Parque Del Cid Campeador

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    • Dag 23

      Day 22, Bercianos to Mansilla

      14 juni 2023, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      I think this counts as my most challenging day yet. I went to sleep early but was really not well during the night and had to do a number of emergency trips to the bathroom - not ideal
      In any circumstances but especially awkward when you are sleeping in a dormitory full of strangers. One of my roommates, Pearl, told me she didn’t hear anything and I do hope she wasn’t just being polite.
      I’d arranged to meet Nick, Paul and Mike (Pearl came too) at 6.30 so was up early but threw up before I left and once, embarrassingly, on the road.
      The team were absolutely lovely and Mike, who was walking with me at the time of my embarrassment, was an absolute gentleman for the rest of the walk. His conversation kept me going. Two Italian men who were passing at the time were also extremely solicitous. They were trying to offer advice but we were struggling to understand each other. They walked on a bit and then returned with a paragraph on Google translate with their suggestions.
      Despite feeling a bit wobbly I managed to walk the 27 kms to Mansilla de las Mulas. There didn’t seem to be a lot of choice but to keep walking because we were in the middle of nowhere and I knew I didn’t want to stay there.
      I was hugely relieved to arrive in Mansilla but as soon as we got there Nick found out that there was a bus to Leon in 10 minutes (and several hours before the next one) so I didn’t have time to see Fiona before I moved on.
      Rachel joined us in taking the bus but Fiona wanted to stay to swim at Mansilla. And unlike the rest of us, she does not want to cheat by skipping the harsh walk along the highway into the city.
      In Leon I checked into my lovely room and slept for ages while half listening to the Archers omnibus. In the evening I got up, had a bath and met the others. I felt a lot better. However I decided to play it safe tonight so left them to eat without me and went to a supermarket where I got myself bread, cheese, a banana and a coke for dinner. There’s lots of life in the street below me and Leon seems a lovely city - I’m hoping to be on top form tomorrow when Fiona arrives.
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    • Dag 26

      Stage 24: Reliegos-León

      8 oktober 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      6 km/ 3.6 miles on foot, 20km/12.4 miles by taxi, 53°-65°
      Gimped the 6 km into Mansilla de las Mulas this morning, where I found coffee, food, an ATM, a pharmacy and a taxi to León, in that order. The wonderful pharmacist fitted me with a slip on ankle compression sleeve and some ibuprofen topical gel. I now have the hope of actually completing the Camino.
      I found out the bus to León wouldn't run till 4:19 pm so sprung for a taxi. Arrived to a bustling León with everyone out strolling, visiting and sitting in cafes. Toured the awesome cathedral, perused a medieval craft fair and now am treating myself to lunch on the Plaza Regla with a fantastic view of the cathedral. Will check into my hotel at 3:00 pm.
      Addendum: Discovered the reason the only room I could find in León was in a 4 star hotel was because their big autumn festival dedicated to the lesser known Saint Froilán is in progress, ending tomorrow. There will be live music tonight in Plaza Mayor, right outside this hotel. Party!
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    • Dag 22

      Etappe 18 - Leon, Stadtrundgang 1

      3 oktober 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Gut ausgeruht geht es heute auf Erkundung durch die Stadt.
      Frühstück gab es in der Nähe der Kathedrale. Dabei konnte ich die Vereidigung junger Rekruten zur Guardia Civil beobachten.
      In Leon werde ich außer der Kathedrale kein weiteres Museum besuchen - ich möchte das Flair und die Ausstrahlung der Stadt und ihrer Menschen auf mich wirken lassen. Beim Barbier habe ich heute mal begonnen.
      Sitze jetzt bei Tinto de ferrano und Café con letche über der Planung der nächsten Etappen und eventuell der Übernachtungen. Habe keine Lust in den Run auf Betten in den kommenden Tagen wieder zu verfallen. Drei Auberges sind somit erstmal gebucht. Danach sehen wir weiter.
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    • Dag 21

      Day 21 - León

      30 september 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      We opted to take an unplanned rest stop in León today, while I recover from some bug I picked up along the Way.

      We’ve been pushing pretty hard almost every day for the past three weeks, and my body is welcoming the rest as evidenced by all the hours of extra sleep it is happily enjoying.

      I dragged myself out of bed for coffee a block away this morning, napped for several hours, and roused myself again for a nice lunch three blocks away. A troupe of visiting musicians, a “tuna” from Southern Spain, spent their lunch break jamming from a neighboring café, adding a lovely touch to our meal.

      Now, after a nice postprandial soak in a tub of hot water, I’m ready to snooze again.

