Real Colegiata de Santa María de Roncesvalles

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    • Day 5–6


      July 10 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Left Borda at 7:10 am. 16 km of walking through mountains, very windy the higher up I got. Stunning views overlooking the valleys while walking through many animal droppings. Arrived at the Albergue at 2:10 pm.Read more

    • Day 98

      Jakobsweg Tag 2

      March 10, 2020 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Heute Morgen tat mir immer noch einiges weh, aber es war halbwegs erträglich...also weiter!
      Nach dem Frühstück wurden wir gefragt ob wir an einer Dokumentation über den Camino teilnehmen wollen.
      Diese wäre für Amazon Prime und wir würden zusätzlich noch einen Restaurant Besuch in Santiago de Compostella bekommen.
      Na klar wollten wir!!! 😉
      Dafür mussten wir erzählen wer wir sind, woher, wohin wir wollen und warum wir den Camino laufen.

      Danach machten wir uns auf den Weg zur nächsten Etappe, auf nach Zubiri!
      20 Km standen also heute auf dem Programm.

      Wir liefen in einer kleinen 5er Gruppe, Mal zusammen Mal zu zweit und manchmal jeder für sich.

      Das Wetter war viel besser als gestern und so wechselten wir unterwegs unsere Kleidung und liefen in Short und Shirt weiter.

      Unterwegs legten wir gemeinsam zwei kleine Pausen ein, tranken Kaffee und aßen Baguettes.

      Die letzten 5 Km allerdings wurden für mich wieder sehr hart! Mittlerweile hatte ich mir drei fette Blasen gelaufen!
      Und so schaffte ich es mit Müh und Not so eben in unsere Unterkunft!

      ALLES ab Po abwärts tut mir sowas von weh!!!!!!!!

      In unserem Zimmer war noch ein anderer Pilger.... haltet euch fest: ein gelernter Akkupunkteur!!!!!!
      Und so wurden wir von ihm "verarztet"! 😁👍

      Aber eins kann ich euch sagen: Nocheinmal brauche ich keine Nadel in meinem Zeh!!!! 😂🙈
      Das tat vielleicht weh!!!
      Aber ich musste so lachen! Denn als er mir die Nadel in den Zeh steckte, schrie ich wie ein Mädchen (gut das sich Frauen das erlauben dürfen 😁) und dann musste ich darüber so lachen, ich bekam mich kaum noch ein! 😂
      So sehr das die anderen mit lachen mussten.
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    • Day 6

      Made it to Roncevalles

      August 21, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

      Was a long day up to the top of the Pyrenees, and down to the bottom in Roncevalles. Mountains were super foggy, but still an amazing walk, we managed to get 14 miles down the road today. Dinner for Alaina, Sandy, Dave and I was fabulous.Read more

    • Day 6

      Second day

      August 21, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

      This is the second day of our Camino. We walked 5 miles the first day which took Sandi and I 6 hours. Meet a guy named Tim who walked the whole way with us. Great guy. Orrison was nice but warm and muggy. Showers were 5 minutes long only. Meal was great but the humidity made it hard to sleep.
      First half of the second day was just like the first day then we walked into Spain then down hill. Long walk over 10 miles. Buen Camino
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    • Day 4

      Made it to Spain

      September 8, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

      Today could be summed up with one word...ROUGH! It was, by far, harder then yesterday. But, after a lot of uphill walking and one panic attack, I finally got to the downhill part. That provided its own challenges, but I made it! My UK ladies left me behind first thing this morning. I've met more people along The Way to walk with. A special thanks goes to Dave and G, from the US, and John and Shon, from the UK, for talking me thru the last of my panic attack and walking with me the rest of the day. I was able to get a bed at Roncesvalles. Good thing. I know I could not have made it any further.Read more

