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    • Day 33–46

      Puente Villarente

      September 20, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Kolejny dzień, okazał się wyjątkowo jak do tej pory długi. Doszliśmy w bardzo słabym stanie do naszego schroniska. Tak na prawdę to nic się nie działo, tylko droga się wydłużała... Droga generalnie płaska z małymi górkami ale było dłuuuugo. Przez początkowe 13 km nie było nic, oprócz bezkresnych mesetowych widoków, Pierwszy postój zrobiliśmy w Reliegos w małej dziurce z paroma barami, na spóźnione śniadanie, pokrzepiające napoje i przewietrzenie stop. Z ciekawostek, to znajduje się tutaj tablica pamiątkowa, dotycząca nietypowego wydarzenia historycznego. Otóż w 1947 roku w moje urodziny 28 grudnia spadł tutaj meteoryt ważący około 15 kg. Poza dziurą w ziemi nikomu nic się nie stało. Ku przypomnieniu to małe miasteczko jest ponoć europejską stolicą owiec, ale i tym razem, podobnie jak w ubiegłym roku niestety owiec nie widzieliśmy, były nadal zajęte czymś innym poza miastem.
      W następnym miasteczku Mansilla de las Mules, stanęliśmy po kolejne chłodzące napoje. Co roku w drugą niedzielę września, kończy się tutaj procesja wychodząca z Leon a kończąca pod lokalnym kościołem, pod wezwaniem Marii Virgin od Grace.
      Miasto to również jest znane z pomidorów, gdzie corocznie przyznaje się nagrody za najsmaczniejszy pomidor. Później kończy się to walką na pomidory na głównym placu.
      Po około 24 km około 4:30 dotarliśmy na miejsce. Większość ran zostało bardzo skutecznie wyleczona przez gin z tonikiem, w tym roku jest to jeden z naszych ulubionych napoi Caminowych. Po zamówieniu pan z baru przychodzi do stolika z całą butelka ginu, którego rodzaj wybiera się w barze, z butelkami tonicu i ogromnymi pucharami z lodem i cytryną. Następnie zaczyna się procedura nalewania ginu, potem tonicu i potem jeszcze raz ginu. Generalnie na dwa drinki schodzi pół butelki. Bardzo piękny napój mający właściwości kojące i uzdrowicielskie.
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    • Day 35

      Day 26 - Puente Villarente

      October 1, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 86 °F

      Nice and easy day today, we walk about 10 miles. We have the same tomorrow going into León, and we then have a day off.

      It has been absolutely wonderful with Gina so fluent in Spanish. Everyone complements her on how well she speaks their language. Only came close to having beat up two old men for hitting on her 😃Read more

    • Day 35

      Day-26 Puente Villarente

      October 1, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 86 °F

      After dinner last night, we walked down the street to check out the famous Bar Elvis. It definitely stood out in this sleepy little town. We had a drink and then back to our place, La Cantina de Teddy, which we loved. This town had several bodegas (wine, ham and cheese storage) built into a hill.

      We had an easy 10 miles of walking today before the heat set in. We stopped for a coffee in Mansilla de las Mulas at an albergue with a really pretty garden.

      While we waited for our room to be ready in Punte Villarente, we had a beverage. I love that they give you free tapas here with your drink. After we checked in and did laundry, we walked around looking for a place for lunch. Well, it's Sunday so our place was the only restaurant open for lunch. Then we found out that they were completely full for lunch (to be seated and order off the menu) but we could order a sandwich, which we didn't feel like. So we told them we'd just have a couple drinks and tapas. They then brought us two plates full of tapas. They were so nice to us. We ended up chatting to a local for a while and had a great time.
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    • Day 18

      18. DAY | 32 km

      May 16, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Hinterlasse immer etwas von dir...

      Für mich gibt es keine schönere Sprache als die der Musik. Ohne dass man manche Worte versteht, zieht sie dich in ihren Bann. Sie erzählt dir mit jedem Lied was du kennst eine Geschichte aus deinem Leben.
      Mein Tag begann mit:

      ♡Gymnopedie No 1 | Erik Satie
      bis zu
      ♡To the Moon & Back|Savage Garden

      Erst spazierte ich und irgendwann passte sich mein Schritt dem Beat an bis die 32 km erreicht waren. Zwischendurch hielt ich in Bars an und holte mir ein Espresso, Orangensaft und etwas zum Essen. In einer Bar fragte mich der Besitzer, ob er nicht ein Bild mit mir machen könne, er würde für seine Page noch jemanden mit der italienischen Nationalität benötigen und ich wäre ihm aufgefallen, natürlich stimmte ich zu. Dann hatte ich Pilger hinter mir die sagten "warst du gestern die Jenige die in der Bar gesungen hat"? Als ich weiter zog, bemerkte ich Botschaften meiner Camino Freunde welche an mich gerichtet waren und mir ein Lächeln ins Gesicht zauberten. Was ein wunderschöner Tag wieder.

      Leider beendete heute einer unserer Gruppe seine Reise in León was mich sehr traurig machte. Dieses Mal habe ich allerdings bewusst entschieden, mich an niemanden zu sehr zu binden, zum Schutz für mich selbst.


      Lascia sempre qualcosa di te...

      Per me non esiste una lingua più bella di quella della musica. Anche senza capire alcune parole, ti cattura totalmente. Con ogni canzone che conosci, ti viene raccontata una storia della tua vita.
      La mia giornata è iniziata con:

      ♡ Gymnopedie n. 1 di Erik Satie
      fino a
      ♡ To the Moon & Back diSavage Garden.

