Sri Lanka
Dehiwala Canal

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    • Dia 3

      Colombo to Anuradhapura

      21 de março, Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      There was a lot of driving today, starting at 5am. The first stop was at Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage. Next was the Anuradhapura world heritage site, one of the country's most historically significant places with temples, stupas, ruins, the sacred Bodhi tree and the obligatory monkeys.Leia mais

    • Dia 7

      Last night

      29 de dezembro de 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      Lovely afternoon on the beach and there was some good sun to be had. As the afternoon developed so did the thunder clouds. Just made it into the resort undercover lounge before the heavens opened. A classic tropical downpour - 30 mins and it was done! Love it! Tuk tuk home (nice guy) and as I had deliberately missed lunch I set out for a Jaffna Restaurant I had been looking forward to. Went for a long walk prior (in the lovely post rain air) and then turned up at the door. Of course it was closed tonight!!. What to do? There is a quite reasonable looking Indian restaurant in my hotel but I saw that as a last resort. A couple of doors away I saw a rice and curry hotel. They call cafe/diners hotels here! Tiny little place with a few tables - it looked clean and the food having a good variety and looking fresh - so I darted in. Well - did I get a treat! I think for all sorts of reasons, this was the meal of the trip and summed up Sri Lanka in a moment. Helpful and interested staff and wonderful wonderful food - $6.50 doesn't even cover what will be a true memory of Colombo.Leia mais

    • Dia 2


      20 de março, Sri Lanka ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Arrived at Colombo airport about 11.40pm.last night. Got through to Immigration fairly quickly but they couldn't find any record of our completed online passenger arrival cards so we had to manually fill in another one and join the end of the now lengthy queue. By the time we got some Sri Lankan currency, found our tour guide and other 7 passengers and got on our bus it was almost 1am or 5am Darwin time. Another hour later we had dropped off 5 passengers at their 4 star hotel and the 2 Helens, Ruth and I were at our hotel. Checking in took a little while and eventually they found my name so I signed for the other 3. In spite of Ruth asking if we had 2 beds, there was only 1 (large) bed when we got there so finally swapped with Darwin Helen, had a cold shower and flopped into bed at last. Our room overlooks the ocean, the road and the railway line but thankfully isn't noisy. The trains full of commuters coming into the city kept us amused for a while this morning before we were picked up around 10am for a city tour including "icons, monuments and a temple". We're looking forward to moving on tomorrow.Leia mais

    • Dia 65

      D65 Turkey to Sri Lanka

      7 de setembro de 2019, Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      We left Istanbul early evening yesterday and have since journeyed to Frankfurt, to Singapore, and now to Colombo!

      There were no dramas, all our luggage is safely in hand, and we even got a watermelon juice when we arrived at our hotel. You don’t realise how dehydrated you are from flying until you have your next hydrating beverage!

      We’re pretty pooped but excited at the prospect of heading inland to Kandy tomorrow.

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    • Dia 15

      Abenteuerliche Fortbewegungsmittel

      13 de janeiro de 2020, Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel hier sind nach deutschen Maßstäben sicherheitstechnisch nicht vertretbar ;-) Die Menschen springen während der Fahrt aus offenen Türen von Bus und Bahn. Menschen hängen noch halb draußen, während der total gestörte Busfahrer Vollgas gibt!
      Die Busse sehen aus wie fahrende Clubs mit Lightshow und laut dröhnender sri-lankischer Popmusik, die auf einem großen Flatscreen ununterbrochen läuft. Das Aus- und Einsteigen muss in Windeseile vonstatten gehen, weil der Bus sofort auf seiner Wahnsinnsfahrt weiterrast. Ich hatte tierischen Bammel, dass ich es nicht rechtzeitig schaffe mit meinem großen, schweren Backpack rechtzeitig rauszukommen. Zum Glück kannte der Schaffner die Angst der Touris schon und hat mir schnell geholfen.
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    • Dia 3

