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    • Day 89–90

      Day 89 - La Caridad to Oviedo

      July 19 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      We were up in good time to seek out a good breakfast in the town and ensure we knew the right place to catch the bus. We had a chill out in the room before final pack up and out for the bus.
      Bus was a trip down memory lane as we retraced our steps through towns and villages.
      The weather was hot!
      We got to Oviedo a new destination around 2.30, set Trevor up and had a hot half hour trek to our accommodation.
      Oviedo is a large city with a mix of old and new. It has an air of solid history and culture. Lovely big, grand buildings, lots of music to be heard, marbled pavements and a feeling of calm satisfaction.
      We feel it would be a good destination for a city break.
      We hit a launderette which made Simon very happy, he called it ʼmy beautiful launderette’!
      Then on for a couple of beers and a very good fish supper.
      We aim for a cultural day tomorrow as long as the group of young lads next door are not too noisy and we survive a night in another high room with no fire escape!
      Onwards to La Franca tomorrow!
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    • Day 67–68

      Day 67 - Aviles to Soto del Barco

      June 27 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      We woke up and opened the noisy shutters! Then headed for breakfast- the usual coffee, orange juice, croissants and a pinxos
      Then onto today’s walk in a sultry, overcast and close day - with no breeze☹️
      On the whole it was a fairly uninspiring walk, initially through the suburbs of Avilés (all uphill) then into fields and lanes then into woodlands.
      We passed through a couple of towns which were all pavement then on into more woodlands.
      Simon felt we were in the logging centre of Asturias, logging trails and very muddy.
      We got called over a main road by a group of strimming men and had to hand clap our way through the heavy alley of nettles and bracken they were sorting out.
      Trevor disagreed with the route that the shells and yellow arrows were taking us - we showed him who was boss and he re routed to agree with us. We climbed several hills and then descended into heavy clay tracks and a poisonous pond where we decided not to have a swim 😆
      Then on into our destination where we stopped for a very well priced lunch before finding our lodgings for the evening.
      After a shower we headed out for water and light refreshments 😉
      And we were entertained by the local WI who went into a spontaneous singsong.
      On the local screen the Spanish equivalent of ‘the chase’ came on. We attempted to translate and answer the questions 😂
      We both managed to get one right 🙌🙌 Bradley Walsh’s equivalent looked like a young Gary Barlow in Mary’s opinion 😆
      So we prepare to rest for the evening as a challenging 20k tomorrow
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    • Day 21

      Tag 21: Die Lust hält sich in Grenzen

      July 3 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Ich glaube - ich bin in dieser Woche mit dem falschen Bein aufgestanden. Die Motivation ist am Tiefpunkt und trotzdem laufe ich weiter. Mir geht es körperlich 100x besser als gestern, aber der Geist war wohl noch nicht ganz fit. Zu wissen, dass in der Unterkunft niemand wartet, ist ein komisches Gefühl - langsam merke ich, was es heißt allein zu sein. Auch Freiheit fühlt sich nicht immer gut an und trotzdem erkenne ich täglich welches Privileg ich habe, diese Reise machen zu können. Der Camino zerrt - an meinen Kräften, an meinem Geist und meinen Grenzen. Jeden Tag lerne ich mich ein bisschen besser kennen - manches gefällt mir, manches so gar nicht und trotzdem ist es schön, all das mal so richtig wahrnehmen zu können. Und dann … kommt man in eine kleine Stadt und fühlt sich von Beginn an wohl und am liebsten, wäre ich vermutlich geblieben, aber das Ziel ist so nah - dass ich mich zwinge weiterzulaufen und am Ende des Tages bin ich froh, mich durchgerungen zu haben. 🙏 Mich erwartete eine wundervolle kleine Herberge mit einem super sympathischen deutschen Hospitaliero. Er bekochte uns und drückte mir gleich bei Ankunft ein kaltes Bier in die Hand. Michael war überglücklich endlich wieder mit jemandem deutsch sprechen zu können und wir hatten alle eine tolle Zeit in seiner Herberge. Vielen Dank für deine Gastfreundschaft! 🙏Read more

    • Day 27

      Salinas to Muros de Nalon 18km

      July 9 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      A shorter day today with some lovely shady trails. Much easier on the legs and feet. We have arrived at our beautiful albergue and are looking forward to chatting to some new camino friends over drinks and dinner tonight.Read more

