Provincia de Palencia

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    • Dag 19

      Carrion de los condes

      I går, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      We started later (7am) today as it was grey skies and about 10c cooler which suits me fine. Fiona's hands turned white though and she has spent most of the day cold.
      The walk was flat and took us along an ancient canal with lots of birdsong, which you can identify with an app called Merlin. Then across more wheat fields through a couple of dead villages, one with an amazing church with knights templar tombs and 15th century carvings.
      My feet and knees decided that today they would ache and the last few kilometers were hard. The changing insole trick didn't fool them. However, most people are far worse off and a couple of our camino 'friends' are giving up or taking rest days because of blisters. Thank you Hoka trainers, and Michael my nhs podiatrist!
      Carrion is a nice town and we have a private room tonight which means sheets, towels and a bathroom instead of a hostel bed. We had a nice lunch in the busiest restaurant, and then at 6 went to see the singing nuns. A thing where people share where they are from, why they are walking and sing non religious songs with nuns. It reminded me of school in Cádiz, as the nuns were just as lovely. Anyway, a bit special and hard to explain. I went for a walk afterwards on my own and ended up having beers with a bunch of people we have met over the last few days.
      The photo of the man on the bike with an umbrella is my picture for my drawing project today. Day 370 of daily drawing.
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    • Dag 19

      Day 19 Castrojerez

      24 maj, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      Do you see that first picture of the white house with writing on it? I took the pic walking into Hontanos today. It says Santiago is 248 miles away! We will officially be halfway to Santiago when we get to the town of Shagun. We had a mixed day of hills and flat areas, and I can't stop taking pictures of poppy fields. Castrojerez is a large town, and it's built way up on a hill. The owner of our albergue insisted that Kristina and I use her jacuzzi, so we appeased her by sticking our feet in it while enjoying our afternoon snack of fresh apricots, figs, cheese and olives.Läs mer

    • Dag 19

      Day 18 To Hornillos del Camino

      24 maj, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      Beautiful walk out of Bergos into the rolling green hills along the way to Hornillos. The scenery was beautiful, fields of poppies and an expansive view of the city from high above. We saw exquisite cathedrals yesterday, but none compare to the simple chapel we passed by today in the countryside outside Rabe de las Calzatas. A nun invited us into the chapel, asked my name, touched my head and extended a blessing on me "Katarina," also my family, friends, all those doing the Camino de Santiago. She presented me with a medal. The chapel was simple, photo attached. Our albergue is nice. It's new, and the private room is perfect. We have a shared common patio with people from Germany, Australia, New Zealand, France, Japan. Communal dinner tonight with Spanish paella.Läs mer

    • Dag 16

      First day on the meseta

      6 juni, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Which for those of you who don't know, is the enormous plateau that covers most of central Spain, from La Mancha south of Madrid to the mountains just north of us here. In my experience it is either baking hot like today or very cold in Winter.
      As there has been so much rain the poppies, thistles and other wild flowers are stunning.
      We are staying in a hostel Fiona knows from last year in a sleepy village that has the good fortune to sit on the path to Santiago, and is making the most of it by catering to pilgrims. There's a man in a small shop across the road selling tiny shampoos, suncreams, blister stuff, and food in small packets as well as making nice sandwiches.
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    • Dag 14

      Day 13 not walking!

      21 maj, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Super paella last night!
      But my bruised big toe was really painful yesterday and throbbing overnight, so decided this morning to get it checked out. As we were staying in small village of Hornillos, had to get a taxi back to Burgos which took about 30 mins and us over 6 hours to walk yesterday!!
      My suspicion was confirmed when the doctor told me it was infected, so have got antibiotic cream and tablets etc, very efficient system at A&E and was prob in and out in just over an hour! Isn’t Google translate marvellous?!! Getting back to town was less efficient, but that was my fault, wish my Spanish was better!
      My friend Fiona carried on walking today and I’m meeting her at our accommodation later. I was told to not walk for 2-3 days, so will be taking the bus to our pre booked accommodation and see how it goes. The doctor told me to buy bigger shoes, I didn’t argue but I already bought larger than normal…. don’t think it’s the shoes but the number of Km we’re covering!
      The next bus to our next stop at Castrojeriz is not until 5, so after chilling in cafe, I have taken refuge in the public library to kill time, as I don’t want to walk about that much. So I’ve taken few more photos in Burgos of some things that caught my eye plus the enormous chicken paella from last night!
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    • Dag 23

      Burgos Cathedral

      28 maj, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      As I shuffled into the city of Burgos like Tim Conway on the Carol Burnett show.

      See video of Tim Conway….

      As I approached my hotel I knew I was about to walk past the Cathedral. I knew I had only so much energy and so I opted to take pictures from the outside and vow to return someday to see the inside.

      I looked at my pictures and they don’t do the Building justice. Regardless take my word for it. It is massive and impressive ! I enjoyed gazing at it in the day and night time.