      Nath.tha la in Ceylon

      25 de dezembro de 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      I wish a wonderful Nath.tha la to you all. This is the word for Christmas in sinhalese. I finally arrived at my hotel at 2.15am local time - that would have been 5.45am in Melbourne where I started at 3.45 the previous morning. The morning light still got me up and about early.
      It will be an early night tonight! My hotel is on Galle Rd in Wellawatta - a part of Colombo I have enjoyed on my previous trips. It is a buzzing area, heaving with character. My hotel isn't bad and has a balcony looking over Galle Rd (the main road south). I went to the sea and saw a train and managed to trap a tuktuk in a nice tropical setting. Back for brekkie - it was a set affair. The omelette, fruit (esp ripe papaya) was ok but I will see what else I can find tomorrow. I will stock up on some stuff soon. There is a really good supermarket very close (I have been there many times on other trips.) It has EVERYTHING including beer and wine.
      I hope you are all having an amazing Christmas Day - I see Fi started hers off well with the traditional salmon scrambled with keta! I am sure the rest of you are kicking along in style
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    • Dia 6

      Back - to the beach

      28 de dezembro de 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      Survived the road trip - the new highway is as good as you would hope for anywhere. The town driving - I didn't take any more pics as the weaving around by everyone didn't take into account any particular side of the road - not something to overly share!! Back to the hotel and the fare came under what I expected. Went up to the room - and it was great to be home. Stupid but it was lovely! Unpacked - charged some devices, went to the supermarket to buy some beer (because I could!) And researched a different beach experience. Came up with Soul Beach which is about half way to Mt Lavinia - Deliwha Beach. Pleasantly surprised by the quality of the beach (as it is a little closer to town) and the place is part of a resort. Settled in on a beach lounge and this was me. Great service and a treat in store food wise - kottu! This is iconic Sri Lankan street food and has the nickname Sri Lankan drums as this describes the sound of the flat bread being enthusiastically chopped on a metal surface. The bread becomes like a ribbon pasta and in this case had spicy chicken and even more fiery coconut milk sauce. Ticked this off my list and better as it can be very fatty on the street - this was elegant. Too much though but happy as! Driven into the resort (it's hard) by an afternoon shower. The house bubbly is u/a so a glass of white to wait out the inconvenience. The wine list has Champagne Jacquart Mosaique for 19000 lkr and Moet at 49000 lkr - unbelievable!! The Jacquart is at Oz bottle shop price! I LOVE Jacquart and if they have it in stock I cannot think of a better way to spend my last afternoon - champagne and beach! My plan is to go to Colombo Fort tomorrow morning to check out the town and the market then back the beach!Leia mais

