaliśmy trochę nowych przyjaciół w czasie wypoczynku w Espinal. Niektorzy bardzo trafnie zdecydowali by zatrzymać się na nocleg tuż przed tą pełną kamienistych mokrych niespodzianek drogą. Niby idziemy ta samą trasą jak w ubiegłym roku, ale Camino ponownie przypomniało nam, że za każdym razem potrafi być inne... I tym razem w tym ulewnym deszczu przekonaliśmy się o tym boleśnie. Dzisiejszy dzień był bardzo wyczerpujący, przede wszystkim podczas schodzenia po śliskich kamieniach...Na szczęście trasa jest już za nami, a my regenerujemy siły w Zubiri.
      Legenda mówi, że w Zubiri, jeśli przeprowadzi się zwierzę naokoło centralnego łuku mostu 3 razy, będzie ono wyleczone ze wścieklizny. W związku z tą legenda most nazywa się Puenta de la Rabia. Koło mostu również trzymano trędowatych w hospicjum pod wezwaniem Świętego Lazarusa.
      Co do tych wściekłych zwierząt to już wtedy ludzie pewnie przywiązywali się do swoich ulubionych zwierząt, bo przecież musiał być nie lada wysiłek aby je złapać, potem trzymać na bezpieczną odległość i do tego przejść 3 razy dookoła łuku. To tyle na dzisiaj. Dzisiaj liczymy na długi odpoczynek. Oby jutro już nie padło...
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    • Dag 7

      Above the bar in Villava

      24. september 2022, Spania ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      A pitcher of Sangria is calling my name & I won't have to worry about finding my way home😇! The only problem will be climbing the stairs to our room after walking 10 miles today. The knee braces definitely helped, hoping my legs get used to these distances soon!

      We have made friends with some fun people who were staying in the same "pension" in Zubiri as we did last night. These folks are from St. Louis, Southern CA, & Queensland Australia. Even though we are all walking at our own pace we continue to bump into the same group during at rest points, cafes during the day or at lodging places in the evening. We all had breakfast together and then started on our way.

      Our walk started on the road, and then we were on a path through farms and then along the river.

      Had a delicious Spinach Friata at a rest stop in Zurain. We saw fellow walkers picking figs from fig trees. The sun was out, then it wasn't, then it rained. This was repeated at least 5 times today.

      Right now we are sitting at a laundromat. Just switched our load from the washer to what we thought was the dryer. However, when we saw the the suds happening in the dryer we realized "garbigailua" is the Basque word for wash. Well our clothes are going to be super clean!
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    • Burguete to Zubiri

      15. september 2022, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      We left Burguete about 9am after a coffee and croissant at the bakery.

      The initial walk was through beautiful dairy farmland with the lower peaks of the Pyrenees looming behind meadows with horses and cows.

      Espinal just a few miles out was time for a café con leche and a chat with fellow pilgrims. Espinal is a beautiful town.

      We made another stop at a great cafe right on the trail at Bizkarreta-Gerendiain. We refueled there with a tortilla de patatas, a potato, cheese and egg tart, and a cold drink.

      Then we did quite a bit of climbing on a dirt and rock track until we found a food truck where the trail crossed the road about 5km short of Zubiri. We stopped for a cold drink.

      The last bit was a very tough downhill slog on a rough and rocky track. Kevin's dodgy right knee started complaining but on the opposite side to the usual. It’s trying to be versatile in its dodginess I guess. We took it slowly and arrived at Zubiri around 3:30pm.

      We have a great room here: two beds in a room in a very nice apartment with 2 bathrooms and laundry equipment. We’re sharing the apartment with 2 Irish couples from Wexford we’d noticed on the track since Orisson.

      An excellent dinner at this place Food and service highly recommended. I guess it was Navarran Basque cuisine. A short walk from centre of town.
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    • Dag 3

      Davide is our mule! I just found out…

      2. august 2022, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      That he is a mountain troop captain in the Italian Army - when we sung to „Noi ragazzi die oggi“ on the way up, I was only able to sing the part of the refrain when they sing „ah-hah!“ - cause I had no more breath! That is why this is the song of todayLes mer

    • Dag 4

      Etappe 2 - Zubiri, Etappenziel erreicht

      15. september 2022, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Jetzt geht die Suche nach einem Bett für heute Nacht los. Alle bisher gefundenen Pensionen sind bereits belegt.
      Gerade haben wir in der offiziellen Herberge eine Übernachtung bekommen. Jetzt heißt es Betten beziehen und an der Dusche anstehen. Danach ist die Wäsche erstmals dran.Les mer

    • Dag 6

      Fast and Zubirious

      28. mars, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Nicole found BLANKETS last night so I am starting today both well fed and reasonably rested which, turns out, makes a huge difference. I wrapped myself up then slotted myself into my sleeping bag, like a Beef Wellington if the bacon was a blanket and the pastry was a sleeping bag, and you squint.

      Off I go to Pamplona! I said, and got 50m down the road, did the speed trap (because I am at my core, a silly billy) then realised I forgot my bread and went back. I like to think anyone watching thought that was my whole day. Out, SPRINT, job done, in.
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    • Dag 5

      Day 3 - To Zubiri

      11. september 2022, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Day 3 -To Zubiri
      Today was a bit more pleasant. I managed
      17 km again and it was more level with some ascent and descent.
      1/2 or 2/3 of the way was paths within the forest so much better than the direct sun. And it was beautiful. My body is holding up really well. Just my toes get sore. When we arrived in Zubiri we walked over a bridge entering the town, so once we were checked into our Albergue we went to soak our burning, aching feet in the creek. It was wonderful!! Hot shower at the end of the day feels real good for muscle overuse, but can’t even describe how good the cold water felt on the feet! Our path is marked to show the way. We follow either a clam-shell type picture or a yellow or blue arrow. And sometimes they are not very distinguishable. I have taken a wrong turn a few times and luckily backtracked before I was too far. Included is a picture that shows how subtle signs can be; two of them in the photo. Sometimes they are more obvious than others, so we sure have to keep alert.Les mer

    • Zubiri Very Rocky Descent Lived Up to It

      1. september 2022, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 61 °F

      I left Roncesvalles, Spain as the sun came up — it was quite beautiful! Today was a long walking day with climbing that was manageable, mixed with straight and downhill. The last 5 km were so rocky and rugged, it made concentration (once again) a priority.
      I walked with a terrific married couple from NC. They helped make the 7 hours of walking enjoyable!

      When I reached the Albergue, Suseia, my sweet friend, Margaret, from Brisbane, Australia showed up! We walked together the day before. She belongs to an Outback Bush Hiking Club! She is quite amazing!

      I am definitely getting into a routine:
      Walk-shower-wash clothes (in a sink or wash tub, and line dry)-eat-sleep. This is pretty much life on the Camino for the next month or so! I do take some time to go into the small towns.

      Tomorrow I will walk 20 km to Pamplona, Spain!

      I am missing Joe!❤️

      Buenas Noches!
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