Río Boeza

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    • Tag 53

      Last day at San Nicolas Albergue

      30. April in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      Today is the last day of doing everything I have done daily for the past 16 days!!!

      My partner (who I called " OPA") announced he was leaving early at 11 am. It is his daughter's birthday.

      The new group of 4 Hospitalaros arrive sometime today. Two are a couple from Italy and the other two unknown🧐 All I know is that Isobel and I are on the early shift 1-4 pm and then I pack 😅

      My bus leaves at 5:15 am to Fatima Portugal tomorrow morning. I will walk 2.5 km at 4:15 to the bus station. I cannot wait!!!!!!!!

      I have included pictures of a couple who have walked with their old dog of 13 years from Treport France They have walked 2000 km this far. They began Jan 1!!!! Unfortunately it is not a great picture of the dog. They have tented the whole way. Simply Amazing😉

      I also have a picture of a delightful elderly Japanese man who knows no English. We helped him extensively with luggage transfer, finding a grocery store , and showing him which way to find the Camino in the morning.💖💖💖

      Other pictures are from my walks around Ponferrada. The park is so beautiful and many do the circuit walk around it ( 1 km,)

      The mountains are beautiful in the distance ....sort of like Calgary and the Rockies😉

      My poles that I bought here and cannot take home were given to a Pilgrim in need this morning🌞🤗 That's brings me so much Joy 💖

      We are averaging 55 pilgrims each day I am so thankful that the numbers have stayed manageable. I know it won't be long before it will be full (140) every single night!!!

      Good Luck to the next group!!

    • Tag 36

      Around Ponferrada

      13. April in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      I spent today walking around Ponferrada and taking a few pics. It is such an interesting place with many photo opportunities.

      I dropped by the Hostel that I will be volunteering at and introduced myself. i met Anna who is very experienced and returns each year from Italy to help. No other Hospitalaros have come yet maybe tomorrow.

      I took a picture of 2 elderly gents who were looking for a bench. My competition!!!
      It was very hot and all benches fill very quickly.

    • Tag 37

      San Nicolas Albergue Day 1

      14. April in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      So, my first day working. We had about 36 pilgrims. This is the perfect job for someone who is interested in statistics for sure!!

      The routine is to open the locked door and gate by 5:30 and be available to help the pilgrims with anything that may come up. They leave by 8 am.

      Next we strip the beds of any paper sheets that were used and empty the garbage.

      We wash down each mattress with disinfectant. There are 2 bunk beds per room with a few larger rooms that have 3.

      We sweep and mop the floors.

      I really enjoy this as I can listen to my music and podcasts etc..

      We then have a break until we open at 1 pm.

      The first shift is 1-4 pm, and the other is 4 pm to 7 pm although Pilgrims will arrive up until we lock the doors at 10:30 pm

      We register each Pilgrim in a book including their Passport or DIN number , name, walking or cycling, where they started their Camino, and where the stayed the night before. We then assign a bed for them and needless to say most want the lower (baja) one and not the top ( arriba).🥴 We do the best we can.

      We do offer a woman's and a men's wing which I think is great😉

      So far so good🤞🙏🍀
      I am working with Jolguin (He reminds me of Opa ( Kurt's Dad)

      Isobel is from Montreal. Gilberto and Jolguin are both from Espana. Gilberto speaks only Spanish . Jolguin is learning English with Duolingo 😉 He also speaks some French and Italian but Spanish is his native language.

    • Tag 35

      Castle of the Knights Templar

      22. Oktober 2022 in Spanien ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      After Siesta today we explored a little bit of Ponferrada.

      One of the women from our hostel, Ginny, from Brisbane, Australia came along with us to tour the Knights Castle.

