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    • Dia 12

      Vigo til Redondela

      19 de abril, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Dagen i går var hviledag. Etter 8 dager på veien, var det sårt tiltrengt. Leiligheten var rommelig, plass både til alene- og felles tid. Leiligheten er i 6. etasje og i 1. er det en grei kafé. Der fikk vi både frokost, lunsj og middag. Det er greit å slippe å trave rundt på let etter spiseplass, når en skal hvile trette ben.
      Etter en lat morgen og frokost i 1. etasje, la vi på vei til Rendondela. En 14 km vandring, dvs. en kort og grei dag. Veien ut av Vigo var en jevn lang stigning, med flott utsikt ut over fjorden under oss. Der dyrkes det muslinger og østers fra flåter, med tauanordninger hengende under og hvor muslingene og østersene vokser seg store til høsting.
      Snart var vi inne i et skogsområde, hvor trærne kastet skygger på stien og hvor det var svalt og godt. Veien videre var mye av det samme, hyggelige skogsområder, på stier som ikke var så slitsomme for beina. Anklene som var såre og litt hovne i går, har fungert bra og hevelsen er stort sett borte. For de nærmeste dagene har jeg bestilt transport av sekken, som jeg tror vil være bra for beina og den videre ferden.
      Snart var vi fremme ved Albergue Parroquial Santiago Apostol, hvor vi ønsket velkommen og sjekket inn av en hyggelig nonne.
      Vi er nærmere 200 km inn i leden, dvs. i overkant av 80 km til Santiago de Compostela. Kropp og klær er vasket. Nå blir det å hvile fram til middag og en tidlig kveld. Morgendagen blir krevende, så godt med hvile er viktig.
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    • Dia 17–18

      Camino - day 7, Redondela

      15 de setembro, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      # of blisters: 5, Balthazar is brutal!... toe nail is pending (i taped it good and am too afraid to look, lol) ...
      # of times birds have pooped on me: 1
      # of times items falling from trees have beamed me in the head: 4 (1 fig, 1 pinecone, 2 Japanese walnut - Barb threw one at my head today so i could update my count... it hurt!)
      # of le squishies found Le squished: 7 (not as popular in Spain apparently)
      (cumulative counts)

      24,007 steps.... 17 kms

      We started early again today... our hostel was off the track z bit, and as we back-tracked to the path, we came upon 3 youngsters (lol... listen to me! early 20s, I would say)... who were literally just going home from what appeared to be a great night out...(one was still carrying a drink!), they stopped to ask if we were doing Camino de Santiago... when we said yes, they gave us quite an outpouring of drunken love! ❣️
      Mos was a lovely little village where we managed our first coffee of the day and even a little store, so i was able to get new bottoms for my poles.
      We had a very gradual incline today and managed it well. (Balthazar was behaving). But oh man! that downhill! I couldn't capture it in a picture... my crackling knees tell the story! We came upon Vy again - feeding his lunch to a dog! lol. what a kind soul... and a quick walker (he left quite a bit after us and clearly passed us somewhere... lol).
      We arrived in Redondela a bit early - so stopped for a cold beverage. I love that they give you a little snack as well... very tasty, even when served by Mr. Cranky-Pants! lol. Our afternoons are usually the same... shower, nap snd hunt for food - we're ready to eat dinner at go to bed by 7.30 here... nothing opens till 8pm... time to get creative! 💙 Buen Camino!

      Also, when you see a 'face in hole' you HAVE to participate! 🤣
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    • Dia 12

      CP Day 9

      18 de setembro, Espanha ⋅ 🌙 64 °F

      It’s hard to keep the days straight!

      We had a relatively short hike today, although the first half was up some rather steep hills. 😬

      We left all together this morning—a first! Skipped breakfast and decided to stop for food after about 6 k of walking. The cafe at Mos was delightful! A hardy breakfast of ham and cheese, a clean bathroom, and loads of pilgrims. We haven’t seen this many people in days. The increase in foot traffic is because you must start in Tui if you want to earn a Compostela. I don’t mind the new pilgrims as they make me feel more like a pilgrim than just a walker.Leia mais

    • Arrived Albergue Santiago de Vilavella

      23 de setembro de 2019, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Today started off really well and continued in the same vein . After an excellent night's sleep and a fabulous cooked breakfast shared with two lovely ladies from Letterkenny on an organised Camino.