    • Day 7


      September 11, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Piękny dzień choć nie ukrywam bardzo męczący. Długie podejście, które wbrew pozorom nie było, aż tak mordercze, ale zejście bylo bardzo trudne. Pewnie jest jakiś balans matematyczny biorący pod uwagę kąt nachylenia, odległość i czas. Dzisiaj tego balansu było około 38.6% na korzyść, ale poza tym po trzecim piwie pojawia się ponowna zupełnie nowa kalkulacja równania z balansem dodając wymazanie czynnika bólu z pamięci i wygenerowanie nowej współrzędnej przyjemności.🤩
      Co do innych istotnych rzeczy, to widzieliśmy wiele owieczek z gatunku Merino, czyli od nich mam skarpetki, koszulki i majtki. Było kilka czarnych pewnie zarezerwowanych na czarne skarpetki i pończochy. Konie i owce miały bardzo głośne dzwonki, a czarne nic.
      Zadziwiali mnie rowerzyści, którzy również pojawiali się od czasu do czasu napawając mnie odruchem ogromnego zadziwienia i bezmocy, ale patrzac im w oczy widziałem cygańska głębię podobna do komandorskich oczu i to wyjaśniało wszystko.
      Co do innych ciekawostek to przechodziliśmy koło źródła Rolanda pamiętam że musiałem się o nim uczyć w liceum i nie pamiętam za kim powinienem być Baskami, Frankami czy Maurami. Była to chyba Pieśń o Rolandzie.Wojska Rolanda i Franków zostały wykończone przez Basków z zasadzki.
      Jest tu też fajny kościół z XII wieku zbudowany na podobieństwo Katedry Noter Dame przez króla Sancheza VII Mocnego. Jego jak i również jego żony Klementyny grób znajduje się w tym Kolegialnym Kościele. Król Sancho Mocny był bardzo skutecznym pogromcą Maurów. Obok kościoła utworzono hospicjum dla uszkodzonych pielgrzymów pod opieką zakonu Augustianów.
      Jest jeszcze figurka Matki Bożej z XII wieku,która w desperacji przed zniszczeniem została zakopana opodal kościoła i po wielu latach na skutek objawienia Biskupowi z Pamplony znaleziona i odkopana. Do dziś świetnie się prezentuje na głównym ołtarzu.

      I was very tired yesterday to post anything, plus we had really bad internet at the albergue, plus when we showered, we made to the mass and the dinner and it was time for bed!😂 They turn off the lights at 10pm, and the early birds Pilgrims are getting up around 4:30 am and getting ready and you hear the flushing of the toilets and water in the sinks, and people walking to and back to the bathroom some in noisy flip flops . Then the lights go on at 6:00am😜. That's a great lesson to accept and tolerate all different sounds, smells habits of at least 183 women and men in one building on three floors🤪... I can't imagine to not expirence that being on Camino ❤️ it's a part of Camino🥾🦯🎒
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    • Day 7

      Rocesvalles Kasia's addition 😊

      September 11, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Since Tom took all the space with his pictures, I'm posting few of mine I can't resist. Few pics from our walk to Roncesvalles, and some from the town, which has 20 people, who are residing there.... There is no paid workers at the albergue, they are all volunteers, this time mainly from Netherlands. Wonderful service and giving back to the Camino Community ❤️Read more

    • Day 3

      Etappe 1 - Roncevaux, Teil 3

      September 14, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Heute Abend waren wir noch in der Klosterkirche von Roncevaux. 20 Uhr fand die allabendliche Pilgermesse statt. Es war beeindruckend diese Messe in spanisch zu erleben, eigentlich kaum ein Wort zu verstehen und trotzdem alles zu fühlen. Abendmahl und Pilgersegen haben die Messe abgerundet. Danach habe ich zwei Kerzen für den guten Verlauf der Pilgerwanderung angezündet.
      Nach der Messe ging es zu unserem ersten Pilgermenü: Vorspeise Antipasta, Hauptgang Forelle mit Pommes und Apfel als Nachspeise. Wein und Wasser standen auf dem Tisch. Wir haben uns beim Essen mit einem jungen Pärchen aus London und Rotterdam auf englisch unterhalten (wurde bei Wein 🍷 immer lockerer!!!).
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    • Day 17

      Pyrenees conquered, downhill from now!

