Fonsagrada, A

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    • Päivä 6–11

      Day 6 - Grandas de Salime to Fonsagrada

      20. kesäkuuta, Espanja ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

      Growing up I was often told by adults that I wore my emotions on my sleeve. Bonnie says she often hears, "Well you don't have to guess how Bonnie is thinking,” even when she hasn't said anything yet.

      We are cut from the same cloth.

      The elements around our walk today provided us a good opportunity to discuss this together. I woke up disgruntled with the weather, my feelings blue and already on the sleeves of my Mountain HardWear shirt still damp from yesterday's rain.

      Our ponchos stayed on the entire stage as we walked under, through and in the rain. The trail was mostly a stream or path of mud. Bonnie and I kept our heads down attempting to find the most stable steps over and over again.

      Not much was said the first half of our day. Besides being so wet it was mostly all incline and we were working hard. We would check in on each other making sure we were both okay. After a while we found that we were both up for today’s challenge; in fact we felt energized despite our circumstances. While we couldn't really see the views, though we couldn't take many photos, though our shoes were soaked and our bodies were wet and cold, we were still excited to be on the Camino and to be together.

      We said it over and over today - Ultreia - Lets go further. Let's keep going. Let's keep moving.

      We crossed over Alto del Acebo that separates the regions of Asturias and Galicia. Asturias challenged us and rode us hard. It did not find us lacking in spirit or in stamina. It did challenge me emotionally.

      Both of us find those comments that were/are made about us to be subtle digs to let us know that people aren't comfortable when we are emotional. Trust me, I get it. I am the one with the emotions and I'm not comfortable. It is kind of the point. And while I'm sure there are measured, reasoned and grown up ways to deal with disappointments, what it feels like is that we are being told we are too much.

      But we aren't. In fact our emotions are part of our super powers. It's why I can enter into some hard and dark situations. It's why Bonnie is so strong and such an anchor.

      We used our superpowers today to get us through a dark stage. It helped guide our choices. It helped us thrive.

      Sometimes we just need a little time.

      My high school teacher, Mrs Chaney, was a guide and a friend to me. One time, in a discussion we had after I graduated she shared with me that she always had faith that I would get where I needed to be, that I just needed to feel supported and given time. At first her feedback stung, like I had to be coddled, but she was right.

      Bonnie and I walked through a storm today and discussed what it feels like when life is stormy. We both felt understood today. We both arrived.

      We were happy to get to Fonsagrada. We checked into our accommodations for the night and were grateful for the hot shower and dry clothes. Our next stop was at a lavanderia so we could do 

      a load of laundry. Now our traveling wardrobe is also clean and dry. Next order of business was to find an open cafe/bar and have a hot cup of coffee. When we asked our waiter where we could find a newspaper he gave us yesterday's edition so that we could roll it up and stuff it in our shoes to hopefully absorb the moisture. We found our favorite snacks at the grocery store. 

      The sun is now shining. We are in Galicia. We are together and we are moving forward. One step at a time. And we are moving upward, which means we are growing.

      Ultreia et Suseia!
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    • Päivä 7

      7. Tag: Grandas de S. nach A Fonsagrada

      29. kesäkuuta, Espanja ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      25.8km und ~960Höhenmeter
      Nennt mich verrückt, aber ich bin die gesamte Etappe in Sandalen gelaufen und das ging erstaunlich gut. Irgendwann taten zwar die Fußsohlen weh, aber der Zeh hat mit gemacht. Das war das wichtigste.
      Die Etappe heute war eigentlich entspannt. Zwar einige Höhenmeter aber nur zwei mal wirklich steile lange Anstiege. Ansonsten ging es gemächlich weiter. Das Wetter ließ zu wünschen übrig. Es war wieder einmal bedingt durch die Höhe sehr nebelig und feucht und kalt! Viel gesehen hat man dadurch zu Beginn nicht. Aber nach dem überqueren der Grenze von Asturien zu Galicien klarte der Himmel etwas auf und man konnte die Aussicht der Gipfel geniessen. Gerade sitzen wir noch in einer Bar und schauen Fußball. Später startet noch ein Tapas Festival. Mal sehen ob ich das besuchen werde 😄
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    • Päivä 33

      A Fonzy Friends and Food

      22. lokakuuta 2022, Espanja ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F

      Last dinner (lunch really!) with four of us that have been walking together for a few days. Olga is heading back to the Dominican Republic and Conrado is heading back to Madrid, I will walk for the next 2 or 3 days with Miguel (neither of us speak each other's language, and it's great!! 🤣)Lue lisää

