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    • Day 14

      Day 11

      September 1, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Left Logrono 6.45 am arrived Navarrete 11.45am
      12.5ks today. It is our rest day.
      Very little signposts to show the way out of Navarete this morning. It took 45 minutes to get out to the city fringe. We walked mostly on paved footpaths today, very hard on our feet. We need to get some washing up to date and have time to rejuvenate.
      We have noticed that the locals are very helpful, and even though the language barrier is there, we get ourselves understood. Lots of laughter.
      We are managing with our packs really we now we don't have the intense heat.
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    • Day 6

      6. DAY | 23 km

      May 4, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Sorge dich nicht um morgen...

      Heute habe ich entschieden euch ein Video zukommen zu lassen, vieles erwähne ich somit bereits in der Aufnahme.

      Dennoch möchte ich hinzufügen, dass unser Körper echt Dinge leisten kann die mir tatsächlich für unmöglich schienen. Gott sei dank habe ich mich gestern nicht verrückt gemacht, sondern habe einfach nur gebeten dass ich heute wieder Schmerzfrei bin. Als ich heute morgen aufgestanden bin, hatte ich sooo eine Kraft und Motivation dass mir klar wurde dass auch dieser Sturz mental notwendig war. Nun bin ich in Logrõno langsam müsste dann auch Simone eintrudeln, auch wenn wir getrennt starten und laufen schlafen wir nun die zweite Nacht im gleichen Zimmer.

      Adios Navarra | Hola Rioja die erste Region ist durch.


      Nella Vita non pensare a domani...

      Oggi ho deciso di inviarvi un video, quindi vi parlo di molte cose già nella registrazione.

      Tuttavia, vorrei aggiungere che il nostro corpo può davvero fare cose che a me sembravano impossibili. Grazie a Dio, ieri dopo la caduta non mi sono messa a preoccuparmi tanto, ho solo chiesto di liberarmi dal dolore oggi. Quando mi sono alzata stamattina, avevo così tanta forza e motivazione che ho capito che anche questa caduta era mentalmente necessaria. Ora sono a Logrõno pian piano dovrebbe arrivare anche Simona, anche se partiamo e camminiamo separati, ieri e oggi dormiamo nella stessa stanza.

      Adios Navarra | Hola Rioja la prima regione è passata.

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    • Day 13

      Bus ride to Najera

      September 30, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

      So! My report from yesterday about feeling better was a little premature. David is feeling better! I am super sick now though. And with good reason! I tested positive for COVID. So we are hanging out in the hotel room in Nájera waiting impatiently for my immune system to beat up on the little COVID’s! 🦠

      We don’t actually have pictures of much today as mostly we were masked and slinking from one hotel room to the bus and into another room. I have to figure out how to get David some food tonight. He gets disoriented so he can’t go on his own and I need to keep my germy self away from other people as much as possible. I haven’t eaten anything but a cup of yogurt and some soda and water in the last day and a half.

      It seems like every person I’ve known who’s had COVID in the past few months has had a mild case. I’m not sure why I’m so sick! Hopefully I’ll have better news to report tomorrow!
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    • Day 16


      May 10, 2024 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      Day 8 Logrono
      Distance from Torres del Rio 22kms

      A beautiful sunrise as we left Torres del Rio and started up what they call “the knee wrecker”. We navigated the tricky path for several kilometers up and down uneven rocky terrain the day was hot and sunny and we sought shade whenever we could. Bought fresh fruit at a village market drank freshly squeezed orange juice spied white asparagus and exotic mushrooms. Passed by cute Spanish cottages a 12th century church and a group doing the Camino by horseback. We kept up a steady walking pace to enter Logrono early afternoon. The temperature had reached 28c and we were keen to escape the heat. We were happy to sit in the city square with a cool drink and listen to the many bands making their way through the streets. Logrono is known for its tapas and festivities and the city was alive with music.
      Heading to Najera tomorrow (30kms).
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    • Day 10

      8. Etappe nach Logroño

      March 28, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Um kurz vor 7 bin ich nach Vianna aufgebrochen. Für den schönen Sonnenaufgang musste ich mich immer wieder umdrehen. Landschaftlich war die Etappe sehr schön. Im Hintergrund waren immer wieder die hohen Berge der Pyrenäen zu sehen. So massiv.

      Da ich bereits Mittags wieder am Etappenziel angekommen bin, habe ich mich dafür entschieden nach Logroño weiter zulaufen. Das Stück in die Stadt rein, war eher wieder zäh und asphaltig. Aber ich bin gut angekommen. Spüre meine Beine ganz schön von den 28,8km, dafür gibt es morgen dann eine halbe Etappe.

      Was mir bisher an der Stadt am Besten gefällt. Hier brüten Störche auf den Dächern und im Hof meiner Herberge hört man das Klappern. So süß!
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    • Day 8–9

      Day 7 to Logrono

      May 13, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Long haul to Logrono... saw Frankie & Patchou again this morning.... he is a bus driver from France... it is his son Theo's birthday today.

      He breaks my heart. I don't know why I feel so very sorry for him. I hope they found a place for tonight.