      All'inizio passeggiavo ad un certo punto ho notato che il mio passo si è accelerato con la musica, finché ho raggiunto il traguardo dei 32 km. Tra una tappa e l'altra mi sono fermata in diversi bar per prendere un espresso, un succo d'arancia e qualcosa da mangiare. In un bar il proprietario mi ha chiesto se poteva fare una foto con me, aveva bisogno di qualcuno di nazionalità italiana per la sua pagina e io avrei attirato la sua attenzione, ovviamente ho accettato. Ad un certo punto ho avuto dei pellegrini dietro di me che mi dicevano "eri tu quella che cantava al bar ieri"? Man mano che andavo avanti, ho notato indizi per me dai miei amici del Cammino, il che mi ha fatto sorridere. Che giornata bella.

      Purtroppo oggi uno del nostro gruppo ha terminato il suo viaggio a León, il che mi ha reso molto triste. Questa volta, però, ho deciso consapevolmente di non affezionarmi troppo a nessuno, per proteggermi.

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    • Day 23

      Puente Villarente

      April 14, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      This albergue is like a ranch? And there's a cat and the owner is really rude but in a funny way. The Austrian couple and I have synced up, we've wound up at three consecutive off stage albergues together so when we got in at the same time today we broke the ice.

      After showers and laundry they stuck their head round and said they were going to try and find lunch, did I want to come? Sarah and Martin. Martin has bought new size 48 shoes so his feet don't rub, he feels like an idiot but it's working.

      Afterwards I headed down to the river to try and remediate this horrific patchwork tan, but it was exceptionally cold in the water and quite hot outside it so I ended up trailing back, excited to sit on a couch, and enjoy a 6.30pm group dinner at the albergue - the earliest yet, what a treat! That's just finished, there's a book in English here that sounds a bit drab but I could be tempted. Anything goes, I'm on a couch!
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    • Day 23

      Bar Elvis Teatime Thursday 🤣

      May 26, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

      This place is mental. We were there for about 2 hours between 5-7pm after finishing our walk. The owner was drinking and there was lots of 'help yourself' going on. Don't think the toilets had ever been cleaned.🤣A memorable couple of hours.Read more

    • Day 16–17

      Day 15 Bercianos - Puente Villarente

      May 11, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      32.4 km (449.4 from start). 2065 calories. 40.000 steps. 6 hours on the road. 5.9 km/t

      Late start this morning. Breakfast 07.15 and out on the road at 7.30am. Already there it was warm.

      Walked for 21km without break. 3.5h without stop. Didn’t even feel any discomfort or pain - Camino seems so easy early in the morning.

      Had a great lunch. Love Spanish prices. 2 huge sandwiches, cop coffee, 2 Fanta lemon (of course with sugar) 😇 - all of that for 14€

      Rest of the walk was in much easier tempo and the heat started to be an issue. I could hear the storm behind me. I can deal with rain, snow, high winds and high temperatures. What I don’t like is open road and thunderstorms.

      Made to hostel before the rain. Drinking cold beer and enjoying the garden within hostel. Tomorrow is awaiting another long stage - 33.5 km through Leon.
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    • Day 80

      69. Wandertag

      June 7, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      In dieser Region hat sich das Baumaterial der Häuser grundlegend geändert. Waren es Anfang Steinhäuser, ausgemauerte Rieghäuser, sind es jetzt Lehmhäuser. Lehm mit Stroh durchsetzt und wieder ein paar Fotos der Gehend.
      Heute sind wir früh gestartet und uns im Weg etwas vertan. Insgesamt waren es zum Schluss rund 40 Km. Das Wetter heute war wieder mal regnerisch den ganzen Tag, aber es war zum Glück nicht kalt.
      Mein Pilgererlebnis war ein junger deutscher Mann aus Deutschland/Hamburg. Gestern Abend ist mir aufgefallen, dass er ein Zeichen an einem Lederband um den Hals trägt. Frühmorgens habe ich ihn darauf angesprochen. Das sei ein Fisch, das Geheimzeichen der ersten Christen hat er mir erklärt. Ob er denn ein Christ sei, habe ich ihn gefragt. Ja er sei ein Christ, seine Antwort. Ein bekennender Christ meine Frage, ja das sei er. Wieder ich ob er denn aus christlichen Gründen den Weg macht, frage ich nochmals nach. Es gäbe einige Gründe für seinen Weg.
      Gerne hätte ich noch ein wenig mit ihm gesprochen, aber er wollte endlich los gehen und sicher nicht noch länger ausgefragt werden. Schade für mich! Seine offenen und unmissverständlichen Antworten haben mich trotzdem beeindruckt.
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    • Day 23

      Villanueva de las Manzanas to León

      May 26, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

      Left Casa Miguel y Sally late. The room there was really great. We were going to get a taxi back to the Camino but the guy from the accommodation said there was another Camino route straight from there called the Dutch Camino. It was an easy stroll with 3 stops to fill the day. Not much to take photos of as the walk was into the City of León.
      Went for dinner at Loco León with Catarina, Steffi, Gerrard and Rowena. Sat inside as rain came on heavy at 7pm. Really cool place. A real restaurant and not just a bar that did a Pilgrim Menu.
      Rest day in León tomorrow. Planning the Laundrette, optician visit for solution, mass and some standard tourist stuff.
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    • Day 26

      Puente Villarente

      April 9, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      A good walking day in nice weather. The morning was frosty. I started at -1 ° C and ended at a comfortable 13° C at lunch.

      The Meseta goes on and on. This is agriculture on an industrial scale. The towns I walk through have been depopulated, with agriculture and the Camino the main economic activities.

      [Day 22, 25 km walked, 457 km from St Jean Pied-de-Port, 327 km to Santiago.]
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