Sri Lanka

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    • Dag 5

      19h - Essen fassen

      4 januari, Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Heute gibt es, oh wunder, zum Abendessen rice&curry. Diesesmal mit chicken und einer trockenen Paste aus Zwiebeln und Kokosnuss. Bisle chilli durfte nicht fehlen. Richtig gut! Noch hält der Magen durch. Mal schauen wie lange noch. Aber ich komme beim essen ins leichte schwitzen. Aber nichts kommt gegen bergers curry an. Das waren wirkliche schmerzen... zweimal...

      Nebenan sitzt gerade eine family aus England in abendgarderobe und schlürfen cocktails. Ich bleib da beim Lion.

      Auf dem Weg vom Cappuccino heute nachmittag hat mich ein barbier angesprochen. Musste darauf erst einmal in den spiegel schauen - geht noch.
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    • Dag 2

      Ankunft in Negombo

      29 juli 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Lang war die Nacht, aber wir haben es endlich geschafft und sind in Sri Lanka angekommen. Nach rund 15h begrüßte uns die tropische Hitze und lautes Durcheinander auf den Straßen Negombos. Mit dem Tuktuk ging es zur Unterkunft, wo wir von einer lieben singhalesischen Familie aufgenommen wurden. Kurz frisch gemacht, wollten wir gleich nochmal los, einen Blick auf das Meer erhaschen. Besonders der Sonnenuntergang soll hier im Westen der Insel sehr schön sein... das haben allerdings nicht nur wir so gedacht 🤣
      Um Abendessen mussten wir uns nicht mehr kümmern, denn unsere Gastfamilie hat uns ganz netterweise frisch bekocht: das erste Rice & Curry auf Sri Lanka mit nur leichter Schärfe (haha)... ein Traum! 😍
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    • Dag 2

      „Billiger als Aldi“

      6 april 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Gegen 2:30 Uhr waren wir in unserem sehr schönen Hotel. Der Gastgeber ist super freundlich und holte uns höchst persönlich vom Flughafen ab.

      Ausgeschlafen und nach einem late breakfast machten wir uns auf den Weg, um Simkarten zu kaufen und erkundeten gleich mal den Strand von Negombo. Das Wasser war schön warm und gab uns schon mal einen Vorgeschmack auf die nächsten drei Wochen. Genauso wie die Hitze, an die wir uns erstmal gewöhnen müssen.

      Es war nicht viel los abgesehen von den Strandverkäufern, die es auf uns abgesehen hatten 😅 „Billiger als Aldi“, war der Standardspruch. Natürlich waren sie bei uns erfolgreich, weil wir (ich 🤦🏽‍♀️) nicht Nein sagen können. So wurden wir gleich mal schön abgezockt, da wir den Umrechnungskurs noch nicht verinnerlicht haben. Nun ja, Friedi besitzt nun ein kleines Holzboot. Das wird uns wohl immer an unseren Start der Sri Lanka Reise erinnern. 🤭

      Morgen holen wir unser gemietetes Tuktuk und fahren gen Süden ☀️
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    • Dag 1

      Auf geht‘s!

      5 april 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Unsere Reise beginnt am Berliner Flughafen. Nach dem Einchecken werden wir zur Familien Security line geleitet, in der Hoffnung, dass es schneller geht. Pustekuchen - es dauert eine halbe Ewigkeit, weil manche den halben DM in Form von Babynahrung dabei haben.

      Nach langem Anstehen haben wir den Part dann endlich hinter uns, so dass es zügig zum Gate geht. Dort können wir direkt ins Flugzeug. Die Zeit im Flieger vergeht relativ schnell aber unser Friedi zeigt uns mal wieder wie viel Energie er doch hat. Geschlafen, wird nicht. Stattdessen versucht er in den Genuss der Business class zu kommen. Vergebens - von der Stewardess werden wir zurück zu unseren Plätzen geschickt. Schade.

      Nach fast 5h landen wir in Doha. Dort kann Friedi sich auf dem Spielplatz austoben, Elli holt ihr Nickerchen nach.

      Der zweite und letzte Flug dauert noch einmal 4h. Elli lacht mit den Kindern und Passagieren um die Wette. Es ist schön zu sehen, wie offen sie anderen Menschen gegenüber ist.

      Gegen 1:30 Uhr nachts landen wir in Colombo. Dort erwartet uns dann ein Fahrer von unserem Hotel. Unser Sri Lanka Abenteuer kann also starten.

