Villafranca del Bierzo

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    • Dag 40

      Villes et vignobles

      28 maj 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Après 19 km de villes et d'asphalte nous avons pu malgré tout visiter une ville historique Ponferrada un château bâti au début de l'année 1178 pour l'ordre du temple, par les templiers.
      Par la suite de ville en ville nous avons rejoint les sentiers bordés de vignobles en abondance.
      Pourchassé par le son des tonnerres et la pluie qui venaient en notre direction, le vent augmentait graduellement et
      au 29ieme km parcouru nous avons été frappés par une pluie torrentielle et des tonnerres et éclairs qui se rapprochaient , heureusement nous sommes entrés en ville et avons trouvé notre hôtel après 31.75 km, élégant que nous étions habillés de nos Panchos.
      Bière à la main après une douche chaude, je suis quand même avec un sourire en coin heureux d'avoir subi qu'une heure de cette température désagréable pour le marcheur.
      Buen Camino
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    • Dag 46

      Trabadelo (9.7km / 595.8km)

      28 maj 2023, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Today we had planned to stay at Caza Susi, owned by an Aussie who has walked 11 Caminos! She made the most delicious meal from home grown veggies and her partner, Fermin was a delightful Spanish host who was able to tell some good local stories and fill in some info gaps on Spain. The Camino is their calling and it works its magic! Susi bought the house and has renovated it beautifully. The downstairs area used to be an old barn where the animals would have been kept. They have changed it into a big dormitory with 10 beds. It still has the barn feel.
      It was another memorable evening of pilgrims sitting together sharing a meal (and plenty of local wine) and stories. There are always 1 or 2 with inspiring stories or heartwarming stories to tell. Tonight our hosts joined us for the meal and then there were 3 from France, 3 from Australia (incl us) 3 from US and 1 from Wales! It lived up to our hopes.
      We only had a short walk because we wanted to stay here and it was worth it but we will pay with a longer walk tomorrow.
      Our walk was mostly along the river and we got here in time for the 12pm mass which is only here every couple of weeks, as the priest had 17 villages he looks after. Then a lovely lunch at a Vegan restaurant (In Spain) and then the heavens opened! The rain kept us indoors but we managed to numb our feet in the cold river at the bottom of the property where they grow their crops.
      We really are feeling relaxed and peaceful at this stage of the Camino!
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    • Dag 6

      Molinaseca-Villafranca d. Bierzo (32km)

      15 juli 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      32 Kilometer bzw. 50'000 Schritte - unsere längste Tagesetappe auf dem Camino, wohlgemerkt nach dem steilen Abstieg von gestern. Auf den ersten zwei Dritteln war diese Etappe öde! Durch die Schwerindustriestadt Ponferrada, Landstrassen-Latscherei bis hin zum maroden Unort Camponaraya, welcher an Lieblosigkeit nicht zu übertreffen war, mussten wir diese Pflichtaufgabe über uns ergehen lassen. Dementsprechend freuten wir uns sehr, als uns der Weg endlich durch die Weinberge des Bierzo führte. Während wir hunderte von grünen Weinreben durchstreiften, stiess auf den letzten Kilometern Kathy zu uns, eine Amerikanerin aus Iowa, die überglücklich war, mit uns das letzte Stück beschreiten zu können, da ihre Kräfte langsam zur Neige gingen. So kamen wir zu dritt in Villafranca an und bezogen einmal mehr eine wunderschöne Herberge namens Leo.
      Bei unserem täglichen Cerveza auf dem Plaza Major trafen wir auf viele bekannte Gesichter: auf den Kroaten mit der dänischen Freundin; das ältere dänische Paar; Marius aus dem Ruhrgebiet und Lisa aus Konstanz; die Amerikaner aus Oregon und auf Kathy mit ihrer Tochter (welche in Villafranca zu ihr gestossen ist und ihre Mutter bis nach Santiago begleiten wird). Das ist eben das schöne am Pilgern: man geht den Camino alleine - trifft aber jeden Abend auf die gleichen Menschen, mit denen man sich über das Erlebte austauschen kann.
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    • Dag 33

      Day 30

      20 september 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Left Villafranca del Bierzo at 6.30 am arrived Herrerias at 12.15pm.
      There was no difficulty in getting out of this village this morning as we stayed right at the end of the village.
      Our walk this morning was an easy walk. Most of it was on the road, some of which had a barrier as protection.
      Pics from our morning walk. It was chilly for nearly the whole walk.
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    • Dag 31

      I See a Bad Moon Rising

      29 september 2023, Spanien ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      Molinaseca to Villafranca del Bierzo
      Day 28 - 31 km

      We started early this morning as we had a very big day ahead. As we walked out of our Albergue we were treated to an amazing full moon. We decided to go the country track and we’re very pleased we did. The colours in the fields were beautiful and we spent half our time trying to photograph them. After a couple of coffee stops with fellow pilgrims we needed to push on. 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️
      It quickly warmed up and we found it a little tough at the end as we were walking a lot beside the road. However we did manage to meet up with a couple of guys on motorcycles ( Trevor and his brother Ted) so had a lovely night with them. 💕
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    • Dag 32

      Whoops, we did it again...

