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    • Tag 42

      J42 - Départ d'Olveiroa

      3. Oktober in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Après la journée de pluie d'hier, le temps est meilleur aujourd'hui : un peu de brouillard ce matin, de la brume de mer ce midi à Cee, et sinon du soleil ! Ça fait du bien !!

      Départ vers 8h d'Olveiroa, il y a de beaux horreos dans ce village.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 11

      Maroñas to Olveiroa: +- 13kms

      6. Oktober in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Today was a much easier day: the rain eased off a bit and wasn't pelting us like yesterday, and we had a much shorter distance to cover.

      We met a few very interesting people today. First an older couple from Norway; the husband is about to turn 85 and his wife, 79 years old. They had just completed the Camino Portuguese from Porto 😳 (which is 320kms long) before starting the Camino Finsterre! And here we were patting ourselves on the back for completing the Camino Ingles (about 115kms) before starting the Camino Finsterre! We are both humbled, delighted and inspired by them. They started walking 23 years ago and love it, they have done major walks across Europe including a very tough one in Norway.

      Then we also chatted to a Belgian man who had completed the Camino Primitivo before starting the Finisterre route. We know the Primitivo is considered the toughest of all the Caminos (along the northern coast of Spain) with treks through valleys and mountains. He was telling us it was absolutely freezing in the mountainous parts of the Primitivo, and he found it very challenging. We could see he was in low spirits; he was questioning why he was still walking, with all the rain we are having on the Finisterre route. I felt so sorry for him and did my best to encourage him to keep walking to Muxia and to take a few days' break to recover. I didn't have the heart to tell him that my weather app predicts solid rain until at least next weekend.

      I guess that is the beauty of walking with a friend. We are each other's support all the way. Not once have we considered giving up, even yesterday, which we agree was our toughest day (mentally) so far.

      Then we also met up with the lovely Dutch lady we saw at dinner last night; Geraldine. She is walking 2kms further than us today but we are pretty certain we'll see her again. We found the same thing on Camino Ingles. You tend to meet up with the same people every day.

      Today's walk was great; because it was so much shorter. Our feet are in good shape (to be expected) and we have time to dry our gear before tomorrow morning, when we set off again.

      Plus!! We arrived at the albergue pretty early and knew we were booked into a dorm room, which we don't enjoy that much as there is very limited space. As I handed my card over to pay, I asked if they maybe have a twin room available ( I checked last night and there was nothing) and yes they did! We were elated, as it includes our own bathroom as well. Brand spanking new.
      The Camino has provided yet again. 'Ask and you shall receive'.

      Lunch was at the albergue, a massive salad. It's been a good day.

      Here's our Relive:

    • Tag 10

      Negreira to Maroñas: +-21 km

      5. Oktober in Spanien ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      'The Camino has provided.' Rain. The Camino provided LOTS of rain. It's relentless!

      It poured most of the day. We had a few hours with less intense rain but it didn't stop. Scenery was still great, though.

      I was expecting to end up with lots of blisters due to increased friction in wet socks, but was mostly fine. I have one small blister on my big toe but will work with it before we start walking tomorrow.

      My cousin Piet's wife Jeanette introduced us to the joy of Compeed. It's patches and toe 'sleeves' made of silicone. Absolute game changer. I bought 2 sleeves for my little toes and no more problems! Dankie Jeanette 😍
      Once we get to civilisation again, we will buy more.

      Also thankful today for Gortex. Gortex shoes and Gortex rain suit. The shoes weren't that effective today but the rain suit kept me pretty dry. Our trail runners are now stuffed with newspaper and drying in front of the fire in the albergue restaurant. Talking about restaurant, we had a hearty 3 course 'menu of the day' dinner, including wine, for Eu 13.

      We chatted with a Dutch lady at dinner. So far we don't socialise that much, as most peregrinos are Spanish speaking, but on our walks so far we have spoken with a couple of Aussies, Dutch, Scandanavian, quite a few Canadians, and one person from England. They are all very entertaining in their own way.

      Mariette and I walk on our own sometimes for a bit of me-time and today being so rainy we each walked at a speed we felt safe at. There was lots of mud, many puddles and we had to balance ourselves with our walking poles not to slip and fall over!

      It was a very challenging day and as I was plodding along, I was wondering if this moment was trying to teach me something. 'Keep on keeping on'? I don't have an answer yet.

      Here's our Relive:

    • Tag 140

      Eine besondere Gruppe

      18. Juli 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Sam und ich sind heute die ersten von unserer Gruppe, die startklar sind, daher beginne ich den Tag mit ihm. Er ist gut drauf und setzt sogar noch einmal unser philosophisches Gespräch von gestern fort. Ich fühle mich etwas schlapp an diesem Morgen und brauche schon nach 3km die erste Pause. Sam, der sowieso immer und überall für eine Pause zu haben ist, freut sich.

