Bern-Mittelland District

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Seyahat Edilen En Popüler 10 Yer Bern-Mittelland District
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    • Gün 16

      Lake cruise to Thun and Speiz

      25 Haziran 2023, İsviçre ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Beautiful lake cruise to see some more scenery. Such a cool place but can't drink the running water so it's a no from me.

      Checked out another castle 🏰

      Also once we put our feet in the water...we decided not to float down it. The current is just a touch too fast for us 😅Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4


      14 Ağustos 2023, İsviçre ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Durch Wälder und über Wiesen erreichen wir dann irgendwann Thun, hier legen wir im Bonstettenpark noch eine Badepause ein. Zu Belohnung am Ziel gibt es in der Gelateria La Favolosa leckeres Eis, wir gehen noch einkaufen und fahren dann mit dem Bus nach Heiligenschwendi in Annikas Wohnheim. Hier wird lecker gekocht und wir lassen den Girls-Urlaub entspannt ausklingen bei einer Flasche Wein.

      Strecke: 17 km
      Höhenmeter: 280 m ⬆️, 370 m ⬇️
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 44


      13 Nisan 2023, İsviçre ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

      ...hat nichts mit Thunfisch zu tun. Glaube ich zumindest. Auf dem Weg dorthin kaufe ich mir noch einen Schokoosterhasen aus Schweizer Schokolade, der jetzt um 50% reduziert ist. Schnäppchen!
      Die Altstadt von Thun ist richtig schön und einen Abstecher wert.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 44

      Begegnungen am Wegesrand - Teil 5

      13 Nisan 2023, İsviçre ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

      Andrea will ihre Jacke ausziehen, also halten wir am Ufer der Aare an, deren Promenade wir nach Thun hinein folgen. Sie hat gerade ihren Rucksack auf einer Bank abgestellt, als ein Spaziergänger auf unserer Höhe anhält.
      "Seid ihr Pilger?", will der junge Mann mit Deutschem Akzent wissen.
      Ich bejahe.
      "Das habe ich mir fast schon gedacht. Man erkennt Pilger sofort, wenn man sie einmal gesehen hat."
      "Du hast ja selbst die Jakobsmuscheln auf deinem Buff", sage ich und deute auf seinen Hals.
      "Und du hast ein gutes Auge", kommentiert er.
      Der Mann erzählt uns, dass er vor 12 Jahren selbst den Jakobsweg von Konstanz bis Santiago gegangen ist.
      "Falls ihr auf dem Weg von Thun nach Amsoldingen einen Bauer trefft, der in einem einsam liegenden Haus neben einem Schafstall wohnt, sagt ihm bitte liebe Grüße von Robert. Er hat mich damals in seinem Stall schlafen lassen."
      Während uns Robert ein Stück in die Stadt hinein begleitet, berichten wir von unserem Weg und ein wenig über die Lebensumstände, die dazu geführt haben, dass wir jetzt hier sind oder sein können. Er ist aufmerksam, stellt Fragen und wirkt ehrlich interessiert. Als Andrea ihn fragt, was er in der Schweiz macht, zögert er keine Sekunde.
      "Ich lebe seit Januar hier in einem buddhistischen Kloster. Ich bin Novize und kurz davor, endgültig einzutreten. Nächste Woche habe ich eine Zeremonie, bei der die Haare abgeschoren werden. Ich bin heute nach Thun gekommen um das Foto für meine Aufenthaltserlaubnis machen zu lassen."
      Er erzählt uns mehr über das Leben im Kloster und beantwortet alle unsere Fragen mit Freude, selbst als es darum geht, wie sein Umfeld darauf reagiert hat.
      "Eigentlich durchwegs positiv", sagt er, "bis auf meinen Vater. Der ist sehr katholisch."
      Wir erreichen die Kirche der Stadt, holen uns einen Stempel und stehen schließlich wieder im Freien. Da wir unseren Weg heute noch fortsetzen wollen, verabschiedet sich Robert hier.
      "Dann wünsche ich euch einen guten Weg", sagt er. "Und ein gutes Ankommen, auch bei euch selbst." Er faltet die Hände vor dem Kinn und nickt uns zu. Wir bedanken uns.
      "Dir auch einen guten weiteren Weg", wünscht ihm Andrea.
      "Und falls ihr diesen Bauern trefft... Sagt ihm, ich habe es geschafft. Damals hatte ich solche Probleme mit meinem Knie, dass das ernsthaft in Frage stand."
      Während wir die Stadt verlassen, unterhalten wir uns noch lange über Robert, den buddhistischen Novizen, und ich spüre einen Anflug von Energie, die mir heute den ganzen Tag gefehlt hat.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 48