      A picture of me shuffling through Burgos on the way to my hotel being guided by yellow arrows. Also some Torrenzos before dinner.
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    • Dag 14–15

      Day 13 to Hornillos del Camino

      19 maj, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Lovely little town. Walked with Cathy, met Rob, Matteo, Monique, Herman, Allyson and saw the young folk from Belorado... Tom decided to pack his bag and walk 10km on... cause hostels were full and people needed beds. I think my boys would've done the same... what a champLäs mer

    • Dag 27


      1 oktober 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Z opóźnieniem dwu dniowym nadrabiamy straty w opisywaniu naszej drogi.
      Dopiero teraz widzę jak bardzo jest się daleko od bycia przepełnionym dobrem i jak łatwe jest mówienie o filozofii życia a z drugiej strony jak trudno jest nią żyć . Jak przyjemnie było napisać pierwsze zdanie dnia poprzedniego, w które w sumie bardzo mocno wierzę a jak trudno było z nim żyć. Słabości ciała i duszy i wiary w coś co jest dobre jest nieodłączną częścią życia ale również świadomość że jest droga, która akceptuje Cię bezwzględnie gdziekolwiek zaczynasz i to sposób absolutny tylko trzeba ją zaakceptować i chcieć nią podążać. I najpiękniejsze jest to że nie ważne jak bardzo zboczysz ona zawsze jest i możesz wrócić.
      Dzisiaj nie było zabytków może jedynym zabytkiem była droga, pochodząca z czasów Augustyna. Rzymianie zbudowali ją do przewożenia złota i innych cennych metali. Po 17 km mieliśmy pierwsza wioskę. Po drodze na około 8 km stał trak z kawą,herbata i kanapkami. Generalnie tylko droga.
      Calzadilla de la Cueza tak naprawdę składała się z baru,który był otwarty i kościoła,który był zamknięty. W barze jak to w barze był barman, miał cztery zęby ale był pełen życia i humoru. Zamówiłem grande cerveza i dostałem do stolika kieliszek z piwem o po pierwotnie kamiennej twarzy rozlał się uśmiech pokazujący właśnie cztery zęby i druga ręka zza pleców wystawił wielki kufel zimnego piwa, bezcenne.😂
      Później już tylko droga z pomału podwyższająca się temperaturą.
      Bardzo szybko przeszliśmy przez Ledigos gdzie zamieniliśmy parę słów z Asia i Kamilem naszymi przyjaciółmi z Camino i później następne wyglądające na opuszczone miasteczko Teradillos de los Templarios . Kiedyś mieścił się tu kościół należący mnichów rycerzy Templariuszy. Tak na marginesie zakon działał przez około 200 lat ochraniał pielgrzymów i robił inne rzeczy. Ich wielki mistrz Jacques de Molay w piątek 13 w 1307 roku został oskarżony za herezje( czytaj niewygodny partner polityczno-ekonomiczny) i szybko spalony na stosie przez ówczesne władze kościoła.
      Pewnie od tego bierze się pechowy piątek 13.
      Na noc dotarliśmy się do Moratino.
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    • Dag 29


      23 maj, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Day 21 Sahagún
      Distance from Calzadilla to Sahagún 23 kms

      It has been 3 weeks today since we started walking the Camino and have reached halfway - 400kms.
      The sun was shining temperature reached 21c the path was flat orange blossom filled the air and the terrain a joy to walk through. The sound of the cuckoo calling through the trees.
      The little caves (hobbit like dwellings as we call them) we passed by are called bodegas and were used for food storage wine presses barrels and bottling vats and some local families still use them today. We stopped for a delicious goats cheese salad and freshly squeezed orange juice in a tiny village before walking on to Sahagun.
      A small town with quaint streets and churches dating back to the 10th Century some with little remains. One of which we acquired our credential for reaching the halfway mark we were delighted to have made it this far.
      We were fortunate to catchup with Camino friends late afternoon and finished the day with a dish of pulpo (a Galacian dish of octopus) grilled and served with a potato purée washed down with a local white.
      What a glorious day.
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    • Dag 96

      canal de castillos

      27 oktober 2019, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      nach 2800 kilometern fahrrad fahren mit übernachtungen in verschiedensten mobilehomes, bungalows, hostals, hotels etc. war dies die absolut beste matratze im hotel la concordia in monzon de campos. ebenfalls das frühstücks-buffet war der hammer. vielen herzlichen dank für die tolle gastfreundschaft an beatriz und victor. es ist absolut zu empfehlen. eine reise und einen halt wert. das hotel ist mit so viel charme und liebe dekoriert und geführt, dass wir uns einfach wohl gefühlt haben. beatriz hat uns dann noch die route zum canal de castillos erklärt und uns kartenmaterial gegeben, da sie ebenfalls das tourismus-büro der ortschaft führt. am canal de castillos in palencia angekommen sind wir wieder in die idylle der kanalfahrt eingetaucht und haben uns an die schöne zeit am canal du midi erinnert. wir waren auf der strecke absolut alleine und haben die ruhe genossen. gaia war völlig aus dem häusschen, da es so viele hasen am kanal entlang hatte. das video zeigt sie nicht bei der hasenjagd, sondern wenn sie aus dem wagen gelassen wird und den kindern hinter her spurtet. es ist schade, dass diese alten schleusen nicht besser unterhalten werden. eigentlich hätte diese region ein grosses turistisches potenzial mit diesen kleinen kanälen. die nacht verbringen wir auf einem camping in einem mobilehome; d.h. von der prinzensuite zurück in die besenkammer; notabene direkt neben der autobahn. aber was solls, so schätzen wir dann wieder das schöne.Läs mer

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