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    • Jour 43

      Palas de Rei

      12 octobre 2022, Espagne ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Day 39 - quick note to tell you that I’m in Palas de Rei. Four more days and I’ll be in Santiago. As I was walking past a cafe my friend Anna hailed me, she was having lunch with none other than Carsten ( the German I meet at least once a day). So I walked the rest of the way with them. When we reached Palas de Rei, we stopped at a bar for beer. In time Dr Steve and the Aussies joined us and we sat chatting and whiling away the time. It’s a bit like ‘senior-ites’ that high school kids get when they have been accepted into college and don’t need to study anymore.
      This post is really about nothing - I will try to write something more meaningful tomorrow.
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    • Jour 39

      Palas de Rei and Boente

      8 octobre 2023, Espagne ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      October 8-9

      Yesterday was a hard day. Physically, because we did 16 miles and mentally, because our bodies are tired and want to be done. Plus, there are way more people on the Camino because many people start at the 100k mark and also because some of the other Caminos connect here.

      Our quiet mornings are now pretty busy with newcomers who have fresh legs who speed past us at times. We have had to adjust a bit.

      So yesterday we ended in Palas de Rei tired and a tad bit grumpy - actually, quite grumpy 😂. But, a good rest and an early start this morning turned into a great day! Nika joined us after our first stop and walked with us all the way to Boente. The miles fly by when you can share them with someone. She, too, had a hard time the day before and called us her “Camino Angels” for walking with her and brightening the mood. 💕 She’s ahead of us now, but we hope to see her on the 13th in Santiago.

      Don and Maryann are a bit behind us, but they will get to Santiago on the 12th like us. 🙂

      Special Moment of the Day:

      There is a group doing the Camino called J’s Crew. The “J” stands for Jen Schuringa. Jen suffered a debilitating traumatic brain injury in a car crash 10 years ago and she is doing the Camino in her wheelchair with the help of her crew of 15 friends and family. We talked to her dad today when we noticed he was walking very slow and limping. He broke his toe, but he’s not quitting - he felt if Jen can do it in her wheelchair with her Crew then he can do it with a broken toe. ❤️ Jen and her Crew are spreading the message that not even a traumatic brain injury can permanently rob you of community, purpose, and joy. You can read more about Jen at

      Tomorrow, we walk to Salceda. 29.28 miles to go.
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    • Jour 34–35

      Day 31 to Palas de Rei

      Hier, Espagne ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Nice day... found my walking pace at 9:30

      Also passed the 85,9km mark - 2024 Comrades distance... just as an aside... you cannot walk the Comrades... 8:22/km is the slowest time in order to finish within 12 hour cut-off. Yes! Of course I have FOMO.

      So tomorrow I will follow all the runners!
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    • Jour 12

      Portomarin to Palas de Rei

      25 juin 2022, Espagne ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      The trail today seemed crowded when we started. I have a feeling there will be more and more pilgrims the closer we get to Santiago. Ollie said with disgust “ugh, there are so many sinners around here!” By the time we got past a humongous group of Spanish teenagers we were feeling less like we were in a shopping mall. I ran into the Boston girls and we were glad we all made it after that rough bus ride ride to Sarria.

      We miss our friends from the beginning. It’s harder to make friends on the trail now because there are more people and more places to stay. In Orisson to Roncessvalles there were only one place each so everyone knew the same people. Now we are all spread out and we don’t all eat together at night. I’m so glad we started in St Jean to get that experience. The trip to Sarria was annoying but I don’t regret the decision to start there.

      The way had good temps today. We enjoyed a steady stride and stopped twice -once for coffee and and an amazing egg casserole and once for a sandwich which we all shared. We never even ate our lunch but no one seemed hungry. We made it to our apartment by 3:15. Not bad. It was our longest day yet but tomorrow will be even longer.

      To break up the monotony the Way found ways to entertain us today. Once we stumbled into a cute little centuries old barn turned missionary center. They gave out free coffee and cookies and lemonade. It was bought years ago by an American and run by volunteers from all over the world who want to spread the Gospel. It was the perfect cozy respite out of a drizzle of rain. Then we were greeted on the road by a crazy parade of 60 little cars all in different colors in a parade honking and waving and playing La Cucaracha in their horn. Many had a wicker picnic basket strapped to the roof and some also had a bottle of wine up there too. They were all happy to see the pilgrims and enjoyed the attention we gave them as they drove past.

      It did start to downpour at about 6km to go. But it stopped soon after and I was mostly dry by the time we walked into town.

      One sad thing did happen today. Ollie lost his pilgrim’s passport. I started a new one for him with a postcard on the trail but we aren’t sure what it means for his compestella and it was a cool souvenir and proof of a cool accomplishment. I posted that it was lost on the Americans on the Camino Facebook page. And one lady reminded him that the Camino is really in your heart, not on paper. Ollie says he’s fine with it but as his mom I feel bad for him. Who knows? Maybe the Way will provide. We know that penance and a piece of paper does not grant forgiveness and that only comes through the grace of God. But you know… it’s still fun. We did get him a Spanish credential at the church in Palas de Rei. Now his is different which makes it special. He is behind in stamps but he can still collect the stamps along the way. (You have to have at least 100km worth of stamps by Santiago.

      Speaking of collecting stamps. It’s like an ancient game of Pokemon Go. It is fun to get the cool ones. I have one with a guy rocking on his guitar. That one is my favorite.
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    • Jour 46

      Bottines qui pointent vers le haut

      3 juin 2023, Espagne ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Une autre journée qui a débuté dans la brume avec de nombreuses montées pour atteindre un dénivelé de 700 mètres, on a l'impression que nous sommes montées tellement régulièrement que le bout de mes bottines aux repos s'inclinent vers le haut, les pèlerins étaient calme ce matin on sent la fatigue en gagner plusieurs un orage à pavé notre chemin et nombeuses parties de la route avaient été trempés, boiteuses et souvent plus à niveau.

