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    • Day 3

      Roncesvalles to Zubiri

      May 24 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

      This is going to be a short entry because I’m feeling very sad.
      My precious and beloved springer spaniel Freddie died today. I didn’t really get to say a proper goodbye to him because I’m here. But he was with Richard Olivia Sasha Toby and Arthur who loved him too. I’m now imagining that he will be on this Camino with me, with his favourite tennis ball and enjoying lots of swimming in the rivers.
      Scenery beautiful, weather beautiful, many tears.
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    • Day 3


      September 21, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      We made it over the mountain pass, covering about 25 km between St Jean and here. We are in a giant converted monastery for the night, with something like 400 other pilgrims. Crazy! It rained today, which would have been fine, nice and cool, but Holy Crap, the wind! I swear it was trying to blow us off the mountain! Serious! Nevertheless, we prevailed, and not even a blister.

      Check out the slug! Next to my very large shoe just for reference. And a picture of where we are staying tonight.

      Tomorrows’s drama: will we find a place to stay ???
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    • Day 8

      Now in Spain

      May 13 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

      Made it to Roncesvias Spain around 4 after a slow walk here up, up, over and down. Had a nice dinner last night at the hotel then visited with some other Pilgrims. Stayed up too late the packing my bags and prepping for today. It rained pretty hard during the night and there is rain expected today. As I wake up this morning, other than being a little foggy headed, my feet and buddy feel good. We met at 8 and start making our way to the Zubiri.Read more

    • Day 6

      Day 5

      May 20 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 43 °F

      What an extraordinary day! We had a nice breakfast and then left in a chilly 43 degree, windy rain. We faced more uphills. So glad I brought my gloves. I had everything I brought on. Kept meeting up with those we met the night before. A nice break was a food truck where I had some hot chocolate and Steve had boiled egg, coffee and banana.
      We had a very messy patch that resembled a muddy bog. Hated having to sink my feet into the muck-mice running all over. Also passed an area that in the Middle Ages, they would hang or burn witches at the stake.
      Then we came to my favorite spot. Horses, cows and black faced sheep wear cowbells. The music was so beautiful.
      The rain kept moving in and out. Finally we arrived at our destination Albergue de Roncesvalles. It is run by the Dutch. Mainly volunteers from Holland. We are now in Spain.
      Today we did 12 miles and 28,470 steps.
      Today I am reminded that I am grateful to Dr Gursky for the new hips. Dr Mogelnicki for making sure my feet/toes were ready for the trip and to my every day coach. Steve Ludiker
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    • Day 3

      Etappe 1 - Roncevaux, Teil 2

      September 14, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Nach ca. vier Stunden haben wir die spanische Grenze überschritten. Hier ging es teilweise weiter bergauf, teils durch karge Landschaft, teils durch Eichenwälder. Insgesamt haben wir rund 1200 Höhenmeter bergauf und rund 500 Höhenmeter bergab gemeistert. Dabei bin ich an meine Grenzen gestoßen, Günter ging es gefühlt noch gut, aber.........
      Angekommen in Roncevaux haben wir rund eine Stunde angestanden ein Bett zu " ergattern". Leben heute Nacht mit 12 Weggefährten in einem Raum. Duschen mit anstellen, Abendessen 20.30 Uhr, aber bitte pünktlich!!!
      Morgen ist Frühstück bereits ausgebucht gewesen. Suchen uns unterwegs etwas.
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    • Day 2

      Roncesvalles- Leben bei den Mönchen

      August 1, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Nach der wie man sagt härtesten Etappe des gesamten Caminos bin ich um 12.30 Uhr in Roncesvalles angekommen! Knappe 20 km steil Bergauf in 4.5 h! Gestartet bei dichten Nebel wurden die Klamotten feucht vom Nebel und ab 1200m über den Wolken wurde es langsam sonnig und warm! Unterwegs habe ich „alte Bekannte“ von gestern Abend und ein paar Italiener wie Davide, der Hauptmann des Italienischen Heeres ist, „aufgesammelt“, so dass die Zeit zügig verging- nur mein Spanisch wird dadurch partout nicht besser! Nach der Dusche ist dann Materialpflege (Waschen) angesagt! Selbst Merinoshirts müffeln, wenn sie mit Schweißsalz überzogen sind 😎! Die Albergue erklingt momentan in einem Kauderwelsch aus Italienisch und Spanisch! Deutsche habe ich hier noch gar nicht getroffen! Mal sehen, ob man hier irgendwas machen kann, ohne viel zu laufen! Die Füße tun schon etwas weh- obwohl ich auch gut noch 5km mehr hätte laufen können!Read more