    • Day 27

      Aviles/Soto del Barco/Muros de Nalon

      June 5, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Heute ging's auch erst um 9 Uhr 30 los, wir hatten ganz wenig geschlafen, weil im Surf Hostel Party gefeiert wurde. Aber egal wir fuhren sowieso mit dem Bus in die Stadt und dann mit dem Zug v.Gijon nach Aviles. Bis dorthin reines Industriegebiet, Kohleabbau, Steinbrüche, Metallverarbeitung, richtig öde Gegend und noch dazu sehr bergig. Selbst Aviles war noch nicht schöner, also führen wir noch einige km bis Soto del Barco, dies war wieder eine schönere Gegend, zwar auch steil, aber schön. So gingen wir dann noch nach Muros de Nalon zu unserer Herberge. Diese wird seit 2 Jahren v. einem Gmundner geführt und siehe da, dort treffen wir wieder auf alte Gefährten. Auch Helmut war hier, flog doch nicht nach Hause, Daniel aus Ulm kam auch noch daher, obwohl er glaubte uns endlich abgehängt zu haben und unsere Jakoba war auch wieder da. Unser Gmunder Hospitalero Ralph kochte f. uns Hühnerschnitzel mit Reis und Gurkensalat und Piementos del Pedro, dazu gab's noch Wein und ab 21 Uhr ein Lagerfeuer. Es war ein richtig netter Abend. Morgen müssen wir aber wieder um 6 Uhr raus.Read more

    • Day 122

      Der Österreichische Hospitalero

      June 30, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Ich schlafe so gut wie schon lange nicht mehr und wache um 7:15 Uhr als eine der letzten auf. Nur Sarah unter mir ist noch im Träumeland.
      Beim Frühstück erzählt uns die junge Hospitalera, María, wie ihr Sergio aus Amandi geholfen hat, diese Herberge zu finden, als sie schon aufgeben wollte, etwas passendes zu suchen.
      Die heutige Etappe ist um ein Vielfaches schöner als die letzte und außerdem extrem kurz. Da wir nur 16km vor uns haben, mache ich mit Sarah, Addie und der jungen Deutschen Jette, die wir in der Herberge gestern Abend kennengelernt haben, eine lange Pause in Soto del Barco. Dann ist es nur noch ein Katzensprung nach Muros de Nalón.

      Die Herberge La Naranja Peregrina hat vor ein paar Jahren den Besitzer gewechselt und gehört jetzt einem Österreicher. Es ist meiner Erinnerung nach das erste Mal auf allen meinen Caminos, dass ich einem österreichischen Hospitalero begegne und ich freue mich sehr darauf.
      Leider werde ich enttäuscht. Die Herberge ist schön und die Stimmung am Abend mit meinen Freunden gut, aber der Hospitalero stellt sich als Griff ins Klo heraus. Insbesondere Frauen kann ich nicht empfehlen, dort zu übernachten.
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    • Day 19

      Muros de Nalõn to Soto de Luina, Spain

      September 19, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 59 °F

      Fantastic day. Only 10 miles through farmland, forests, very little road walking and only minor ups and downs. No mountains to conquer today figuratively or physically. We arrived in a little village with basic services and we are both happy to have had a shorter, not so strenuous day. A little respite for our bodies so hopefully they keep carrying us through. Our feet may not go on strike after blessing them with today and tomorrow being easier distances. The albergue we were at last night had a little breakfast so we had that before setting out in the misty fog. So happy to have a good cup of coffee before getting started. We passed by a church (of course!) before heading out on the trail, that in the fog, looked so mysterious to me. It reminded me of the mysteries of faith. The divinely revealed truth about grace, redemption, and forgiveness in Christ. Perfect timing for me to recognize and contemplate this. Yesterday revealed something I hadn’t really processed and I have come to believe I need to find forgiveness in my heart, for my own peace. What’s done is done and I am a firm believer that all of the things good and bad, made me who I am today, and I think I’m alright and have done ok…as long as I don’t have to hike in the rain hahaha!
      Small towns are so easy to get in and out of, arrows and shells were visible and plentiful. The terrain was difficult in spots with lots of roots, rocks and mud puddles to dodge, unfortunately this means head down for proper foot placement, which was hard to do in such a beautiful place. The forest kept us cool before spitting us out into the sun for a little road walking a couple times. No cafe stops for coffee today, but we found a bench a couple kilometers before the end that we had a snack on and laughed at the mooing cows that sounded like they were talking to each other in the field next to us. It was a beautiful setting. The hills and fields are in high definition green, with no signs of autumn until entering the forests and the stark contrast of the changing colors of shedding leaves blanketing the ground we are walking on. The trees are starting to show me just how beautiful and lovely it is to let things go. 🍁
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    • Day 56

