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Viaggiatori in questo posto
    • Giorno 2

      Een eerste dag vol nieuwe ontmoetingen

      6 maggio, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Vandaag begon dan echt weer het camino leven en met die instelling begon ik dan ook de dag. Het lopen naar Carrión de los condes was een eenvoudige wandeling van ongeveer 20km. Onderweg aan de praat geraakt met een Amerikaan, een Schot een Italiaanse en een stuk heerlijk alleen gelopen. Toen ik ik Carrión aan kwam had ik een lekker rustig terrasje uitgezocht voor mijn lunch. Vlak daarna schoof de Amerikaan die eerder had ontmoet aan en voor ik het wist zaten we met zijn vijven aan tafel.
      Het avondeten werd een groep van een man of 10, ik had zelf ook nog een andere Nederlander meegenomen. Het was een gezellige avond en waren er uiteindelijk 8 flessen wijn op gegaan.
      Al met al een heerlijk begin van de Camino.
      Vandaag ga ik een serieuzer stuk lopen... Wordt vervolgd.
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    • Giorno 20

      Tag 20 von Castrojeriz nach Frómista

      21 maggio 2022, Spagna ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Der Tag heute begann gleich mit einem Anstieg von 200 Metern auf 1.5 Kilometer. Danach war es eher gerade. Meine Gedanken waren heute bei meiner Frau die mich seit 28 Jahren im Leben begleitet und ohne die ich nicht da wäre wo ich heute bin ! Sie hat es sicher nicht immer leicht mit mir aber irgendwie hält sie es mit mir aus. Leider kann ich es nicht immer so zeigen wie ich es gerne würde. Ich weiß das ich ohne ihre Unterstützung diesen Weg nie hätte machen können. Ich hoffe auf noch viel Glückliche und gesunde Jahre mit ihr und natürlich meinen beiden Kindern. Der Weg macht etwas mit einem obwohl man es erst garnicht so bemerkt. Alles wird irgendwie zur neben Sache nur das wichtige kommt in den Vordergrund. Auch vergisst man die Wochentage . Es gibt nur Schlafen Laufen und Essen . Die Hitze ist teilweise echt nicht mehr auszuhalten vor allem ohne Schatten. Mal schauen wie es weiter geht.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 25

      Castrojeriz to Fromista

      15 maggio 2022, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      When I woke this morning my foot was swollen and more painful and it was obvious I wouldn’t be able to walk today. Lesley from Durham was also injured so we shared a taxi to the medical centre in Fromista.

      My foot is sprained and I have to stop walking for seven days. This is very disappointing but I was happy that I hadn’t broken anything. However the doctor said Lesley’s back injury was severe and she couldn’t keep walking and she will have to return home for treatment.

      We spent the morning looking at the churches and having a second and third breakfast while we waited to check into the albergue and for her travelling companions to arrive.

      We all then went for a long lunch and it unexpectedly ended up being a very enjoyable day.

      Albergue Luz de Fromista
      6 kms
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    • Giorno 19

      Von castrojeriz nach fromista.

      21 maggio 2022, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Hola buenas...selbst wenn ich wollte, könnte ich heute keine vernünftige Dokumentation des Tages schreiben, denn ich bin heute wie schon angekündigt schonenderweise nicht gepilgert, sondern mit einem Taxi zur nächsten Alberque gefahren. Nun habe ich mir überlegt, einfach mal diejenigen zu danken, welche mich immer bei der Planung und Vorbereitung auf dieses Abenteuer unterstützt haben. Dazu gehört natürlich meine Lisa, die mir immer den Rücken freigehalten hat, bei der ganzen Geschichte. MeineTochter auf die ich so stolz bin und meine Sangesbrüder und Freunde. DANKE, ICH LIEBE EUCH ALLE. Fazit des Tages: es ist wichtig im Leben, solche Menschen an seiner Seite zu wissen. Gott beschütze euch. Buen camino.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 21

      Tag 21 von Fromista Carrion de los Conde

      22 maggio 2022, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Heute war ein eher kurzer Tag es war nicht mehr so warm und es ging immer ein leichtes Lüftchen. Das war nach der Hitze der letzten Tage eine richtige Wohltat. Heute habe ich mit einigen Leuten gesprochen echt super. Mein Englisch wird immer besser 😃 . Es ist halt so das auf dem ganzen Weg Englisch gesprochen wird. Hier in Carrion de los Condes gibt es 6 Kirchen und 2 sind offen aber diese sind wirklich schön. Jetzt geht's noch etwas essen und um 20 Uhr ist Feierabend. Das Laufen und die frische Luft mache ziemlich müde. Morgen sind es 26km. Besser Ausgeschlafen gehen . Um 5:30 Uhr aufstehen und um 6:00 Uhr geht's los .Leggi altro