      30 september 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Villafranca del Bierzo to Laguna de Castella
      Day 29 - 28kms

      Whoops, we did it again...we neglected to do our research and basically repeated our original mistake of following other pilgrims on an " alternative route" . BIG mistake... really Big mistake.😑 We immediately started to climb up an almost vertical cliff face...which just basically kept going up and up, until we were eventually, after a couple of hours , up in the clouds, looking down, in the far-away distance, enviously, to where we would have walked on the flat, if we hadn't detoured.😔
      Of course the views were amazing... ( blah blah blah...)
      That would have been fine, and lesson learned had we not had a MAJOR hill climb for the last part of our day...actually THE STEEPEST of the Francis route 🙄 We arrived with barely the ability to make it up the last drag, the searing heat just adding to our exhaustion...Very early tea, couldn't even face finishing our wine, 🙀 and into bed...😴
      Legs are gonna feel it tomorrow 😩
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    • Dag 31

      Molinaseca to Villafranca del Bierzo16km

      5 oktober 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Today we walked through a lot of small villages. We also took a bus a few kilometers to make up for the extra days we took for my blisters and respiratory infection to heal. As much as we wanted to walk the entire route, we do find it interesting to figure out and get on the public transit systems that the locals use. We were in a small village and just flagged the bus down as it was going by. Fun!
      We went out for dinner tonight with 2 interesting ladies from the USA and one of the many cats that we have seen along the way was hanging out by our table. Todd had fish for dinner and graciously gave the cat the fish head! That was one happy kitty.
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    • Dag 23

      Day 19- to Vega de Valcarce

      18 oktober 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

      Left Villafranca after a wonderful hotel breakfast, one of the best we have had on the trail to date. Once again, we got a late start.

      We had planned to take the scenic route out of town, but we missed the turn. However we had a beautiful walk following the river, dodging a few cars on the road.

      It rained, sun came out, rained again…sun. All day. We walked into a village within 1km of where we had planned to stay and caught a cafe that was not on siesta, with one table outside in the sun, and we enjoined a delightful lunch. Our Camino friend Carol from UK, joined us for a snack before she went on her way.

      We walked in sunshine up to our town of Vega de Valcarce and to our lovely rooms with an adjoining balcony overlooking the river. We had time to hang our clothes, make a run for supplies and enjoyed our end of day cerveza at our hacienda at a table down by the river.

      While we were enjoying a fiesty game of uno, an older couple who lived across the river, offered us some fruit from their trees down by the river. They didn’t speak English, but motioned to us to cross the river to meet them where they shared some of their fruits. We had no idea what fruits they were, but Joan jumped right into a plum/fig looking fruit and took a bite. They were pleased.

      We were advised that a restaurant in our little town had outstanding paella. We made our way there for dinner and enjoyed a lovely dinner of paella marisco (seafood) and Sangria.

      After dinner Joan and I picked up our game of Uno and soon a French couple pulled their chairs over to join us. They spoke fluent Uno, but not much English. It was a wonderful Camino experience. We also met Julie from Taiwan. All in all a great day. We walked around 18km/11 miles.

      We are getting closer to Santiago.

      Buen Camino!
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    • Dag 34

      Rest Day in Villafranca del Bierzo

      21 oktober 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

      This is really a lovely mountain town. It’s cute and very picturesque!

      We are taking our last rest day here before slowly climbing upward toward the mountainous town of O Cebreiro the next day. Sadly this is the last day we’ll spend with Lisa and Lisa who we really like. They are going up to O Cebreiro in just one day. Very hardcore! It was hard to say goodbye to them tonight 😢. And we loved our host Dani (Daniel). We got a great group photo!

      Today we got our laundry washed at our hostel where they offer laundry service. We also got haircuts! Then we went to the grocery store for trail snacks. We are always looking for something compact, durable, and relatively calorie dense but having enough sugar for a jolt if we need it, and we got some sugar crusted peanuts as well as some jelly beans. The supermarket was small by American standards, pretty large by rural Spanish standards, and well-equipped. I posted some pictures of it today.

      We tried to visit both of the town’s churches and both were closed. One of them has a Puerta de Perdon, a door through which medieval pilgrims too injured or too sick to complete the journey to Santiago could walk or be carried to see a priest who would offer them absolution despite their inability to finish their pilgrimage. There is another Puerta de Perdon in León, which is maybe five days behind us. These days neither door opens other than on festive days so modern day pilgrims need to just keep on truckin’!

      We were looking at a cool building and walked to the door to see what it was. Turns out it was a natural history museum! Yay! The collection was odd. There were lots of paper mache giant costumes worn in festivals and a collection of dusty taxidermied birds, mammals, and a few other critters. The building belongs to an order of priests who were missionaries and they brought back specimens from their missions. There were also specimens from near here. The woman who staffed the place took us to a room full of big paper mache costumes to see a video about local wildlife. The viewing space was weird. But the video showed bears, foxes, small and large deer, lots of birds, and some sort of ibex looking animal. Maybe we’ll see some wildlife on the last part of our Camino!

      We bought new gloves for David, hooray! We ate pizza for lunch with Lisa and Lisa. And now we’re chilling out in our room, trying to allow our sore parts to rest a bit.
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    • Dag 7

      Day 6- Ponferrada to Villafranca del Bie

      11 april, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Another long day! 16.5 miles. It took us way too long. Most of the day today was on a road. Didn’t take too many pictures today. Most of the day was just Patrick and I walking. No other pilgrims around. It was also hot today. I think close to 80 degrees.
      Finally got here and we are staying in an old monestary.
      Went to dinner with someone from England, Spain and Germany.
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