Placa Sant Jaume

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    • Hari 4

      Barcelona day 4

      5 April, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      🇬🇧: Chill day for me :)
      I woke up and ended up in another walking tour, this time about the street art in Barcelona, was cool as fuck. After that I had some lunch, all you can eat sushi for 14 euros!!! After that met my friend and we went shopping and had some ice cream, ended the day having some tapas and sangria at the bar, also had to pack to leave :/

      🇧🇷: Dia de comprinhas :))
      Fui em um último walking tour pra ver arte de rua em Barcelona. Depois fui comer japaaaaa, tava ansiosa pra isso! Encontrei uma amiga depois e fomos comprar umas bijus, achamos a lojinha mais fofa do mundo! Acabei comprando algumas coisas na zara e na primark tmb, opsss… Fomos depois em um restaurante perto do hostel, melhor sangria da viagem!!! E depois fui despedir do pessoal no bar do hostel :/
      Baca lagi

    • Hari 4

      Exploring Barcelona

      1 Julai 2018, Sepanyol ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      The exploration of the the amazing city of Barcelona continues. I came across some amazing gardens adjacent to the Barcelona Zoo. There was Spanish Dancing taking place in the pavillion just for fun. The Spanish have their own genre of music and dance, based on very percussive rapid music, often played on guitar, and flamenco dancing. There is also a strong African element represented in the dancing in the park, which certainly brought the crowds.

      There were some amazing structures in the park which were like mini medieval castles in themselves.

      I found the gothic cathedral in the gothic quarter where we are staying. It is a medieval church with amazing ornate carvings reminiscent of Notre Dame in Paris. There was a busker playing some beautiful baroque violin music and another around the corner singing tenor solos from famous operas. Very high quality busking!

      The old city of Barcelona dates back to Roman times. There are still portions of the Roman wall visible in areas bounding the gothic quarter. The gothic quarter is the old section of the city with narrow streets and high buildings with shops and restaurants at ground level which come alive from lunchtime into the night. The food culture is amazing. One could spend a year here and not exhaust the food options. Delicious food everywhere and people dining on tables set up in the streets and collonades of the old city squares.
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    • Hari 5

      Unusual and Special

      2 Julai 2018, Sepanyol ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      Sam was struggling to work out how the doors to these shops worked - nearly a metre above the ground. We are not sure that they would pass safety standards in Australia. But then we thought they might be designed to receive deliveries. But still, weird on a public street.

      We also visited the Nou Camp today by bus. The stadium for the Barcelona Football Club. The club has 170,000 members. Lionel Messi is their current star player, along with many others of high quality.

      We also saw the famous Barcelona Bull Fighting Ring, which was in use until 1987 and then was closed. It is now a shopping centre but has maintained the charactistic facade.
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    • Hari 5

      Seeing the Sites by Barcelona City Bus

      2 Julai 2018, Sepanyol ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      The Hop-on Hop-off bus in Barcelona is a great way to see the main sites (and sights) and avoid crazy amounts of walking. Yesterday I walked over 20km and 30,000 steps (so my phone and watch tell me, and my feet agree) so we decided to buy a bus pass today. There are two major loops of the city (east and west) and they take about an hour each, if one doesn't alight from the bus at any point.

      Sam and I began with the intention of doing the whole western loop without getting off the bus, but that only lasted until we got to the view from Mountjuic and the possibility of going up the mountain by cable car to the Castle Mountjuic that overlooks the city.

      The cablecar ride was fantastic, with incredible views of Barcelona from the glass box hanging precariously off a wire about 80m above the ground. The views were exceeded only by those from the castle at the top of the mountain. This castle dates from medieval times, but was used more recently by the Spanish rulers against their own people, both the fire cannons on the rebels in the city in the 18th and 19th centuries, and to imprison and torture enemies of the state in the 20th century. The Catalan people see themselves as distinct from the Spanish, and Barcelona is the capital of the Catalan region. Spain has been racked by more tragedy from civil war over the last few centuries than any invasion or external war. Even this year the Catalonians tried to become an independent country from Spain. They used to be independent until their rights and territory was taken by Spain in the early 20th century. The Spanish Civil War went from 1936-1939. After that, the dictator Franco ruled the country with an iron fist. It has been a sad country and they have suffered most from the hands of their own countrymen. They are still reluctant to talk about it.

      Mountjuic is a prominent hill and was occupied by the army and ruling classes to control the ordinary people of Barcelona. It is ironic that the mountain got its name from the fact that the Jews had to bury their dead on the hill because they weren't allowed to utilise Christian graveyards back in the 1300s. The name "Mountjuic" comes from "Mountain of the Jews". Ironic given the Jews were all expelled in 1492, and the elite Catalans and Spanish occupied the hill. It is such a famous hill that all the infrastructure for the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games was built in Mountjuic.

      There has been an amazing tombstone and inscription found in archaeological digs in relatively recent years. It dates from 1306 and records that Rachel the daughter of Rabbi Abraham was buried there.