    • Giorno 24

      Long walk to Frómista

      3 maggio, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Another amazing day, but quite a long one…about 27 kms, though Amr’s watch says 28…but it again was sensational, except just when we had almost arrived, and were enjoying walking along the canal de Castillo there was a diversion and we had to take a long cut around some works, where it looks like they are putting a highway through…probably only an extra km but it was a bit boring!

      Otherwise it was great - we set off about 9, and it was cold but not icy, and left Castrojeriz and the first thing was a long climb - about 1.5 kms and 900 metres - which we knew from before, but this time it was a sparkling green and amazing panorama back to Castrojeriz. We had always thought wow, but in spring WOW! The you walk across the plateau and down the other side, steeper but fortunately paved so no sliding loose stones, and another great vista on the other side.

      Then it went on, always green and lovely, and undulating, but it was long. There are many wild flowers - rogue yellow rapeseed plants dotted, rosemary bushes now flowering, and we found from Rachel’s app that one rather straggly but pretty flower was “rocket salad” and looked carefully, and smelt the leaves, and it was rocket, arugula. And there are poppies, and we identified a Judas tree flowering beautifully. We stopped for a break (but to my horror they didn’t do ColaCao) and otherwise just plowed on.

      Got to the lovely canal de Castillo before reaching Frómista and stopped in a bar before even finding the hotel. Finally I had my ColaCao, and it was in a ColaCao glass!!! A first! Also, while we were sitting there an American pilgrim came up to Amr and said how much he loved the hat!! I thought all who have commented would appreciate that…Then found our hotel, all in the same one tonight, and a new one for us. A very modern ecohotel, and large modern room and such a huge bed we will lose each other. All meeting for dinner later, at a restaurant they have given us vouchers for.
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    • Prayers of Encouragement

      17 settembre 2022, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

      Hi everyone! I am back on the trail from my fall. It was cold all day!

      When we set out, I was (am) still sore from the fall. I badly bruised my right arm, so I can’t use my trekking poles. But the Meseta is so flat, it wasn’t an issue.

      Throughout the night as my body ached, I prayed for encouragement. Once we were up and out of the Albergue, I felt happy to be back walking, but still incredibly sore. My black eye has now moved to a good portion of my face and as I looked in the mirror, I can understand now why the Phantom from Phantom of the Opera had half a mask! Not a pretty sight.

      As we rounded the bend heading out of town, many of us stopped in our tracks! Up ahead we met this amazing group of individuals helping two wheelchair-bound men walk the Camino. My prayer was answered! I hope they encourage or inspire you as they did me!
      Buen Camino!
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    • Giorno 19

      Day 20. Fromista

      18 maggio 2023, Spagna ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      A 24.9 km day that started with a steep climb up the Alto de Mostelares this morning where we had magnificent views of the valley behind us. We stopped at a tiny auberge in a chapel along the way before connecting with a canal that brought us into the town of Fromista.
      Once again, I started this morning in 5 degree weather, but the shining sun made walking enjoyable, providing I maintained a brisk pace. At the Alto de Mostelares summit, I reconnected with the same three people I was with yesterday. Cat, the physiotherapist from Austin, spent some of her day helping pilgrims with shin splints and foot issues. One thing I learned is that if you massage your feet, you should do it upwards rather than downward. Apparently, it improves the circulation. For shin splints the best thing to do is to rest, but many struggling with this ailment have to slow their pace. Stopping was not an option for them.
      I had a great discussion with Joachim, the Spanish literature teacher who knew more English than I thought. He gave me excellent insights on Don Quixote, arguably the best novel of all time. I learned from him that de Cervantes, the novel’s author, died the same day as William Shakespeare. We then moved on to Shakespeare, comparing Henry V St. Crispin’s day speech to William Wallace’s speech in Braveheart.
      Francisco, the agronomist from Chile, owned a huge raspberry business in Mexico, although he did live in Chile, that employed over 3000 workers. He sold that business, which he says provided France with 50% of their raspberries, for an even larger blackberry business. I suspect he’s very wealthy, but he chooses to stay in auberges, living simply and communally. One thing that left a mark on him was stopping at a small church where a very elderly nun volunteered her time providing pilgrims with small religious medallions tied with a simple string. She did this with such a sense of purpose, feeling it was the most important job in the world, while expecting nothing in return. He, especially, cherished the extra one she gave him for his mother back in Chile. I have included photos of my three friends and the medallion; I had stopped at the same church and was given the same one.
      It was very windy again today and our walk was disrupted when an elderly lady was bowled over by a cyclist right in front of us. She was stunned, incurring extensive cuts, bruises, a swollen nose that bled incessantly and possibly broken. Many people stopped to help, and the cyclist, who had just sped past us, was quite apologetic. This lady’s son was understandably irate, but once her senses were restored, she smiled, forgave the cyclist, and thanked everyone.
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    • Giorno 17

