Palas de Rei

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    • Päivä 46

      Bottines qui pointent vers le haut

      3. kesäkuuta 2023, Espanja ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Une autre journée qui a débuté dans la brume avec de nombreuses montées pour atteindre un dénivelé de 700 mètres, on a l'impression que nous sommes montées tellement régulièrement que le bout de mes bottines aux repos s'inclinent vers le haut, les pèlerins étaient calme ce matin on sent la fatigue en gagner plusieurs un orage à pavé notre chemin et nombeuses parties de la route avaient été trempés, boiteuses et souvent plus à niveau.

      Malgré les difficultés nous avons évité la pluie, un temps nuageux
      nous a accompagnés pour les 18 premiers km et finir sous le soleil
      une randonnée que je qualifierais de sportive puisque la brume nous empêchaient de voir les paysages.

      2 bottines d'enfants sur le sac pointaient vers le ciel d'un pèlerin de l'âge qui pouvait être père a retenu mon attention.

      Buene Camino
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    • Päivä 52

      Day 40-Lestedo

      18. lokakuuta 2023, Espanja ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      Walked 12 miles in an on and off drizzle and a little wind. There were alot more people on the trail today. Alot. We didn't see anyone we had met previously. Up until now, we've been in the middle of the pack. We're not slow walkers but we're not fast either. Fast, long-legged walkers passed us frequently. Now that there are alot of new pilgrims that started in Sarria and don't have their Camino legs yet, we're finding that we're passing alot of people.

      The countryside is beautiful and the villages we walked through were cute, even through the rain. I think we passed a manure factory at some point because it smelled really bad.

      Our host for tonight is also a pilgrim who bought this place five years ago when he stayed here during his Camino. He gave us big hugs when he found out we started in St. Jean, as he did too.

      We didn't take too many pictures today because of the rain.

      Our host took me and another lodger to see a 12th century church nearby that is thought to have been built by women. There is also a knight's tomb inside of it and frescoes from the 1400s. The elderly gentleman who gave us a tour is a defender of women and told us several times to keep fighting for women's rights. When we got back, our host gave a chupito (shot) of a local liqueur called Tostado. It tastes like caramel and packs a punch.
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    • Päivä 32

      Day 28 to Palas Del Rei

      21. heinäkuuta, Espanja ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      We have 40 miles left, 68 kms... 3 DAYS LEFT. 28 days completed and 460 miles walked/hiked. Today's walk was really cold the entire way. For the 1st time, I wished I had a jacket but we survived. Sunrise was beautiful.
      The rookies didn't bother me as much today. No blairing radios for all to hear🙏
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    • Päivä 32

      Part 2 of Day 28

      21. heinäkuuta, Espanja ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      These are the churches we visited and walked by and the different Pilgrim statues.
      At our albergue, we had a communal dinner made by the owner Marchelo. I met Kristine from Nebraska, David from Northern England, Lee'Ann from Africa, Katie & Nedie from France and Marchelo from Tuscany. All beautiful souls breaking bread. The picture of Spain shows all the different Camino that people can do.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 46

      Brouillard et Nutella au rendez-vous

      3. kesäkuuta 2023, Espanja ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Chemin de Compostelle 37/40
      Étape#. 30. Camino francés « Portomarin - Palas De Rei ». Kilomètres parcourus 26,0 km. Cumulatif : 947,9 km, moyenne 25,6 km par jour. Étapes restantes avant Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle : 3 et moins de 68,5 km à fouler.

      À 7h20 nous quittions Portomarin direction Palas De Rei 25 km plus loin. Après 1 km nous avons attaqué plusieurs longues montées dans un brouillard épais, disons que nous nous sommes réchauffés rapidement. La « Nutella » (boue) était aussi présente dans les sentiers. Des averses nous ont précédés.

      Côté condition physique, nous sommes dans une forme radieuse et c’est plaisant de gravir ces montées avec autant d’aisance.

      Après 3 1/2 heures et 18 kilomètres nous avons pris une pause petit déjeuner. Ensuite, on a poursuivi pour marcher 8 km et ainsi compléter notre 37e rando et plus de 947 kilomètres de foulés.

      Encore 3 étapes et nous aurons réussi les 1 000 km et serons arrivés à Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle (Santiago). Ça sera un objectif bien réalisé et ça sera la fête pour nous deux.

      Demain au programme 29,5 km et une ville que nous avons visitée en octobre 2017 « Arzua », hâte d’y retourner.

      Buen Camino 🤗
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    • Päivä 50

      Palas de Rei

      4. lokakuuta 2022, Espanja ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

      Was another good day, we made it 10 miles down the road, beautiful walk, another bunk room but at least we have privacy shades to put down, 4 more walking days to go 😁😁😁 Tons of Eucalyptus trees today....Lue lisää

    • Päivä 37

      Stage 34: Portomarin-Palas de Rei

      19. lokakuuta 2022, Espanja ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      I didn't post yesterday so getting caught up.
      24.8 km/15.4 miles, around 60° all day, 9 hours
      Left Portomarin in the dark and pouring rain, first real rain I've encountered in 34 days of walking, other than some light sprinkles. A true test of one's resolve. It stopped about 10:30, followed by intermittent sun breaks, strong wind and sprinkles. My boots were completely sodden though, with squishy socks, thankfully the feet survived intact. I had some short gaiters I tucked my pants into- big mistake. The poncho worked quite well at keeping my upper half dry but only comes down to about my knees, so below that my pants became soaked and seeped into my socks. Solution- some rain pants purchased at a tiny sporting goods store in Palas de Rei. I stayed in La Cabaña, a rustic resort about a kilometer before the town, as did a delightful couple from Denmark Jens and Kirsten, who I first met in Fromista. We hiked into town for dinner then met up again Thursday in Melide heading to Arzua.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 38