      Bei der zweiten Pause holen uns auch schon Sarah, Addie und Amy ein. Irgendwie sind wir mitten in einer Gruppe aus gefühlt 100 Pilgern gelandet und um uns zu erkennen zu geben, winken wir unseren Freunden, die den Weg hinaufkommen, auf eine ganz eigenartige Weise zu, bei der wir wild mit den Armen in der Luft herumfuchteln. Das hat sich in unserer Gruppe eingebürgert, seit dem Tag, an dem ich mit Sam Tapia de Casariego erst gegen 20 Uhr erreicht habe und unsere Freunde am Strand auf der anderen Seite der kleinen Bucht, die wir Richtung Campingplatz entlanggewandert sind, bemerkbar machen wollten. Da wir sie lange Zeit nicht bemerkt haben, wurde ihr Winken immer auffälliger und absurder, bis Till schließlich meinen Namen gebrüllt hat. Jetzt ist dieses Winken unser Gruppenerkennungszeichen.

      Kurz darauf legen wir auch schon eine dritte Pause ein, bei der wir in der Bar Alto da Pena den ersten Kaffee des Tages bekommen. Später verzieht sich der galicische Morgennebel und es wird heiß und sonnig. Ich lege mit Addie, Amy und Sarah noch eine weitere Kaffeepause ein, bei der wir von Katzen überfallen werden, dann gehen wir bis zur Herberge in Lago mehr oder weniger durch.

      Noch etwas hat sich seit kurzem in unserer Gruppe etabliert: wir haben eine bestimmte, sehr eigenartige Art zu klatschen und wenden das bei jeder Gelegenheit an. Die anderen Pilger in der Herberge Monte Aro müssen uns für sehr seltsam halten an diesem Abend, als wir regelmäßig in pinguinartigen Applaus ausbrechen. 🐧😂

    • Tag 215

      Camino Frances 18

      30. August 2019 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Nach meinem Zwischenstopp in Santiago habe ich gestern meinen Weg auf dem Camino fortgesetzt, denn mein Endziel ist Finisterre.
      Also habe ich wieder die Schuhe geschnürt, meinen Rucksack geschultert und bin von Santiago über Carballa, Ventosa und Ponte Maceira (ein sehr hübsches Dorf) nach Negreira gelaufen.
      Nach einer eher schlaflosen Nacht (zwei Pilger haben sich nachts so lange gestritten bis die Polizei kam 😡) bin ich heute dann ca. 26 km bis Lago gelaufen.
      Nun sind es noch ungefähr 42 km bis Finisterre, wo ich Sonntag ankommen werde.

    • Tag 17

      Day 33 Negerie to A Maronas 679 km

      25. Oktober 2023 in Spanien ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      So.....I thought I had experienced my worst day of weather but I was wrong. I think this is Day 10 of rain.

      The morning started out great. Then it deteriorated into pouring continuously. I kept hoping it would improve......but it rained harder and the wind picked up nearly blowing my hat off!!

      I was thoroughly wet at 10 km. By 22 km my feet were swimming in water..... My poor feet😥 They have taken the brunt of all this rain. But here's to Merino Wool and keeping me toastie warm🥰💪

      Anyway, I can't believe how many other Pilgrims were out slogging away in this wading pool of water and mud.

      At one point I started laughing out loud at how I have paid to be here on this Camino. It is just like Nanaimo weather only it is much warmer 16 C....but still how funny is this😂🤣😂

      I saw a group of people on horseback doing the Camino. The picture was taken from my refuge in a bus shelter🥺 I ate my avocado ,/pavo (turkey) sandwich there. is going to be worse tomorrow. I am not a quitter however I am not going to put my poor body through the extra burden of dealing with the wet (my poor soggy sore feet!). It is not worth it,!! Besides I have walked almost 700 km

      Enter Plan B. I am taking the bus to Santiago tomorrow,and spending the night. I will then bus to Porto Portugal the next day September 27.

      I might as well see something new and exciting. It is raining everywhere although Barcelona and Valencia have sun I think.

      I hope you get the drift of how wet it can be.....socked in for sure🙄

    • Tag 62

      Finisterre (bike day 2, 48km)

      13. Juni 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Today was longer but less hilly and most of the day was so good with quite a few long downhill sections going back to sea level but some of the hills were insane. If we lost our momentum on the narrow rocky paths we just couldn’t start again and had to push! We also had a few bike issues. Ant’s bike couldn’t use the last 3 easy gears for a while and Jane’s motor died. Shimano “Error E10” wasn’t a good sign. Fortunately we were near the top and there were not any steep sections to go but still a bit of work to get to the top. Then we went all the way down to the coast to a seaside village called Cee where, after a long lunch, a new bike arrived from our rental company. Such awesome service! AND a full battery! We then went over a hill and back down again to Finisterre. On the way there was a ridiculously steep down hill that we could easily have bypassed on the road and Ant managed a proper “stack” but fortunately was not injured!
      The arrival into Finisterre had a long cobbled pathway which we normally love but seriously, for a bike path! Welcome indeed. Not good for the derrière!
      We arrived in one piece, had a quick shower and cycled to mass as it is St Anthony feast day! Then off to meet a fellow pilgrim for a drink before we ate a delicious seafood dinner of Calamari, langoustine in pastry bags and a huge plate of mussels. We walked to sunset because our butts are a bit tender for cycling!
      Finisterre was know as the “end of the world” for westerners and it is tradition for pilgrims to watch the sun set over the sea after the long walk across the country. We got lucky and had no clouds - the first for many days so we will bore you with our pics!
      A special moment today at second breakfast when we met an 81 year old Belgian lady who walked the Camino Frances in a month! Such a positive lady, just amazing!
      Phew, I feel tired just writing this but it was such a cool day. Beunos Noches 💤

    • Tag 14

      We are almost at the end of the 🌎

      26. Mai in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

      Yesterday we began our final walk to Finisterre 'the end of the world' another 50 miles. We’ve hit 28 miles the last two days, total to date, 128! We have one more BIG day left!!

