Universitat de Barcelona

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    • Day 4

      The meaning of private

      September 20, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      We arrived to our accommodation in Barcelona to discover that private room has a slightly different meaning here. What is meant by private is "not a dormitory", so you get a door o your room but no lock. Be caèful booking self catering in Barcelona and unless the listing specifically mentions door locks the room probably doesn't have any. A quick search on and a much better place was found and booked just 9 mins away and although it is a hotel it will do for our stopover in Barcelona.Read more

    • Day 9

      Park Guell

      October 18, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      After a long day of walking, I forgot to post a few impressions of Park Guell, a beautiful space on a hill at the edge of Barcelona. Gaudi created this beautiful and large park in collaboration with Eusebi Guell a wealthy industrialist. The original plan was for a 60 home development, but the residents never materialized, so the space eventually became a public park. Our gain! It’s a whimsical and relaxing space surrounded by trees that were planted intentionally. Supposedly only one tree was present on the site at the time of construction. Guell added the whole landscape around Gaudi’s creations.

      Several of the spaces have a cave theme complete with stalactites of native rock. The shape of palm trees is a theme within the work here as they are said to have religious significance for Catholics in particular.

      What a relaxing space to visit and get in some serious ‘steps’.
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    • Day 21

      Day 18 - Barcelona (post Camino)

      October 14, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      I've run myself ragged over the past five days, trying to fit everything in. So, today, I took it a lot easier. I visited the Palau de la Musica Catalana, the Cathedral, and ended my evening at Casa Sors to immerse myself in the Spanish art of Flamenco. Opulent is the best word I can use to describe the Palau de la Musica. Everywhere you looked in that building was a feast for the eyes! The stand out feature is the skylight - I have never seen anything so impressive and beautiful. The Cathedral was wonderful, and I highly recommend the audio tour and the lift to the rooftop. They keep 13 geese in the cloister to protect the building. And have a piece called the Monstrance, which contains the largest gemstones I have ever seen (no photos allowed in that section). I even got to see a small Matisse exhibition at the Cathedral. All for the modest price of 11€. The Flamenco performance blew me away. The guitar, the voice, and the feet all work together so well. I had no idea that the feet played the role, as well as the finger clicking of a third (and fourth) instrument. I met a lovely couple from Massachusetts there: Doreen and Herb.Read more

    • Day 18

      Day 15 - Barcelona (post Camino)

      October 11, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      Another lovely day in Barcelona. Today, I walked just over 25 km. My first stop was Park Guell (I was there for hours with masses of people), then, after chancing upon another of Gaudi's houses (Casa Vicens) and a phone recharge (again, so many photos), I got to see more of the Gothic quarter as I visited the Picasso Museum and the Moco Museum (modern art). All three are 'must sees'. It was a genuine joy to see more of Gaudi's work as well as my first real life Banksy and a bronze piece by Dali (amongst many other amazing works). I clutched my bag and kept checking that I still had my watch the entire time I was in the Gothic quarter LOL.Read more

    • Day 17

      Day 14 - Barcelona (post Camino)

      October 10, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      What a day! Today, I experienced La Sagrada Familia (the Holy Family) and Casa Mila, locally known as 'La Pedrera' (literally 'the stone' but named as such because the locals thought it looked like a quarry). I also walked around the Gothic quarter at a little bit but had to return to my room to recharge my phone (after having taken so many photos)! My eyes flooded with tears as I saw the exterior of Gaudi's genius for the first time up close. No pictures could prepare me for the brilliance of his work. Once I got inside, I was overcome by the sheer magnitude of the structure. But more than that; I have never been in a church more fit for purpose - the glorification of God. I went up the Torre de la Pasion (Passion Tower) and was so glad I did. Casa Mila was also fantastic. It is sun filled and cool and, obviously, incredibly beautiful. I learnt two things today; a church is made a Basilica by the Pope and Gaudi invented the first underground carpark in an apartment complex - Casa Mila was built in 1906 and so hosted both cars and carriages.Read more

    • Day 73

      Leticia -> bogota -> home

      March 17, 2020 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Mer sind z leticia am hafe weder vo eusem taxifahrer angholt worde und zu eusem hotel bracht worde.
      Wo mer endlich weder internet gha hend, hemmer ganz e hufe nachrichte vo anderne becho wo au am reise sind.
      Überall hends afe grenze schlüsse und d lüt sind nümme wiiter cho. D grenze zu ecuador, eusem nächste ziel isch zue gsie. Mer hend eus denn dezue entschiede nach bogota z gah, well mer det meh optione und bessers wlan hend. Flug bueched und öppe go schlafe.