      Castrojeriz to Fromista

      17 maggio 2023, Spagna ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

      Today, as perhaps the next few days will be, was relatively unremarkable. This area is largely grain and barley farming, so a bit like walking through Saskwatchen (lol). In fact, much of northern Spain so far reminds me a great deal of the Okanagan: fruit, wine, lavender, but no lakes.

      Today was 25km and with the exception of one 1 km hill at a 12% grade and very windy ( Lethbridge windy), it was a good Camino day. Thankfully, my feet are getting better, and healing. They hurt less just generally. Other body parts continue to hold up.

      The windy weather may continue into tomorrow, but there is no forecast for rain, and continued temperatures in the high teens, I think it will be another week before we begin to see weather in the 20’s. But having said that despite the wind and it is a bit cool…the sky is blue and the sun is out, so very pleasant for walking.

      I walked alone much of the day but intermittently met a few friends from Australia. Later today, I met the Canadian father and daughter ( Bob and Kate) whom I see fairly consistently on the trail. I also was introduced to a couple of ladies travelling together from Ontario whom I have not met before today.

      I have attached a picture of my Camino packing system in case you ever wondered how do you pack and unpack for 50 days in a row? First, before I shower, I empty the backpack completely, empty out all the water bottles, I stack clothes into backpack clothes, dirty clothes, clothes I am going to wear after the shower. I lay out medicine, hair shampoo, toothbrush etc in the bathroom. I put all the back pack stuff ready for repacking in the morning, including the first aid kit ( which I use every morning….because every morning my feet require first aid if they are going to see the end of the day.), sun screen. It is a bit of a system, but I find I can relax, have a shower, have a wine or beer and socialize, dinner and be ready for the next day. Luggage always has to be down by 8 am. No dawdling in the morning!

      I attached a picture of the meseta which is sprawling and will continue for the next days to come. I also attached a picture of the cross with shells…it is actually just a bit macabre because in the middle 1400’s if you committed a serious crime, they hung you from it!
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    • Giorno 29

      Milles vies et des coquelicots

      17 maggio 2023, Spagna ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

      Journée avec plein de moments à retenir, des chemins balisés avec des champs plein de coquelicots,
      voir les randonneurs si attachés et y prendre des photos de tout ses angles en ne sachant pas quelle mouche nous a piqué pour faire le chemin cette beauté naturelle nous transporte avec la sensation du jamais vu.

      Chaque vie à ses raisons bien personnelles de faire le chemin, souffrance,pardon,reconnaissance, recherche de réponses, performance, etc tous unis à reconnaitre la splendeur d'une

      John McCrae médecin militaire lors de la première guerre mondiale avait été inspiré par cette
      plante pour créer un poème pour mentionner toute les pertes humaines de cette guerre dont celle de son meilleur ami, le coquelicot grâce à ce poeme est devenu le symbole de la reconnaissance envers nos militaires au Canada.

      Le coquelicot sera servi par son symbole, sa grâce et sa beauté

      Un couvant du 14 ième siècles aura été un arrêt pour observer la vision de la spendeur que pouvait avoir les architectes de l'époque et comment il répondait a l'inspiration de ce moment (Jésus sur la croix )

      De plus le chemin nous a permis de bénéficier de vent constant sur un chemin sans ombre qui nous a offert une montée de 1050 m que nous avons gravis dun seul coup avec une certaine fierté, l'achalandage commercial asiatique devenu une destination à faire a changé en partie le rôle religieux et historique du chemin, leur priorité n'étant pas les mêmes, compostelles a perdu de sa signification et de son mythe.

      Quand l'humain oublie ses valeurs intérieures issues de son héritage, il cafouille souvent à les remplacer
      par une satisfaction instantanée et de l'obtenir pour soi au dépend
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