Real Colegiata de Santa María de Roncesvalles

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    • Day 1

      St. Jean Pied de Port - Roncesvalles

      February 20 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Nun bin ich den ersten Tag auf dem Camino! Nach der strapaziösen Reise über fast einen Tag und einer ruhelosen Nacht im Nachtzug, war es ein fast unwirkliches Gefühl, die ersten Schritte auf dem sagenumwobenen Camino Frances gehen zu können.
      Da die eigentliche Route der ersten Etappe aufgrund des Winters gesperrt war, nahm ich die Alternativroute über Valcarlos.
      Nach einer abwechslungsreichen Strecke war ich froh ein Bett in der Herberge in Roncesvalles zu bekommen. Hier traf ich auf die ersten Gleichgesinnten. Mit mir sind ungefähr 15 weitere Pilger unterwegs.
      Mit 25 km und ca. 900 hm eine ordentliche Etappe, um sich warm zu laufen…
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    • Day 14

      Valcarlos a Orreaga/Roncesvalles

      April 3 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

      I’m glad the Camino started with a good day, because today was a beat down. I got a bit late of a start at just after 9. I knew that it would be a lot of uphill, but I had no idea! I’m not sure the accuracy of this, but I found online that over the course of the 7.5 miles I walked, there was an elevation gain of 3,940 feet with a loss of 2,011 ft. I began using a mantra to keep myself going “poco a poco, paso a paso.” I’d keep my head down, pick a spot a bit up the trail, walk there, stop for a short breather. Repeat ad nauseam. Also, thank God for earbuds and iPhones- I was able to listen to some upbeat music, which helped. And just when I thought the uphill would never end, the trail let out onto a beautiful hilltop (unfortunately, I didn’t stay to enjoy it- nature was calling and it’s not the sort of place to dig a cat hole!)

      Check in to the albergue was easy, though a poor French girl in front of me was denied a bed as she didn’t have her physical passport on her. I bought food tickets for breakfast and dinner, but the assigned restaurant said they couldn’t accommodate celiac. Fortunately the next one I went to said they could, so I got the tickets changed. I’m a little nervous about how well they’ll do, as it’s a small place with probably hundreds of pilgrims. Prayers that they get it right and that my body does ok with the food!

      Only a few pictures today and no video because I was dead. Hoping for a good night’s sleep before a long day tomorrow- less elevation, so it shouldn’t be too bad 🤞
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    • Day 4–5

      Roncesvalles Monastery & Pilgrims Hostel

      April 17 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      As history tells it, the doors to Roncesvalles Monastery were open for Christians and pagans, rich and poor, with no distinctions. Pilgrims could have a bath and have their shoes repaired. Sick people received the best attention and were treated with best medicine and they could rest in clean and soft beds. Fast forward to now, and it seems not much has changed—except perhaps the addition of indoor plumbing and electricity. Yesterday, after battling the elements through the Pyrenees mountains, we arrived at this ancient refuge, eager to experience firsthand the storied hospitality of this legendary stop on the Camino de Santiago.

      The promise of a hot shower, a soft bed, and a warm meal felt like a luxury—and in many ways, it was. The Roncesvalles Monastery, now bustling with volunteers rather than monks, offers around 420 beds and for $32 a person, we had access to sinks to hand wash our clothes, a shower, a warm dinner, a soft bed & a simple breakfast.

      After a much-needed long, hot shower, we partook in the pilgrim's mass, then enjoyed a communal dinner with new friends from Ireland, Germany, Italy & Washington DC.

      Sleeping in a dormitory style bed at the monastery is an experience akin to camping indoors with a chorus of nasal flutes. So. Much. Snoring. It seems that traversing over the Pyrenees in miserable weather conditions does wonders for the sinuses. 🤣But who's to complain? We were all in the same boat—or should I say, bed?

      The "lights out" policy at 10 PM was strictly enforced, as was the 6 AM wake-up call, which was not just a gentle nudge but a full sensory experience. Lights flickered on, and the sound of monks singing wafted through the halls, a reminder that it was time to rise, shine, and strap on those hiking boots for another day of adventure. Although it wasn’t the most restful night that either of us had, we are grateful for the experience 🙏🏼
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    • Day 8

      PYRENEES MOUNTAINS! We in Spain!

      May 13 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      We woke around 6 AM. I looked out our window and OMG the view !!! We were above the clouds!!!

      Went to pilgrim Breakfast at 7:00 AM it last for 30 minutes and it is over!!

      Served was French bread, butter, jelly, coffee, small O.J, small baby corn flakes. That’s it.

      We all order a sandwich to go - French baguette, slice of cheese and meat. Very basic. Yet I would later devour it!