      A little history...the knights templar arrived in Ponferrada Spain to protect the Camino de Santiago & its route across the Iron Bridge (Pons Ferrata). They remained in the castle for over a century.Weiterlesen

    • Day 33 - El Acebo to Ponferrada - 16km

      1. Oktober 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      I am an idiot. No worries, I am now laughing at my idiocy. Last night, I had a private room so I decided to take the inserts out of my boots to give them a chance to air out and low and behold, the original insert was still in the boot and came out at the same time. WHAT?! No wonder my boots were so tight and hot all the time. I took them out as well.

      So, in the morning, I decided to wear only my hiking socks (no injinji socks) and the one arch support insert. My blisters were pretty small and I wrapped them. Let’s see if that helps, because the pain yesterday was crazy.

      Well today, NO PAIN! In fact, I didn’t have to stop my regular 5kms to air out my feet. The toes have so much breathing space, I couldn’t stop talking about it. I ran into Yannette on the trail and we talked about it for awhile.

      The first 7kms was all down hill, similar to the trail yesterday, all rocks, but today, I could enjoy it. I felt so much relief, I can’t believe it took me 30 FN days to figure that out .... again, I am an idiot!

      In Molinaseca we ran into Jenna so we all had a drink and then walked the final 9kms together. We took the back route in through Campo which was nice. Jenna had an albergue booked so we followed her and are staying at the same place. Quite modern and nice. We shared a wash and dry, went to see the castle, then had some food. Very nice relaxing day.

      Tomorrow I am planning a short day as well (15km). I am heading to Cacabelos, it is the town that Joerg first told me he loved me.


    • Tag 39


      2. Juni in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Day 31 Ponferrada
      Distance from Acebo to Ponferrada 18kms

      A relatively easy day although the descent was technical and slow. The silence was golden the sky was blue and the birds were singing it was glorious. At times cherry trees lined the path and we made the most of the sweet ripe fruit. We stopped in the historical village of Molinaseca via a medieval bridge and sat in the sun by the river to have breakfast of fresh orange juice croissants and coffee. We could have stayed all day but we had to push on to the last big city before Santiago.
      As always we passed stone dwellings local churches bars and ruins.
      We arrived in Ponferrada known for producing good wines and the magnificent XII century Templar castle
      (a national monument)
      we had our first glimpse of what life in a castle must have been like.
      We finished the day with dinner on the sidewalk eating Spanish paella. Delicious.

    • Tag 69

      Etappe Rabanal nach Ponferrada

      25. August in Spanien ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Eine wunderschöne Etappe. Ich nahm mir viel Zeit und genoss die etwas kältere Gegend und es kamen leichte Heimatgefühle wegen den Bergen und den Kuhglocken auf.

      Gegen Ende begegnete ich Alessio wieder ein Italiener aus Pisa und ging dann in die gleiche Herberge. Die Italiener kochen gerne und ich werde immer gefragt ob ich mitessen möchte.


      Wunderschöne Landschaft

      Singen mit Mönch

      Essen mit Italienern

    • Tag 6

      Day 5: Foncebadon to Ponferrada

      10. April in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      What a long day!
      Last night we stayed in a bunk house Albergue. It had 7 bunks. So 14 people in this room. I had no idea how I was going to sleep because lights out was at 10 pm. I slept all night! That is not something I am used to. Before we went to bed people were talking about getting up early to watch the sunrise.
      6:30 am people got up and moving. We were on the road by 7:30 am. We didn’t stop walking until 4:30 pm. (We did stop at a few bars for food but other than that we were walking. )
      It was a long day! My second longest walk ever and Patrick’s longest. 16.5 miles! (The picture of the map shows how far we walked.)
      It was a great day! Weather was perfect. At one point I was walking in shorts and a t shirt. Sunrise was special. Trail today was HARD but so much fun. We had a great mix of walking with ourselves and walking with others. The scenery was beautiful! Mountains everywhere you looked.
      Today was a lot of downhill. I felt like my knees were having seizures. lol.
      There was a lot of downhill with big rocks. Had to cross water a lot. Stepped in mud a lot. All kinds of challenges but what fun!
      Total walked 18 miles. (You have to walk to dinner/store or wherever you go. We are both exhausted!

