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    • Hari 38

      tranquillo fin de semana

      28 Mei 2022, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Wir starten heute mit einem guten Frühstück in der Herberge und freuen uns hier gewesen zu sein! Ein wirklich schöner Ort- wir werden uns gern erinnern!
      Der Weg ist schön, das Wetter auch- wir genießen die friedliche Stille und das entspannte Streckenprofil😉. Wir treffen im Restaurant tatsächlich Mark und Marion- es ist wohl Bestimmung, welcome to the Blog, it's a pleasure!Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 25

      Vilalba - O Buxio

      26 Oktober 2023, Spanyol ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Regen den ganzen Tag 😄

      Wir hörten ihn schon als wir noch im Bett lagen, wir sahen ihn als wir frühstückten, wir spürten ihn als wir aus der Tür traten. Es regnete mal mehr mal weniger, dann schüttete es auch mal und die letzt halbe Stunde des Wandertages hatten wir tatsächlich Sonne! Die hielt sich dann eine Stunde noch und es regnet seitdem wieder. Für morgen ist noch mehr Regen gemeldet.

      Kann mir gar nicht vorstellen wo der noch überall hinfließen soll, es steht ja schon jede Wiese und jeder Weg und Wald unter Wasser. Ich musste heut gar nicht mehr drauf achten wo ich hintrete, war ohnehin alles klitschnass. An einer Stelle mussten wir mehrere Meter durch tiefes Wasser warten, da der Abfluss von der Nationalstraße hier so massig war, dass kein Graben das ganze mehr fasse konnte.

      Nur gut dass wir wohl am Sonntag ankommen werden und uns dann nicht mehr den Großteil des Tages draußen aufhalten müssen. Wäre allerdings auch ganz schön wenn wir einen etwas denkwürdigeren Abschluss finden könnten. Also im positiven.
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    • Hari 34

      10 Grad und Nebel am Morgen

      3 Oktober 2019, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Heute Morgen sind wir in einer dicken Nebelbrühe gestartet, die sich bis 11Uhr noch hartnäckig gehalten hat. Das war irgendwie spannend, aber auch besonders kalt. Ich hätte mir ne Mütze und Handschuhe gewünscht.

      22km reichen für heute. Morgen erreichen wir die letzten 100km bis Santiago. Morgen kommen wir zu dem Ort wo alle Jakobswege zusammenfließen. Ich bin total gespannt. Positives hab ich leider noch nicht darüber gehört! 😬
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    • Hari 38

      Vilalba - ein harter Kampf

      20 Juni 2022, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Die Straße von Abadín nach Vilalba ist wie mit dem Lineal gezogen. Für den Pilger geht's immer wieder rechts oder links davon auf Nebenstraßen und Feldwege.
      Bei Regen, Matsch und feuchten Wiesen entscheiden wir uns aber bald doch für die eintönige, harte, ewig lange Straße. Die drückt auf die Füße und auf's Gemüt.
      Nur mit Tee, Kaffee und Zaubertrank (Cerveza) halten wir durch. Das letzte Stück wird das Wetter etwas besser und wir trauen uns wieder in die Landschaft.

      Aber so ganz ohne Highlights, Sonne oder Meer, rückt der Wunsch endlich anzukommen immer mehr in den Vordergrund. Eine Woche brauchen wir ungefähr noch.
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    • Hari 12


      30 Agustus 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Så blev bilen ordnet og vi er tilbage på Camino sporet. Noget lidt anderledes sted at overnatte denne gang, men det ligger klods op af Tinas rute. Tina lugtede lidt fælt efter dagens etape, og jeg var også lidt svedig. Så er det jo godt man kan bruge de midler, der er på stedet. Lidt primitivt, men gratis og godt. Og så ligger vi lige i centrum, så middag bliver igen i aften ude af hjemmet.
      Første gang vi har taget bad ved en tømmestation😂
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    • Hari 56