      Off we went and the view was magnificent!!💜💜

      It was hard. Up hill all the way. Lots of wind and cold 🥶 ish. we got to the top (there were 5 tops!) it was all down hill for a few hours.

      Legs felt like noodles on the last kilometer.

      WE DID IT!
      WE MADE IT OVER THE PYRENEES MOUNTAINS!!! 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 and walked into Spain! 🙌🙌

      Arrived in Roncesvalles and check into our HOTEL!! Private room! Dancing!💃🏽 and celebrating!🥳
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    • Day 4–5

      Day 3- Roncesvalles to Zubiri 21.9km

      May 16 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      A different awakening this morning, the brother singing in the abbey then walking through the dorms singing buenos diaz and bonjour. Lovely breakfast this morning in the restaurant, orange juice, coffee, toasted baguette with cheese slices and ham, apples and a beautiful tea cake which we wrapped and took with us for morning tea. Leaving Roncesvalles we take the woodland path for many kms, quite cool in amongst the trees but very easy walking. After 3km we come to Burguete, the first of many beautiful basque villages. A few more kms of beech forests and open countryside, and we cross a few streams. Just before we approached Viskarret/Biscarret we had to cross the river by stone blocks. We stopped and patted the horses as we entered town. After a few more Kms of woodland we had another climb but rewarded with beautiful views from the top. As we started our descent to Zubiri we were welcomed by a food and coffee truck. Time for a break from our packs and a few refreshments before attempting the dreaded last few kms. We had to watch every step during this last stage as many parts of the trail is eroded, very slippery rocks and uneven ground. Many close calls during this section but we manage to get to the bottom injury free. We then cross the bridge into Zubiri and after a shower we head to a little cafe for a few well deserved beers.Read more

    • Day 5–6

      Roncesvalles to Zubiri

      May 25 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

      Today was not the day I expected it to be. I thought the hard days were behind me crossing the mountain. Today was mentally and physically exhausting. Yes it’s beautiful but I wanted to quit a lot today. 13 miles, 1800 calories burned over 30,000 steps. I’m still happy I came to do this but it is challenging in ways you can’t know till you experience it. Soaked our feet in a beautiful river had a good cry and feel like I may live again. Buen CaminoRead more

    • Day 26

      Demasiado corazon

      June 6 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Na ontbijtje ri...... Pamplona, de stad met temperament, 'too much heart'. Ook de stad met de vreemde traditie om met een groep jonge dwazen, voor een kudde stieren uit te rennen. Rare jongens die Spanjaarden. De stad is de moeite waard om in rond te dolen, en een broodje Ibericoham te scoren met een koude cerveza. 51 km op de teller met 1 klimmetje..... (3 km-7 %) Nog even aan de tapas, geweldig en druk! Te warm om al te gaan slapen. Nu nog....30 graden, morgen nog en daarna keldert de temp tot 18 graden. We zullen zien. Fijn slapen straks🫶Read more

    • Day 4

      Day 1 of the Camino

      June 23 in Spain ⋅ 🌫 13 °C

      Hi... what a 1st day. A total of 15.5 miles in 8 hrs. We both did very well. At times, the coldness made our hands so numb that it hurt to hold our hiking poles, but we pushed through. I mentioned in our video that the photos and videos would be in black and white, but I was able to fix it, so now u can see its beauty. Also, don't mind the mistake on today's date, lol. We met a lot of wonderful people of all ages. Youngest was 15 hiking with his dad and Mr. Hans from Holland is doing the Camino on his bike, and he is 73. He is the big cheese of all the volunteers at the hostel and tried to recruit us for next year. Dinner was soso. But Han's private tour of the Albergue was amazing. The blue shell is how the trail is marked and how we know where to go. The photo with a rock memorial is where people offer the trail a rock or personal items so that we or loved one may be remembered. We left the hot pink rock right on the top left corner. Buen CaminoRead more

    • Day 3

      Roncesvalles: Debrief of Day 1

      June 25 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

      Jon said at one point, “Were we in St. John Pied de Port today?“ It felt like we were walking for a week. With zero food in our bellies minus a shared packet of Gu and a handful of almonds and Craisins from a compassionate pelegrino my body was pretty exhausted. That’s said, the very hilly training regiment of the last month really paid off. While walking over the Pyrenees was hard, it was doable.

      I stumbled through a shower, made it downstairs for a delightful dinner and then packed it in for the night. What is in store for walking day number two?!
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    • Day 5–6


      July 10 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Left Borda at 7:10 am. 16 km of walking through mountains, very windy the higher up I got. Stunning views overlooking the valleys while walking through many animal droppings. Arrived at the Albergue at 2:10 pm.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Real Colegiata de Santa María de Roncesvalles, Real Colegiata de Santa Maria de Roncesvalles

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