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    • Day 26

      Saturday in Logroño

      April 22, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      A quiet and pleasant day. Had a late and luxurious breakfast, though I waited to have coffee later at a cafe, as the machine had bad coffee according to Amr…so I hit the chocolate button instead…Amr had a walk first as it was drizzling a bit, and I was happy to play on my iPad, but it soon fined up and we ventured out together. All was fairly quiet for a Saturday morning we thought. People out having breakfast, but empty streets…bought chorizo at the market (who had prize for best chorizo in 2022), we stopped at a cafe that did churros, very nice - and again I didn’t have coffee as they make the lovely thick chocolate to dip churros in..yum. Bought a large tube of sunscreen for the future sunny days walking!

      On our second venture out we walked along the river, so pretty, and spring has sprung quite a lot earlier than our past towns…some of the trees look in full leaf, and the heavily pruned trees in parks and along streets, are starting to sprout branches and leaves and look pretty again. Also, across from our hotel window we have noticed several stork nests on the roof of the building opposite, with storks busily collecting sticks…they are very large, and can see at least 5 different nests.

      On the way back from the river walk we stopped for a coffee finally, and came across the Museo de la Rioja, so we stopped to look and it was so interesting…from Stone Age to now…and very well presented….and as always, evidence of a Roman presence…Never been there in our other visits….

      By then beautifully sunny, and we had a kindle session on a bench by the river, Amr had a jacuzzi, and we are off to seek food soon. By afternoon of course the streets were bustling, people and families everywhere, the tapas bars crowded and throbbing…and by evening I think it will be chaos…nice chaos!

      Well we set off at about 7, and found the tapas street which had been impossible to walk through in early afternoon with the crowds was all closed…there were people hanging round, maybe waiting for opening time..but we went to the square and had a quiet drink, watching the passegiata of people - families, children, elderly, youth - sometimes dressed up (? Stag nights, or hens nights)…and then went back to our tapas bar and all was open and vibrant again…decided it was simpler to stay there..we managed to get seats…and had delicious food and wine, and found ourselves home soon after 9, long before the Spanish dinner time…but we are walkers and pilgrims, and time to call it a day!
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    • Day 14

      On the road again…

      June 15, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      Nancy and I will frequently sing that phrase (we don’t know the rest of the words) whenever we start out on a trip—whether a road trip, a short journey to visit one of the boys, or one of our grand adventures.

      Tomorrow morning I will have my final dialysis session here in Logrono and then Sean and I will be “on the road again.” The next part of the Camino is a bit of a climb to Najera, so we’ll tackle the first part in the afternoon, hoping to reach Navarette by nightfall and have that much less of a climb on Saturday.

      Got to venture into “pinchos territory” this evening. Tapas are called pinchos in this region. Had a bit of success, after first wandering on the wrong street for a bit. LOTS of pinchos places in the old town. Have posted a couple of pics. We also enjoyed gelato, but too fast to take a picture!

      The last picture was prob our favorite: a quail egg on some meat mixture on a fluffy bun with a slice of roasted red pepper. Yum!
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    • Day 12 - Viana to Logroño - 10km

      September 10, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      I am in Logroño, the city that wouldn’t accept Jörg and me. This was the city that I had decided to get a hotel but after going to a couple and them saying they were full, we decided to leave the city and make the extra trek to Navarrete.

      It is Sunday so most things are closed except the restaurants and patios which are full of people. I arrived around 11:30am but the albergue didn’t open until 2, so I had to just wander around (however, I could leave my backpack). I have very little energy and am missing Jörg like crazy today.

      After checking in, I took a shower and settled in. I wanted to wash my clothes but there were people waiting to shower, so I decided I will do it tomorrow in Navarrete. I realized when I unpacked, that I left one of my walking t-shirts in the last albergue so now I only have one shirt. I will just wear it again tomorrow without washing.

      When sitting in one of the plazas, I accidentally left my phone behind. My watch had sent me a warning that I have been away too long from my phone then I realized exactly where I left it. I quickly walked back there and the people who were sitting near me had found it and picked it up for me. I could hear Jörg’s voice saying “You are so lucky Julie”

      It is 4:30 now and I am bored out of my head. I really don’t enjoy the big cities along the camino. If I was here in different circumstances, I am sure I would visit lots of tourist things, but I don’t want to walk too far. I want to conserve energy where I can.

      I ran into Kangmi and we may have dinner together. Other than that, I am signing off now. Tomorrow is a special day (which is why I think I am feeling a little down today). Navarrete is where Jörg first kissed me. But you will need to wait to tomorrow to hear all about that.

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    • Day 17

      Day 10-Logroño

      September 13, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

      Another 12 mile day that turns out to be 14 miles. At least it was mostly downhill and flat. Alot of the friends we're making now are transitory since we're doing different distances. We still get to chat a little and wish each other a Buen Camino.

      We had a 6 mile walk to Viana and on the way we found a cute food stand run by a lady from Milan. We stopped for a Aquarius and a croissant the kept trekking. Viana was a larger and more modern town than I expected after seeing so many small, medieval villages. We arrived at 11am and found out they were doing a small running of the bulls at 1pm. We pondered waiting around to see it but that would mean we would walk the next 6 to 8 miles in the heat. So we opted to eat our snack and a couple of pintxos and then head to Logroño.

      We arrived in Logroño around 2:30pm but still had to walk another mile to our hotel. At least we have a rest day tomorrow and we're near Calle Laurel where all the tapas bars are. By the way, right before Logroño, we left the Navarra Basque region and are now in La Rioja. So it's time to switch from pintxos to tapas.