      Stage 35: Palas de Rei-Arzúa

      20. lokakuuta 2022, Espanja ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      28.5 km/17.7 miles, about 60° all day, 10 hours
      Really long day. Couldn't have done it without Jens and Kirsten who overtook me in Melide, about halfway, then we walked the rest of the way together. Kirsten is a really strong walker but patiently accommodated my slow pace and Jens' as well, as he is nursing blisters. I started out from La Cabaña at Palas de Rei at 0745 with my clip on light and was doing well until the torrential rain and wind descended around 11:00 or so, then it was head down and try not to get blown off the path or drowned. Stopped for coffee once, then for lunch just before Melide with a brother and sister from Finland I've been running into for the last week. Then met up with Jens and Kirsten and we struggled through the typhoon until a miraculous clearing of the skies and reappearance of the sun in some Shangri-la valley with a microclimate supporting cacti, aloe vera and palm trees. And no I did not have too much wine with lunch. We stopped for one last coffee and cake before the last 3 or 4 kilometers and got to Arzúa just as the skies darkened again and wind and rain returned. Two more walking days to Santiago.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 32

      Day 32: Lestedo

      11. lokakuuta 2022, Espanja ⋅ ☀️ 68 °F

      Sunrise arrives on the late side this time of year, so I left Mercadoiro in the dark this morning, thankful for the new headlamp I got in Burgos. Even at that early hour, I could hear other pilgrims chatting as they walked.

      The sky was starting to lighten up by the time I made it to A Parrocha, but it was still interesting to see modern lights illuminating the old stone structures in the hamlet.

      Nothing was open yet in Vilacha as I passed through, so it was on for another few kilometers to find some breakfast.

      The descent into Portomarin was surprisingly steep and narrow in some places—it was moving to see where the stone has been worn into “steps” by the hundreds of thousands of pilgrims who have preceded me along this stretch of the Way.

      A tall, lengthy bridge leads into Portomarin, testing my dislike of heights. I was grateful for the waist high barriers on the bridge when the wind generated by a speeding truck left me wobbling as I walked across.

      The Camino does a dogleg into and out of Portomarin, having pilgrims cross that same river again on a different, lower bridge.

      Leaving the town, I encountered the first of many climbs to come throughout the day.

      The Camino paralleled the road at times, and it was fun to wave at Allan’s taxi when he passed by around 11:30 a.m. Along other parts of the Way, I saw tractors working the fields as well as some lumber harvesting.

      After 26 kilometers, my feet were ready to call it quits when I reached today’s lodging: El Rectoral de Lestedo.

      Allan is feeling better, so tomorrow we’ll set out to walk 20 kilometers to Melide, knowing that a taxi can be procured along the Way if need be.
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    • Päivä 29

      Day 25 - Palas de Rei to Castaneda

      24. lokakuuta 2023, Espanja ⋅ 🌧 50 °F

      The last three days we have had a “word of the day”. First was “savor”, yesterday was “grind”, and today we started our word of the day with “gratitude”.

      We have been reflecting on how thankful we are to have the time and means to complete this journey. And we are most thankful for Dave and Michelle, as well as all of our friends and family, for supporting us for this last month.

      We woke up refreshed and hit the trail at 8:45am. Surprisingly there were just a few pilgrims on our walk out of town. We were geared up for rain all day but the rain stayed away for the first few kilometers and we did our usual peeling off clothes as the hills emerged.

      We rolled into the first town (see video) and we were blessed with a full breakfast and a few of our favorite pilgrims wandered in.

      We started walking after breakfast and hit our Madrid high school boys, 98 of them, and we walked most of the day with them.

      We were making great time and then it started to sprinkle and then a down-poured ensued. We were soaked and quickly pulled into a cafe in Melide. We had lovely late lunch of octopus and our favorite mixed salad and mixed veggies.

      After lunch and drying out, we realized we had a lot of kilometers to get to our Casa in Castaneda. We hit the trail and once again ran into the boys, mud, hills, and consistent on and off rain.

      At 5pm we still had 4 miles to go. The only pilgrims we saw were the boys and us. The last 2 miles were some of the steepest incline we saw all day and top 5 of the whole trip. Even the boys were huffing. Note- we did this incline with muddy, slogging socks and shoes.

      Julie had it and pulled over to put on fresh shoes she bought in León and was carrying for just this occasion.

      The Casa we booked was “off” the Camino trail 1-2 km…which we thought would not be a big deal. We booked it as they did our laundry and it was out in the country away from the crowds.

      Well, little did we know there was no trail, sidewalk or road with easy access. We attempted to talk to several townspeople with no luck and said let’s hoof it. We walked in ditches, dodged cars on a busy freeway and crossed a cornfield to reach Casa Milia at 6:40pm breaking our record for latest arrival.

      We walked in drenched, sweaty, muddy, totally exhausted. We checked into our room, which had no heat and a full bed (not double twins). Showered, put our laundry in a basket for the ladies to wash and had dinner. We were quickly asleep by 10pm.

      Today we walked 26km / 16 miles

      2 days and 50km to Santiago. Rain expected all week.

      Buen Camino!
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