    • Day 4

      Crossing the Pyrenees Mountains 🥾

      April 17 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      The 24km (almost 15mile) "Route de Napoléon" between St Jean and Roncesvalles over the Pyrenees Mountains is said to be the most physically difficult stretch of trail that we are likely to encounter on the Camino de Santiago Frances. ⛰️

      This route has claimed many lives during harsh weather, our day included rain with high winds and cold temps in the mid 30-40 degrees . The day we were on this route a fellow pilgrim unfortunately needed to be emergency rescued due to hypothermia.

      To say that a hot shower and warm meal at the monastery in Roncesvalles at the end of this day were greatly appreciated would be an understatement!

      Here’s a little history for you…The "Route de Napoléon" is thus named because of its strategic importance during the Napoleonic wars and it is the route Napoleon took to cross into Spain following the old Roman road the Via Triana. It was also used as a route through the Pyrenees by Emperor Charlemagne.

      The Route Napoléon is the route that pilgrims have used for several centuries primarily because of its lack of trees and other places where bandits could hide, unlike the heavily wooded route through Valcarlos.
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    • Day 6

      An easy day…

      September 5, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Day 3 to Bizkarreta - I couldn’t find a place to stay tonight in Zubiri so booked one in Bizkarreta which is only 9km from Burguete. As I meandered my way to Bizkaretta, I found the cutest little town, Espinal, on the way so stopped for photos and a coffee.
      Bizkaretta is also nice, but not much going on here and couldn’t find any restaurant open. Luckily the Inn keeper made a delicious meal for 9 of us pilgrims.
      I’ve been listening to Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises and todays trek was the perfect setting for it!
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    • Day 5


      September 22, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      We made it to Roncevalle, down in the valley. The steep descent was exhausting.

      In the valley views photos, Roncevalles is in the foreground nestled between two hills, Burgette in in the background in the middle of the valley

      The packs and shoes are off, we are eating lunch and taking at long break before our last 3 km to Burgette.
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    • Day 6

      Day 2: La Vierge to Roncesvalles, part 2

      May 19, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 46 °F

      There were two choices of route down from Col Lepoeder. The easier and longer route, or the shorter and much steeper path. I chose the latter because the guidebook told me that it would take me through one of the largest remaining beech forests in Europe. This tree hugger is always going to choose that path! Anyway, the author didn’t lie about the steepness or the forest. That first mile was HARD. Pole set-pole set-baby step-baby step-baby step, repeat. I was so very grateful for those poles and for shoes that fit properly! I managed not to fall even once, which was a concern. It did continue down for the remaining 1.5 miles or so, but it wasn’t nearly as difficult.

      The forest, though! I’ve wanted to walk through a forest like that my whole life. So beautiful and peaceful. The tree cover is quite dense, so not much growing on the ground. The path was covered in a carpet of squishy leaves at times, which felt nice for my tired feet.

      Although I would’ve liked to have stayed there forever, I was also very happy to arrive at the albergue. It was huge! It’s a former monastery that sleeps hundreds of pilgrims. The army of hospitaleros was very helpful. I showered, washed my clothes, rested, and then ate at the pilgrims’ dinner. I ate at a table with three Belgians, two French people, a German, and a Colombian. They spoke a lot of French but it was fun to watch one of the very expressive Belgian men talk. I watched enviously as the Belgian woman switched between French, English, and Spanish effortlessly. The meal was simple but provided lots of carbohydrates for the next day. I was very pleased to have a vegetarian option.

      I didn’t get a picture of my bed, but it was a lower bunk, thank goodness, one of two bunk beds a cubicle. Lots of cubicles and people on the floor, so more snoring, but my Loop earplugs continue to impress.

      1. I can’t help it! But these trees were a welcome distraction from the tough hike.
      2. And 3. More forest
      4. and 5. Buildings at Roncesvalles. You see the white dormitory building on the right in #5. I’m not sure the pic shows just how huge these buildings are.
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