      Sam and I had a fantastic time exploring the castle that still stands today. It was used as a prison and place to execute opponents of the Spanish political regime right through the 20th century, but now is an amazing public museum and highlight for tourists visiting this amazing city.
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    • Hari 3

      eBike, Tapas und Wein

      30 Disember 2016, Sepanyol ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

      eBike Tour durch Barcelona - klingt erstmal nach Touri-programm für 70+.
      Aus Mangel an Alternativen an anderen Biketouren habe ich sie trotzdem gebucht. Die Tour wurde auch in meiner Muttersprache angeboten mit dem Hinweis, wenn nicht genügend Teilnehmer, dann findet sie in englischer Sprache statt.
      Wir waren 5 Mädels, ok, 4 Mädels und ich. Die vier kamen aus Dallas/Texas.
      Da zwei Guides zur Verfügung standen, habe ich doch tatsächlich meine ganz private Führung von Xavier in deutsch bekommen und die Dallas - Mädels waren mit dem anderen Guide unterwegs.
      Ich habe meine Vorurteile gegenüber eBikes abgebaut (nein ich kaufe mir jetzt nicht so ein Teil), gerade bergauf sehr angenehme. Und ich habe ganz viele Info's zu Barcelona, Katalonien und Spanien bekommen. Mit einem Local unterwegs, der in dieser Stadt aufgewachsen ist, ist noch mal etwas anderes als die Info's aus einem Reiseführer. Wir sind durch die engen Gassen der Altstadt geradelt, durch den Park der Weltausstellung von 1888, das Olympische Dorf von 1992, am Strand entlang und durch den alten Hafen. Immer wieder Stops mit ganz viel Geschichte und Wissenswerten. Zum Abschluss der Tour sind wir alle zusammen in eine Tapasbar eingekehrt. Bei Wein und Tapas haben wir uns toll unterhalten, Xavier hat noch Tipps zu Restaurants und Bars gegeben, da wo ich nicht weiterkam hat er für mich übersetzt (der Typ spricht fünf Sprachen- Respekt).
      War ein toller Nachmittag bzw. Abend, interessant und lustig, was ich so erstmal nicht erwartet hatte.
      Fotos sind bei der Biketour nicht entstanden, nur in der Tapasbar haben die Mädels Gruppenfotos gemacht, die ich per eMail erst noch bekomme. Dafür gibt es aber ein paar witzige Sachen, die mir heute unterwegs begegnet sind.
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    • Hari 5

      Bus Tour continues - to Sagrada Familia

      2 Julai 2018, Sepanyol ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      We thought we had seen some amazing sights at Castle Mountjuic, but nothing prepared us for our afternoon and evening exploration of the most amazing thing to see in Barcelona - the Sagrada Familia. This is a cathedral that commenced construction in 1883 and is not due to be completed until 2026, the 100th year anniversary of the death of its mastermind architect, one of Spain's most famous geniuses, Antoni Gaudi.

      This church remains unfinished because the scale of it is such that is is impossible to imagine without seeing it. Our eyes nearly popped out of our heads when we saw the outside of the building, but we had just managed to ensure they were still in place when our eyesight was again challenged by what we experienced on entering the gigantic edifice.

      It is already on UNESCO's list of Heritage sites, without being finished. Can you imagine a church building taking over 100 years to build? When Gaudi (known now to the Spaniards as "God's Architect") was asked why he designed something that would take so long to build, he replied that his client was in no hurry.

      Gaudi designed something so ornate and incredibly detailed and fine that there was only one facade and another small part of the church built in his lifetime. He died in 1926. The buildng continues to this day (with a few interruptions for a civil war and a couple of world wars) and they hope to complete it for Gaudi's 100 year anniversary.

      It is impossible to describe this building. The inspiration comes from nature. So there are no straight lines anywhere. The columns are reminiscent of trees, and the stained glass windows inside go from bright red through orange, blue and green to represent the seasons. But there is too much to say about this building. A few photos are included here, but those who are keen to see it complete can make an appointment to visit in 2026.

      Sacrada Familia means "Holy Family" in Spanish. I am not a huge fan of Catholic churches for obvious reasons, but this one is another level. It puts St Peter's in Rome into the shade.
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    • Hari 5

      More things to see in Barca

      2 Julai 2018, Sepanyol ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      The architecture in Barcelona is very different to other European cities I have seen. The classical western architectural forms have been turned on their head here, or extended beyond what is usual. It is certainly different from Paris which is very traditional and consistent. This sets Barcelona apart from other cities. Famous architects like Gaudi led the way in this amazing creative flair. Picasso and Salvador Dali were also born here and created styles uniquely their own. This seems to be a pattern for creative genius which is so characteristic of this city.Baca lagi

    • Hari 2


      2 Jun 2017, Sepanyol ⋅ 23 °C

      An der Promenade bummeln, durch La Barceloneta laufen und im Park Guell können wir uns etwas entspannen. Wir lieben Barcelona und es ist immer schön für ein paar Tage hier zu sein. 🌊🧘🏻🍸🍱☀️

    • Hari 5


      30 Januari 2014, Sepanyol ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

      Ich besichtigte das FC Barcelona Stadion inkl. Museum, natürlich durfte auch die Sagrada Familia, la boqueria und la Rambla nicht fehlen.
      Barcelona ist eine wunderschöne Stadt, aber selbst trotz Nebensaison sind jede Menge Touristen unterwegsBaca lagi

    • Hari 22

      Ein Tag in Barcelona

      7 Oktober 2021, Sepanyol ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      In Barcelona angekommen schauten wir uns natürlich zuerst die Sagrada Familia an. Der Architekt und Künstler Gaudi steckte all seine Energie in dieses Bauwerk was bis heute nicht mal halb fertiggestellt ist. Dabei sind Gaudi bei der Struktur viele Dinge sehr wichtig. Von innen ist die Kirche eher schlicht gehalten. Die vielen bunten Glasfenster werfen ein wunderschönes Licht hinein. Die Säulen sollen Bäume symbolisieren und die Apostel sind durch Tiere verkörpert. Gaudi stellte sich die Verbindung zu Gott wie die Verbindung zur Natur vor und so war das Innere wie ein Wald, durch den die Sonne scheint, aufgebaut und es fühlt sich alles lebendig und vertraut an. Außen wird die Geschichte Jesu erzählt, hier befindet sich eher der klassische Teil der Kirche.Baca lagi

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