      I set off about 9 and after a very pleasant walked arrived at this Albergue to be greeted by my French family I’ve encountered every few days since sharing the first hostel . Today was the first day I didn’t see one official Camino sign until I arrived at my hostel suppose because I continue to try hug and the coast.Today despite being able to see the sea I wasn’t having much luck getting close The route I found was on a roadside which bordered an industrial area and then the sea . I eventually had enough of the traffic and at a nice looking park appeared in my left which seen to drop down towards the sea. I headed down through but what I hadn't realised was that between me and the sea was a train line so having resigned myself to having the long trek back up hill to the busy road I had one last look around a corner and spied a railway bridge with a road underneath.Off I go only to find myself approaching a site with large industrial site bedecked with many signs so this didn’t appear to give much hope of simple access to the sea. So cutting my losses I turned back up the hill while asking google maps for a resolution. Which it appeared to do without taking me right back up at this juncture I met two fellow walkers who I take were a couple heading down the hill .He asked me if there was a way out I think they may have been kiwi or maybe American any way I said I didn’t think so but hadn’t walked as far as was possible to see . She seemed adamant about carrying on and showed me the road she wanted to get on I told her that was the train track ... At this stage a row between them seemed to be brewing . He said he didn’t see the point of going on this point I just smiled and said to her I don’t think your convinced and wished them a Buen Camino and headed back up the hill and right enough just under the road bridge there was a road off to the left which appeared to go towards the coast. I did consider waiting on the couple to show them it but after a few minutes pondering I decided to go on and really enjoyed a nice walk if not exactly shoreside skirting it through some nice villages . After finding my Albergue which is ok a bit like Esponade in 4bed cubicle although without the curtains . I headed out to get something from the shops and on my back back encountered the couple who were all smiles they had returned right back to the main road and had an okay walk they said . The girl told me the problem was what she thought was a road was a railway line .... Rather ungraciously I told her I had told her that , on reflection she maybe didn’t understand my accent but she was determined to find out for herself anyway and I respect that ,!

      While I was sitting here in the kitchen the bloke on check in was showing two women around as he did for me ...He started to show them where things were in the kitchen when one of them muttered something which appeared to make it clear she didn't have time for this crap take me to my bed ! Right what’s the odds when I go back this Camino Angel is in my cubicle !!! I was wrong still alone in my cell .
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    • All Change

      23 de setembro de 2019, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Redondela is where the Central and Coastal Portuguese Camino meet and continue on the same route through Pontevedra, Caldas de Reis and Padron into Santiago so it's going to be a lot busier and not as much scope for my little meanders. This town has a feel of the French Route with lots of infrastructure in place for walkers. The hostel I'm staying in tonight is right on the Camino with walkers going right past the door.It is very new bright and clean if a bit characterless .... we are in curtained cubicles with 2 sets of bunks I'm sharing so far with Hugo a Portuguese cyclist his English is good it should be he went to Cambridge Uni ...He kindly offered to translate for me if I have any issues as he speaks Spanish too

      I had a nice sleep after I arrived so I've showered and was thinking of heading out to explore but to be perfectly honest I'm quite enjoying just chilling in the hostel kitchen watching the new arrivals although I did notice an Irish bar just down the street selling Guineas for 4.50€ so who knows .
      NB I did have a couple of really nice pints of Guinness that night and the lovely barmaid kept bringing little tapas one was even cheese and ham on Bread with BROWN sauce
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    • The Kitchen

      23 de setembro de 2019, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      I mentioned earlier meeting the French family I have met quite a few times over past 10 days . They were in the hostel I stayed at after my first days walk when I shared a room with the Canadians and got friendly with the Australian couple .Well they arrived slightly late and kept themselves to themselves but when they were going to go out that evening the lady was asking how to get back in so I took her to where the code was and went down stairs to the door and we checked it worked ok she was very appreciative . Well tonight when I was sitting in the kitchen here they were cooking and she came and asked if I would like to join them don't ask me why but I politely declined ... I can be a dick sometimes! but when they had finished I seen her put something in the fridge and she give me a big smile . She had put the remains of a chirzo stew in the fridge with a note for whoever would like it to take it . I spoke to her and asked okay if I take it after all and she was only to pleased ..easily the most tasty food I've had since I left home ... They say the Camino provides it did for me tonight ... I even got to say " merci beaucoup " in my school boy french !!!Leia mais