      17 Nisan 2023, İsviçre ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      ...heißt wie erwähnt auf Französisch Fribourg. Und hier wird eindeutig mehr Französisch als Deutsch gesprochen. Hier bleibe ich in der Klosterherberge der Franziskaner, während Theresa entscheidet, noch ein Stück weiter zu gehen.
      Abends koche ich mit zwei deutschen Pilgerkollegen. Endlich wieder richtig Gemüse!

      Gestern habe ich übrigens Jonas kennengelernt, den ersten Pilger, der wie ich bis Santiago gehen will. Heute in der Herberge treffen wir auf den Schweizer Franz, der das selbe vorhat. Jetzt geht es Schlag auf Schlag!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 32


      5 Eylül 2022, İsviçre ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Natasha and I started out the morning in Fribourg! This is her university town where she goes to school and boy is is gorgeous! It is one of the only cities that maintained the original, old architect and it is situated on a hill. Her campus was lovely as it was separated from the city but right next to it (kinda like Dal!) and had it's separate campus.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 46

      Zuflucht in der Scheune

      15 Nisan 2023, İsviçre ⋅ 🌧 5 °C

      Heute läuft's irgendwie nicht so richtig: es regnet in Strömen und ist eiskalt und bei jedem kleinen Stopp fangen wir sofort zu frieren an. Also entscheiden Theresa, die ich aus der gestrigen Herberge kenne, und ich spontan, früher Schluss zu machen und in Rüeggisberg zu bleiben. Hier gibt es wieder eine interessante Pilgerunterkunft in einer Scheune; das WC und die Dusche befinden sich im Nebengebäude. Auch Martin, ein deutscher Pilger, hat hier Zuflucht vor dem Regen gefunden. Wir verbringen den Nachmittag teetrinkend und ich mache mir Couscous mit dem Wasserkocher.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 6

      Day 6 - The Bear of Bern

      4 Mart, İsviçre ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Well, the good news is I did have the dorm to myself, but the bad news is that I struggled to get to sleep until well into the early hours. It was probably due to the fact that I had not had any alcohol to assist the process. I still woke up at just after 7.00am.

      The toilets and showers are spotless and well equipped. I went down to breakfast and the vast canteen was empty apart from the staff working. The relieved waitress told me that all the kids had been and gone. The breakfast buffet was well stocked with all the usual continental breakfast staples of meats and cheeses including homemade hummus and various vegan options. I had 4 slices of toast, then a large bowl of yoghurt & homemade muesli with 3 cups of coffee. By the end I felt quite sick.

      I caught the 9.10am bus, which arrived dead on time with all the accuracy of a Swiss timepiece. The 7 minute bus ride dropped me off in Bahnhoff, in Bern City Centre. My walking route firstly took me past through Bundesplatz to the Bundeshaus, the Swiss Parliament Building. There was an opportunity to enter free of charge, but I didn’t think I could be bothered to go through all the security checks.

      I then crossed the Aare River over Kirchenfeldbrucke into Museum & Foreign Embassy Land for a look only because all museums are closed on a Monday in Switzerland. I found the fairytale castle like Bern History Museum, the Museum of Communication, the Museum of Natural History, the Shooting Museum and the Alpine Museum.

      I then followed the river into a park, where my heart nearly stopped when an elderly man let his long tailed Doberman off its lead. I loitered until a young mum pushing a pram got between us and then I bravely continued my park stroll.

      At the other end of this park was Bear Park. With the assistance of a passing lady, I located the one and only brown bear lying in a concrete cave with just his head poking out. I sat down on a bench and waited for him to come out. It was a battle of wills which he won.

      I gave up and continued following a footpath alongside the river. I reached Kornhausbrucke, where I shocked to see three middle aged women in bathing suits and hats climb down the steps and wallow in the river. I checked my phone and it gave the current air temperature as just 8 degrees. Feeling cold at the thought of it, I crossed the river and climbed up a very steep path back to the Old Town.