      Tomorrow we finish off our journey with the Camino with a 22 mile walk, about 8 hours. Our biggest walk! 😱
      The Romans gave it that name ‘Finisterre’ because they used to think that was the end of the world.

      For us we have so many things to be grateful for but at the TOP of the list is our salvation. Even though the Romans got it wrong, we do know there is an end to this world and a new one when we take our final breath.

      What a wonderful reminder this isn’t home but rather just a journey until he calls us home. Until then we will keep traveling our #detkenadventures and keep telling people about a man that welcomes sinners into His New world and His perfect kingdom.

      One more day Friends.

      p.s. there was a creepy picture of a doll on a bike. Thought you should see a few pictures that weren’t beautiful 😂

    • Tag 84–85

      Day 84 - Vilaserio to Olveiroa

      14. Juli in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      This morning we awoke feeling a little ropey🙄 but persevered because we are hardened travellers.
      Things didn’t bode well as Simon looked out of the window to see grey, leaden skies. He was also dismayed to see how many pilgrims were already on the road!
      We had bacon butties with coffee to get us motivated and out of the door.
      We had a 20 km walk in front of us. We started bold with no ponchos but quite quickly could see the mizzle and signs of rain ahead.
      We were on a busy route and Simon got into his usual ‘race the pilgrim’ mentality- I left him to it!
      Here was some good, attractive open countryside with small settlements and farms. Some had a few loose dogs roaming around who seemed quite excitable, this was unnerving as you can’t move too fast or protect yourself with a big rucksack on your back. They turned out to be friendly enough, thank goodness 😅
      There were a lot of handsome jays on route, we also heard the frogs again in a ditch we passed that reminded us of our French walks.
      The mist and rain were upon us about a third of the way in, so we donned our ponchos- we are learning to read the sky well.
      We had quite a few long climbs on the route that led to some good views but also a stiff breeze.
      As we came out of a wood and into another settlement we came across a cafe. We decided to halt the race and stop for a coffee and a slice of chocolate cake as the bacon butties had worn off.
      A lot of other pilgrims joined us.
      The end of the walk had steep climbs and was very windy, however the rain subsided 👍
      We reached our destination- Casa Loncho which is a smart solid stone set of rooms with lovely views over the countryside.
      It has a great restaurant attached which did us a healthy salad, pizza and lasagna.
      We are hunkered in room now awaiting ‘the match’!
      We head for Finisterre tomorrow - the end of our westward journey.

    • Tag 37

      Etappe 31 - Olveiroa

      18. Oktober 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Nun geht es auf die zweite Etappe Richtung Finesterre. Mal schauen was Petrus an diesem Tag so mit uns vor hat.
      Wäsche und Regenjacke kamen gestern in den Trockner. Ich hätte keine Chance gehabt, dass alles trocken ist für den nächsten Tag. Schuhe habe ich zwar mit Zeitungen ausgestopft - trotzdem noch feucht.
      Habe in einem Schlafsaal mit ca. 36 Betten meine Nacht verbracht. War sogar angenehm - nur dezente Schnarcher. Somit nun ausgeruht auf die nächste Etappe.
      Nach zwei Stunden und ohne Regen das erste Café erreicht. Dann weiter bis Vilaserio und in der Alberque "O Rueiro" etwas gegessen.
      Langsam wird es stürmisch, einerseits gut, da der Regen vertrieben wird, andererseits kommt der Gegenwind wieder richtig auf.
      Heute wird die Etappe, so schön sie auch ist, für mich zur Tortur. Manchmal könnte ich heulen, da mir Knie und Beine starke Schmerzen bereiten. Trotzdem werde ich die Pilgerwanderung nicht abbrechen und bis Finesterre und Muxia gehen. Mal sehen wie mir das gelingt. Diese Tage mutieren für mich nicht zur "Kür", sondern werden noch einmal zu einer richtigen Herausforderung.
      Dann kommt pünktlich 13.00 Uhr der Regen auf. Sturm und Regen, bergauf und bergab - derzeit ist die Wanderung..........
      Gott sei Dank in Olveiroa ein Bett gefunden. Nasse Klamotten runter, heiße Dusche und dann in die Horizontale - tut das gut!!!
      Nun noch was leckeres Essen und ein gutes Glas dazu trinken!!!
      Die Küche in Spanien ist fast überall gut - freue mich nach fast sechs Wochen trotzdem wieder auf deutsches Essen.

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