      Soto del Barco

      October 6, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      I had two very contrasting conversations today. The first was this morning with the first person I saw, an old man out for walk. We started by talking about walking and then he asked if I'd tried Asturian cider (sidra). I admitted I didn't like it. He was taken aback at this and started asking me questions like which ciders have I tried, and how much have I spent. He decided I needed to buy and try more expensive ciders and said I could try some of his. This was at 8.30am so I had to give up the offer unfortunately. He also told me I need to eat more bread! He was a real good laugh even though I was struggling to understand all he said.

      The second was as I was walking out of Aviles. A little dog was yapping and the owner, a well dressed old lady, told me off for scaring her dog! "How am I scaring your dog?" I asked. "By wearing this and this," I was told. She pointed to my walking poles and rucksack. I apologised to the dog and walked on.

      Photos - today was 26 miles through a conurbation pretty much so the first photo is a street in the old part of Aviles and the second is an example of what I've walked through for a large part of the day. It can't all be pretty beaches unfortunately.
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    • Day 14

      Colunga - Cudillero

      September 20, 2020 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Départ pour 11 h. 🤣 Le temps passe beaucoup trop vite. 😱
      Journée repos donc aucune pression sur les horaires et les kilomètres. Je vais surement m'arrêter au camping de Cudillero ce soir.
      Il n'est pas cher et il n'y a pas de WarmShowers dans ce coin. (Ça reprend bientôt 😉)

      Test du cidre local dans la matinée.
      Pour ce qui est du cidre les Espagnols n'arrive pas à la cheville des Bretons. Cocorico ! 🇨🇵
      Le truc cool c'est qu'il y a des pommes partout sur le bord des routes, donc ravitos express. 😋

      Arrivé à Gijòn le midi, petit repas sur la jetée.
      A non pas petit* 😂
      "Note à moi-même, acheter à manger pour 5 et non pour 10 la prochaine fois. 🤤 Après il faut transporter le reste jusqu'au soir 😅"

      Poser dans un bar juste avant le camping pour regarder le tour de France sur les champs Elysées. 🚴‍♂️🇨🇵
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    • Day 23

      Soto de Luina,Spain

      September 19, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 59 °F

      We had a lovely short 16.4km day. No major climbs but we were up and down all day. We started off with light fog. One gentlemen walking his warned us ’Cuidado’, be careful along this road. The fog cleared, we entered forested gravel or dirt roads and paths. Mostly shady, it was wonderful! This 72 degree day in the sun on asphalt was not wonderful we had climbed with that also. Where we needed to be careful was asking some of the village roads that are one car wide, no shoulder and rock walls on either side. When a car comes by you can touch it. So not my favorite part of the day.
      On another note:
      You would think on these ‘easier’ days we would be chatting all day. What occurs is you get into the rhythm of your own stride and then your own thoughts. You end up hanging out with yourself. I am not as boring to hang out with as I feared I would be. 🤣
      The adventure for the day: there are no laundromats on the map but this town. No one speaks English and we all know how bad I am at directions. Try it in another language.
      But this was simple ( all in Spanish, so a bit lost in absorption). Go to the Alburgue, then go right it’s there. Done! I went to the Alburgue took a right. Nothing! No laundromat. No shops. I wandered up another street that could’ve been the right she meant, still nothing. Long story short- it’s AT the Alburgue/hostel. It’s outside around the building. Just sitting on the slab of concrete. It didn’t have a spin cycle so our clothes even after being wrung out may never dry. 😊
      Switching topics-
      Ron, my husband, is watching weather for us as there is rain coming in on probably the worst day. Just as we enter Luarca,Spain, a lovely coastal village. Nuts!!
      I sent him the names of the towns we are in today and tomorrow. He can’t find them. Too small? They are pretty tini.
      Switching again-
      Thank Heaven for splitting room costs. We are in a $90.00/night hotel so for about $48 each we have a bathroom to ourselves, towels, a little balcony and and elevator for our tired legs. Ah, the things we don’t usually appreciate!!😃
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