      Wir sind übrigens 3,5h voraus!
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    • Dag 13


      22 december 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      Nachere 3h Autofahrt simer gester guet in Negombo acho, üsi letschti Destination bevor mir am 24.12 heiflüge id 🇨🇭.
      Dr Flo het sech de no kurz drzue entschiede sich loh d'Hoor schnide da sini Maschine kaputt isch gange und är doch wieder chli es Fälli uf em Kopf het becho😅

      Dr hütig Tag hei mir im Pool und em Meer verbrocht, leidr isch s'Meer hie nüme so schön wies im Süde unge isch gsi🌊
      Und sit mir hie si hei mr no kei einzige Rägetropf gha - klar gsi🤷😅
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    • Dag 2

      Endlich angekommen auf Sri Lanka

      27 juli 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      Wir sind um 6 Uhr morgens Sri lankinischer Zeit, also 3.30 Uhr der Zeit in Deutschland auf Sri Lanka gelandet. Das sind dann also 24 Stunden. Es ist ziemlich ziemlich ziemlich schwül hier, aber die Menschen, denen wir begegnet sind, waren sehr freundlich, auch wenn wir fast eingeschlafen sind in ersten Gesprächen. Zum Glück konnten wir etwas früher einchecken, kurz schlafen und dann mal die Gegend erkunden und auf den Fischmarkt gehen... Doch schaut einfach selbst.Meer informatie

    • Dag 16

      Day 16 - The Mosquito Coast

      19 maart, Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      I’m awake just after 06:00. This is not entirely unintentional. My balcony overlooks the East side of Kandy, and various reviews of my guesthouse I’ve read have said the morning views are stunning. And - they are. It’s a really hazy morning. I don’t know if that’s moisture that needs to burn off, air pollution or something else - but it gives a somewhat mysterious air to the sunrise over Kandy. I can see a temple over to the East on a hilltop, the famous Kandy Lake off to the West of me, and the sprawling city laid out to the front.

      I’m not particularly hungry, but conscious I won’t be in Negombo till later this afternoon, so I need to eat something. A pleasantly austere version of breakfast here, which is welcome - some fruit, some juice, an omelette and some toast. Back at my room, I sit on the balcony as the day warms up.

      Another day, another would-be Ayrton Senna. I have to ask this one several times not to look at his mobile phone while he’s driving. He’s clearly finding it very distracting. We do some really exciting overtaking around blind corners, and only on some of them do we encounter a bus coming the other way. Pretty sure we wing a couple of pedestrians along the way. Yesterday’s serene meander through the mountains, this is not.

      I’m not entirely sure what I was expecting from Negombo. Maybe a version of Mirissa or Tangalle. It’s like neither of these. The beach is nice enough, but there’s nothing really on it - I walk up and down, in an increasingly desperate search for a beer. There are a couple of places that look hopeful, but which transpire to be closed. There are a couple of beachfront hotels that don’t look all that hospitable. I end up in what looks like a pretty generic chain hotel, but they have cold wine, so WTF do I care?

      My hotel room is another with an irritating key fob to turn the power on, so will be hot when I get back. The mountains were a blissful interlude, but it’s back up to 38C and humid. There’s at least a pleasant breeze coming off the ocean, which gives some relief.

      I’ve been up since early, and after some fried rice and a couple of wines, nap is calling…

      Somewhat refreshed, I head out in search of sustenance in solid and liquid forms. It’s still swelteringly hot, and by the time I reach my dinner destination, my t-shirt is damp, and sticking to me. I’m at Tuk-Tuk Wine and Dine, yet another interesting name for a restaurant. I can see no evidence of tuk-tuks, and the less said about the wine offering, the better. They do, however, serve food, so let’s see how the dine side of things stacks up.

      I order the Black Pork Curry, a Sri Lankan speciality. A sizeable bowl of this curry arrives, along with a sizeable bowl of rice, a papad, and the standard rice and curry accompaniments of dhal, bean curry, curried aubergines etc etc. I’m somewhat overwhelmed. It’s delicious though. Properly hot, flavoured with curry leaves, cardamom, cinnamon and fennel seed - just brilliant.

      What is less brilliant is the onslaught of mosquitoes. I’ve not been bothered by these little fuckers for the past week, and should probably have been minded that a return to the coast would see them enact their revenge. I’ve not brought out any mossie spray, obvs, so am getting eaten alive. I can feel a few insanely itchy bites coming up already. When I’ve finished as much of my food as I can manage, I call for the bill and scarper as quickly as is feasible.

      Next stop is the wonderfully named Sherry Land - I shall do well here. I park up and order a glass of wine. Moments later, I feel another nibble. My guess is that as Negombo is less busy than it would be during the peak tourist season, and there are likely to be the same amount of mosquitoes, the bug to Tim ratio is far higher than it would be at other times of the year, ergo - I’m receiving special attention. Lucky, lucky me… I’ve got a bottle of red wine back at my room, so head back there to escape, cool down, and watch a movie.
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    • Dag 2

      Bisschen Strand & viel Gastfreundschaft

      6 april 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌩️ 30 °C

      Zur Abkühlung machten wir uns am Nachmittag noch einmal auf Richtung Strand. Dieses Mal mit Badesachen im Gepäck.

      Die Wellen waren sehr kraftvoll, so dass Friedis Schwimmflügel angebracht waren 😅 Elli genoss ihren ersten Strandbesuch in Sri Lanka auch sehr, wenn auch dieses Mal noch nicht im Wasser.

      Morgen, am Karfreitag, verlassen wir Negombo und starten unsere Rundreise mit dem 🛺!