    • Tag 23

      Rabanal to Ponferrada

      26. September in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

      Right now, as of 9am, It is dumping buckets of sideways blowing rain. Lightning, thunder, howling winds, all the things that make up a beautiful storm in the mountains. I woke up several times last night to rain hitting the roof and pouring off into the courtyard. With outdoor window blinds smacking against the building, I prayed. I asked God to end this torrential storm or at least lighten it up if he intended me to hike up and down a slippery mountain trail in the morning. After my prayer, I thought I heard it stop, so I peacefully drifted back to sleep in anticipation to walk to the iron cross when the alarm went off at 6:30. No such luck and it was even worse when I awoke. Feeling defeated and upset, Holly and I both decided we weren’t hiking up and down a mountain in blowing rain and lightning. Damn. We have 10 days left. Do we chance getting hurt just to lay our stones at the symbolic iron cross and to say we weathered a torrential storm while pounding our chests in victory, um no. Who cares? We may be competitive Americans, but not dumb Americans 😂 We never set out on this journey to prove anything to anyone. I can safely and simply leave my stones (burdens) at the church in Ponferrada today when the taxi drops us off. I want to finish this in Santiago, not in Rabanal or in a hospital. It’s more important for me to walk the last 10 days than screw up the next 10 by making a bad decision today. There is no one I know (except maybe Nathalie!) who would do this 31km day in an unrelenting storm. I want to be a bad ass, really I do, but I know better, I know my abilities, and I know this section of the trail. This 31km is difficult on a good day. I can only imagine the river forming on the trail right now and those who decided to chance it, slipping and falling in it. The taxis are busy today, ours won’t come until 12:30, so I know we are 2 of many opting to skip it. I need to forgive myself for this choice. While I feel it was a smart choice, I also feel like I failed a test. But, I also need to remember God gave me a brain. In addition, I’m not sure how good my health insurance is here in Spain and I don’t want to find out 😂. I just heard a helicopter fly over, my only guess for a chopper to be flying in this remote area is to do a rescue mission. Praying for whoever it is needing help and whoever felt they HAD to do this for their ego and the iron cross. We are strong women, but we aren’t ego-based women. We need to function when we get home.
      Tomorrow will be better, and according to the weather app, it’ll be way better in the 10 days to come. I’ll add photos of Ponferrada when we get there, but for now all I have is a video from the covered deck of our albergue with the rain pouring off the roof…and this was taken when it was “lighter”. God bless those on the trail that they arrive safely and unharmed.🙏🏻


    • Tag 22

      Day 18, Foncebadon to Ponferrada, 28.2km

      19. September in Spanien ⋅ 🌩️ 26 °C

      A big day, but, and this is a big but, we were up in the hills and had views and fresh mountain air. A contrast to previous days. A medium climb to start the day followed by a 1000m descent. The track was rough in some places. Tall Paul tried to compare it to NZ conditions but I thought otherwise. Passed through beautiful alpine villages on the way down. The Camino has become very popular over the last 20 years. Pilgrim numbers have increased dramatically and this has saved these villages. Many abandoned houses have been rebuilt, restaurants opened, accommodation hostels and general infrastructure added. A Roman occupation era bridge resorted. All this made today's walk an absolute pleasure. Our bodies have become hardened to the rigors of 28km days. 2 months ago we couldn't have imagined ourselves walking such distances day after day and yet we are doing it with relative ease.
      Plenty of chatting today. Tall Paul is getting plenty of Dutch speaking practice. All sounds double Dutch to me. We are known on the trail as 'The two Pauls'. Yes, we have a reputation. As an example, 2 Canadian women were aware of our trail presence and were ecstatic to finally meet us. They took a photo of us but no consent was given for social media distribution as we have a reputation to protect.

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