      Logrono is a great city... had amazing lasagne and parmigiana!!! And brilliant Italian wine!

      Tomorrow off for another 29km... eish...

      Tonight we're in a place- not a hostel- feeling is very different but quiet... and no-one will wake us up at 5am tomorrow!
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    • Day 6

      18mi Los Arcos to Logroño 🍷🍇

      August 11, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 39 °C

      Slept in this morning and it got pretty hot 103° ☀️ walked a few miles with Fabian 🇩🇪 who doesn’t drink water, but gets his fluid from fruit. Ran into Vivian 🇨🇿 and Nick 🇹🇼 on my coffee stop ☕️. Lots of vineyards and hay on this walk. Said goodbye to Kate 🇷🇺 and Georgia 🇦🇺 they were both so lovely and gave me big hugs! Hoping to see Georgia on the way later. Logroño is known for its wine 🍷 going to explore!Read more

    • Day 56

      Etappe Villamajor nach Logrono

      August 12, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Im Walkingfkow, die heutige Strecke war richtig meditativ, ich sichtete ca. 4 Pilger und fühlte mich alleine im nirgendwo… ich sah die Berge und überlegte mir einen kurzen Moment ob ich einfach die Strecke wechseln soll und den Bergen folge, was ich dann aber nicht tat, da es ja schon etwas zu heiss war und ich das Pilgerfeeling schon sehr geniesse.

      Einer der Pilger denen ich begegnete war Louis. Er erzählte mir, dass er wusste das ich vor ihm laufe, da er meine Haare auf dem Weg sah. Es ist eine Art Verarbeitung. Vor 5 Monaten habe ich die schwerste Entscheidung in meinem Leben getroffen und das braucht viel Zeit. Dies schenkt mir dieser Weg und ich bin dankbar, dass ich oft an diesen Menschen denke und den Pilgern denen ich begegne schöne und lustige Geschichten über die Zeit mit ihm erzähle 🫶🏼.

      Kurz vor der Auberge traf ich auf die Franzosin Josefine und Italiener Fernando und Simone an, denen ich bereits 2 Tage bevor begegnete. Wie ich gestern erwähnte, muss man hier sich echt keine Gedanken machen, da sich alles so ergibt wie es soll und ich denke, wenn man diese Einstellung übt, dann sähe das Leben etwas einfacher aus, weil man sich schon oft viel zu viele Gedanken über 1000 Dinge macht.

      Josefine kommt auch aus Paris, somit kenne ich bereits 3 Pilger die ich dort besuchen könnte😊.


      Freudige Familiennachricht bekommen

      Haase und Maus gesichtet

      Kochen und Musizieren und Rockabilly Tanzen

      Geschichte von Louis, Stierrennen in Stadt (Jetzt hat er doch etwas mehr erzählt hihi)

      Nun 2 Monate unterwegs mit meinen Füssen und besten Freund dem Rucksack und bester Freundin der Ukulele
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    • Day 15–16

      Torres Del Rio to Legrono

      September 14, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      One of life’s perfect days. We rose early and I started walking just after 7 when the sun was still coming up. The light was so beautiful it’s hard to capture with my limited skills but I tried. We walked 22 or so km and wanted to be there by 1 when the municipale albergue opened as you can’t book & they have been filling up. We got there about 12:45 & people put backpacks in a row as the queue so we could relaxe rather than stand in line waiting to open & check in. We then did the standard pilgrim things, showered, did our washing, & got food. we tried small plates they call pintxos which are the tradition in this area. Delicious. Then we walked out into the suburbs to the Decathlon which was not so perfect, hot & lots of big box shops, but ok. We got Ed a mountain bike to finish the Camino on. They have a buy back scheme which we will utilise when we get to Santiago. I got food to cook for dinner but by the time I walked back I was tired & so happy that a Mexican woman offered us enchiladas, another pilgrim wine & later an Italian a bowl of pasta al tonno (pasta with tuna & tomato). It was all simple and good. I offered up a bowl of figs to share. A lovely communal evening in rather than eating out was lovely. Ed walked the whole distance seemingly happily & then the walk to Decathlon too & was in a good mood. We went to bed tired & happy.Read more

    • Day 9

      Day 9 - Logrono

      September 16, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Another day of big climbing in the hills: some vey steep sections but with nice long rolling descents. Found a squashed tarantula sized scorpion on the road - caution needed before sitting on any rocks. Another early start but we arrived before 3pm. We were greeted by the Rioja wine festival in full swing. The whole city is full and it is clear that red wine has been liberally spread about. Good atmosphere though and we’ll head out later to watch the marching band parades!
      52kms cycled today, 900m up, 950m down.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Logroño, Logrono, Logronyo, لوغرونيو, Горад Лагронья, Логроньо, Λογρόνιο, Logronjo, Logroñu, لگرنیو, לוגרוניו, Լոգրոնյո, RJL, ログローニョ, 로그로뇨, Lucronium, Logronjas, लोग्रोन्यो, Logronh, لوگرونو, 26001, लोग्रोंयो, Логроњо, โลโกรโญ, Логроньйо, 洛格罗尼奥

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