    • Päivä 8


      25. syyskuuta, Espanja ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Crossed into Galicia below some wind turbines which were making the noise of howling jets because the wind was so strong. The climb of 600m to 1100m is quite gradual to start with but turns into a rock filled ravine just below the ridge of O Acebo (the holly). Gusting wind and horizontal rain spells from the off.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 9–10

      O Cadavo, albergue

      26. syyskuuta, Espanja ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      It has been a long day due to the tormenta (storm).
      The howling of the winds and the lashing of the rain woke me up in the hill-top town albergue at 4 O o'clock this morning when I discovered the rain flooding in under the albergue back door. Two of us delt with the ingress whilst the rest slept.
      I was not looking forwards to the walk but apart from the very strong winds and occasional heavy shower, it was not too bad. Left at 08.00 and arrived at 14.30 and 24 km completed with just one stop for coffee and walnut cake.
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    • Päivä 34

      J34 - Sommet de Montouto

      25. syyskuuta, Espanja ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Après cette première montée de la journée, je me trouve à plus de 1000 m d'altitude. Je craignais que le vent soit encore plus fort ici, mais c'est raisonnable (il doit y avoir souvent du vent, en témoignent les nombreuses éoliennes).

      C'est un lieu spécial et un peu magique: il y a à la fois une chapelle et les ruines d'un hôpital de pèlerins de 1350, un dolmen (donc bien plus vieux) caché par des arbustes, et des éoliennes de notre époque...
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    • Päivä 34

      J34 - Paradavella

      25. syyskuuta, Espanja ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Depuis le sommet de Montouto, c'est une longue descente agréable jusqu'au hameau de Paradavella, où il y a un bar. C'est l'occasion de boire un café et de manger une part de gâteau.

      Je retrouve Megan la californienne avec qui je fais un selfie.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 32


      4. kesäkuuta, Espanja ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Normale begroeting naar en onder pelgrims is "Buen camino".

      De betekenis van “Ultreia” gaat een beetje dieper… wat een aanmoediging betekent om door te gaan, verder te gaan, verder te gaan.

      Er wordt ook aangenomen dat middeleeuwse pelgrims elkaar begroetten met “Ultreia Suseia Santiago,” wat zoiets betekent als ‘voorbij, omhoog, Santiago’. Andere bronnen suggereren dat ‘Ultreia’ op dezelfde manier werd gebruikt als “Hallelujah,” zodra pelgrims Santiago de Compostela eindelijk bereikten.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 11


      19. toukokuuta 2018, Espanja ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Castro - A Fonsagrada 20km

      Der Silberrücken-Preis geht auch in diesem Jahr wieder an einen 100kg + Spanier. Aufgrund der presslufthammerähnlichen Schnarchgeräusche in der vergangenen Nacht, waren leider nicht mehr als 3 Stunden Schlaf drin. Bereits um fünf Uhr hatten wir deshalb beschlossen aufzubrechen. Dafür wurden wir mit einem wunderschönen Morgenpanorama überrascht. Und den erneut 1100m hohen Bergpass konnten wir somit auch noch in der kühlen Morgenluft bewältigen, bevor wir dann die Grenze zu Galizien überschritten.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 32

      A Fonsagrada

      4. kesäkuuta, Espanja ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Vandaag ongeveer 25 km afgelegd. We begonnen in de mist vanmorgen maarop een gegeven moment zijn we boven de mist uitgeklommen en liepen we in de zon neerkijkend op de mist. Toen werd het al gauw te heet tijdens het klimmen, het is ook nooit goed. Zoals je kunt zien ligt A Fonsagrada op een heuvel. We moesten de laatste kilometer dus nog even een zware klim doen om de herberg te bereiken.

      Gisterenavond in Grandas zelf gekookt met Reetta. Een heerlijke pasta, dat blijft toch het eenvoudigs in deze situatie. We hadden veel te veel dus twee Amerikanen uit Kentucky hebben ook mee gegeten. John en HV. Was leuk om even over Amerika te kletsen, ook omdat John ook in Boston gewoond heeft en we wat herinneringen op konden halen over Car Talk en het bordje in Harvard Square: Dewey, Cheetham & Howe.

      Albergue vanavond is was schoner en beter dan gisteren, ofschoon hier een helemaal lege keuken is en je dus niets klaar kan maken, waarvoor we gewaarschuwd waren bij de registratie.

      Santiago begint te naderen... Nog een week, als het goed is kom ik dinsdag aan. De camino primitivo gaat over in camino Frances op zaterdag, dus ik ben wat gaan boeken omdat het op de Frances heel erg druk is, honderden mensen per dag. In Santiago komen overigens duizenden mensen per dag aan. Zie
      Voor een teller van vandaag.
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