Puerta del Sol

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    • Day 2

      9. 9.: Tag 2 in Madrid

      September 9, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Heute Vormittag an unserem Hochzeitstag wollen wir als erstes in den historischen Teil von Madrid fahren. Auf dem Weg dort hin, machen wir aber erst noch Stop bei der Statue des Bären am Erdbeerbaumes. Das ist auch Teil des Wappens Madrids. Auf dem Weg zum alten Stadteil Madrids kommen wir durch ein paar niedliche Gässen durch. Wir schauen bei der Cathedral de la Almudena vorbei und weiter zum Königspalast. Dort findet gerade eine Art Wachablösung o.ä. statt. Auf der Metrofahrt in einem anderen Stadtteil melden sich unsere Mägen. Und so holen wir uns einen einem Supermarkt etwas Verpflegung. Eine Bank zu finden ist hier auf der Ecke gar nicht so einfach. Dann haben eine kleine Sitzgelegenheit gefunden und sitzen direkt vor einem Laden „Taste of America“. Das ist echt lustig, hier in Madrid an unseren Jahrestag an Amerika durch diesen Laden nun erinnert zu werden.
      Danach geht Daniel ins Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, auch ein Kunstmuseum hier in Madrid. Unter anderem hängen hier Werke von Dalí. Petra macht in der Zeit Siesta.
      Estatión de Atocha ist unser nächstes Ziel. In der ehemaligen Bahnhofshalle diese Fernbahnhofs befindet heute ein großer Palmengarten. Sogar Bananen wachsen hier. Unser nächster Abstecher ist die kurios geschwungene Arganzuela-Brücke im Süden der Stadt.
      Zurück in der Stadt probieren wir ein Cannabiseis. Gemerkt habe wir keine Wirkung, war wohl zu wenig 🤭
      Auf Petras „Tacho stehen für heute etwa 21.000 Schritte, auf Daniel durch das Museum sogar etwa 4.000 mehr.
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    • Day 46


      May 14, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      First day exploring Madrid today!

      📍Walked to Puerta del Sol - classic touristy area of Madrid. We kept walking through the city and enjoyed looking at all the cool architecture

      📍 Walked to the Flea Market. It was really cool but packed! There were actually some really nice stalls here selling linen, jewellery and prints.

      📍 Headed to Cava Baja which is an iconic street known for its tapas and bars. Stopped in at Taberna La Taba and then to another called Taberna La Cava, ordered a couple of small plates at each one! We had croquettes, grilled green peppers, calamari and anchovy toast.

      📍 Another vino at a cool little bar called Taberna El Schotis 🍷 We really liked this place it had a fun vibe! The bartender was really nice and got talking to us for a while - she explained the reason it’s so busy is because it’s San Isidro holiday who is the Patron Saint of Madrid, so everyone is out and about!

      📍 Walked to Plaza Mayor - they had a band playing and loads of people here. Such a pretty piazza!

      📍 Treated ourselves to churros for dessert @ the famous San Ginés, which was tucked behind a little alleyway near Plaza Mayor. They were yum!

      The rest of the afternoon consisted of us sorting out Jacques phone at Apple. We had the nicest guy helping us and were lucky enough that they randomly had one iPhone 12 in stock. We ended up being able to exchange Jacques phone for a brand new one of the same model and they gave us a report for the insurance company. Win win!

      📍 Dinner @ Entre Santos. This place was incredible, the food blew us away! It’s a funky cocktail bar with a modern take on Spanish tapas. It was actually my favourite food we’ve had the whole trip. We started by ordering a couple of things, then kept ordering because it was that good! We want to come back tomorrow 🤣
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    • Day 1–4

      1 giorno

      December 27, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Arrivo a Madrid e direzione alloggio nei pressi di Porta di Alcalà.
      Successivamente direzione Puerta del Sol per proseguire verso Placa Mayor e Mercado Central.
      Abbiamo visitato poi la Catedral de la Almudena e Palacio Real.
      Cioccolata calda con churros da Chocolaterie San Genis per poi concludere la giornata a base di paella
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    • Day 1

      Erkundungstour der Stadt Madrid

      November 3, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Es isch relativ chüel, aso hani mi warm ahgzoge. Jetzt bin ich uf de suechi nach Esse. Obwohl es so ziemli a jedem egge was hett bini nonöd zfride und suech witter. Es ähnelt recht stark a london mit nem stich amsterdam.Read more

    • Day 1

      Porta del Sol by night

      November 25, 2019 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      Siamo piuttosto stanche questa sera quindi andiamo a cenare in una cerveceria vicino all'albergo e poi facciamo due passi in centro. Ci sono già tutte le luci e gli addobbi natalizi che rendono l'atmosfera un po' magica.Read more

    • Day 16

      El oso y el madroño

      February 24, 2023 in Spain

      Para materializar uno de los símbolos de la ciudad de Madrid, el 19 de enero de 1967 se inaugura, en el mismo lugar en que estuvo la fuente de la Mariblanca, una escultura realizada por Antonio Navarro Santafé que representa el oso y el madroño, figuras procedentes de las armas que adquiere la Villa desde época de Alfonso VIII.