    • Day 10

      24 de setembro de 2019, Espanha ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      Good Morning . Reasonable night sleep everyone very respectful however my bed being near toilets meant automatic lights low level and dimmed as they were coming on frequently from around 5 roused me early . Great Shower the guy told me to use the disabled shower which was really first class . Breakfast served here from 6am ... Coffee toast for 2€ was lovely my request for the heel to be toasted caused some interest! After some initial reservations I came to really like this a lbergue bring very new a lot of thought has gone into it and as with everywhere I've stayed the hygiene and cleanliness has been first class

      Not sure whether to head off soon or hold back as it is currently raining but we will see. If it continues Poncho on from start and onwards ...days flying by now I had it in my head I reached Santiago on Thursday but I see now it's not actually until Friday .

      The weather forecast is not great for the next couple of days so I have decided to stay on my original route as planned and not follow the Variante Espirtual from here as I had considered with 2 days extra walking but entering SDC by boat a voyage of 30k that is supposed to replicate the route taken when the bones of St James were taken to Santiago in the first Century after his martyrdom by the Romans . Well maybe I do that next time, the boat that is not martydom !
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    • Dia 14


      28 de setembro de 2019, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Yesterday, we left Vigo for Redondela in the rain. Walked on too many hard-street-surfaces and were blocked by construction before being directed onto the main road to Redondela. Soaking wet, we stopped for coffee.
      Not to be deterred by a little adventure, we had to get off the road and back onto the Camino. This involved heading straight up the mountain to reconnect with the Way. Thanks to a delivery man and a dog-walker for directions in Galician. They used many helpful hand signals! We followed a steep, narrow trail and ended up back on track in a quiet forest in the fog, eventually descending to Redondela.
      This morning, off to Santiago by train!
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    • Dia 9

      OPorriño nach Redondela, ca 16 km

      13 de setembro de 2022, Espanha ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      Der Gott der Hoffnung erfülle euch mit aller Freude und Frieden im Glauben, das ihr immer reicher werdet an Hoffnung durch die Kraft des Heiligen Geistes.
      (Römer 15,13)