    • Dia 2

      Unser zu Hause in Colombo/Silvester 2019

      31 de dezembro de 2018, Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Subha Nava Vasarak! Happy new year und willkommen in Colombo. Nach über 11 stündiger Reise mit Zwischenstopp in Delhi sind wir ca. 16.00 Uhr ortszeit in Negombo nördlich von Colombo am Flughafen gelandet. 32 Grad ins Gesicht. Ein Haufen Menschen mit Schildern und Taxifahrern stehen plötzlich vor uns. Etwa 40 km sind es nur noch bis zu unserem Airbnb Appartment in Dehiwala, einem südlichen Vorort von Colombo. Mit Bus wurden daraus locker 4.30 Stunden. Länger als unser Flug von Delhi nach Sri Lanka. Den Verkehr dahin sparen wir uns zu erzählen. Etwa geschlaucht angekommen, dafür unfallfrei angekommen, konnten wir uns kurz erholen und hatten noch zwei Stunden bis zum Neujahr. Bis dahin saßen wir in romantischer Zweisamkeit im „Station Restaurant & Bar“ direkt am Strand, nur 3 Minuten von unserem Appartment an der 50 Albert Place. Von gut 200 Locals waren wir mit drei anderen (Bleichgesichtern) die einzig(st)en Touris. Schüchterne Blicke entfalteten sich schnell zu aufrichtigem Lächeln und Zwinkern. Uns wurde später gesagt, die Bar sei eines der Top Seafood Restaurants in Colombo. Dementsprechend festlich gekleidet sahen die Leute mit Anhang aus. Die Mittel- bis Oberklasse Gäste ließen es sich gut gehen. Die Birkenstocks wurden unter den Tisch versteckt. Mit Anzug gekleidete Barkeeper servierten allerlei Seefischplatten und zündeten Kerzen und Zigaretten der Gäste am Tisch an. Feuerwerk wurde unmittelbar in Tischnähe gezündet und die Band spielte nebenbei die neuesten Westlichen Pop-Hits. Einige Locals fingen bereits barfuß zu tanzen an. Die Stimmung war gut. Wir übten unsere Kopfrechen Skills und verzweifelten bei den in Euro umgerechneten Mensa-Preisen. Eine angenehme Meeresbrise kühlte unsere Rechen-Köpfe. Kurzzeitig dachten wir, wir sind im Paradies. Panierte Krabben, Garnelen und Fisch Häppchen wurden serviert. Highlight waren die in Limetten Curry eingelegten Garnelis-für weniger als’n Big Mac. Die Gäste wurden immer lockerer und voller. Jeder hatte ein Smartphone am Tisch und reichlich schweres Flaschengeschütz (Vodka, 46 VAT und Lion Bier). Pünktlich zum Neujahr flogen die Raketen und die Selfies wurden mit Freunden, Tisch-Nachbarn und Fremden (uns) geschossen. Die Leuten hoben Flaschen hoch und feierten das happy new year. Laternenluftballons, wie man es aus dem Film The Beach kennt, stiegen den Himmel empor. Wir waren zu dem Zeitpunkt ziemlich sicher, dass wir früh ins Bett gehen, noch ziemlich platt von der Anreise. Tja, am Ende waren wir um ca. 4.00 Uhr ortszeit im Bett. Bis dahin saßen wir mit einer Gruppe von 15 Leuten, einer witziger als der andere trinkend, tanzend, lachend am Tisch und auf der Bühne. Innerhalb von 10 Stunden wurden wir zu zwei Sri Lankanesen. Nummern und Lisas Facebook Account wurden getauscht und dann verabschiedeten wir uns halb torkelnd von unseren neuen Freunden und dem
      Jahr 2018. Den Rest der Geschichte erzählen die Bilder. Bayi bāyi Sir and Madam und happy new year 2019 aus dem alten Ceylon🇱🇰
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    • Dia 1

      Chilling at the beach

      7 de março de 2017, Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Yes, this is what I was looking for!! My plan was to chill at the beach with Nora and Martin, but it wasn't as I expected. A really remote area with lot of Muslim people. Now I'm at the beach south of Colombo and it is amazing.
      From the airport I got an offer to go with a taxi for 25 dollar. I almost agreed but then remembered myself that it is 100 times cheaper to go with the bus. It only takes a little bit more effort. So I got in the bus which only costed me 80 eurocent! In the bus I met Bas, a Dutch guy and Raz, from Romania. They hadn't booked a hostel yet and since I did, they wanted to join me.
      The hostel is more like a home stay with a really sweet lady. It is only 10 steps away from the beach. I love it!!! Time for some early morning yoga at the beach tomorrow. With all the traveling it is hard to keep up my daily practice. It's been 4 days already since my last practice.
      Sweet dreams xxxxxx
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    • Dia 3

      Early morning yoga

      9 de março de 2017, Sri Lanka ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Vanochtend werd ik om half 7 wakker. Roos had nog wat uurtjes slaap in te halen dus zij lag nog lekker te slapen. Ik ben met m'n yoga matje het dakterras op gegaan en heb daar eindelijk weer een goede yoga sessie gedaan! Heerlijk. Uitzicht op het strand en een 'fris' ochtendbriesje.Leia mais

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