      Unser Start in Sri Lanka war super schön und die Familie, die das Hotel führt, hätte nicht herzlicher sein können. Elli und Friedi wurden immer bestens umsorgt 🥰

      Zum Ende unserer Reise werden wir noch einmal herkommen und ein paar Sachen abholen, die wir dort zum Glück stehen lassen durften.

      Nun geht‘s aber los - unser Tuktuk wartet schon auf uns! 😎😁✌🏾
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    • Dag 18


      16 juli 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Very relaxing day getting over our jet-lag and the madness of the past few weeks/months!

      Negombo seems to be a quiet little city but the locals have been very friendly. This evening we met the 4 other people (2x Swiss and 2x Aussies) on our tour and our nice tour guide and went out for a delicious dinner!Meer informatie

    • Dag 82

      D81-82 Sri Lanka - Negombo

      24 september 2019, Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

      So for the last couple of days our adventuring in and around Negombo has been dictated by the weather. Which, to put it lightly, has been pretty rubbish.

      We managed to sit outside by the pool for an hour yesterday after breakfast, and even had a chance to walk down the street to a Swiss bakery and cafe for a latte lunch and coffee fix. Our hotel, while comfortable, has no idea how to provide coffee (or service for yay matter). We asked for coffee at breakfast and were given a pot of hot water and two sachets of instant Nescafé. I mean, that’s not quite good enough when you advertise a range of coffees on your menu. By mid afternoon, right after Ant left for his in-house Swedish massage, the skies opened and it poured and poured...and continued to pour down until we came down for breakfast this morning! So obviously we enjoyed another meal here last night - wet stinky feet wasn’t our idea of a fun night out.

      Breakfast this morning found us chatting to a couple who live in NSW - they were well retired and very well travelled! They started by asking us where we would rate in SL, despite them being twice before (albeit last time in 1983) but the conversation very quickly moved to British and then Australian politics. Topics of conversation included Brexit, Climate Change, Sco Mo, Education, Health, History, WW1 and POW stories, Western and Developing nation politics. A naturally curious couple, never married or had children, they had clearly spent much time seeing the world after early retirement through forced redundancy from government jobs. Not to mention, spending 3 months a year at their second home, a villa in the south of France.

      Shortly after breakfast the torrential rain eased right up to a sprinkle so we took our chance to walk to the local Food City to get more water supplies, and then took the scenic route back. It’s always nice to walk along the quieter streets as you never know what you’ll come across - a beautiful Catholic Church, ‘St. Sylvester’s’, which had a newly placed life sized statue of the madonna out front to welcome visitors.
      We ducked into a few gift shops on our way back, including a dusty shop that specialised in gems, jewellery but most importantly - general life chit chat. The owner was very enthusiastic and friendly, demanding to know where my parents were from and if we had any children yet! He was doing very well with one grandchild under his belt at age 50 - we congratulated him and slipped away.
      By the time we got back we were soaked in sweat as the sun was peeking its head out and making the streets incredibly humid, so we decided to grab our bathers and jump into the pool. No joke - in the 5 minutes it took us to change and get down to the pool, it was pouring again and they’d closed the pool!
      Anthony had spotted a cafe across the street yesterday and, according to many Google reviews, made exceptional food and, more importantly, coffee. We decided that it was worth getting wet - so we ducked across and enjoyed fresh coffee and pancakes.

      This makes it sound as though our days now are revolving around meals...and you would be correct!

      We had spotted a nice Italian restaurant up the road and decided that was what our bodies were craving for dinner. I’m ashamed to say I was craving Italian on my last night here but Ant reassured me that we’ve eaten our fair share of local cuisine in the last two weeks. I still feel a tad guilty...
      It immediately smelt like a good Italian restaurant, was really well presented and had a nice open kitchen. We ordered a pizza and a plate of homemade ravioli to share; those two dishes plus some house red, creme brûlée and some limoncello on the house made for a very satisfying last meal here. The owner, Roy, was really attentive with everyone and clearly had a passion for good Italian food. He told us he had worked for 10 years in Singapore across multiple restaurants run by Italians and had come home to start up a place of his own. Shame they don’t do breakfast!

      So we bid you all adieu from SL - I’m not quite ready to leave as I know there is so much left to see, but that’s for next time I guess! On reflection, some of the things that have stood out for us while travelling here are:
      - How genuinely interested and eager locals are to make a connection, even simply smiling and saying “Hello.”
      - How few people smoke socially (in comparison to some of the countries we’ve been).
      - That we have drastically slid downhill in our attempt to be environmentally friendly, especially in regards to buying water. It’s a sobering reality that in certain countries, society just doesn’t place this issue as a high priority, and that cutting costs is always more important, especially in smaller businesses.
      - The food here is so unique and different from other Asian countries, even it’s close cousin. The dishes here, and for the most part the curries, are prepared differently and therefore have a certain end result. As coconut milk is king, most dishes that include a ‘gravy’ are quite rich but still remain light - and since you only eat a small amount of each dish you don’t leave feeling ridiculously bloated. We’re feeling more comfortable with chilli again, being so deprived in Europe, and we can’t wait to get home and get cooking!
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