Punta de Rebordiño

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    • Day 100–103

      Fistera... ha non merde Muros

      November 12, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Pas de repos pour les marins,
      Le lendemain de l'arrivée de Julie on part à 6h30 du mat pour une grosse nav.
      Objectif passer le cap Finistère tant que les conditions sont bonnes.
      La nav se passe bien malgré des conditions un peu dure au large.
      On longe les côtes sous le soleil d'Espagne avec vent arrière et une pointe a 10 nœuds de vitesse, on arrive juste avant le coucher du soleil à Fistera par 20 nœuds de vent.
      On s' en sort pas trop mal pour notre manœuvre mais on se rend compte que c' est vraiment juste un port de pèche pas du tout prévu pour les touristes.
      On se fait donc virer une heure plus tard par le pécheur qui rentre de sa journée et on galère à sortir de la place.
      Vu qu'il n'y a pas d'autre places et que le vent est bien monté on décide de partir se cacher à Muros à 4h de nav.
      On arrive bien claquer à minuit après avoir essuyer des rafales a 40 nœud. (toute voile rentrées et au moteur heureusement).
      On passe 2 jours sur place à profiter du beau temps et attendre que le vent se calme pour partir faire des mouillages dans les 3 rias qui nous amènerons a Baiona.
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    • Day 35

      Final instalment!

      June 11, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Thanks for all your lovely comments 🥰
      I thought I would just add the photos from our day trip to the coast, which was relaxing and so nice to be driven … rather than walking! Although I’m so generally tired I did nod off on the coach!
      We stopped first at a fishing village Muros en route, and then at an impressive waterfall into the sea, this is because the sea has ingressed known as rias, and there are many of them along this coastline. Then we went to the ‘end of the world’ or Finisterre cape where there is a lighthouse and the 0 Km way marker as it is believed that this is where St James was last seen alive, although all other way markers count down to Santiago Cathedral.
      The scenery is stunning and the sky was threatening, apparently there was a visible cold front coming as seen by the line in the sky (David’s input!). We then had lovely seafood paella in Finisterre village. And the coach came back stopping at Muxia, made famous by ‘The Way’ film ( Martin Sheen scattered his son’s ashes) and an impressive semi circular waterfall and very old bridge.
      Then David and I got a bus this morning from Santiago to Porto, and lost an hour as Portugal is on UK time! While Fiona flew back to the UK.
      We’ve had a relaxing afternoon exploring very hilly Porto and took a boat tour of the six bridges here on the river Douro, although I managed to nod off again, as I did on the bus this morning!! I have quite a sleep debt to catch up on!! My feet are happier now and I’m looking forward to seeing friends in Lisbon and also going home next week!!
      So thanks again everyone for your fabulous kind support, lots of love to you all 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
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    • Day 23


      August 3, 2021 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Régal is at the Marina in the lovely town of Muros. We spend a few days here as the weather is inclement. It is much easier to duck in and out of rain showers when you can run instead of row back to the boat. The Marina is in the centre of the town which has lovely old narrow streets to explore. The hills surrounding Muros are covered in Eucalyptus and Pine trees and there is beach 3 minutes walk from the boat. We know now why Liam and Mags Drennan it so much.
      Interestingly the yacht that was the subject of the book ‘Sailing for home’ by Theo Dorga, ‘The Spirit of Oysterhaven’ is in the boatyard here and is for sale. That book inspired us to do the Atlantic crossing 15 years ago.
      In Muros we stock up on food from the nearby shop and market. The fruit and vegetables are so good in Spain; bigger, juicer and way more delicious than any of the perfect looking specimens we get in Ireland. Ruby even says the wild blackberries we pick on our wandering side here are tastier than at home - the sunshine is a magical thing!
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    • Day 14

      Ein neuer Hafen

      October 22, 2021 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Luc hatte Namenstag. Wir feiern ihn aber als Geburtstag. Dann wollte er unbedingt sein Geschenk auspacken: Ein Star wars Lego-set wo man Sachen echt Abschiessen kann. Seraina und Papa haben ein Kuchen gebacken, während ich und jay zusammengebaut haben. Nachher sind wir zu den anderen Schweizer, die Freundin des Mannes ist professionelle Lehrerin in Zürich. Am nächsten Morgen hatte Papa Geburtstag. Wir gaben ihm ein gestiefelter Kater Kissen. Am morgen sind wir wieder in die Schule, nachher zum Strand. Wisst ihr eigentlich das wenn man im dunkeln ins Wasser scheint sieht mann alles ganz genau? So haben wir eine Krabbe gefangen. Wo ich und Jay ins Wasser geleuchtet haben, sahen wir 3 riesige Spinnen-krebse. Dann holten wir Papa und wollten eine fangen, aber sie würden ja gar nicht in den Kessel passen, kam uns in den sinn. Also fingen wir eine kleinere, aber die passte schon nicht richtig in den Kessel. Als wir sie dann endlich gefangen haben gingen wir gleich ins Bett. Am Morgen liessen wir ihn frei. Am Abend segelten wir los nach Muros. Dann sind wir ab ins Bett und am Morgen waren wir da. Dann sind wir ab zum Strand. Am nächsten Morgen hatten wir Schule. Chillten ein bisschen. Und Heute machten wir wieder Schule, machten eine Wasserschlacht gingen dann auf ein Hügel und Papa empfang uns dann mit Abendessen. Morgen wollen wir auf einen Berg wandern er heisst: Monte Luoro oder irgend was anderes.Read more

