Torres del Río

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    • Day 9

      Part 2 of day 6

      June 28 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      We had to say goodbye 👋 to many camino family members, which is sad. You would think that after 6 days you aren't close but it's the complete opposite. We exchanged #s and I know I will hear from them in the future. I rallied a few to take a group picture 📸 we have shared a beautiful experience, and our Camino family will keep growing over the next few weeks. Ending our day in a cold pool is spoiling us but the body sure is grateful for the plunge. Dinner was shared with mostly French people and some from BarcelonaRead more

    • Day 9

      Part 3 of Day 6

      June 28 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Here are some photos of the churches we saw today. Not all because there are so many. Came across a cute tea set with a homemade table and chairs out on the sidewalk that I thought was endearing. Look at what gas cost in Northern Spain 🇪🇸Read more

    • Day 15–16

      Villamayor to Sansol (Part2)

      July 20 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      I met 2 adorable Taiwanese sisters. The younger, almost put sardines in my mouth (lol), then dabbed mint ointment on my neck, showed me her trick of using panty liner pads on her feet, and the both used umbrellas for protection from the sun! Ingenious!! The Palacio is my absolute FAVOURITE place that I've stayed at so far. When I retire, this is where I'm going to volunteer!!Read more

    • Day 15

      Torres del Rio Spain

      May 9 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Day 7 Torres del Rio
      Distance from Estella to Torres del Rio 32kms

      With a long day ahead we rose early and walked out into the crisp
      early morning. We almost had the path to ourselves maybe due to the early start and pilgrims spreading out. We marveled at the quietness and beauty of rural Spain the sun was shining and a temperature of 25c we were all smiles.
      Passed by a fabulous wine chateau (Monjardin) in a small village and took a short break where we lunched under a shady tree and talked about how fortunate we were to be having such a wonderful adventure. We arrived mid afternoon to our albergue for the night (with a bonus of a plunge pool) after 32kms. We were feeling good.
      Heading to Logrono tomorrow approximately 20kms.
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    • Villatuerta to Torres del Río

      September 20, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

      Up early to beat the heat we were on the hoof by 6:20am, which is 90 minutes before dawn. Our destination was about 25km ahead.

      It was deliciously cool walking at that hour but also pitch dark. John has a headlamp so we were able to see the track into Estella. It was an easy walk, we were there in an hour and were across town by 8am, where we stopped for coffee and croissants.

      Not far out of Estella is the monastery of Irache. They make wine there and offer it free to pilgrims through a tap in the wall, along with fresh water for those disinclined to drink red wine at 8:30am.

      Kevin had a sip and added a few drops to his water bottle for a hoped-for medicinal effect. The wine quality was a tad below that of the $1.29 bottle featured in yesterday’s photos.

      From there it was a quite gradual climb to Villamayor de Monjardín. We stopped at the cafe a bit short of there in Ázqueta for an excellent pair of boccadillos and a cold drink. Also a boots off airing of the feet which seems to be a best practice for long distance walkers.

      From there it was a long hot, mostly shadeless downhill into Los Arcos, with a food truck a few km short of town where we stopped again to drink something cold and air the feet.

      We had been unable to find a room in Los Arcos so we phoned for a taxi on arrival which delivered us a few km up the track at Torres del Río where we have a private twin room for the night.
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    • Day 5

      5. DAY | 20 km

      May 3, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Das wahre Leben ist hier...

      Der gestrige Abend hat mir Emotionen geschenkt die einem Film gleich waren und wenn ich auch das erste Bild von heute morgen anschaue, muss ich mir eingestehen dass mich dieser Tisch mit den Stühlen einwenig an "La Casa de Papel" erinnert. Dort wo ein Abend vorher noch alle gelacht, gegessen und über das Leben erzählt haben, ist plötzlich alles leer weil jeder weiterzieht und seinen Kampf antritt. Hier unterstützt sich jeder gegenseitig, man redet miteinander ohne sich zu kennen und zwei simple Worte wie "buon Camino" haben eine Macht über einen die unbeschreiblich ist. Ganz ehrlich ? Eigentlich müsste man auf dieser Welt als Begrüßung genau diese zwei Worte nutzen, denn stellt euch vor, jeder würde euch jeden Tag einen guten Weg wünschen. Ich vermisse kein Instagram oder WhatsApp weil ich mich in dieser Realität wohler fühle. Du achtest hier nicht auf dein äußeres und wenn du ein Kompliment bekommst, basiert es auf deine Inneren Werte was viel wertvoller ist. Du handelst nach dem was dein Körper sagt, schützt ihn viel mehr, weil du jede Entscheidung frei treffen kannst.