      Am nächste tag simmer de uf bogota gfloge und is hotel a einere vo de hauptstrasse. Die strass isch im verglich zum letschte mal extrem leer gsie. Mit em bessere wlan hemmer eus über d situation ins latinamerika informiert und eusi optione abgwoge. Mer hend eus schlussendli schwerem herzns entschiede eusi reis abzbreche.
      Mit hilf vo tui hemmer den en rückflug chönne organisiere am nächste tag.
      Znacht hemmer chlr müeh gha zgfinde, well i de umgäbig alles zue gsie isch. Nebem esse hemmers eus im 4stern hotelzimmer gmüetlich gmacht.

      Am nächste morge hemmer den s zimmer nur zum esse verlah und schlussendlich zum an flughafe z gah.

      Vo bogota ischs de uf barcelona gange.
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    • Day 21–25

      Barth-a-lona to Valencia

      July 7 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Day 21
      Next stop València. This time via train. Up bright and early to get to the station. The fast trains are awesome. I saw the speed reach 249 km/hr but is was so comfortable and smooth.
      Got to our apartment a little early but was able to drop our cases and then head out to lunch. Oh my Gawd…….awesome tapas followed by a seafood Paella.
      The ritual these days is back to the apartment after lunch for a short rest before heading out to dinner. Tonight we found a local bar for a traditional Flamenco show that was fantastic. Then wandered the streets for dinner, which didn’t let us down. Brilliant Tapas and Paella……again

      And of course…..more amazing architecture
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    • Day 10


      May 20 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      J'ai quelque peu négligé la documentation de notre voyage dernièrement. C'est que Marc est officiellement en vacances depuis vendredi et nous profitons à fond de Barcelone.

      En arrivant, nous avons déambulé sur La Rambla pour nous rendre à notre cours de cuisine de paella. Honnêtement c'était le meilleur cours de cuisine ever!!! Notre prof était tellement énergétique et le format du cours était ajusté au quart de tour. On nous servait de l'excellent cava (vin pétillant) aussitôt qu'on approchait le fond. Notre paella était dé-li-ci-euse. Bien hâte d'en refaire à notre retour.

      Le lendemain, nous avons visité le fameux parc de Güell, superbe design de maisons et structures uniques imaginées par Gaudi. C'était très beau mais j'avais rarement vu autant de touristes!

      On a terminé notre soirée au resto du W, situé au 28e étage d'un building sur le bord de la plage. Pour s'y rendre, on s'est senti comme des stars hollywoodiennes tellement il y avait d'intervenants avant d'être au resto : le gars pour ouvrir la porte du taxi, la fille pour dire aux gens du 26e qu'on arrive, le gars pour appeler l'ascenseur, la fille pour nous asseoir à la table puis notre serveur. La vue était à couper le souffle les prix aussi 😅!!!

      À bientôt!
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    • Day 2

      A Day in Singapore

      September 5, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Nespresso in the room, followed by Fort Canning breakfast with the highlights being papaya, goats cheese, eggs benedict, crispy bacon and coffee. Another swim in our warm pool, then excellent one hour tour of Battlebox just steps away from the hotel.
      Gardens by the Bay were great - very inspiring lush tropical plants, orchids of all types. Cassis and tangerine cocktail at Cafe Fennell surrounded by fragrant herbs, raddish, spinach.
      Walked in 32 degrees heat and humidity to Marina Bay Sands. The height was easier to deal with during the day so was reasonably relaxed with another Singapore Sling.
      Back in time for the hotel wine and canape hour, then chicken rice in the hotel.
      Taxi to airport for what was a reasonably easy 13 hour flight to Barcelona.
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    • Day 1

      Hostal Centric

      October 20, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Wir sind gut in Katalonien angekommen und haben den Bus nach Barcelona genommen. Auf dem Weg weder brennende Autos, noch Barrikaden gesehen... Aber wahrscheinlich ändert sich das heute Abend. Wir sind auf jeden Fall gespannt.Read more

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