      Securing accommodations has been a challenge —and after our unpleasant stay in the “infirmary” dorm in Agés on September 24 we’re sticking to private rooms for the rest of our trip—so tomorrow we’ll hop in a taxi to cover the 50-plus kilometers to Murias de Rechivaldo, which we would have walked today and tomorrow had we not stopped here today.
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    • Dag 24


      28 september 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

      Today we took a bus to León. This moved us 95km ahead. Hopefully this will allow me to finish on time for my flight home.
      After finding the place we are staying, we had lunch and then went exploring.
      First up was the Cathedral de León. Built in the 13th century with Gothic style. Apparently, this style used lighter materials which allowed for more windows. Boy did they deliver!
      After the Cathedral, we visted the Basílica de San Isidoro. Then there was a lot of walking around.
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    • Mansilla de la Mulas To León

      28 september 2019, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Another day of great weather. We made it to the great city of Leon. I registered at my albergue, shortly after 1:00 pm. It is another parochial one. Just 6 euro includes breakfast! We are inside the old walled city.

      León will represent a turning point for me. I have decided to leave the familiar overcrowded Camino Frances, and start the Camino San Salvador. It starts in León, and continues north to a cathedral in Oviedo where I will receive a compestella document for this Camino. It is a logical extension of the Camino de Madrid/Camino Frances combination. This made more sense for me, as I already have 3 from Santiago. My Aussie friend Paul, is going to complete the Frances, as it is flatter . He feels that the hills of the San Salvador would be too much for his knees.

      So I start the San Salvador tomorrow. It has some great mountain views, hilly terrain, and lots of brooooootal. Should be good!
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    • Dag 29

      Day 25 Leon

      16 oktober 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

      It was a cool day and it drizzled off and on most of the day, not ideal for sightseeing. I had a bittersweet reunion with my newfound friends from Spain. We visited a couple churches together and then we had to say good-bye. They were ending their journey here in Leon. Like many Europeans they do the Camino in segments over multiple visits/years... they don't have to travel as far, so it is easier to do. Maria wants to join Randy and I when we do the Portuguese Camino. I took a long walk along the Rio Bemesga and stopped for a delicious treat at one of the many pastry shops in the city.Läs mer

    • Dag 35

      Promenade reposante à León, Espagne

      23 maj 2023, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Belle journée qui fait du bien au corps.
      On a visité la Cathédrale Santa Maria de León aussi surnommée « Pulchra leonina ». Un bâtiment impressionnant par son architecture Gothique, construite entre le milieu du xiiie et la fin du xive siècle. Un détail intéressant : l’orientation des vitraux (à l’Est) oriente la lumière version le Christ (vers l’hôtel). Tout à été bien pensé car les vitraux de la section du nord sont plus foncés. Bref beaucoup de chose à découvrir (photos).

      Visite : La casa Botines ou casa Fernández, architecte: Antoni Gaudí. J’aurais aimé visité cette ouvre d’architecture et ils sont fermés, c’est décevant et en même, aucun contrôle sur ça. Barcelone demeure un plan B pour le futur.
      Demain une belle rando de 27 km.
      On s’approche de Santiago, l’étape ultime (14 étapes à faire).

      Buen Camino
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    • Dag 23

      León Rest Day

      24 april, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

      308 miles done. 192 to go. 62%!

      Day in Leon. I had a slow morning after sleeping till 9:00 am, then spent an hour at a cafe eating breakfast and deciding what to do with my day.

      Went to the Museo Casa Botines Gaudi and learned all about Gaudi’s architectural style and influences. Then dropped by the meat and fish market and once I saw you can buy a whole head of a cow, I was out. Eww.

      Then, just like every other town along the way, it was 1:30 pm and every business closes up shop for siesta. And then… it rained. Fiercely for the rest of the afternoon, and the forecast is for off and on rain the next 10 days. Ugh. I’ll have to time my walking to the forecast of the lightest rain. Tomorrow is a 20 mile day, so I’m sure I’ll need to find cover at some point to escape the weather.

      Met up with some fellow pilgrims for drinks and tapas for dinner and then caught up on the news (and what the heck is going on with the stock market?! 😬).

      Check out the view from my hotel room! Couldn’t be closer to the Cathedral! Gotta get up early-ish to walk and beat the rain. Night!
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    • Dag 134

      Leon #2

      13 juli 2018, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      We toured the Cathedral de Santa Maria de Regla this morning and once again we were in awe. The stained glass!!!!! Wow 😮Almost all of the cathedral was built between 1205 - 1301, the north tower and cloister were built in 14th-century, and the south tower completed in 1472...majestic!

      We also indulged in fresh churros dipped in chocolate, bought me a new shirt to replace the one I forgot in the last town, and then found some Jif peanut butter for Alan at a store called Taste of America, but it was ridiculously expensive. So, Alan left it on the shelf and settled for a Baby Ruth bar. I also grabbed my first Diet Pepsi of this trip and some Bazooka bubble gum 😀.

      Now, our rest day is done, our packs are ready to go, and tomorrow we continue on. We only have two more weeks of walking to go, and we are excited to start seeing some different types of landscapes.
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