      12 September 2022, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      I had an afternoon nanny nap after going to a bar for lunch - Lisa ordered more wine and the waiter wasn't taking NO for an answer when I said I didn't want another one, it didn't take much to twist my arm though, but I knew after having 3 I would be knocked out for the afternoon. Whilst I sleep acomatosed from all the wine, Lisa heads to the bar to write a post....I wake a couple of hours later to find a lovely note from Louie, I get ready and head down to meet her. we had both lots of French doors open when we went to bed, a lovely cool breeze blows in with a occasional rain, there is a Spanish lady singing, then the singing stops and 2 ladies start chatting until 2:00 am - I am still tossing and turning, then the lights outside go out, and instantly the chatter stops, all is quiet except for me still tossing and turning...eventually I drift off and it feel like the alarm has just waited for me to go to sleep before going off.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 54

      Mondoñedo to Abadín

      10 September 2022, Spanyol ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      It’s time to leave this lovely town, we have packed our packs, left the key to our apartment on the kitchen table and we are on our way. We follow a road leading up into the hills, starting on bitumen then turning in to dirt and finally just a walking path, it is a steep, hot climb and we are both feeling it, the shade of the trees is a god send and keeps us putting one foot in front of the other. About half way up this hill we come to a split in the road and we rest on a fallen tree with our packs off for a while, an older man arrives, we offer him a seat beside us, he is grateful to sit and rest while he waits for his wife. His wife isn’t far behind, we all chat for a while, and work out we are all going to be in the same town tonight, so we might catch up later. Ok, break over, it’s time to tackle the rest of this hill - it’s a long, hot winding path to the top. Woohoo we finally made it! We see a servo with a restaurant attached and decide to break here for lunch, there are no tables left inside, but we manage to score one outside. A waiter comes and takes our order, we order 2 red wines and 2 mineral waters. When our waiter returns with our drinks he sits the glasses of wine on our table and proceeds to pour the mineral waters into them! We are shocked, speechless and end up just bursting out in laughter! In all these weeks/months of ordering our drinks, this is the first time this has happened to us, and actually, it’s not too bad. We stay for about an hour, eating, drinking and chatting, then push on. We still have aways to go and the heat is severe. Thank goodness, we have finally reach our destination for today, it is still very hot and we can’t wait to check in, have a shower and grab a cold drink. We are staying at a fabulous albergue in a private room with its own bathroom but it has a shared kitchen and lounge area, it is super clean, modern and comfortable, our host is very welcoming and accommodating. After checking in & showering we head out to find a bar, there is one just down the road and we settle in there for a few drinks. The older couple we rested with on the path today spot us and ask if they can join us, of course we say in unison and we sit and chat for the next couple of hours, we book in here for dinner tonight. We meet another pilgrim he is an American called Ruddy, we get to chatting and he helps us out by ordering our meals as he is quite fluent in Spanish. We finish dinner and turn in early, it’s going to be another scorcher tomorrow, so we are getting on the road before the sun comes up.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 52

      Ribadeo to Mondoñedo

      8 September 2022, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      We get to sleep in this morning and leisurely get ourselves ready, we were unable to book accommodation between here and Mondoñedo, which means we are catching a bus, it is scheduled to leave Ribadeo at 10:15 am. The day is overcast and drizzly, and we are not the only pilgrims on the bus, the common theme is a lack of accommodation - there just isn’t enough open this year for the number of people walking this stretch. So we board the bus, sit back and enjoy the views from the comfort of our seats. We make it into Mondoñedo by noon, and quite a few of us pilgrims disembark. The bus stop is on the edge of town, so it is a long uphill walk into the main area. It has a lovely feel to it and we have an apartment booked and will be staying here for 2 nights. Before we get to our apartment we decide to stop at a bar for some wine and tapas. We are the only pilgrims in this bar and it’s interesting listening to the banter and laughter among the locals. We then head to our accommodation, it is in a beautiful old stone building, on the second storey and it’s absolutely lovely. We unpack and head to the supermarket to stock up on supplies for some long-awaited home-cooked meals. Over the next 2 days, we explore this lovely town, including a visit to the cathedral, it is truly beautiful and I buy a Christmas bauble as a memento to hang on my tree. We also visit a hiking store, I need to buy a poncho and base layer (I sent both these items back home 🤦‍♀️), every time I have walked in Galicia it has been really cold and wet, so I am going to get these while I can. We enjoy plenty of home-cooked meals compliments of Louie and we savour these moments and also the flavours, knowing we will be eating out now until the end. This is our last rest day on this Camino, and our bodies have enjoyed the downtime, we leave here on the 10th of September feeling recharged and refreshed, ready for our next and last leg into Santiago de Compostela.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 51