      Ich habe jeden Tag während dem Camino unzählige Gedanken die ich nur teilweise in diesem Tagebuch festhalte, also stellt euch vor wie mein Tagebuch der Gefühle aussehen muss.

      Heute bin ich gestürzt aber macht euch keine Sorgen, mir war klar dass das hier kein Spaziergang wird aber was dir der Camino nimmt gibt er dir dreifach zurück!

      Auch wenn ich niemanden via Telefon höre, ihr wart noch nie so laut in meinem Herzen wie ihr es gerade seit.
      Hier ist man nie alleine und wenn du es sein möchtest was du solltest ist immer jemand hinter dir oder vor dir!


      La vita reale è qui...

      La serata di ieri mi ha regalato emozioni da film e quando guardo la prima foto di stamattina, devo ammettere che questo tavolo con le sedie mi ricorda un po' "La Casa de Papel". Dove una sera tutti ridevano, mangiavano e parlavano della vita, all'improvviso tutto è vuoto perché tutti partono per la l'oro strada iniziando la sua battaglia. Qui tutti si sostengono a vicenda, ci si parla senza conoscersi e due semplici parole come "buon Camino" hanno un potere indescrivibile. Sinceramente? In realtà, in questo mondo, si dovrebbero usare proprio queste due parole come saluto, perché immaginate se tutti vi augurassero ogni giorno una buona strada. Non mi manca Instagram o WhatsApp perché mi sento più a mio agio in questa realtà. Qui non si presta attenzione all'aspetto esteriore e quando si riceve un complimento, si basa sui valori interiori che hanno molta più importanza. Qui ascolti di più il tuo corpo e gli dai ciò di cui ha bisogno perché puoi decidere liberamente non hai nessuna pressione.

      Ogni giorno, durante il Cammino, ho innumerevoli pensieri che tengo solo nell mio diario delle sensazioni, quindi immaginate quande emozioni coltivo dentro di me.

      Oggi sono caduta, ma non preoccupatevi, sapevo che non sarebbe stata una passeggiata, ma quello che il Camino ti toglie, te lo restituisce triplicato!

      Anche se non sento nessuno al telefono, non vi ho sentito mai così forte nel mio cuore come in questo momento. Qui non si è mai soli e se si vuole, come è giusto che sia, c'è sempre qualcuno dietro o davanti !

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    • Day 13

      Sansol to Logrono

      May 8, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

      A long 13 miles planned. - turned out to be 15.1. Part of the trail is called the knee wrecker so I need to be careful. DL not feeling well today so he is taking a bus or taxi and we’ll meet up later.

    • Day 4

      First coffee today

      July 20, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      It’s not an easy day, but the weather promises to be more acquiescent to the walk with a max of 30°C. Today I am finishing my walk through Navarra and am entring La Rioja tomorrow, wine country.

      Getting a tortilla con patatas and a cafe con leche is the best fuel for the 600 meters of altitude I will be scaling over the coming 9 kilometers.
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    • Day 22

      21. Etappe: Torres del Rio (27 km)

      November 17, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Der Start hätte heut nicht besser sein können: nach 2 km gabs erst mal nen Vino, morgen halb 9 🍷🙈 Die Weinkellerei Bodegas Irache bietet neben einer Wasserquelle tatsächlich auch eine Weinquelle an - das konnte ich mir natürlich nicht entgehen lassen! Wasser hab ich aber auch nachgefüllt 😉
      Heut hab ich dann mal ne Variante ausprobiert und den hügligeren Weg durch den Wald genommen - das hat sich wirklich gelohnt, tolle weiche Wege (perfekt für meine Blasen-geplagten Füße) und dazu noch ne tolle Aussicht. Und auch sonst war der Weg toll und es gab viel Sonne - ganz entgegen des Wetterberichts, der gestern noch ganz viel Regen prophezeite. Nur windig wurde es zum Ende, so dass ich ganz froh war als ich mein Ziel erreicht hatte. Ich ging aber noch ein Stück weiter, vorbei an der sehr werbeaffinen Herberge zu einer kleineren in der Stadt und nach und nach treffen auch noch weitere Pilger ein. Heut Abend gibts Paella und ich bin schon sehr gespannt! 😋
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Torres del Río, Torres del Rio

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