    • Day 41


      July 4, 2016 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      We woke to a warm calm morning. Leaving Tony in his berth, Paddy and I headed ashore in the search of a supermarket to stock up with some provisions for today's breakfast and lunch.
      When we arrived at the supermarket it was still closed so we wandered around and saw people coming down a narrow street carrying bread. We followed the trail until we came to what looked like an ordinary house but turned out to be the bakery. We got ourselves a few ‘Spanish’ sticks, fresh from the oven and for little or nothing, less than a euro each. We wandered back to the supermarket which was now open and got the provisions before heading back to the boat.

      We left the marina at 09.40 and there was little or no wind so we motored slowly down the ria enjoying the scenery which reminded me of West Cork with the rocky outcrops and green fields.
      At the mouth of the ria we hoisted the main and began motorsailing and once out in the open sea we unfurled the genny and with the engine off, peace reigned.
      We first went north between Illa Ons and the mainland before heading north west to pass outside another island, Illa Salvora.
      Unfortunally soon after, the wind changed direction and went on the nose so we had to furl the genny and motorsail.
      At first we kept the main up until it became impossible to keep the sail full so we had to drop it and motor the remainder.

      The wind began to increase but stayed on the nose so we weren’t able to use it. It was blowing 20 knots and increased to 25 knots as we had turned into the Ria de Muros e Noia. Unfortunally the wind also veered around and was blowing straight down the ria against us so we had to keep motoring.

      We followed the north shore of the ria until we reached Muros, just around the first corner..
      Paddy had been there a number of weeks before on his own boat and told us that we needed to call the harbourmaster, Pedro, on the vhf before entering.
      Pedro was waiting for us and directed us to a berth before standing by to take our ropes.

      We were all tied up at 18.15 after a fairly pleasant day even if we didn’t get to sail for long but we didn’t have much time to relax as the Spanish Customs arrived and ‘requested’ an inspection....and if we refused??

      They were polite and professional and two went down below to search while one stayed with me in the cockpit and went through the yacht’s paperwork.
      They seemed more interested in the paperwork than the search but then this was our third port in Spain since re-entering from Portugal and if we were carrying something dodgy, we wouldn’t be hanging around, would we?
      Before they left they gave me a form to show to any other custom personnel that might wish to inspect us a second time.

      I then had to visit Pedro in the harbour office to complete booking in as the customs had pulled rank, getting in first.
      It turned out that the high season rates not surprisingly, began on the 1st of July and while they were reasonable, I would have thought that they would have been lower in order to attract more yachts in. The local authority have built the marina to increase tourism but it was only about 40% full while we were there. A pity as lower rates might improve things. Hopefully in the future more people will discover this part of Galicia as the local economy certainly looked as if it could do boost.

      Paddy led us ashore on a tour of Muros (pop 8,700) which is a fairly small town stretching along the shore with high hills behind. A bit like Cobh but unlike Cobh the town doesn't climb up the hills and finishes just as they begin. It’s an old harbour town whose traditional economy is based on fishing and it looked as if it had fallen on hard times.

      Paddy led us up and down every street and lane and I began to think that we'd be drawing maps for him and having an exam at the end of it. We eventually were allowed to think about food and went in search of a restaurant.
      Normally we would look for the ones that locals go to but this time that didn’t work. We were left sitting for at least 10 minutes without anyone coming near us. I know they were busy but they seemed to be ignoring us and we were too hungry to wait any longer and left.
      We headed a bit further along the shore where we found a restaurant that actually wanted customers and we ended up having a nice meal. The only downside is that they had the highlights of the F1 Austrian Grand Prix on a silent tv and the result was not what I wanted. Hamilton won.

      While we were eating, Rohan an ex colleague of Tony and mine, rang to tell me he wouldn’t be joining us on the last leg across Biscay. His son had fallen off a garage roof and was in hospital. Thankfully his son has made a complete recovery in the meantime.
      Rohan Murphy had arrived at my station a short time after me and we pounded the beat many times together. I remember talking to him about my plans to buy a yacht when I retired and of hoping to sail around the world.
      Strange that over thirty years later that Rohan is now the more experienced sailor having a couple of transatlantic's to his credit.

      We were late getting back aboard Eureka. We’re supposed to have an early start for Camarinas, which will be our last port before setting off for Ireland. Great preparation?

      We wind is still blowing twenty two knots according to the instruments at the top of the mast but it's nice and sheltered fifteen meters lower down in the cockpit. Right, better get the head down and the zzzz’s started before tomorrow.

      Leg 16 - 49 mls. Total 1665.
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    • Day 13

      Muros, Fisherman's Village

      April 3, 2024 in Spain ⋅ 🌬 55 °F

      Visited the cathedral, cafe con leche. Quick stop. Mussels are harvest here.

      Batea are the flat barge looking things that are stationed in the water for harvesting mussels and other seafood.

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Punta de Rebordiño, Punta de Rebordino

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