      Wir wachen auf und es nieselt.
      Okay. Wir frühstücken erstmal.
      Als wir im ersten Stock ankommen mit unseren Rucksäcken ,wird uns gesagt , das Frühstück sei nicht im Preis inbegriffen.
      Da wir beide so gar nicht portugiesisch sprechen ,können wir auch nicht dagegen an reden, da der Herr wohl kein Englisch versteht oder verstehen will. Für 6 Euro bekommen wir einen Kaffee, abgepackte Marmelade , ein Stück abgepackte Butter, ein aufgetoastetes Stück Baguette .
      Punkt. Das war es.
      Ich möchte eine 2. Tasse Kaffee und J. nimmt sich ein Stück Obst und schwupps , 7 Euro.
      Egal, wir zahlen und die Unterkunft bekommt halt keine gute Bewertung.
      Wir gehen los bei Niesel, es wird mehr und wir sind noch keine 500 Meter gegangen, stellen uns unter.
      Regenjacke anziehen, J. zieht Poncho an.
      Warten. Regen wird weniger , los...
      Über den Kreisel und schnell unter den nächsten Baum.
      Okay, wird weniger, weiter , nächster Kreisel und da kommt eine Unterführung.
      Da stehen schon einige PulgerInnen und vier GartenarbeiterInnen, die mit ihren ElektoKantenschmeiden und Rasenmähern bei dem Regen nicht arbeiten wollen.
      Kann ich verstehen.
      Wir warten also alle , das der ergiebige Regen weniger wird.
      Ein Pilger geht barfuß im Regenponcho an uns vorbei weiter.
      Okay, kann man machen. Nicht gut für Wanderfüsse!
      Und dann kommt ein Engel , Andrea, mit Mülltüten.
      Die Idee hatte J. auch gerade gehabt und wir überlegten gerade zu dem Lidl zurück zugehen.
      Und da kommt die Rettung, Andrea gibt uns Tüten ab,
      Löcher rein, über Kopf und Rucksack ziehen , und der Regen wird weniger, also wandern wir drei los.
      Und ereichen relativ trocken nach ein paar Kilometern Mos.
      Da stranden wir erstmal, wie soviele Andere.
      Mos ist in der App als ein sehr schöner Ort beschrieben, wo alles ist, was ein Pilger braucht, ein Restaurant, eine Kirche , ein Laden und eine Herberge.
      Ja , stimmt, aber so auf Touripilger aus, mit Preisen und Tand und Schund , nee. Hier wollen wir eigentlich nicht bleiben. Aber es schüttet sehr sehr sehr ergiebig.
      Wir diskutieren, was wir machen.
      Taxi zu dritt nach Redondela?
      Weiter warten und dann gehen?
      Wir lassen uns zur Sicherheit eine Taxinummer geben.
      Irgendwann wird der Regen weniger und wir gehen los, und so geht es von Bushäuschen zu Bushauschen, Mülltüte an, Mülltüte aus.
      Und immer wieder denken wir , ja , es wird aufhören und prompt geht es wieder los, Gott sei Dank nicht mehr so schlimm wie vorhin in Mos.
      Auf dem Weg finden wir ein Restaurant, es gibt leckeres Essen. Wir drei schauen uns an und gehen ohne uns absprechen zu müssen , rein. Und es gibt sehr leckeres Essen, ich habe Tintenfisch.
      Gestärkt wandern wir weiter, und an jeder Ecke denken wir, jetzt muss doch endlich der Ort kommen
      Irgendwann ist es soweit, das Ortsschild ist zu sehen.
      Beschwingt wandern wir in Redondela ein, und der Wettergott lacht sich ins Fäustchen, jetzt scheint die Sonne.
      In Mos haben wir eine Herberge organisiert , 2 Bettzimmer mit geteiltem Bad.
      Andrea hat eine Herberge unmittelbar in unserer Nähe , stellen wir fest. Wie toll, dann können wir ja zusammen zu Abend essen.
      Als wir in unserer Herberge stehen und auf das Einchecken warten, sehen wir den Schlafsaal.
      Schluck, hoffentlich nicht, hoffentlich hat sie uns richtig verstanden.
      Bloß kein Schlafsaal mit all den nass gewordenen Menschen ,mief...
      Nein, wir haben im 3. Stock , natürlich ohne Fahrstuhl,
      (ächz , meine Muskeln) ein Zimmer unter dem Dach.
      Frisch machen, alles zum Trocknen hinhängen, kurz ausruhen und dann Andrea treffen.
      Wir laufen so durch die Innenstadt von Redondela und suchen ein Lokal zum Essen.
      Am Ende landen wir im Celtic Luadu, was überall beworben wurde und das Essen ist gut.
      Wir verabreden uns, morgen gemeinsam weiter zu gehen, wir wollen nur nach Arcade, Andrea weiter nach Pontevedra.
      Nach dem Essen sind wir alle müde und gehen in die jeweiligen Herbergen.
      Für eine eventuelle nächste Langzeitwanderung brauche ich einen guten Regenumhang ,unter dem ich auch den Rucksack tragen kann.
      Schuhe haben die Nässe gut durchgehalten. Füsse auch, keine Blasen bisher.
      Wozu habe ich das viele Blasenpflaster mit? Aber tägliche Pflege mit Hirschtalgsalbe plus kräftige Fussmassage tut runden Füßen und der Fussmuskulatur sehr gut. Hin und wieder muckt der Rücken und die Hüfte sowie das rechte Knie, aber weniger als befürchtet.

      Unterkunft : Albergue Da Herba, Dreibettzimmer, geteiltes Bad, Waschmaschine und Trockner, Küche, 34 €, ohne Essen, Bettwäsche und Handtücher
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    • Dia 14

      The miracle of delivery service

      26 de setembro de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      When you walk for hours to get to your next accommodation it’s kind of a drag to realize that you left your phone charger at the previous one. Luckily there’s Juan, the friendly Camino courier who brought it to me. And that is the beauty of modern infrastructure. Did you know that driving is soooo much faster than walking? Took me 5 hours to get here. Took Juan 30 minutes.