      Malgré les difficultés nous avons évité la pluie, un temps nuageux
      nous a accompagnés pour les 18 premiers km et finir sous le soleil
      une randonnée que je qualifierais de sportive puisque la brume nous empêchaient de voir les paysages.

      2 bottines d'enfants sur le sac pointaient vers le ciel d'un pèlerin de l'âge qui pouvait être père a retenu mon attention.

      Buene Camino
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    • Jour 52

      Day 40-Lestedo

      18 octobre 2023, Espagne ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      Walked 12 miles in an on and off drizzle and a little wind. There were alot more people on the trail today. Alot. We didn't see anyone we had met previously. Up until now, we've been in the middle of the pack. We're not slow walkers but we're not fast either. Fast, long-legged walkers passed us frequently. Now that there are alot of new pilgrims that started in Sarria and don't have their Camino legs yet, we're finding that we're passing alot of people.

      The countryside is beautiful and the villages we walked through were cute, even through the rain. I think we passed a manure factory at some point because it smelled really bad.

      Our host for tonight is also a pilgrim who bought this place five years ago when he stayed here during his Camino. He gave us big hugs when he found out we started in St. Jean, as he did too.

      We didn't take too many pictures today because of the rain.

      Our host took me and another lodger to see a 12th century church nearby that is thought to have been built by women. There is also a knight's tomb inside of it and frescoes from the 1400s. The elderly gentleman who gave us a tour is a defender of women and told us several times to keep fighting for women's rights. When we got back, our host gave a chupito (shot) of a local liqueur called Tostado. It tastes like caramel and packs a punch.
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    • Jour 46

      Brouillard et Nutella au rendez-vous

      3 juin 2023, Espagne ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Chemin de Compostelle 37/40
      Étape#. 30. Camino francés « Portomarin - Palas De Rei ». Kilomètres parcourus 26,0 km. Cumulatif : 947,9 km, moyenne 25,6 km par jour. Étapes restantes avant Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle : 3 et moins de 68,5 km à fouler.

      À 7h20 nous quittions Portomarin direction Palas De Rei 25 km plus loin. Après 1 km nous avons attaqué plusieurs longues montées dans un brouillard épais, disons que nous nous sommes réchauffés rapidement. La « Nutella » (boue) était aussi présente dans les sentiers. Des averses nous ont précédés.

      Côté condition physique, nous sommes dans une forme radieuse et c’est plaisant de gravir ces montées avec autant d’aisance.

      Après 3 1/2 heures et 18 kilomètres nous avons pris une pause petit déjeuner. Ensuite, on a poursuivi pour marcher 8 km et ainsi compléter notre 37e rando et plus de 947 kilomètres de foulés.

      Encore 3 étapes et nous aurons réussi les 1 000 km et serons arrivés à Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle (Santiago). Ça sera un objectif bien réalisé et ça sera la fête pour nous deux.

      Demain au programme 29,5 km et une ville que nous avons visitée en octobre 2017 « Arzua », hâte d’y retourner.

      Buen Camino 🤗
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    • Jour 50

      Palas de Rei

      4 octobre 2022, Espagne ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

      Was another good day, we made it 10 miles down the road, beautiful walk, another bunk room but at least we have privacy shades to put down, 4 more walking days to go 😁😁😁 Tons of Eucalyptus trees today....En savoir plus

    • Jour 37

      Stage 34: Portomarin-Palas de Rei

      19 octobre 2022, Espagne ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      I didn't post yesterday so getting caught up.
      24.8 km/15.4 miles, around 60° all day, 9 hours
      Left Portomarin in the dark and pouring rain, first real rain I've encountered in 34 days of walking, other than some light sprinkles. A true test of one's resolve. It stopped about 10:30, followed by intermittent sun breaks, strong wind and sprinkles. My boots were completely sodden though, with squishy socks, thankfully the feet survived intact. I had some short gaiters I tucked my pants into- big mistake. The poncho worked quite well at keeping my upper half dry but only comes down to about my knees, so below that my pants became soaked and seeped into my socks. Solution- some rain pants purchased at a tiny sporting goods store in Palas de Rei. I stayed in La Cabaña, a rustic resort about a kilometer before the town, as did a delightful couple from Denmark Jens and Kirsten, who I first met in Fromista. We hiked into town for dinner then met up again Thursday in Melide heading to Arzua.En savoir plus

    • Jour 38

      Stage 35: Palas de Rei-Arzúa

      20 octobre 2022, Espagne ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      28.5 km/17.7 miles, about 60° all day, 10 hours
      Really long day. Couldn't have done it without Jens and Kirsten who overtook me in Melide, about halfway, then we walked the rest of the way together. Kirsten is a really strong walker but patiently accommodated my slow pace and Jens' as well, as he is nursing blisters. I started out from La Cabaña at Palas de Rei at 0745 with my clip on light and was doing well until the torrential rain and wind descended around 11:00 or so, then it was head down and try not to get blown off the path or drowned. Stopped for coffee once, then for lunch just before Melide with a brother and sister from Finland I've been running into for the last week. Then met up with Jens and Kirsten and we struggled through the typhoon until a miraculous clearing of the skies and reappearance of the sun in some Shangri-la valley with a microclimate supporting cacti, aloe vera and palm trees. And no I did not have too much wine with lunch. We stopped for one last coffee and cake before the last 3 or 4 kilometers and got to Arzúa just as the skies darkened again and wind and rain returned. Two more walking days to Santiago.En savoir plus

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