      April 13, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 5 °C

      We have made it to Roncesvalles - even though we didn’t go the hard way over the top, we had a day with a lot of climbing and feel proud of ourselves. It was cold, but not freezing - I actually took off a layer before the final climb - and there was snow around, on the top of the mountains and around our path but nothing that impeded the walking…in fact for me it is rather magic to be amongst snow! It rained a little, but never pouring, just drops in the air, and sometimes it was snow showers - droplets of flakes!

      We are now in the very lovely hotel here that we remember from last time 10 years ago…it looks like a wing of the monastery and similar to the albergue, except with all the refinements of a hotel! It is warm and I have no intention of stepping outside till we leave tomorrow morning! We were expected, our bags were waiting, we are booked in for dinner and all is very good.

      Set off at about 9, or exactly as we heard the church bells bong the hour. We wore ponchos all day and I am very happy with my new voluminous blue one - it fits well over the backpack and didn’t let any drips in! Also very happy with my new sticks…We walked only about 14 kms, but it was strenuous and even Amr feels quite worn out! I had to plod on the LONG uphill but once finished I was very happy going downhill to Roncesvalles, and now don’t feel at all worn out, just happy that we are here!! It was such a different walk from 10 years ago. Then the trees were in full leaf and it was just like walking through a forest. Today the trees were bare enough that we were aware of the enormous rocks and mountains surrounding us, and the valleys…such a different scene, and magnificent scenery.

      Now the bar where we are having a wine (it was empty when we came) has filled with walkers all swapping stories of today…this is such fun. Some people walked all the way over the top, some walked our route, some were warned it was too snowy and difficult over the top and got a taxi!! Everyone is happy…mainly Americans, Aussies and Canadians right now…but many more…all good.

      Dinner was good…though it took ages as they were also serving a room full of pilgrims from the albergue and I think we got forgotten…but food yummy…Amr had the bean soup and I had a mixed salad to start (mixed means lettuce, tomato, tuna, egg, asparagus ) and Amr had grilled bass for main and I had a deer stew…so delicious…comfort food! Off to sleep now…
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    • Day 7

      Roncesvalles (16.8km / 24.3km)

      April 19, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      We started off with stunning conditions. The sunrise over the Pyrenees was breathtaking. We had a communal breakfast - very simple but nice to be seated with everyone. Coffee was served in a soup bowl! Had lovely Face Time calls with Theresa and Shannon and then - We rounded a corner and the wind hit us and it pretty much stayed with us the whole day. Gusts of gale force winds , piercingly cold. A head wind while climbing, climbing, climbing. The scenery did a good job at distracting the difficult conditions. A good break at a van who had parked out of the wind, and served delicious and much needed coffee. We continued to climb. We crossed over a cow grid and entered Spain just like that. More climbing and a bit of a relief while walking through a muddy forest. We found a good spot to eat our baguettes which we ordered at last nights accommodation. We eventually caught sight of the Albergue (Historical Pilgrim Hospital) which was our destination, far down below. So now for the climb down, down, down. The Pilgrim Hostel is huge and sleeps hundreds. We are in a bunk room of 4. A much needed beer or two, and reminiscing on the difficult day with other pilgrims before another communal dinner followed by Mass. An unexpected surprise after mass. The priest gave a Pilgrim Blessing and then invited us to stay for a tour of the church. He enthusiastically told us about the history of the church in 3 languages and then took us down to the crypt where he orchestrated an impromptu “Amazing Grace”. Time for these weary legs to head off to bed!Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Real Colegiata de Santa María de Roncesvalles, Real Colegiata de Santa Maria de Roncesvalles

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