      Here, by the way, is Redondela, Spain. But as the graffiti reminds me, « Galicia is not Spain ». So Redondela, Galicia it is.

      We figured out that the parade that welcomed us yesterday in O Porriño was part of the weeklong Festa do Cristo which culminated last night with a huge concert right outside our apartment. We had the best seats in the house! There were at least two thousand people packed into the square. The concert ended about 10:30 but hundreds of revellers were still streaming by our window into the wee hours. I slept great; Ellen, not so much.

      This morning we had a bit of a hiccup with the amazing luggage transport service that is delivering our packs from place to place. The restaurant where they told us to leave them for pickup surprised everyone by being closed. We waited in front of the locked doors for a bit with some Dutch peregrinos who were using the same company then headed to a cafe next door to grab breakfast and text the delivery folks.

      The cafe was jammed with other peregrinos and piles of luggage awaiting pickup by other couriers. When our service (TopSantiago) found out their usual restaurant connection had left us in the lurch we agreed to add our packs to the pile of bags in the cafe next door. Lo and behold, when we arrived at tonight’s pension (A Boa Estrela), our bags were here. Yay! Costing only €6/day it’s pretty amazing this works so well.

      Today’s walk was similar to yesterday’s but with more hills. One in particular was probably the steepest road I have ever been on. Years ago in New Zealand I walked up (and back down) Baldwin Street, the Steepest Street in the World according to the Guinness Book. Got the certificate to prove it. Today’s street could beat that street handily. Fortunately the Camino starts at the top of the hill and goes down. Still, Pilgrims with bad knees had to walk a zigzag path to get down safely.

      Today the trail was even more crowded than yesterday. We passed the official 100k to Santiago marker this morning so this is the last chance for anyone who wants to earn their Compostela. At times I felt like we were being engulfed and swept along by the waves of pilgrims. We quickly adapted to making brief stops to let people pass then move on at our own pace.

      It’s a little harder to form friendships within this surge of pilgrims. Many more large groups of Spaniards in particular. Our previous crew has mostly moved ahead of us after our rest day in Tui though we still see the occasional familiar face in the crowd. Ellen struck up a conversation with a solo peregrina from Lisbon after we spent the day passing her and she us. Ellen offered to take a photo of her posing at one of the novelty giant pilgrim cutouts, the kind where you stick your face through from behind. No way to take a selfie, even with a selfie stick. She seemed tickled by the gesture.

      While we walked today we heard pilgrims speaking Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, French. Very few speaking English. But this afternoon as I was sitting in front of our pension waiting for Juan I heard many Americans and Brits pass by. It’s funny how when you hold still and listen as everyone else sweeps by you get a much broader picture. Stopping in cafes or taking a break in the shade for a bit has the same effect. «Buen Camino» is the shared language.

      Getting too philosophical. Today’s favorite moments were befriending a dog by feeding him bits of cheese, singing « She’ll be Comin’ Round the Mountain », complete with sound effects and hand motions, as everyone passed us on the trail, and listening to a guy (Spaniard? Italian?) behind us singing a very rough rendition of « My Way » while staggering down that monster hill. We’re not the only ones who know how to have a good time!

      Another favorite thing we’ve seen are the boxes for bread delivery next to the mailbox on the front of many houses. Today we saw the bread delivery lady stop at a house we had just passed, hop out of her van and hang a loaf on the front gate. We had in fact just taken a photo of the cute combo bread/mailbox at this house and why the lady hung the bread on the gate instead of sliding it into the box is puzzling. At least she didn’t just chuck it into the bushes like an American bread delivery person probably would.

      Again, way too much pavement walking here in Spain. Hoping that changes soon. At least the weather is perfect. There is a rumor of rain on the way a few days from now. Another adventure! And I do enjoy the Galician bagpipers who appear along the foresty parts. Portland’s Unipiper should take note.
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    Redondela, Редондела

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