      I then located Kunsthaus which was also closed, then I faithfully followed a recommended walking route of the Bern Old Town in my guidebook. I started on Speichergasse, turned right on to Waisenhausplatz, through the Barenplatz square, into Bundesplatz, down Marktgasse to Zytglogge, a clock tower which is Bern’s central landmark. The tower used to be used to imprison prostitutes. The astronomical clock was made in 1527-30 & contains mechanical figures including a bear & crowing cock, that begin their procession 4 minutes before the hour. After being described as elaborate chimes, I was severely underwhelmed by its chiming.

      I then headed down Münstergasse to Münster St Vinzenz, Bern’s Gothic Cathedral. An intricate depiction of the Last Judgement fills the tympanum in the 15th-century central portal. The Cathedral was free to enter and signs reminded visitors that no photography was allowed. The first 3 people I saw were all simultaneously taking photos on their phones. Other visitors were also blatantly taking photos and in the end I joined them.

      I continued down Gerechtig-Keitsgasse & then crossed the river back to the Bear Park. The brown bear was initially hiding in a hole he had dug, but my patience paid off & he took a leisurely stroll around his enclosure. In the end I got bored and left him to it.

      I walked back over the bridge up Postgasse, Kramgasse and Zeughausgasse to complete my walking tour. I bought a bottle of fruit juice and caught the 2.30pm bus back to Hostel 77. My watch recorded that I had walked 8.34 miles.

      Back in my room, I caught up with my blog, but sadly my peace and solitude was shattered by a noisy Italian who is staying in the same dorm as me and kept asking questions. He eventually went out. I lay on my bed and watched the 1st 2.5 episodes of Top Boy on Netflix. I think I’m now into it.

      During the afternoon NMA posted on Facebook that tonight’s venue, Muhle Hunziken was going to be a cosy one and it was one of the quirkiest venues they had ever seen. I set off on my bike to the venue at 7.00pm. I was in the already packed converted flour mill by 7.30pm & found my self the perfect spot. I was stood next to stressed Dave the sound man, who had his mixing desk at the side of the stage.

      The support band, Anger Management, seemed much more appealing to me tonight & Ceri Monger even came out & stood at the mixing desk to listen to a couple of their songs.

      NMA came on early at just after 9.00pm & played their best set yet on this trip, despite Justin Sullivan apologising for losing his voice. The gig was just stunning, definitely helped by how intimate it was. Their performance of Idumea was mesmerising & it was clear that the band were really happy with how played that song.

      I was able to see the whole band, stressed Dave and the other roadies throughout the performance. I spent the show studying how much tweaking Stressed Dave had to make to the volume of the instruments at the request of the band. Dave and a female roadie who was hidden out the back sang on a lot of the choruses, much to my surprise. The gig ended with No Rest, Poison Street & Get Me Out.

      After the gig, I returned to the hostel arriving at 11.15pm to find the Italian asleep & a German man reading. I found the kitchen area & updated my blog.

      Song of the Day - Bear by Armstrong

      NMA Song of the Day - Idumea by New Model Army
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4

      Day 4 - Endless Art in Zurich Photos

      2 Mart, İsviçre ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      A selection of photos of the artwork in the Kunsthaus. I am actually in one of the photos and no it is not the Big Nude.

      I managed to upload one video of the NMA song of the day, but I won’t be doing it again as it takes way too long & it caused today’s blog to not go when I posted this morning.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 23

      Day 23: Walkringen, Switzerland 🐄❤️

      26 Temmuz 2022, İsviçre ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      We have been looking forward to every day, but this one especially. Today we would be visiting the area were my great-great grandparents come from, and we love riding in the picturesque hillsides of Switzerland, we were in for a challenging day! Leaving Lucerne we had about two hours of rain, and throughout the day we climb nearly 8000 feet in the 75 miles to Walkringen. Some of the highlights of the day were: finding some amazing cheese, a dead end road after a massive climb, the cheese shop in Obernal, Visiting the Shüpbach bicycle shops , delivering the time capsule with the Cocrhan/learn family tree to the Zaziwil cemetery, awesome climbs and the descents, cowbells, views that are indescribable, and another amazing Warmshower host. We stayed in the same house in Walkringen that we stayed at before in 2019, but it is a duplex and this time we stayed with Daniel, as Felix and Sabine were a bit busy. We were lucky enough to see Sabine when she came home from work, and Daniel prepared us another awesome dinner of pasta and potatoes with cheese. It was a special day, and definitely one that will be remembered forever! Of course 1000 more stories to come.❤️Okumaya devam et

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    Bern-Mittelland District, Verwaltungskreis Bern-Mittelland

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