      Ya en época de Alfonso VIII, los habitantes de la Villa llevaban en su bandera un “oso u osa en forma pasante con siete estrellas en su lomo” y con él fueron a la batalla de las Navas de Tolosa en 1212; posteriormente, por un pleito que enfrentó a la Villa con el Cabildo de Curas por la propiedad de los pastos y arboledas, se acordó que los pastos pasaran al Cabildo, quien usó en su escudo el oso pasante, y la Villa se quedó con los árboles y la caza, adoptando para su escudo el madroño y el oso erguido ante él. Este escudo perduró hasta 1859, en que el único cuartel que hasta entonces ostentaba se divide en tres: el primero con un grifo o dragona de oro, el segundo con el oso empinado al madroño y bajo éstos, la corona cívica.

      La Sección de Cultura del Ayuntamiento presentó el 14 de noviembre de 1966 un escrito al alcalde solicitando que el escudo de la Villa recuperara su tradición histórica del oso erguido ante el madroño y proponía, además, que se hiciera un monumento para instalarlo en algún lugar emblemático de la capital, símbolo popular para los turistas.

      El escultor citado realizó el encargo y 24 reproducciones pequeñas que utilizaría el Ayuntamiento como regalo institucional o trofeos municipales.

      El 17 de diciembre se decidió que se levantara en la Puerta del Sol, en la confluencia de la calle de Alcalá y la Carrera de San Jerónimo, donde se instaló definitivamente el 10 de enero de 1967, pero posteriormente se trasladó al arranque de la calle del Carmen. Con motivo de las obras llevadas a cabo en Puerta del Sol la estatua fue removida y posteriormente recolocada en la proximidad de su emplazamiento original en el encuentro entre la calle de Alcalá y la Puerta del Sol.
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    • Day 9

      Madrid, so different from Portugal

      September 24, 2017 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Our first full day in Madrid is done. We arrived late last night after a delay in our flight of an hour leaving Porto. We scrambled a bit knowing our hosts were waiting for us to check-in in Madrid. We took the express airport bus as far as we could then jumped in a cab to our air bnb. No answer when we rang the bell. Freaked out slightly. 😜 We we into a Bar/ resto that was shutting down for the night. They were kind enough to let us use their cell phone to contact our hosts. By now it is 1:00am! No problem , they would be there in 5 min to meet us. Sure enough they came in their pyjamas lol😂. Sweetest young couple ! They checked us in and gave us info we needed for their great apartment. Needless to say we passed out not long after 😴. Today we explored Madrid. Such a contrast from the cities we visited in Portugal. Portugal had such an old world charm, hardly any fast food places at all. Madrid is much more cosmopolitan , Starbucks , McDos , fast food etc... it does however still have a very historic side to it with beautiful monuments , palaces and the most gorgeous city centre square , Plaza Major. We ate churrios dipped in melted chocolate At Chocolateria San Gines! Highly recommended by Taylor from when she visited Madrid. Tonight we ate paella and sangria. 😊. We watched a beautiful dance show in Plaza Major before coming back to our apartment. Tomorrow... there are a few sites left to see. Cheers to another fantastic day in our European adventure 🍷💕Read more

    • Day 9

      A bear and a strawberry tree...

      September 24, 2017 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      On our last full day in Madrid , we set out after breakfast in our apartment and once again headed out to see more sights. Our location is perfect , we are within walking distance of everything. Lots and lots of walking but it is the best way to see everything and get a true experience of this city. One if our first stops was Palacio Real , the national palace. A magnificent 18 th century palace which is the official residence of the royal family but is only used for state ceremonies. Right beside the palace was Cathedral de la Almudena. It is a Catholic Church and it is the seat of the Archdiocese of Madrid. We were there when the bells rang at noon! Talk about loud ! We were determined to get to Puerta del Sol. It is a city square , the exact center of Madrid , kilometre 0. The spot is marked by a statue of a bear and a strawberry tree, which is the official symbol of the city!! From there we left and headed to the complete opposite side of the city to one of the most beautiful parks I've been in, parque De El Retiro. It's an expansive park that belonged to the Spanish monarchy until it was given to the public in the 19th century. It's known as the green heart of the city. It is 350 acres , with flowers , fountains , a man made lake where you can rent rowboats , and monuments. Palacio de Cristal is a gorgeous glass building in the middle of the park. We had bought a picnic lunch on our way. A sandwich of traditional cured Serrano ham on a baguette bun , a beer and an orange 😊. We ate in the park and being Sunday it was full of families spending a nice sunny hot day in the park. We headed back to our place. We had decided to cook dinner ourselves so we bought groceries to make pasta and dessert. After supper we walked back out to get coffee. We catch a train at 8:30 tomorrow morning to go to Barcelona. Luckily the train station station is just a 10 minute walk from our place! Madrid it's been real 😊Read more

    • Day 11


      September 17, 2017 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      9.17 Sunday
      Yesterday's stop was at Los Arcos but as we could not find accommodations there, we took a taxi to our hotel nearest Logroño.

      An amazing day in Logroño! - with wine festival and semi/final acrobatic bull competition! We've never seen such such an amazing spectacle before. Incredible courage shown by men willing to let a bull charge at them as they decided to jump over the bull or just arch their bodies to have the bull pass by.Read more

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    Puerta del Sol

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