      We wrapped up my blistered pinky toe but because it tucks under the 4th toe, it hurt all day. I hiked in my Chaco sandals to give my toes extra space. After we showered and felt alive again, we figured out a way to tape my toes so the pinky one doesn't hurt as much.
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    • Day 18

      Rest day in Logroño

      September 14, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 79 °F

      What a treat to wake up and not have to put on the backpack and head out. I couldn't rally last night to go to the famous Calle Laurel for a tapas crawl so we're doing it twice today, first at lunch then for late dinner.

      Our hotel has a great breakfast spread of ham, chorizo, salchichón, cheeses, breads and eggs however you'd like. We stuffed our faces and then went out to explore. We walked along the Gran Via which reminded me of the downtown San Francisco of my youth; relatively clean, modern and lots of shops. We toured a couple of churches then headed to Calle Laurel to sample some tapas. The area wasn't very crowded at lunchtime which was fine by us. I had to try the mushrooms at Bar Soriano I had heard so much about...yum. Other standouts were the torreznos (fried pork belly), patatas bravas, and the creamy tarta de queso (slightly underbaked, crustless cheesecake). Most of these places specialize in one dish so you eat that and move on to the next place. Shops started closing at 1:30 and reopen about 5pm. The restaurants close about 3pm and reopen about 7:30. So we went back to our room for siesta time.

      The tapas bars slowly started opening at 7:30pm and were in full swing at 8:30pm. Who are we having dinner this late?! It was a little more crowded but we always had plenty of space.

      Now were getting ready to hit the trail tomorrow.
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    • Day 9

      There's a guy behind those trees playing

      May 30 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      After a lot of stretching I decided to walk today, much slower than the others. The first 10km were ondulating countryside with Viana as the breakfast stop.
      I came across a man with an amp sitting behind a tree playing guitar shyly, so after a conversation he let me take a photo. That's today's drawing subject sorted. By the end of the 21Km my leg was hurting again, so am doing more stretching as that seems to help. On a positive my toes have stopped feeling bruised, so feet not hurting at all. Today I added Korea and Norway to my tally of nationalities. And French Canadians who are changing their socks three times a day.Read more

    • Day 17

      Logrono, La Rioja

      September 28, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Whose stupid idea was it to walk 700+ km across Northern Spain by myself? The "I'm getting off the island" excitement has definitely worn off and the "It's a bloody long way to Santiago" reality has set in along with the "it would be much better if I'd brought someone with me to share the fun!"

      Of course, this was all to be expected and in reality the first few weeks have flown by. Most of my Pilgrim friends are days of weeks ahead of me by now but there will be new people to meet again this week.

      I've had my rest day in Logrono, capital of the La Rioja wine region. I did all the practical things like getting some new hiking sandals to try out on the trail, and some anti-inflammatory drugs in the hope that I can walk more than two days without needing a day off. And the laundry, I did that too.

      I also slept a lot. The body is adjusting both to walking and the opportunity for a siesta. The shops in Spain never seem to be open. Most are open from 10-2 and some from 5-7 with the odd big store open 8 hours a day.

      Cafes, normally called bars, are open longer but often the kitchen is shut until 8pm but there is a selection of tortillas (omelettes) and bocadillas (snacks) displayed on the counter. Alcohol and coffee seem to be served all day long.

      I really do prefer the villages and countryside than the cities, and will think twice about whether to have a rest day in a city again. The Camino seems always to go through the historical heart and pass by all the must see sights so nothing is missed if you follow the Way.

      Of course, the main attraction of La Rioja is the wine and I'll be passing by many vineyards over the coming days.
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    • Day 10

      Fast forward to Logroño

      September 14, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 81 °F

      I was going to take the day off walking and take a bus to Logroño. I'm so sore and was ready for a break.
      Well...buses are harder to get than I thought. I ended up walking to Estella (about 5.5 miles) before getting the bus. The place I booked is both far from the bus station and the Camino. Don't know what I was thinking.🤦‍♀️ I'll taxi back to the trail in the morning. That road was too narrow to walk again.Read more

    • Day 5

      5 am

      July 21, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      Trying to beat the heat, leaving Logroño at 5am. That’s a little late, but I am hoping to be in Navarrete by 8 and Ventosa by 10. The final 12 kilometer are downhill and not that hard to do, meaning I should be checked into my next albergue by 1, before the heat rises over 35.Read more

    • Day 12


      September 16, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 68 °F

      Once again we started out long before the sunrise to get miles in and miss the heat but the weather today was perfect hiking weather, cool and overcast. Walking here is amazing. The mileage is hard, at just shy of 19 miles today and likely more than 20 tomorrow, but the rewards are huge.

      We are meeting so many people walking for so many different reasons. When we get into a new village it seems we always run into someone we know, usually a person we met days earlier. It is so good to check in with, and encourage, one another. At dinner last night we had great conversations challenged by many languages but it all gets sorted out somehow.

      Each night around dinner time we begin the search for a bed for the next night. Somehow it works out, be it a bunk bed like tonight with 12 others or like tomorrow where we scored a room with just two beds!

      Tomorrow looks like another cool weather day so walking should be good.
      Buen Camino!
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Logroño, Logrono, Logronyo, لوغرونيو, Горад Лагронья, Логроньо, Λογρόνιο, Logronjo, Logroñu, لگرنیو, לוגרוניו, Լոգրոնյո, RJL, ログローニョ, 로그로뇨, Lucronium, Logronjas, लोग्रोन्यो, Logronh, لوگرونو, 26001, लोग्रोंयो, Логроњо, โลโกรโญ, Логроньйо, 洛格罗尼奥

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