      Tapia de Casariego to Ribadeo

      7 September 2022, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      It’s a later start to our day - due to lack of shut eye last night. We get ready, head up stairs for some coffee and brekkie, then hit the trail. Tapia is a far bigger coastal town than we originally thought, and as we make our way through town we find a small puppy that has escaped from his owner, this little fella is going ten to the dozen and his lead is trailing behind him, we manage to take hold of the lead and then we try to locate the owner, we end up leaving the puppy in a locals care where we found him, and hope he will be reunited with his owner shortly. It is another beautiful walking day, we are so grateful as this is our last day on the coast, we are going off trail today and will be following the E9 all the way to Ribadeo, it is a local coastal walking trail that hugs the coastline as much a possible. This is also our last day in the region of Asturias and at the end of our walk today we will cross a bridge and enter the region of Galicia and the city of Ribadeo. We seem to have every walking surface along our path today, from bitumen roads to paved walking tracks to dirt roads and paths to boardwalks and bridges, from towns to country and city walking, wow Asturias, you have thrown everything at us for this last day and we will miss you dearly, for you have been stunningly beautiful! We break frequently to enjoy the picture perfect views and to really soak this day up, it takes us close to 5pm to get to our destination today and when we do we find out that the city is in party mode. We are booked into a lovely hotel in the main square and there is a fair with rides, food trucks, 2 concert stages set up, and people everywhere! We find a lovely little restaurant for dinner and enjoy some Indian cuisine, it is absolutely beautiful and so are the owners, they spoil us and treat us so well. We then go to the fair, the vibe is electric, the music is banging and it’s so nice watching the kids on rides, laughing, giggling and jumping around with excitement and anticipation, we end the night sitting on the ground listening to the band before heading to bed. Life really doesn’t get any better. ♥️Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 50

      La Caridad to Tapia de Casariego

      6 September 2022, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      We wake earlier this morning, get ready, then walk back up to a bar in a plaza to grab a quick bite and a coffee. We find a table outside in the sun and enjoy the morning vibes of the locals going about their business, then we set off on a beautiful walk to Tapia de Casariego. It’s a perfect walking day, around 15km in length and following the coastline, we stop at a homemade stall not too far out of La Caridad - a young girl has painted shells and made bracelets, Louie and I both buy a shell off her, then we continue on our way. Out of our 2 route options for today we have decided to stick to the coastline, we only have 2 more walking days along the coast, and want to make the most of it. The sounds of the ocean is strong and the smells of the sea air fills our nostrils, our next stop is at a small beach bar perched on top of a grassy hill, there are beautiful big shade trees to relax under, and from here we overlook the beach and way out into the ocean, we opt for ice-creams and settle in for a short break enjoying the views and watching some people swinging on a tree swing - creating social media content. We are then taken away from the coastline and are walking amongst fields and farms, a sun-shower cools us down, and goes just as quickly as it came. We continue our walk enjoying the scenery all the way into Tapia de Casariego. We pass the municipal aubergue that has prime position overlooking the ocean. Our first port of call is to find lunch, we walk into a small plaza packed full of eateries and pick one. We enjoy another local speciality dish that has been recommended by our waiter and it is delicious. Heavy rain comes out of no where and we move inside, we settle in here with wine and chats for the next couple of hours, our waiter is great and soon realises Lisa’s love of wine and brings her a 5 ltr bottle 😂. We then head to our accommodation, our room is teeny tiny, but we make it work. We are in a room above a bar and the last sounds of chatter, laughter and good times ceases at around 2am and finally we find sleep…..Baca selengkapnya

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